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‘Do you think we’ll pay for bad things we’ve done?’ Revelations of Aussie sex tourists in Thailand


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Sex on it`s own is meaningless if not part of being in a loving relationship. And if some men, doesn`t matter what nationality they are, think that having pure sex is a substitute for being in a close bonding relationship they are going to find their lives becoming empty and meaningless. Sex is not all that it`s cut out to be especially if it becomes mechanical when it involves prostitutes. It`s like eating a basic meal that can be dull without the trimmings that go with it.

Again, to each his own. Some love the intimacy, and some love the casual sex. It is entirely up to the man, and the woman. It is not up to you to judge on any level, even one iota. Your judgment shows your extreme lack of depth, tolerance, compassion, understanding, and maturity. It is a caustic, crusading, intolerant attitude, with a substantial degree of moral judgment thrown in for good measure. Not an attractive blend.

I suggest you look in your dictionary to find out what intimacy means. Your post makes no sense.

Indeed, "it makes no sense", but "spidermike" will always defend his beloved Thai prostitutes.


Ironically, people who like using prostitutes usually have a FEAR of intimacy.

My clients want to have relationships, but they also want to be 100% certain that they won’t get hurt. For emotional self-protection, they tend to seek situations that offer controllable intimacy, which is an oxymoron. Emotional intensity, over which you can feel some control, is not the same as genuine closeness. Being vulnerable enough to allow yourself to be fully known creates the potential for true intimacy. But this also comes with some risk. People who use sex and romantic intensity as substitutes for intimacy often find themselves feeling more empty and unfulfilled with each new relationship or sexual partner. The people I treat are highly vulnerable to rejection and perceived abandonment and are therefore afraid of not having emotional control over an intimate partner. Sadly, they fear the very emotional risks required to deeply and intimately bond, and will settle for short term, intensity-based experiences, which often leave them feeling more alone then when they started.

Edited by Johnniey
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Sex on it`s own is meaningless if not part of being in a loving relationship. And if some men, doesn`t matter what nationality they are, think that having pure sex is a substitute for being in a close bonding relationship they are going to find their lives becoming empty and meaningless. Sex is not all that it`s cut out to be especially if it becomes mechanical when it involves prostitutes. It`s like eating a basic meal that can be dull without the trimmings that go with it.

Again, to each his own. Some love the intimacy, and some love the casual sex. It is entirely up to the man, and the woman. It is not up to you to judge on any level, even one iota. Your judgment shows your extreme lack of depth, tolerance, compassion, understanding, and maturity. It is a caustic, crusading, intolerant attitude, with a substantial degree of moral judgment thrown in for good measure. Not an attractive blend.

I suggest you look in your dictionary to find out what intimacy means. Your post makes no sense.

Indeed, "it makes no sense", but "spidermike" will always defend his beloved Thai prostitutes.

First of all, they are not MY prostitutes. I am speaking in general terms here, and I am not addressing the use of prostitutes, as much as your condescension, and judgment of those that do. Who are you? Are you a prophet? Are you a realized being, without fault? There are already enough holier than thou preachers in this world. The problem is, they are only holy in their own eyes. Nothing more. For those of us who do not feel the need, to be a receptacle for their infinite wisdom, we are free to live our lives as we see fit, without men judging us, and looking down upon us. And my statement that some prefer casual sex, is something you do not seem able to understand. For you, it is intimate sex, or no sex at all. I know several men who have made a conscious decision to avoid a relationship. They have amazing lives. They are independent, travel as they please, and have nobody dictating anything to them. Do you think they are celibate? Absolutely not. They have many lovers. None are intimate. You are basically saying their lives are without merit, because they have done as you have done.

Do I have my facts straight here?

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Read my post. I said the government has had some success in this area.

But can you not see it was a problem that needed to be tackled? What is your point here? That it is a problem but the government are doing well to tackle it,, well I fully agree with you, well done.thumbsup.gif

Now start digging for more information for the sole purpose of educating yourself rather then trying to contradict me which is pointless and you have failed to do so.

