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Clinton interviewed by the FBI about private email server


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Clinton interviewed by the FBI about private email server

ERIC TUCKER, Associated Press
KEN THOMAS, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI interviewed Hillary Clinton on Saturday about her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, her campaign announced after the meeting, as federal investigators neared the end of the probe that has hung over her White House bid.

Clinton, the Democratic presidential candidate, gave a voluntary interview for 3 1/2 hours at FBI headquarters in Washington, her campaign said.

"I've been eager to do it, and I was pleased to have the opportunity to assist the department in bringing its review to a conclusion," Clinton said in describing the FBI session to NBC's "Meet the Press" for an interview to air Sunday. She agreed that the tone of the session was civil and business-like.

Clinton said she had no knowledge of any timeline for the review and would not comment on whether she was given an indication that charges would not be filed.

Spokespeople for the FBI and the Justice Department declined to comment Saturday.

For Clinton, the interview indicates that the Justice Department's yearlong probe is drawing to a close only four weeks before she is set to be formally nominated as the Democrats' choice to succeed President Barack Obama.

Clinton's FBI interview was expected, and it does not suggest that she or anyone else is likely to face prosecution. If Clinton and her aides are exonerated, it might help brush aside a major distraction throughout her campaign that has made many voters question her trustworthiness.

But as the past week shows, the case is complicated. Clinton sat down with the FBI just days after her husband, former President Bill Clinton, walked across a hot airport tarmac in Phoenix for an impromptu meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Lynch's husband. The couple had just landed.

The nation's top law enforcement official later expressed regret that she had met with the former president, whose plane was about to depart Phoenix, even though she said it was social in nature and they did not discuss the email review. Bill Clinton nominated Lynch as U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York in 1999.

Lynch said Friday that she intended to accept the findings and recommendations of career prosecutors who have spent months investigating the case. As far as the meeting with Clinton, she said in hindsight that she would not do it again.

An aide to Bill Clinton said Saturday that the former president recognized how others could view his meeting with Lynch and agreed with her that he would not do it again. The aide was not authorized to be named and issued the statement on condition of anonymity, in response to news media queries.

For her part, Hillary Clinton told NBC that she learned about the meeting between her husband and Lynch through the news media and described it as they did — "It was purely social" — and said they didn't discuss the investigation.

"But obviously no one wants to see any untoward conclusions drawn, and they've said, you know, they would not do it again," she said.

The meeting raised questions about its propriety given the investigation, and congressional Republicans have renewed calls for the appointment of a special prosecutor in the case.

Donald Trump, the Republican Party candidate, has repeatedly said the email issue undermines Clinton's fitness for office, and he suggested she will receive leniency from a Democratic administration. Trump has called his opponent "Crooked Hillary" and said she cannot be trusted in the White House.

Following reports of Clinton's FBI interview, Trump tweeted: "It is impossible for the FBI not to recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton. What she did was wrong! What Bill did was stupid!"

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said in a statement that the FBI interview reinforces Clinton's "central role in deliberately creating a culture which put her own political ambitions above State Department rules and jeopardized our national security."

During the campaign, the former New York senator has argued that she is more trustworthy than Trump on handling the issues that matter to most Americans: foreign policy, national security and running the economy. But the investigation poses an unwelcome distraction just as Clinton has vanquished her primary rival, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, holds a huge fundraising advantage over Trump and polls show her well-placed to become America's first female president even as many voters question her honesty.

While she was Obama's secretary of state, Clinton exclusively used a private email server for her government and personal emails, rather than the State Department's email system. The Associated Press revealed the existence of the server in March 2015.

Clinton has said relying on a private server was a mistake but other secretaries of state had also used a personal email address.

The FBI is investigating the potential mishandling of sensitive information. The matter was referred last summer by the inspectors general for the State Department and intelligence community following the discovery of emails that were later determined to contain classified material.

