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‘Do you think we’ll pay for bad things we’ve done?’ Revelations of Aussie sex tourists in Thailand


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You have obviously never been a lonely man.

That is if you are a man at all.

Come on - just because you are lonely doesn't give you the right to buy sex from hungry, desperate girls.

Think of the damage you are doing them and not your own selfish lust.

And who claims ALL are hungry, desperate ?

Think we've all met girls that actually enjoy the life of being sent thousands of Baht every month by various sponsors. Sure there are some that are caught up in underage, human-trafficking which is terrible but a huge percentage of working-girls make the choice to leave their 'old lives' and go work in bar because they want to.

Claiming all are desperate is just your opinion.

Just ignore johnniey. He obviously has no idea what he is talking about, and is in the moralist, judgmental, emasculated, know it all camp. The damage you are doing them? I know a gal who went to work in Singapore, in a brothel. She got with about at least 2,000 men over a period of about 16 months. She brought back 2.9 million baht, built a beautiful home, on family land, bought a car for cash, and used the balance to start a successful store in her village. She is now a successful entrepreneur, is happily married (what he does not know, will not hurt him), and seems to be very well adjusted.

You just cannot make such sweeping, and moralist crusader type judgments. It is up to the woman. It is her body. As long as she is doing it of her own free will, it is a perfectly valid decision for her to make.

And how am I doing any more damage to a hooker in Bangkok, by giving her a fee, and spending some time with her, and treating her very kindly, than with a gal in Los Angeles, who is getting naked with me because I bought her a nice dinner, and gave her a gift? Don't you see the nonsense? Don't you see how confused you are? Please explain the difference to me. And please leave you feminist doctrine at the door. It will have no impact here. I am a man still in possession of my package, thank you very much.

Why do you need to use hookers?

Bangkok has hundreds of thousands of beautiful women. You must be socially inept.

I dated many many women there before I was married. Seriously, if you can't find a woman in Bangkok,there is something wrong, I could get a date just walking into 7/11.

Edited by Nearlynam
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Nearlynam I think you are probably right! But look at it from the other side of the coin, a lot of guys don't want the commitment of a regular relationship with one girl. Having sex with hookers is as far away from a regular relationship one can get.....but someone may prove me wrong!

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Somehow ...someway...somewhere ...sometimes.....somebody is going to try and make you feel guilty for having sex...the most natural aspect of humanity while apparently we are required to answer to others and their ideals.


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Sex on it`s own is meaningless if not part of being in a loving relationship. And if some men, doesn`t matter what nationality they are, think that having pure sex is a substitute for being in a close bonding relationship they are going to find their lives becoming empty and meaningless. Sex is not all that it`s cut out to be especially if it becomes mechanical when it involves prostitutes. It`s like eating a basic meal that can be dull without the trimmings that go with it.

Matey, I don't know if you have banged a Thai prostitute before, but I can tell you some of the ladies I have had, enjoyed the sex as much of if not more than me. Mechanical is using a tin can like the loser monk, finding a good bonk amongst these darlings is part of the challenge and the best part is if the one tonight is rag doll, there is always tomorrow. A loving relationship is all fine if your partner is 20 years younger than you, then you know that good sex is going to be there for much longer. Reading between the lines on most of these soppy high moral posts, I get the impression that there is a few closet gays amongst us., I have screwed ladies (some I shouldn't call ladies) from every SE Asian country and have been pleasantly rewarded whereas the majority of the women I have had the misfortune of laying from western countries should be fed dog kibble. Pity you can't make a complaint with Consumer Affairs for a refund. Just for the record, I have had my fair share of these little darlings starting in the sixties but I can't ever recall any one of them complaining they were forced into working.

Who are you trying to kid, us or yourself?