This I dug out because I knew I had read it somewhere. It does not indicate that bar girls/prostitutes were sole responsible for passing on HIV to babies. Which as the article says is almost non existent. As for the other bit I don't need to look up the meaning of free speach and freedom to do as I please. But please before you post silly things like the HIV babies again. Get your facts straight

My facts are straight. I did not say that sex workers were the sole reason for HIV babies but it is a consequence and it does happen.

i have the right to freedom of speech as well, so a stupid thing for you to say.

Bury your head as much as you like, pretend it is all rosy as much as you like, be naive and ignorant as much as you like.

Th truth is the truth but you clearly don't have the ability to open your mind and think! instead you just label people who know and care and harbour some sense of humanity so do-gooders, it's pretty pathetic.

We can bat this back and forward forever and ever you saying x me saying y. So as I have other things to do I'll nip out now and find a nice girl to talk to. Tell her about your rantings and see what she says !!!!OH no I forgot I can belive them only belive you YAH well hell freezes over I like to enjoy life. Cheers for the knock up.

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GAZZPA says " I have been to the bars, seen the girls, spoken to the girls" THEN LATER IN THE SAME POST.. " Forget what they tell you because you will never know the truth by talking to a prostitute when she's on the job" Dude, she was on the job when talking to YOU, she was just working a different angle, they can be very clever.

Oh wow, you really tripped me up there, you are just too clever for me. To me it's very clear what i was saying, it seems you cannot comprehend. So, you try to claim some kind of poor, immature victory. This is simply because you cannot come back with a clear, coherent response to any of the points I was making regarding the damage it all does.

So many people here justifying their behaviour, most would never do so back home.

Will never get you to really look at what you do, I suspect none of you are brave enough to really find out. Well, unfortunately for me i have seen and been involved in the bad side of this (Including the abandoned kids and the HIV babies) and I am sure many would think again if they really understood,, but like I said you are deaf, blind and dumb and will never chose to know.

I'm done trying to talk to people like you.

People like me? you mean someone with a different opinion? with an open mind that has read opinions from western sex workers demanding their rights, you make it sound as if there is only one valid viewpoint, yours, and you insult and belittle anyone that may disagree. As I said in my first post on this topic, I have strong social libertarian views. i believe in freedom of choice, I would express my views to anyone at any time, i also said I find the bar, and bargirl scene boring and antierotic, been there done that years ago. You Gazzpa have an unhealthy obsession with this topic, I suspect you may actuall be "DAN".cheesy.gif ..... what is your kink you dirty boy?

Edited by daoyai
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Read my post. I said the government has had some success in this area.

But can you not see it was a problem that needed to be tackled? What is your point here? That it is a problem but the government are doing well to tackle it,, well I fully agree with you, well done.thumbsup.gif

Now start digging for more information for the sole purpose of educating yourself rather then trying to contradict me which is pointless and you have failed to do so.

This I dug out because I knew I had read it somewhere. It does not indicate that bar girls/prostitutes were sole responsible for passing on HIV to babies. Which as the article says is almost non existent. As for the other bit I don't need to look up the meaning of free speach and freedom to do as I please. But please before you post silly things like the HIV babies again. Get your facts straight

My facts are straight. I did not say that sex workers were the sole reason for HIV babies but it is a consequence and it does happen.

i have the right to freedom of speech as well, so a stupid thing for you to say.

Bury your head as much as you like, pretend it is all rosy as much as you like, be naive and ignorant as much as you like.

Th truth is the truth but you clearly don't have the ability to open your mind and think! instead you just label people who know and care and harbour some sense of humanity so do-gooders, it's pretty pathetic.

2 links for you, both related to HIV, one highlighting the history of HIV in Thailand and the prevalence of HIV amongst female and male sex workers and the subsequent HIV babies being born. I wonder if you will read them and perhaps rethink. Thailand has indeed done a good job of tackling the problem by administering drugs and educating sex workers on the use of condoms. But Thailand still has one of the highest infection rates in the region.



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GAZZPA says " I have been to the bars, seen the girls, spoken to the girls" THEN LATER IN THE SAME POST.. " Forget what they tell you because you will never know the truth by talking to a prostitute when she's on the job" Dude, she was on the job when talking to YOU, she was just working a different angle, they can be very clever.

Oh wow, you really tripped me up there, you are just too clever for me. To me it's very clear what i was saying, it seems you cannot comprehend. So, you try to claim some kind of poor, immature victory. This is simply because you cannot come back with a clear, coherent response to any of the points I was making regarding the damage it all does.