Clinton has repeatedly said that none of the emails were marked classified at the time they were sent or received. As part of the probe, she has turned over the hard drive from her email server to the FBI.

The State Department's inspector general, the agency's internal watchdog, said in a blistering audit in May that Clinton and her team ignored clear warnings from State Department officials that her email setup violated federal standards and could leave sensitive material vulnerable to hackers. Clinton declined to talk to the inspector general, but the audit reported that Clinton feared "the personal being accessible" if she used a government email account.

Agents have already interviewed top Clinton aides including her former State Department chief of staff Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, a longtime aide who is the vice chairwoman of Clinton's campaign.

The staffer who set up the server, Bryan Pagliano, was granted limited immunity from prosecution by the Justice Department and has also cooperated with federal investigators. The FBI as a matter of course seeks to interview individuals central to an investigation before concluding its work.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-03

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"While she was Obama's secretary of state, Clinton exclusively used a private email server for her government and personal emails, rather than the State Department's email system."

Can anyone answer these questions, perhaps some who has had a security clearance with the US Govt.....

1) If no charges are brought, does that now mean that anyone in the State Dept can redirect all of their emails to a private server?

2) On CNN they are saying no evidence of crime has been found...isn't the fact that she used her own personal email server the crime?

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"But as the past week shows, the case is complicated. Clinton sat down with the FBI just days after her husband, former President Bill Clinton, walked across a hot airport tarmac in Phoenix for an impromptu meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Lynch's husband. The couple had just landed."

Whoa. I did not realize their meeting took place days before Hillary's interview with the FBI.

Question: does anyone here still think the meeting was innocent?

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"Following reports of Clinton's FBI interview, Trump tweeted: "It is impossible for the FBI not to recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton. What she did was wrong! What Bill did was stupid!""

One of the most annoying devices politicians use in speeches is when they use someone they don't know as an example of why their policy is needed. "...people such as 35 yr old single-mother, McDonald's cashier Mary Smith of Buffalo, NY. Trying to raise 2 kids on $8/hr is very difficult.. That is why we need a national $15/hr minimum wage!".

Trump relishes being annoying so he should start using this, perhaps even finding the people and parade them on stage..."...people such as Army Pvt. Mary Smith who wrote to her children for Christmas and mentioned the name of the place overseas mommy was stationed,..and now dishonorably discharged Mary Smith is serving 5 years in Leavenworth Penitentiary for Espionage."

That would help illustrate how serious Hillary's crime is...or at least illustrate there are two sets of laws, one for the people, one for the political elite.

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"But as the past week shows, the case is complicated. Clinton sat down with the FBI just days after her husband, former President Bill Clinton, walked across a hot airport tarmac in Phoenix for an impromptu meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Lynch's husband. The couple had just landed."

Whoa. I did not realize their meeting took place days before Hillary's interview with the FBI.

Question: does anyone here still think the meeting was innocent?

I believe the question is:

Does everyone who isn't watching Fox News 24/7 still think the meeting was innocent? Bill Clinton discussed his grandchildren and golf with Loretta Lynch and her husband.

When all you've got is a candidate as bad as Trump is, you're constantly searching for the "gotcha" conspiracy to somehow flip the election campaign out of the death spiral it's in.

Anyone else want to offer up another Conspiracy Theory of the Day? Ah, it's still early.

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One day it may be proved private email servers were more secure the the US Governments own servers, the only reason for requiring the use of government servers is so the CIA can spy on it own government and pass on info to their Republican buddies.

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"But as the past week shows, the case is complicated. Clinton sat down with the FBI just days after her husband, former President Bill Clinton, walked across a hot airport tarmac in Phoenix for an impromptu meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Lynch's husband. The couple had just landed."

Whoa. I did not realize their meeting took place days before Hillary's interview with the FBI.

Question: does anyone here still think the meeting was innocent?

I believe the question is:

Does everyone who isn't watching Fox News 24/7 still think the meeting was innocent? Bill Clinton discussed his grandchildren and golf with Loretta Lynch and her husband.

