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Outer space objects which crashed through roofs in Phitsanulok are Achondrites

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They actually have an Institute for Astrology? Of course, this is Thailand! cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifgiggle.gifsad.png

Don't laugh too much, the US, UK and Europe also have astrology institutions. Which country are you from?

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After watching a season of "Meteorite Men", I wonder how much they can get at auction for the traceable meteorite material along with a few artifacts that it damaged.

On thing I'm pretty sure- they'll never have to work again (nor will their family's next 10 generations) if they play it smart.


Doesn't mention the anchondrites mind you...

I'm not holding myself out as an expert, but from the show, it seems that any fragments traceable to known (current news) impacts are worth more, and if they actually did some verifiable damage to manmade structures, it's cha-ching, cha-ching.

Still, not crazy money like $$ millions for a piece of Mars or the moon. (as if they can verify that...)

I understand that there is a market, sometimes a very valuable one, for some of these things. So, I hope NARIT plans to return the lady's property to her, so she can put them up for bid.

Will their value be enough for them to be placed in safe storage and then "mysteriously lost"?

Keep your eye on Ebay...

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After watching a season of "Meteorite Men", I wonder how much they can get at auction for the traceable meteorite material along with a few artifacts that it damaged.

On thing I'm pretty sure- they'll never have to work again (nor will their family's next 10 generations) if they play it smart.

Oups..!?!?,...Playing it Smart in Thailand It's more like a Oxymoron !!!


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After watching a season of "Meteorite Men", I wonder how much they can get at auction for the traceable meteorite material along with a few artifacts that it damaged.

On thing I'm pretty sure- they'll never have to work again (nor will their family's next 10 generations) if they play it smart.

Oups..!?!?,...Playing it Smart in Thailand It's more like a Oxymoron !!!


Say what you want, but if you put a $10 bill, a Chinese guy, a Thai guy, and an expat in a room together for some negotiation, I don't know who will walk out of the room with $10.

But I do know it won't be the expat.

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After watching a season of "Meteorite Men", I wonder how much they can get at auction for the traceable meteorite material along with a few artifacts that it damaged.

On thing I'm pretty sure- they'll never have to work again (nor will their family's next 10 generations) if they play it smart.

Oups..!?!?,...Playing it Smart in Thailand It's more like a Oxymoron !!!


Say what you want, but if you put a $10 bill, a Chinese guy, a Thai guy, and an expat in a room together for some negotiation, I don't know who will walk out of the room with $10.

But I do know it won't be the expat.

I know what you mean, but for that negotiation, it all depends on the individual persons, as not all Chinese are the same, and this goes for Thais and farangs and other races and country's inhabitants to, not all French , not all English, or Thai are the same.

I think of myself as a good negotiator if I want to buy some item in a market, I usually get things cheaper than my Thai wife does. but I have found out that my negotiation skills are not that good anymore if I am emotionally involved and really want the item !, on the other hand if I negotiate on behalf of a friend it goes far beyond my expectations....

Everything is relative....

Now,...about my previous remark about "Playing it Smart in Thailand It's more like a Oxymoron" I have several story's about Thais and Farangs F****** up good deals.

Years ago, when I resided at Lamai on Koh Samui, one of my best friends was a German (Dieter) who ran a restaurant on the beach. He's Thai wife was the kook. She had a uncle from Don Sak, who was a fisherman with his own medium sized boat. the guy never saw a 1000 Thb bill in he's life. my friend (Dieter) had a great idea to let the uncle fisher man make money and would him self get better from it by making his customers happy and come back for more. A win win situation for both. he proposed he's customers a day fishing trip with the uncle. This worked so well that the uncle made 20.000 ThB in a little more than a week. but when the uncle's wife needed some money to buy something ? he had nothing left anymore,....he spend all his money on lottery tickets....and so on.. every week,...the money disappeared into lottery tickets. there was no way somebody could explain him not to waist he's well earned money this way...the uncle would and could not understand... and so he F******* up hes marriage and the fishing deal.....

This is just a example of poor (uneducated) people confronted with too much money in a short time....and I have dozens more story's like that.

Best regards. Off Road Pat

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After watching a season of "Meteorite Men", I wonder how much they can get at auction for the traceable meteorite material along with a few artifacts that it damaged.

On thing I'm pretty sure- they'll never have to work again (nor will their family's next 10 generations) if they play it smart.

Oups..!?!?,...Playing it Smart in Thailand It's more like a Oxymoron !!!


Say what you want, but if you put a $10 bill, a Chinese guy, a Thai guy, and an expat in a room together for some negotiation, I don't know who will walk out of the room with $10.

But I do know it won't be the expat.

I know what you mean, but for that negotiation, it all depends on the individual persons, as not all Chinese are the same, and this goes for Thais and farangs and other races and country's inhabitants to, not all French , not all English, or Thai are the same.