So many people here justifying their behaviour, most would never do so back home.

Will never get you to really look at what you do, I suspect none of you are brave enough to really find out. Well, unfortunately for me i have seen and been involved in the bad side of this (Including the abandoned kids and the HIV babies) and I am sure many would think again if they really understood,, but like I said you are deaf, blind and dumb and will never chose to know.

I'm done trying to talk to people like you.

People like me? you mean someone with a different opinion? with an open mind that has read opinions from western sex workers demanding their rights, you make it sound as if there is only one valid viewpoint, yours, and you insult and belittle anyone that may disagree. As I said in my first post on this topic, I have strong social libertarian views. i believe in freedom of choice, I would express my views to anyone at any time, i also said I find the bar, and bargirl scene boring and antierotic, been there done that years ago. You Gazzpa have an unhealthy obsession with this topic, I suspect you may actuall be "DAN".cheesy.gif ..... what is your kink you dirty boy?

Seems you are a pretty sensitive fellow. I do care about this topic, yes, I am guilty of giving a sh*t and I don't think this topic is a time to be liberal minded. You, however clearly don't give a sh*t and you have no real point to make outlining why you have such a liberal view in the sex industry and all the damage it does.

Your last comment is childish and just a reflection of your frustration in having nothing to say except "I disagree, i disagree"! Pretty pathetic.

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Hey GAZZPA why not nip down the beach and join those other doogoders that have landed in Pattaya. Look at the thread running right up your street go on you know you want to

Wow, hilarious. Sorry, you were trying to make a joke of some sort right? Or have I missed something? Should I be laughing at this? Anyway, I will laugh along with you the same way I laugh along to any child's joke. Don't want you feeling insecure about your ability to be funny just because your not.

Calling me a do-gooder again, really? Do you have anything at all to say that may be marginally intelligent or even very slightly interesting? Or at least make a point that is relevant to the topic, surely you can manage that right? Well maybe not.

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Without us they would all live on the streets. I see it as we are helping them, as the Thai society isn't. No laws that makes fathers pay for the children's. No social securities. 90% of tourists are here for sex. That boosts the society.

So no. The Lord isn't going to punish me for helping these ladies give food and shelter for their baby and family.

And i don't care what people think about my statement. What options would the girls have unemployed. With a baby. Uneducated. This is a go_______t failure. A social structure failure. An educational failure. An cultural behaviour that accepts this.

They have accepted this and so have i.

Damn this is going to be quoted a lot hahaha!

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Without us they would all live on the streets. I see it as we are helping them, as the Thai society isn't. No laws that makes fathers pay for the children's. No social securities. 90% of tourists are here for sex. That boosts the society.

So no. The Lord isn't going to punish me for helping these ladies give food and shelter for their baby and family.

And i don't care what people think about my statement. What options would the girls have unemployed. With a baby. Uneducated. This is a go_______t failure. A social structure failure. An educational failure. An cultural behaviour that accepts this.

They have accepted this and so have i.

Damn this is going to be quoted a lot hahaha!

Wow, I will buy you a cape. If you give a sh*t how about sponsoring one of the kids to go to school? Or would that mean you don't get anything out of it?

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Acually Gazzy, i am quite sensitive and have some experience in this area, I have known damaged people, I know many Thai girls are raped as children and crave a safe environment but turn off their emotions to survive in the bar scene, many are horny sanook girls that love the freedom and have multiple orgasms with their vigorous clients. Many men are affraid of intimacy and rejection. for good reason Some are now 'mgtows" to avoid the marriage trap and the femenazis.... it is a complex and nuanced world out there and nowhere near as simple (good and bad) as you seem to think. You are so wrong about so much, I do "give a shit" and think any girl, lady, woman or ladyboy that does not want to be in the trade should be given an opportunity to find alternate employment or education.

It seems the real action these days is on tinder and Thai friendly, the bar scene is so 20th century.

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Acually Gazzy, i am quite sensitive and have some experience in this area, I have known damaged people, I know many Thai girls are raped as children and crave a safe environment but turn off their emotions to survive in the bar scene, many are horny sanook girls that love the freedom and have multiple orgasms with their vigorous clients. Many men are affraid of intimacy and rejection. for good reason Some are now 'mgtows" to avoid the marriage trap and the femenazis.... it is a complex and nuanced world out there and nowhere near as simple (good and bad) as you seem to think. You are so wrong about so much, I do "give a shit" and think any girl, lady, woman or ladyboy that does not want to be in the trade should be given an opportunity to find alternate employment or education.