No one would pay for a session with a dull whore and being what the customers want them to be so that the man feels like he`s god`s gift to women is part of parcel of their trade. No prostitute is going to tell her client that he has the sexual libido and stamina of a sloth and that the very sight of his physical appearance is enough to make her throw up. I agree that the majority of prostitutes are on the game by their own choosing but don`t kid yourself that you are desirable to young women and that these women enjoy fat, smelly, gross old men slobbering all over them, because they don`t and you probably fall into that category. I doubt you would have much success with western women because you want cheap and most of them would find you repulsive. Sorry to have to slap you round the face and awaken you from your world of fantasy.

The commercial sex trade is fake and strictly business that can never be a substitute for the real thing, then after a while all the fakeness becomes boring. I have nothing against men who use prostitutes and like everything else, it`s OK on occasions but think the men are sad that make mongering into a full time hobby and need to pay for companionship to get their jollies.

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PATTAYA is just a vicious small city of thailand .......i do not have that much bad comment to say about it ...the simple fact that there is so much foreigner is enough for me to stay only a short time there ...... depend what you like or not like .......

Prostitution is an old job...always exist...and will always exist .......

At first ..you must understand yourself first..what do you want ? Love ? or Sex ? or both ? or friendship ? or freedom .....then you adjust yourself and try to be happy...... just a little .....i guess.....

Chok Dee

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Luke 6;41
"Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?
Luke 6:35
But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them, expecting nothing in return. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.
Luke 7:47
Therefore I say unto you, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.

Quotations from various translations of the bible.

If it means what i think it means (and of course it may not)

it implies that the activities of NGO's are not Christian.

Satanist more like.

Edited by jobsworth
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Somehow ...someway...somewhere ...sometimes.....somebody is going to try and make you feel guilty for having sex...the most natural aspect of humanity while apparently we are required to answer to others and their ideals.


what if there was a group that tried to make you feel guilty for eating food, drinking water, having a piss or taking a shit?

we all do all of these things.

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Why do you need to use hookers?

Bangkok has hundreds of thousands of beautiful women. You must be socially inept.

I dated many many women there before I was married. Seriously, if you can't find a woman in Bangkok,there is something wrong, I could get a date just walking into 7/11.

yes but you miss the point... I have had tons of 'free (ish) girls here and have had tons more 'pay for play' and all the headaches came from the 'dating scene' because they wanted 'more' and some became 'clingy'

it's more honest and don't forget you are paying them to 'leave' not to stay. personally my favourites are the sideline girls - not true hookers but 'flexible' normal girls with normal jobs but happy to 'exchange'

no more preaching plzzzzzzzzzz live and let live 99.99999999% of the girls i have known (Biblically), both sideline and bars, prefered that job because they had a kid to look after and/or were a bit lazy the other 0.000000001% were drunk

the dating girls were looking for something 'more' but of those 70% were 'flexible', 5% were die hard 'no serious/no sex' and the other 25% were ok to sleep 'until they find a bf'

Edited by LannaGuy
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Sex addiction? What constitutes it? A guy thinking and wanting sex 24/7? Is that an addict? If so then all men are sex addicts. Men are psychologically wired different from women and sex is one area where it has been scientifically and clinically proven through studies on the male libido. We men, whether endowed or not all subconsciously think about sex continously. The problem for most men has been the availability of sex. No different then a drug. Now enters Thailand. Not only do you have beautiful girls (who cares their motivation) wanting to engage with you in a fun and playful manner. Even the 1000 dollar an hour escorts back in your home country will not do as the girls here will do and it's 20 times cheaper. With that said, too much of anything can become addictive. Here it is easy for any man with a working pipe and ample funds to get it all twisted. It is the shear numbers of girls available, friendly and willing that makes any man ripe for addiction. When I was running around in Bangkok or and other province I found most the girls I met were good people just trying to get by. Where will a girl who doesn't know you from Adam take care of you when you had too much to drink? A many of times I have had some Thai girl putting ice to my neck and head and shoulder massages to bring me back from a night long bourbon run. It's not sex that causes addiction. It's the Fun n Play and the company of a different beautiful girl every night regardless if it ends in sex or not is the real addiction. This is paradise... Don't over think it.

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So "nearlyman" chose to go "longtime" and others choose "short time" can't you all just get along?thumbsup.gif

Pretty low insinuating my wife is a prostitute.