When all you've got is a candidate as bad as Trump is, you're constantly searching for the "gotcha" conspiracy to somehow flip the election campaign out of the death spiral it's in.

Anyone else want to offer up another Conspiracy Theory of the Day? Ah, it's still early.

I am sorry, but you cannot just keep blaming Fox News and conspiracy theories without everyone believing you are just the Clinton equivalent of one of Putin's Kremlin troll brigade.

Which begs the question, are you??

I asked a legit question, asked by a lot of other media in the USA other than Fox News yet all you can muster in response is "Fox News!...ack!...conspiracy theories!...ack-ack!". Very weak.

Anyone reading this who has not really taken sides on the issue, will look at your weak defense of this private meeting, something that both the left & right in the USA have a problem with...and figure out that you support a crook.

Yeah, the more I think about it the more I am sure Pinot is a paid troll by one of the entities affiliated by the Clinton Foundation. No one is that oblivious to the obvious on their own.

mopar71 some people on this forum would defend Hillary and Bill if they set fire to a church full of nuns.

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"But as the past week shows, the case is complicated. Clinton sat down with the FBI just days after her husband, former President Bill Clinton, walked across a hot airport tarmac in Phoenix for an impromptu meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Lynch's husband. The couple had just landed."

Whoa. I did not realize their meeting took place days before Hillary's interview with the FBI.

Question: does anyone here still think the meeting was innocent?

I believe the question is:

Does everyone who isn't watching Fox News 24/7 still think the meeting was innocent? Bill Clinton discussed his grandchildren and golf with Loretta Lynch and her husband.

When all you've got is a candidate as bad as Trump is, you're constantly searching for the "gotcha" conspiracy to somehow flip the election campaign out of the death spiral it's in.

Anyone else want to offer up another Conspiracy Theory of the Day? Ah, it's still early.

I am sorry, but you cannot just keep blaming Fox News and conspiracy theories without everyone believing you are just the Clinton equivalent of one of Putin's Kremlin troll brigade.

Which begs the question, are you??

I asked a legit question, asked by a lot of other media in the USA other than Fox News yet all you can muster in response is "Fox News!...ack!...conspiracy theories!...ack-ack!". Very weak.

Anyone reading this who has not really taken sides on the issue, will look at your weak defense of this private meeting, something that both the left & right in the USA have a problem with...and figure out that you support a crook.

Yeah, the more I think about it the more I am sure Pinot is a paid troll by one of the entities affiliated by the Clinton Foundation. No one is that oblivious to the obvious on their own.

mopar71 some people on this forum would defend Hillary and Bill if they set fire to a church full of nuns.

Correction: they would defend Hillary & Bill if they set fire to a mosque full of gay Muslims.

Edited by mopar71
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"But as the past week shows, the case is complicated. Clinton sat down with the FBI just days after her husband, former President Bill Clinton, walked across a hot airport tarmac in Phoenix for an impromptu meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Lynch's husband. The couple had just landed."

Whoa. I did not realize their meeting took place days before Hillary's interview with the FBI.

Question: does anyone here still think the meeting was innocent?

I believe the question is:

Does everyone who isn't watching Fox News 24/7 still think the meeting was innocent? Bill Clinton discussed his grandchildren and golf with Loretta Lynch and her husband.

When all you've got is a candidate as bad as Trump is, you're constantly searching for the "gotcha" conspiracy to somehow flip the election campaign out of the death spiral it's in.

Anyone else want to offer up another Conspiracy Theory of the Day? Ah, it's still early.

Okay, so keeping in mind that any rookie attorney knows that the mere appearance of an impropriety is a professional ethics issue (especially if the stakes are high), are you really selling the idea that Bill went to talk to the AG just days before Hillary's FBI interview for the mere purpose of catching up socially and talking about grandchildren? They both must have known, or shown have known, full well what the optics were. So, why risk something of immense consequence to their careers and lives just to talk about the kids? That's crazy, unless there is more to the story.