It seems the real action these days is on tinder and Thai friendly, the bar scene is so 20th century.

Well, I am happy that we at least have some common ground. I am also happy if I am wrong about you giving a sh*t, really I am.

Problem is that for the poor girl you mentioned it is impossible to turn off the emotions. Mostly speaking sex is the most private and intimate of acts that anyone is likely to perform and you can't just switch that off forever, I personally believe this is more so for women. Sooner or later it catches up and she will feel worthless, unable to emotionally attach to a man for a meaningful relationship, depressed and many other things already outlined in this forum. It truly is so sad and a women deserves the right to not be subjected to making choices like this.

I agree better employment is the answer, the problem is the financial situation is difficult as they can earn more as a prostitute and they end up being trapped, especially if they are sending 10 or 20k back home which they can't sustain if they get a job at 7 Eleven. So, maybe they chose because they have no real choices, this we can agree on.

Education, better employment and help from the Government with kids is a good way forward. I think also the kind of social acceptance that prostitution is ok needs to be addressed somehow. Thailand has such an ingrained culture and has been known as a country for sex tourists for a very long time. Lots of money changes hands at various different levels in society and this is not easy to break.

Plus of course education for the men who use prostitutes. Factual, real information from the Government about how it negatively impacts on society both for women who choose and women who are sadly forced or trafficked.

Anyway, it's certainly a debate that stirs emotional responses.

Have a good evening.

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Acually Gazzy, i am quite sensitive and have some experience in this area, I have known damaged people, I know many Thai girls are raped as children and crave a safe environment but turn off their emotions to survive in the bar scene, many are horny sanook girls that love the freedom and have multiple orgasms with their vigorous clients. Many men are affraid of intimacy and rejection. for good reason Some are now 'mgtows" to avoid the marriage trap and the femenazis.... it is a complex and nuanced world out there and nowhere near as simple (good and bad) as you seem to think. You are so wrong about so much, I do "give a shit" and think any girl, lady, woman or ladyboy that does not want to be in the trade should be given an opportunity to find alternate employment or education.

It seems the real action these days is on tinder and Thai friendly, the bar scene is so 20th century.

Well, I am happy that we at least have some common ground. I am also happy if I am wrong about you giving a sh*t, really I am.

Problem is that for the poor girl you mentioned it is impossible to turn off the emotions. Mostly speaking sex is the most private and intimate of acts that anyone is likely to perform and you can't just switch that off forever, I personally believe this is more so for women. Sooner or later it catches up and she will feel worthless, unable to emotionally attach to a man for a meaningful relationship, depressed and many other things already outlined in this forum. It truly is so sad and a women deserves the right to not be subjected to making choices like this.

I agree better employment is the answer, the problem is the financial situation is difficult as they can earn more as a prostitute and they end up being trapped, especially if they are sending 10 or 20k back home which they can't sustain if they get a job at 7 Eleven. So, maybe they chose because they have no real choices, this we can agree on.

Education, better employment and help from the Government with kids is a good way forward. I think also the kind of social acceptance that prostitution is ok needs to be addressed somehow. Thailand has such an ingrained culture and has been known as a country for sex tourists for a very long time. Lots of money changes hands at various different levels in society and this is not easy to break.

Plus of course education for the men who use prostitutes. Factual, real information from the Government about how it negatively impacts on society both for women who choose and women who are sadly forced or trafficked.

Anyway, it's certainly a debate that stirs emotional responses.

Have a good evening.

Did you just sack what i wrote just to now agree on what i wrote? Did you just paste my text haha. That is so bad of you. Is it my duty too give money to children living in a country that is full of opportunities. This isnt Africa where nothing can grow. It is all about that the money goes in wrong pockets.