Please dude, mind out of the gutter, I was refering to the duration of a relationship of whatever financial arrangement. Just trying to find common ground to end the hostilities.

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1. There are people who are driven by a compulsive need for sex. This can be true for men or women. In this case, the men driven by this compulsion can never get enough and frequent prostitutes in an attempt to get as much sex as they can.

2. Related to number one in this list, there are men driven by an insatiable need for sexual pleasure. Without it they are in a perpetual state of frustration.

3. There are men who find real relationships too risky for a variety of reasons including the fear of real intimacy. For these individuals there are frequent visits to the same prostitute and the fantasy of a real relationship with the woman. One aspect of this fantasy relationship is that the prostitute, unlike a real girl friend or wife, is not demanding of anything emotional in return. In a way, the prostitute is “soothing the psyche” of that man.

4. Misogyny is the hatred of women and there are those experts in the field who believe that men who frequent prostitute have a real hatred of women. For these hate filled men, women are made submissive and are even humiliated through the process of purchasing sexual favors.

Impact on women:

While the motivating factors for men seeking prostitutes are debated, there is general agreement among experts that prostitution takes a heavy toll on the physical and emotional health of the women involved.

These women have to separate block their emotions in order to be able to work at what they do. Also, they are subject to physical abuse at the hands of johns and the pimps who sell their bodies.

Why do women get involved in prostitution? It is pointed out by experts that this is rarely, if ever, a matter of choice. Forces such as poverty, drug addiction, and fear of being beaten by pimps who often dupe them into the sex trade when they are extremely young, cause them to become entrapped.


Edited by Johnniey
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Anonymous: Prostitutes have very improperly been styled women of pleasure; they are women of pain, or sorrow, of grief, of bitter and continual repentance,

That is so true.

Yes many choose the career but certainly don't enjoy it like some stupidly think.

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Why doesn't Dan make a survey and asks the girls if they want to work in a normal job like a factory.?
From my talks with the girls in Pattaya, they are there by CHOICE, driven by GREED.

Some may say trying to get away from poverty is not a choice, and that the bumps on the road out leads to mental damage.

Well, i work in a factory myself. I have to do it to make money to make my living.
I don't like too do it also, and i am often frustrated because i feel like the time i work there is SLAVERY, and i feel IMPRISONED BETWEEN THE WALLS OF MY WORK ENVIRONMENT, WITH MY BOSS THREATENING TO FIRE ME IF I DON'T DO MORE THEN I PHYSICALLY CAN, LEAVING ME WITH SEVERE BACK PAINS.

We are selling our freedom, soul and bodies in return for money.

Does that mean we all need to be saved?
NO, that's just f*king life, it is hard, not only for those girls, but for everyone on the planet, who needs to work hard to pay the bills.

And mental/physical damage is a part of that.

It's so easy to take the word ABUSE in the mouth lightly.
Everything can be demonized!

Example: I hated going to school when i was a kid, i didn't want to go there, i just wanted to play.
Still, i was FORCED TO GO TO SCHOOL. I could never do what i want, i was always told to listen my parents and my teachers.
Therefore i was ABUSED, as a kid!

See what i mean?

What also disturbs me is that it is always women who need to be saved.
What about POOR MEN who need help, who ever talks about them, let alone help them?
Poor men have a much bigger disadvantage then poor women, they are not cute and beautiful, nobody wants to help them out!
For god's sake, they even have to make a sex operation first, to gain the ADVANTAGE of being able to sell themselves in the sex business.
Poor countries have the most men desiring a sex change, that is for a reason, not just because they feel feminin, but because they like the advantage of being treated like a woman.

All this indicates me that WHOEVER IS TRYING TO HELP "POOR WOMEN", BUT HAS NO INTENTION TO HELP POOR MEN, HAS AN HIDDEN AGENDA - as in gaining sexual pleasure from it, or at least gaining feminin attention from it which leads to some sort of sexual satisfaction.