I think of myself as a good negotiator if I want to buy some item in a market, I usually get things cheaper than my Thai wife does. but I have found out that my negotiation skills are not that good anymore if I am emotionally involved and really want the item !, on the other hand if I negotiate on behalf of a friend it goes far beyond my expectations....

Everything is relative....

Now,...about my previous remark about "Playing it Smart in Thailand It's more like a Oxymoron" I have several story's about Thais and Farangs F****** up good deals.

Years ago, when I resided at Lamai on Koh Samui, one of my best friends was a German (Dieter) who ran a restaurant on the beach. He's Thai wife was the kook. She had a uncle from Don Sak, who was a fisherman with his own medium sized boat. the guy never saw a 1000 Thb bill in he's life. my friend (Dieter) had a great idea to let the uncle fisher man make money and would him self get better from it by making his customers happy and come back for more. A win win situation for both. he proposed he's customers a day fishing trip with the uncle. This worked so well that the uncle made 20.000 ThB in a little more than a week. but when the uncle's wife needed some money to buy something ? he had nothing left anymore,....he spend all his money on lottery tickets....and so on.. every week,...the money disappeared into lottery tickets. there was no way somebody could explain him not to waist he's well earned money this way...the uncle would and could not understand... and so he F******* up hes marriage and the fishing deal.....

This is just a example of poor (uneducated) people confronted with too much money in a short time....and I have dozens more story's like that.

Best regards. Off Road Pat

Sadly your right Pat I have seen this a couple times myself. It goes to explain the high indebtedness here. I have seen glaring examples of this as well my g/f's sister is one as well. She is into land and the more she gets the more she wants but she lacks money. She has a SD in France and if that falls apart she is in a pickle.

Greed has consumed us all for that fact whether it be the fisherman above or the overextended people fishing in the stock market or just cheap interest rate junkies buying useless junk.

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Pretty sure they are not from surface of the moon or Mars.

How did they get into space from either of these bodies??

Something plunges into the surface of the moon or planet, kicking rocks out into space.

The moon has a very thin atmospheres, so space junk don't burn up on entry. It also has low gravity, so it's relatively easy for stuff to reach terminal velocity to escape into space.

Meteorites from the moon are fairly common. Those from Mars are exceptionally rare - only 130 or so have been found.

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Rock or the start of an alien invasion? If the latter there is no need to worry as they will be banned for a number of years for entering the country without a visa

And deported back to their home planet.

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Some... but very, very few achondrites come from Mars or the Moon. (Knocked off by huge asteroid impacts). But most them... about two thirds of them, actually come from the asteroid 4 Vesta. Probably a minimum of $200.00 U.S per gram. Mostly likely a lot more than that.

The people whose homes they fell into should be the owners. They are worth an awful lot of money on the collectors market. If they are confiscated by universities or the government... they should be fairly compensated.

Yeah.... I'm a long time meteorite collector. And I've aided in some scientific recovery searches with the University of Western Ontario space and planetary scientists...

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After watching a season of "Meteorite Men", I wonder how much they can get at auction for the traceable meteorite material along with a few artifacts that it damaged.

On thing I'm pretty sure- they'll never have to work again (nor will their family's next 10 generations) if they play it smart.

Well... it depends on the laws of Thailand. Some countries claim that any meteorites found belong to the government of that country. Other countries have other laws..

How much money they would get would also depend on the exact class of meteorite. (there are various 'types' of achondrites).... and how many of them came down, what the weight is...... (how many grams each individual weighs... ) what the total weight of the fall is... etc... etc..

All these things influence the final price per gram..

It would be worth while to search for more in the area... in open fields.. on the roads.... in rain gutters etc... . A number of them came down through people's roofs.... I would bet my next pay check there are a lot more meteorites out there in the immediate area... look for a black rock that seems out of place for that area... but if it is broken the inside is probably light colored..... the black fusion crust is only probably a millimetre or two...

They can be any size.... .from smaller than a BB pellet ....to green pea size... .... to baseball size ...larger softball size... or even football size and larger....

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Pretty sure they are not from surface of the moon or Mars.

How did they get into space from either of these bodies??

It's possible. Have you ever seen pictures of the surface of the moon.. ? ?

Lots of massive impacts on the surface... impacts the size of some U.S. states and larger... And remember, the Moon has only 1/6 th the gravity of Earth... . Escape velocity is much.. much lower.

Same with Mars.. lower escape velocity... much thinner atmosphere than Earth to slow down things flying through the atmosphere either coming in or going out.. and also much closer to the Asteroid Belt. Lots of massive impacts on Mars also..

When you get something the size of a small mountain, or even the size of a city block... impacting at about 35 miles per second... .... that is quite an impact... Try to imagine it..

Something that size would not be slowed down much if at all by even Earth's atmosphere... Imagine if on the Moon with no atmosphere... or Mars with an atmosphere so thin,,,, it is as thin as Earth's atmosphere at 100,000 feet altitude.. It object ain't going to slow ....