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Acually Gazzy, i am quite sensitive and have some experience in this area, I have known damaged people, I know many Thai girls are raped as children and crave a safe environment but turn off their emotions to survive in the bar scene, many are horny sanook girls that love the freedom and have multiple orgasms with their vigorous clients. Many men are affraid of intimacy and rejection. for good reason Some are now 'mgtows" to avoid the marriage trap and the femenazis.... it is a complex and nuanced world out there and nowhere near as simple (good and bad) as you seem to think. You are so wrong about so much, I do "give a shit" and think any girl, lady, woman or ladyboy that does not want to be in the trade should be given an opportunity to find alternate employment or education.

It seems the real action these days is on tinder and Thai friendly, the bar scene is so 20th century.

Well, I am happy that we at least have some common ground. I am also happy if I am wrong about you giving a sh*t, really I am.

Problem is that for the poor girl you mentioned it is impossible to turn off the emotions. Mostly speaking sex is the most private and intimate of acts that anyone is likely to perform and you can't just switch that off forever, I personally believe this is more so for women. Sooner or later it catches up and she will feel worthless, unable to emotionally attach to a man for a meaningful relationship, depressed and many other things already outlined in this forum. It truly is so sad and a women deserves the right to not be subjected to making choices like this.

I agree better employment is the answer, the problem is the financial situation is difficult as they can earn more as a prostitute and they end up being trapped, especially if they are sending 10 or 20k back home which they can't sustain if they get a job at 7 Eleven. So, maybe they chose because they have no real choices, this we can agree on.

Education, better employment and help from the Government with kids is a good way forward. I think also the kind of social acceptance that prostitution is ok needs to be addressed somehow. Thailand has such an ingrained culture and has been known as a country for sex tourists for a very long time. Lots of money changes hands at various different levels in society and this is not easy to break.

Plus of course education for the men who use prostitutes. Factual, real information from the Government about how it negatively impacts on society both for women who choose and women who are sadly forced or trafficked.

Anyway, it's certainly a debate that stirs emotional responses.

Have a good evening.

Did you just sack what i wrote just to now agree on what i wrote? Did you just paste my text haha. That is so bad of you. Is it my duty too give money to children living in a country that is full of opportunities. This isnt Africa where nothing can grow. It is all about that the money goes in wrong pockets.

No, I take it as I see it. We have just reached some common ground, might not agree on everything but don't spoil it now. giggle.gif

You are now saying you give money to the kids that need it here, you've painted a very different picture. As I said, have a good evening.

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Read my post. I said the government has had some success in this area.

But can you not see it was a problem that needed to be tackled? What is your point here? That it is a problem but the government are doing well to tackle it,, well I fully agree with you, well done.thumbsup.gif

Now start digging for more information for the sole purpose of educating yourself rather then trying to contradict me which is pointless and you have failed to do so.

This I dug out because I knew I had read it somewhere. It does not indicate that bar girls/prostitutes were sole responsible for passing on HIV to babies. Which as the article says is almost non existent. As for the other bit I don't need to look up the meaning of free speach and freedom to do as I please. But please before you post silly things like the HIV babies again. Get your facts straight

My facts are straight. I did not say that sex workers were the sole reason for HIV babies but it is a consequence and it does happen.

i have the right to freedom of speech as well, so a stupid thing for you to say.

Bury your head as much as you like, pretend it is all rosy as much as you like, be naive and ignorant as much as you like.

Th truth is the truth but you clearly don't have the ability to open your mind and think! instead you just label people who know and care and harbour some sense of humanity so do-gooders, it's pretty pathetic.

2 links for you, both related to HIV, one highlighting the history of HIV in Thailand and the prevalence of HIV amongst female and male sex workers and the subsequent HIV babies being born. I wonder if you will read them and perhaps rethink. Thailand has indeed done a good job of tackling the problem by administering drugs and educating sex workers on the use of condoms. But Thailand still has one of the highest infection rates in the region.



More crap and name calling this thread was about prostitutes not hiv I linked to babies as you mentioned it but that's it now. You be closed minded as long as you want to BE. Last I will post now but I fully expect you will no doubt want the last word. So let me leave you with this thought. I will not be thinking of you or your bigoted views tonight whilst I avail myself of a lovley bar girl. Happy handy pandy time for you

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12 pages and counting of gentleman who enjoy special services. ;-)

Yea, and the more these Gazz-types keep insulting them, the more the sex tourist will persist doing what they do.

Tell someone he can not do something, and he will only want to do it more...