Edited by freestyle
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Anonymous: Prostitutes have very improperly been styled women of pleasure; they are women of pain, or sorrow, of grief, of bitter and continual repentance,

That is so true.

Yes many choose the career but certainly don't enjoy it like some think

That's a very sweeping statement there can you back it up with facts not hear say or thai visa say. Are you reincarnated was you a hooker in that life. Or are you just saying what YOU belive sod what the real women working think. I have spoken to lots of so called Bar girls/prostitutes the over riding feeling that comes through is happiness. So don't genralizations your thoughts are just that say something like surley they don't or I wonder if they enjoy it.

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prostitition only has a stigma if u have a westetn Catholic puritanic conditioning out of this dogma people here acuse other's feel sad or they go into a defemsive mood others feel the urge to rescue what nobody never think is that prostitution in asia has no stigma it has its place in society foreignets here are only a little percentage most brothels are in village for locals like running house .nothing wrong normal as sexuality is .we can see this in isaan many mothers literaly thousand s and thousands of them send their daughters to the red house for boost income for make face . its the normal way of life nothing to be ashamed off hard to understand for falangs who always thinks their dogmas (See above ) are a u.Universal truth and they have to force everybody into accepting their liferepressing concept .to make face to show cash and wealth here is the most important does not matter hpw money is made or from which channels it come from

.if one jas enouhh big money even the law cannot touch and eberybody need to be on their knres in front of them like servants etc not long ago slavery was very normal .so take it as u choose this country ss ur home if u dont like it go bsck to ur very own puritanic depptessing sorry land but never try to challenge the thais as their lifestyle is thousands of years older than ur aussie or us lifestyle

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And i like to add something:

All those women working in those NGO's trying to save women, but are not interested in saving poor men in need, they have an hidden agenda too: the feminazi frustration agenda. They get off on battling against men, their main focus is their crucade against men who have sexual desires, instead of offering income solutions / alternatives to the "rescued" girls.

If someone feels like he/she should help poor people, please do so, but try to actually OFFER SOME OPPORTUNITIES to those people, instead of just pointing fingers.
But that's something a lot of "rescuers" fail to do. They get girls out of prostitution, leaving them without a source of income, and think they should get a medal for it.

And if you help poor people, then help ALL poor people, because helping only a selective part (female, children, male) makes you suspicious for having a hidden agenda.

Edited by freestyle
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As hard as it may be for some people to believe, I know three farang guys (just off the top of my head) who met Thai women in bars, married them, had kids and are still married after 15-20 years. The experiences of both foreign men and Thai women involved in the "industry" vary widely but so many moral crusaders want to paint one picture and claim that it applies universally to every one. Yes, there are many exploited women who need to be rescued, just as there are many who do not fit the stereotype.

I do think that world has slowly become more and more hardcore and unappealing as the years have gone by, but these types of articles still strike me as more than a little shallow and sensationalistic.

Nobody is saying that there are not happy ending or exceptions, good luck to your 3 mates.

But it is not shallow or sensationalist to highlight the very real issue of the sex trade and the suffering within.

I am not sure if it's where we are but I guess it much be because I have never seen so many people defending the prostitution game. It certainly would not happen in the countries where most of these people (including me) come from, of that i am pretty sure. It is generally frowned upon and a man who openly admits to using prostitutes would be considered extremely sad and very likely ridiculed for it.

So, I guess it must be as simple as this, the country attracts those kind of people which is why the attitude and outward defence of prostitution is so open.

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Anonymous: Prostitutes have very improperly been styled women of pleasure; they are women of pain, or sorrow, of grief, of bitter and continual repentance,

That is so true.

Yes many choose the career but certainly don't enjoy it like some think

That's a very sweeping statement there can you back it up with facts not hear say or thai visa say. Are you reincarnated was you a hooker in that life. Or are you just saying what YOU belive sod what the real women working think. I have spoken to lots of so called Bar girls/prostitutes the over riding feeling that comes through is happiness. So don't genralizations your thoughts are just that say something like surley they don't or I wonder if they enjoy it.

And what do you expect bar girls to say?