As a meteorite collector for many years.., I have a library of textbooks on the subject... I know other collectors and dealers in the market, and scientists that work with meteorites at a few universities..

In my collection are samples of both a Moon meteorite (a small slice of NWA 482)



...and also a small piece of a meteorite from Mars.... (I bought some Zagami.... a Martian Basaltic Shergottite)


And several Asteroid 4 Vesta pieces ... most of them Olivine Diogenite....


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After watching a season of "Meteorite Men", I wonder how much they can get at auction for the traceable meteorite material along with a few artifacts that it damaged.

On thing I'm pretty sure- they'll never have to work again (nor will their family's next 10 generations) if they play it smart.


Doesn't mention the anchondrites mind you...

I'm not holding myself out as an expert, but from the show, it seems that any fragments traceable to known (current news) impacts are worth more, and if they actually did some verifiable damage to manmade structures, it's cha-ching, cha-ching.

Still, not crazy money like $$ millions for a piece of Mars or the moon. (as if they can verify that...)

Yes... NASA, JPL... .and University labs.... they can verify that.. Value depends on many things... if they hit something.. (so-called Hammer Stone) but also how many of them came down... total weight.. type and class of meteorite.. and how long it was sitting around outside in what climate condition. .... (weathering)...etc... Hitting something.... by itself.... does not determine final value on the collector's market..although.. yes.. it will increase value...

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Ummm, I still don't!


For info then....Achondrites are stony meteorites mostly basalt rock or other volcanic type material.

A Chondule (may be misspelled) means another mineral inclusion in the rock.

Achondites are often blasted off into space from their home planet or asteroid by impacts and they often show evidence of being melted by the violence of that impact

Or to be simple, they are pieces of rock that are blown off their home by other rocks, got hot and partially melted, were then thrown into space, and eventually came to earth.

In this case, Thailand.

End Science lesson for today.



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After watching a season of "Meteorite Men", I wonder how much they can get at auction for the traceable meteorite material along with a few artifacts that it damaged.

On thing I'm pretty sure- they'll never have to work again (nor will their family's next 10 generations) if they play it smart.

Meteorites can be found for sale all over the internet and the asking prices are form $12 to $1500 and the market is open..They are not worth as much as you think. I would offer about $8 to $15 for the ones here in Thailand that I saw pictures of.

If they are Stoney Meteorites of the Achondrite class.... I willing to bet they will go for $100.00 per gram.... MINIMUM . $300.00 per gram would not surprise me.

If they determine they are from the Moon, Mars, or Asteroid 4 Vesta...... that will also influence the price.... If they find a huge amount of them, then they become more common and the price begins to come down..

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Pretty sure they are not from surface of the moon or Mars.

How did they get into space from either of these bodies??

When they have very large collisions with asteroids and some such, the explosions are so vigorous that parts of the rubble are blown into space and there they orbit until they are drawn to the earth by gravity!

amazing stuff really!!

That's if you believe the guys selling rocks from the moon or Mars for $$ millions...

Based on spectrographic analysis similarity between their rock and a long distance measurement of spectography of the moon and Mars.

I have no doubt that matter gets blown off by energetic collisions. Whether the rocks they're selling were once part of Mars? I'm skeptical. The moon. maybe. Because we have some actual samples to match.

We have remote Martian atmosphere analysis labs wandering around on Mars.... The instruments on Mars measure the amounts and relative percentages of different gases in the Martian atmosphere.

These same gasses are found in very small amounts (and in the exact same proportions) trapped within shock glass veins and pockets in Achondrite meteorites we know are from Mars.. That's one way we know...

Also we know from the study and analysis of the chemical makeup of both Mars... and the Martian meteorites..

If you make a purchase ? Investigate the dealer first with a fine tooth comb. Find out what his reputation is in the field. Study text books and actual meteorites so you learn to recognize meteorites from an Earth rock. See if the dealer has been in business for years... has a name well recognized in the business as being honest and trustworthy.. ... and is known and respected in the meteorite community... Anyone scamming someone would be quickly blacklisted... shunned... and have fraud charges brought against them..

Never buy from someone you have not idea who they are.

Here is an international well respected group that has been around for years.

The International Meteorite Collectors Association.


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"a class of meteorite that lacks Chondrule." My thoughts exactly when I read the article. biggrin.png

It it lacks Chondrule it must be valuable. Most of the cheap ones on the internet have Chondrule. Are you impressed yet??

The presence of chondrules in a stoney meteorite (as apposed to metal nickel-iron meteorites) makes it that much easier to identify them as space rocks...

Chondrules are cosmic things... not appearing in Earth rocks. (There are Earth rocks that have something that can look like chondrules... .but once you are familiar with meteorites and chondrules.... the difference is very easy to see right away.)

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