Actually Gazz and Dan are feeding sex tourism by expressing their resistance to it.

Resistance is fuel for problems.

A problem solver focuses on creating solutions instead of resisting obstacles.

Try to create opportunities for the girls instead of bashing on sex tourists.

That's the only way if you like to see prostitution lessen...

Edited by freestyle
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Interesting article (please take the time to read it all)

Can i just mention that thailand has the highest rate of women who use male prostitutes. That is not to belittle the female prostitutes or anyones argument, it is just to show the attitude towards buying sex in Thailand. I think the reason so many tourists use prostitutes is simply because it is so acceptable.

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In Thailand, especially for a "dark skinned," poor girl from Issan, which is practically all of them, they have three options. "Farming, Factory, Or <deleted>." Many "choose" the latter. It's easier, more fun, and higher paying. Lastly, in Thailand "sex is like shaking hands." They are NOT hung up on Judeo-Christian beliefs. I'm not justifying anything; I'm just saying the culture is different.

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GAZZPA says " I have been to the bars, seen the girls, spoken to the girls" THEN LATER IN THE SAME POST.. " Forget what they tell you because you will never know the truth by talking to a prostitute when she's on the job" Dude, she was on the job when talking to YOU, she was just working a different angle, they can be very clever.

Oh wow, you really tripped me up there, you are just too clever for me. To me it's very clear what i was saying, it seems you cannot comprehend. So, you try to claim some kind of poor, immature victory. This is simply because you cannot come back with a clear, coherent response to any of the points I was making regarding the damage it all does.

So many people here justifying their behaviour, most would never do so back home.

Will never get you to really look at what you do, I suspect none of you are brave enough to really find out. Well, unfortunately for me i have seen and been involved in the bad side of this (Including the abandoned kids and the HIV babies) and I am sure many would think again if they really understood,, but like I said you are deaf, blind and dumb and will never chose to know.

I'm done trying to talk to people like you.

People like me? you mean someone with a different opinion? with an open mind that has read opinions from western sex workers demanding their rights, you make it sound as if there is only one valid viewpoint, yours, and you insult and belittle anyone that may disagree. As I said in my first post on this topic, I have strong social libertarian views. i believe in freedom of choice, I would express my views to anyone at any time, i also said I find the bar, and bargirl scene boring and antierotic, been there done that years ago. You Gazzpa have an unhealthy obsession with this topic, I suspect you may actuall be "DAN".cheesy.gif ..... what is your kink you dirty boy?

Gazz is exactly the same as the misguided drug warriors, anti-abortion activists and other keepers of moral right. He backs it with PH.D of the Internet, where groups compete to produce ever more extreme narratives. Fortunately, I think these views are a last gasp, one that will come at the same time as Gazz's.

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In Thailand, especially for a "dark skinned," poor girl from Issan, which is practically all of them, they have three options. "Farming, Factory, Or F***ing." Many "choose" the latter. It's easier, more fun, and higher paying. Lastly, in Thailand "sex is like shaking hands." They are NOT hung up on Judeo-Christian beliefs. I'm not justifying anything; I'm just saying the culture is different.

It is true that it is culturally more accepted in Thailand.

But that does not mean they all enjoy the act of sex.

Try imagining you have to orally please a smelly old obese woman for an hour, and that every day, as your job.

No matter what belief, anyone can feel sexually disgusted by another person.

That said, i don't think the girls in tourist pattaya are exploited, they make a choice to do it because it provides them of big money.

If i would be dirt poor, and orally pleasuring ugly women would be an opportunity to make me rich, i would probably do it, however appalling i find it to be, and whatever any good-do-er would say to me to convince me that it is bad for me.

1 more funny thing: There are enough old fat women who travel to Africa to have sex with young muscled men. In the press they call it "love holidays" (not sex travels)

I never saw 1 article in the press that those "african men are exploited because they have no other option to flee poorness" or about "the psychological damage that these african men suffer from being f*cked by fat old western women"

That shows how biased that whole poor-women-exploited-by-white-pervert-man idea is.

I can not believe how feminists managed to push through such ideas in society, without making them appliccable to women.

A woman would never be called a pervert, for visiting a male prostitute. Instead everybody gives her an encouraging "you go girl". How is this even possible?

