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Thai navy seeks approval to buy first submarines in 65 years


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Chinese Engineering is terrible.

Thais are terrible mechanics.

Yeah, this will do a lot od sea time.

yes but they are only going to be operated in shallow water so re floating them will not be so difficult. everyone is laughing about this but the army/navy thought well ahead of time by building the sub base on the shallow side of thailand.

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36 billion baht !

Just imagine if was thrown into healt, education etc how many people would actually benefit .

But no here we have an illegal military regime tightening the noose on its own people while squandering away money on useless projects. With no mandate and obviously no one even near qualified to make important decisions when it comes to the big picture.

Name more qualified people to make a military decision than a military government. I think they would be the most qualified in these matters.

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Other news sources says that the navy is seeking to buy 3 of those subs from China, I hear they come

cheaper by the dozen, can Thailand BE any deeper in China's bosoms than what they're already?

can they GET any cozier with the Chinese this and Chinese that? leaving Thailand a complete

depended on China's whims and wishes?.....

The US had its change but alienated Thailand.. besides either it is the US or China... both will only do what is best for themselves. To think that one is better than the other is crazy. (Unless your an American of course).

The US hasn't alienated Thailand at all.

It's only put the the illegal military government on notice that they are not swallowing all their bullsh*t. The way you have.

As soon as the people throw out these morons and get back to a democracy you will see the US back in a big way.

And the people, I mean the millions of ordinary Thais, have plenty of respect for the USA, unlike their feelings for the Chinese.

Yes the US loves supporting democracies...Saudi Arabia and a host of other similar dictatorships. The US does, has and will continue to serve its own interests at the expense of any other country, democratic or not.

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