By the way, if hypothetically there's no problem with the private server, the emails and the Clinton Foundation, would it not make sense for the astute Bill Clinton to avoid the AG at all costs to preclude any suspicion that the AG's decision to not prosecute was unduly influenced? So, any reasonable person has to ask, what the heck were these people thinking when they agreed to this meeting?

So, you cannot merely say, "It's another right-wing conspiracy!" You're ducking the issue.

Edited by helpisgood
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Likely took the Fifth to every question posed during the interview.

Or she kept reminding them that the person who could ruin their careers, Loretta Lynch, had just been talking with her husband, Bill, a few days earlier.

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"But as the past week shows, the case is complicated. Clinton sat down with the FBI just days after her husband, former President Bill Clinton, walked across a hot airport tarmac in Phoenix for an impromptu meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Lynch's husband. The couple had just landed."

Whoa. I did not realize their meeting took place days before Hillary's interview with the FBI.

Question: does anyone here still think the meeting was innocent?

I believe the question is:

Does everyone who isn't watching Fox News 24/7 still think the meeting was innocent? Bill Clinton discussed his grandchildren and golf with Loretta Lynch and her husband.

When all you've got is a candidate as bad as Trump is, you're constantly searching for the "gotcha" conspiracy to somehow flip the election campaign out of the death spiral it's in.

Anyone else want to offer up another Conspiracy Theory of the Day? Ah, it's still early.

" Bill Clinton discussed his grandchildren and golf with Loretta Lynch and her husband."

If you believe that you must also believe in fairies at the bottom of the garden

and no matter how bad you think Trump is at least he doesn’t have half the number of question marks hanging over his head regarding potential criminality as Hillary Clinton and her husband currently have . I’ve lost count now

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"But as the past week shows, the case is complicated. Clinton sat down with the FBI just days after her husband, former President Bill Clinton, walked across a hot airport tarmac in Phoenix for an impromptu meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Lynch's husband. The couple had just landed."

Whoa. I did not realize their meeting took place days before Hillary's interview with the FBI.

Question: does anyone here still think the meeting was innocent?

Just the usual suspects.

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"But as the past week shows, the case is complicated. Clinton sat down with the FBI just days after her husband, former President Bill Clinton, walked across a hot airport tarmac in Phoenix for an impromptu meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Lynch's husband. The couple had just landed."

Whoa. I did not realize their meeting took place days before Hillary's interview with the FBI.

Question: does anyone here still think the meeting was innocent?

I believe the question is:

Does everyone who isn't watching Fox News 24/7 still think the meeting was innocent? Bill Clinton discussed his grandchildren and golf with Loretta Lynch and her husband.

When all you've got is a candidate as bad as Trump is, you're constantly searching for the "gotcha" conspiracy to somehow flip the election campaign out of the death spiral it's in.

Anyone else want to offer up another Conspiracy Theory of the Day? Ah, it's still early.

Okay, so keeping in mind that any rookie attorney knows that the mere appearance of an impropriety is a professional ethics issue (especially if the stakes are high), ......."

Any rookie attorney.....1st year law student......non-Hillaryphile on TVF and even the guy refueling her private jet in Phoenix could have told her that.

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"But as the past week shows, the case is complicated. Clinton sat down with the FBI just days after her husband, former President Bill Clinton, walked across a hot airport tarmac in Phoenix for an impromptu meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Lynch's husband. The couple had just landed."

Whoa. I did not realize their meeting took place days before Hillary's interview with the FBI.

Question: does anyone here still think the meeting was innocent?

I believe the question is:

Does everyone who isn't watching Fox News 24/7 still think the meeting was innocent? Bill Clinton discussed his grandchildren and golf with Loretta Lynch and her husband.

When all you've got is a candidate as bad as Trump is, you're constantly searching for the "gotcha" conspiracy to somehow flip the election campaign out of the death spiral it's in.