Deary me, it is pretty easy to find real facts on the misery that surrounds prostitution, don't be lazy, look it up. I just hope you have the fortitude to read, absorb and reflect on your understanding of it all.

But whatever you do, don't listen to Bar girls who tell you its all ok, they may be ok but if they are not they still are unlikely to tell you. They lie for a living, they tell you whatever you want to hear, and they are good at it.

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I think in the long run karma does catch up with you, you know the saying what goes around comes around. eventually.

Cool, I like that, so by that reasoning if you have paid for sex, someday, you will be paid for sex....eventually.

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Anonymous: Prostitutes have very improperly been styled women of pleasure; they are women of pain, or sorrow, of grief, of bitter and continual repentance,

That is so true.

Yes many choose the career but certainly don't enjoy it like some think

That's a very sweeping statement there can you back it up with facts not hear say or thai visa say. Are you reincarnated was you a hooker in that life. Or are you just saying what YOU belive sod what the real women working think. I have spoken to lots of so called Bar girls/prostitutes the over riding feeling that comes through is happiness. So don't genralizations your thoughts are just that say something like surley they don't or I wonder if they enjoy it.

And what do you expect bar girls to say?

Deary me, it is pretty easy to find real facts on the misery that surrounds prostitution, don't be lazy, look it up. I just hope you have the fortitude to read, absorb and reflect on your understanding of it all.

But whatever you do, don't listen to Bar girls who tell you its all ok, they may be ok but if they are not they still are unlikely to tell you. They lie for a living, they tell you whatever you want to hear, and they are good at it.

well i always believe to speak to the actual person who does the job about her life Not not to accademics that go around with the sorrow dogmas..

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Luke 6;41

"Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?

Luke 6:35

But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them, expecting nothing in return. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.

Luke 7:47

Therefore I say unto you, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.

Quotations from various translations of the bible.

If it means what i think it means (and of course it may not)

it implies that the activities of NGO's are not Christian.

Satanist more like.

It obviously doesn't mean what you think it is.

google the meanings, in context.

Very poor post.

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Anonymous: Prostitutes have very improperly been styled women of pleasure; they are women of pain, or sorrow, of grief, of bitter and continual repentance,

That is so true.

Yes many choose the career but certainly don't enjoy it like some think

That's a very sweeping statement there can you back it up with facts not hear say or thai visa say. Are you reincarnated was you a hooker in that life. Or are you just saying what YOU belive sod what the real women working think. I have spoken to lots of so called Bar girls/prostitutes the over riding feeling that comes through is happiness. So don't genralizations your thoughts are just that say something like surley they don't or I wonder if they enjoy it.

And what do you expect bar girls to say?

Deary me, it is pretty easy to find real facts on the misery that surrounds prostitution, don't be lazy, look it up. I just hope you have the fortitude to read, absorb and reflect on your understanding of it all.

But whatever you do, don't listen to Bar girls who tell you its all ok, they may be ok but if they are not they still are unlikely to tell you. They lie for a living, they tell you whatever you want to hear, and they are good at it.


If you want to go and help "poor bar girls", then DO SOMETHING and create income opportunities for them, instead of pointing fingers on the internet.

But you don't, you just sit on your lazy ass typing away on your keyboard.

Well in that case, doing nothing and all, i suggest you let people live their lives as it is.

And even if you decide to go and create opportunities for "poor bar girls", i will always wonder, why you only help women, but don't help "poor men in need".

Anyway any effort from your side will be appreciated, but believe me, it will be hard to find something that those girls would be more happy to do then harvestings 1000 baht bills out of the farang's pants, because it satisfies their hunger for money more then any alternative you can offer them!

Your finger pointing is useless, it is just too easy and doesn't change sh*t.

Edited by freestyle
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define bad things.

I don't consider giving money to consenting sex workers of legal age to be a bad thing.

Many girls I met are better persons than many of the executives I met in large Western companies.

pay for bad things?

I certainly do hope that karma is a bitch that will make people pay for their misdeeds. But hiring prostitues isn't one.

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