Anyone else want to offer up another Conspiracy Theory of the Day? Ah, it's still early.

They both must have known, or shown have known, full well what the optics were. So, why risk something of immense consequence to their careers and lives just to talk about the kids?

Exactly...because they know there is no risk to their careers. The media want Hillary to win. The media protects the Clintons - until it is no longer possible (see below).

Anyone here unfamiliar with how biased the mainstream media in the USA is should take some time to do some independent research of their own. In the meantime, allow me...

Democrats literally get away with murder (or at least manslaughter: Chappaquiddick) while Republicans can't tap there foot in the stall of a men's room without being run out of office. The list of high crimes Democrats brush off to get re-elected for several more terms compared to the minor issues that end Republican careers is mind-boggling. But that's what happens when the msm supports you or opposes you.

Have you ever heard of the Drudge Report? Do you know what made the Drudge Report famous back in the 1990s? He investigated a story that every other news outlet ignored...Monica Lewinsky. It got to the point where the media could no longer explain why they were ignoring it.

Even that supermarket rag, National Enquirer, had to be the ones in 2004 who broke the scandal on Senator John Edwards, the Democratic VP candidate of 2004. The scandal that eventually made him resign - a rare occurrence for a Democrat .

The media know that this is Hillary's last chance so they will fight for her, tooth and nail. They learned not to ignore the stories, so now they control them with selective reporting and spinning...

To some in the media, the very act of stonewalling is heroic. Confronting congressional investigators makes you a “fighter.” Enduring inquiries and consolidating your base makes you a “survivor.” Bill Clinton used this playbook to escape political accountability for infidelity, perjury, and obstruction of justice.

Like most people, I believe politicians are crooked to some extent. At least have the decency to hide it.

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"Clinton told MSNBC’s Chuck Todd Saturday evening that the interview was something “I had been eager to do.” An aide said the interview occurred at FBI headquarters in Washington Saturday morning. "

Raise your hand if you’ve ever known anyone who was eager to speak to FBI investigators for three hours on a Saturday morning in an investigation targeting their conduct and that of their staff.

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and yet another witness to testify against Hillary Clinton dies ....................facepalm.gif

crushed throat in a workout accident rolleyes.gif


How tragic...and timely.

This Hillary fiasco is like the longest "Whodunnit" novel I ever read.

Full of intrigue. FBI cars all over the lawn at her home in Washington...weird deaths, international espionage, stolen secrets, missing emails.

A democratic nightmare. I have to walk around in knee high boots, what with all the Hillary krap going on.

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"While she was Obama's secretary of state, Clinton exclusively used a private email server for her government and personal emails, rather than the State Department's email system."

Can anyone answer these questions, perhaps some who has had a security clearance with the US Govt.....

1) If no charges are brought, does that now mean that anyone in the State Dept can redirect all of their emails to a private server?

2) On CNN they are saying no evidence of crime has been found...isn't the fact that she used her own personal email server the crime?

1) First, it would be impossible for an individual to automatically redirect government email like this.

2) More complicated. If you...occasionally...put non-sensitive government business on a private server you might get away with it. If uncovered it would no doubt result in some sort of discretionary non judicial action. It would depend on the context. If you put classified on a private server it would have to have been done manually and you would have clearly been breaking the law.

However, the important thing here is this....Even if the communications people set it up, there is no way you could could use a private server without virtually everyone you corresponded with seeing it. Just like ordinary email, government correspondence shows where it came from. So...there were hundreds, if not thousands of people who knew very well what was going on. So all of the pretend 'surprise' after the fact was exactly that. It wasn't a secret.

But when you're the Secretary of State people are intimidated, reluctant to ask inconvenient questions and choose to look the other way. Some whistle blowers get rewarded but the vast majority get hammered and lose their careers. Different rules for the rich and shameless....especially when the entire chain of command is so heavily stacked against you.

It's quite possible the explanation people generally (and expediently) chose to accept was, "Well, she wouldn't be doing it if it weren't authorized".

Everyone likes a good excuse.

Edited by Hayduke
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My greatest fear after having seen 8 years of Georges Dummy Bush disastrous effects on the world's Peace and climate, is to have stupid electors fed with TV and media lies to have to choose between the most corrupt female and a TV hypnotist.

In both case, the USA will be even more hated than ever!

Is there not enough educated, clever people in that big declining world's dictarue to understand that Sanders is the only clever choice for a Better World in Peace, redinimize a cleaner economy... a better future!

I fear so much the people will just look at the physiological organs between the legs of their future president and after a first black, to choose for a first goose instead ofchoosing for the less stupid or corrupt Brain.

Could America sgine again?

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My greatest fear after having seen 8 years of Georges Dummy Bush disastrous effects on the world's Peace and climate, is to have stupid electors fed with TV and media lies to have to choose between the most corrupt female and a TV hypnotist.

In both case, the USA will be even more hated than ever!

Is there not enough educated, clever people in that big declining world's dictarue to understand that Sanders is the only clever choice for a Better World in Peace, redinimize a cleaner economy... a better future!

I fear so much the people will just look at the physiological organs between the legs of their future president and after a first black, to choose for a first goose instead ofchoosing for the less stupid or corrupt Brain.

Could America sgine again?

Problem is you only need collect slightly over half the voters (maybe 40% in this event) to get into the White House. A higher percentage than that are dis-engaged from politics and get their info from choreographed sound bites on the biased, agenda driven TV media or chatting with equally disengaged friends and co-workers. Then they just show up at the polls every four years to vote for the party they have aligned themselves with or the name they are most familiar with in talking with family or friend......or just because the candidate is the first black or the first woman..

I don't know but would guess 70% of voters strictly vote party line regardless. Trump and Sanders are both really Independents and both should have run as such. It would have opened the field up and set the stage for viable 3rd party candidates running in the future. The media wont be able to ignore them as has always been the case in the past.....even now with Sanders. Sanders has gotten more media attention in the last month for not being a party lapdog and endorsing Hillary than he did in all those months of the primary race when he was gathering his support.

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Ah well...

Hillary certainly is disappointing.

Cheer up democrats....she can always slide out the back door...on her walk of shame.

What are you talking about, she's disappointing? You guys are having the time of your life with her! Crooked, lying, lesbian, traitor, (anybody?), prison, venereal disease, HRC is delivering the goods! Email server, FBI, Lynch/Bill, etc etc etc.

And I have to add, Trump has been really really delivering! It doesn't get much better than this election campaign. It's the best ever ever. Star of David thing today was outstanding!

I'm just afraid, it's going to end very very badly for one of us...cheesy.gif

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"Clinton told MSNBCs Chuck Todd Saturday evening that the interview was something I had been eager to do. An aide said the interview occurred at FBI headquarters in Washington Saturday morning. "

Raise your hand if youve ever known anyone who was eager to speak to FBI investigators for three hours on a Saturday morning in an investigation targeting their conduct and that of their staff.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner

A skeptical person might even think Bill closed the deal at the meeting

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Ah well...

Hillary certainly is disappointing.

Cheer up democrats....she can always slide out the back door...on her walk of shame.

What are you talking about, she's disappointing? You guys are having the time of your life with her! Crooked, lying, lesbian, traitor, (anybody?), prison, venereal disease, HRC is delivering the goods! Email server, FBI, Lynch/Bill, etc etc etc.

And I have to add, Trump has been really really delivering! It doesn't get much better than this election campaign. It's the best ever ever. Star of David thing today was outstanding!

I'm just afraid, it's going to end very very badly for one of us...cheesy.gif

Actually..quite right

The Hillary fiascos are so large and humorous, that I have not been able to keep up.

Trump has some snickers with his ballsy rhetoric...but Hillary is a real crack up, roll on the floor, clown slapping good time for us

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