Edited by freestyle
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In Thailand, especially for a "dark skinned," poor girl from Issan, which is practically all of them, they have three options. "Farming, Factory, Or F***ing." Many "choose" the latter. It's easier, more fun, and higher paying. Lastly, in Thailand "sex is like shaking hands." They are NOT hung up on Judeo-Christian beliefs. I'm not justifying anything; I'm just saying the culture is different.

It is true that it is culturally more accepted in Thailand.

But that does not mean they all enjoy the act of sex.

Try imagining you have to orally please a smelly old obese woman for an hour, and that every day, as your job.

No matter what belief, anyone can feel sexually disgusted by another person.

That said, i don't think the girls in tourist pattaya are exploited, they make a choice to do it because it provides them of big money.

If i would be dirt poor, and orally pleasuring ugly women would be an opportunity to make me rich, i would probably do it, however appalling i find it to be, and whatever any good-do-er would say to me to convince me that it is bad for me.

1 more funny thing: There are enough old fat women who travel to Africa to have sex with young muscled men. In the press they call it "love holidays" (not sex travels)

I never saw 1 article in the press that those "african men are exploited because they have no other option to flee poorness" or about "the psychological damage that these african men suffer from being f*cked by fat old western women"

That shows how biased that whole poor-women-exploited-by-white-man idea is.

How old are you? Maybe old fat women wouldn't look at you!

Argue all you like but look at the facts - prostitutes suffer psychologically. If you think otherwise, you are deluded.

If you can't see the difference between male and female whores, you are past helping.

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Many Prostitutes Suffer Combat Disorder, Study Finds


THE world's oldest profession may also be among its most traumatizing. A new study has found that a serious psychiatric illness resulting from exposure to physical danger is more common among prostitutes than among troops who have weathered combat duty


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In Thailand, especially for a "dark skinned," poor girl from Issan, which is practically all of them, they have three options. "Farming, Factory, Or F***ing." Many "choose" the latter. It's easier, more fun, and higher paying. Lastly, in Thailand "sex is like shaking hands." They are NOT hung up on Judeo-Christian beliefs. I'm not justifying anything; I'm just saying the culture is different.

It is true that it is culturally more accepted in Thailand.

But that does not mean they all enjoy the act of sex.

Try imagining you have to orally please a smelly old obese woman for an hour, and that every day, as your job.

No matter what belief, anyone can feel sexually disgusted by another person.

That said, i don't think the girls in tourist pattaya are exploited, they make a choice to do it because it provides them of big money.

If i would be dirt poor, and orally pleasuring ugly women would be an opportunity to make me rich, i would probably do it, however appalling i find it to be, and whatever any good-do-er would say to me to convince me that it is bad for me.

1 more funny thing: There are enough old fat women who travel to Africa to have sex with young muscled men. In the press they call it "love holidays" (not sex travels)

I never saw 1 article in the press that those "african men are exploited because they have no other option to flee poorness" or about "the psychological damage that these african men suffer from being f*cked by fat old western women"

That shows how biased that whole poor-women-exploited-by-white-man idea is.

How old are you? Maybe old fat women wouldn't look at you!

Argue all you like but look at the facts - prostitutes suffer psychologically. If you think otherwise, you are deluded.

If you can't see the difference between male and female whores, you are past helping.

You can insult all you want and fail to hear solid arguments.

It only makes my will stronger to bang prostitutes, so i can get rid from frustrations that guys like you give me.

So just insult me some more, throw some more empty arguments at me .... feed my hunger for sex.

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In Thailand, especially for a "dark skinned," poor girl from Issan, which is practically all of them, they have three options. "Farming, Factory, Or F***ing." Many "choose" the latter. It's easier, more fun, and higher paying. Lastly, in Thailand "sex is like shaking hands." They are NOT hung up on Judeo-Christian beliefs. I'm not justifying anything; I'm just saying the culture is different.

It is true that it is culturally more accepted in Thailand.

But that does not mean they all enjoy the act of sex.

Try imagining you have to orally please a smelly old obese woman for an hour, and that every day, as your job.

No matter what belief, anyone can feel sexually disgusted by another person.

That said, i don't think the girls in tourist pattaya are exploited, they make a choice to do it because it provides them of big money.

If i would be dirt poor, and orally pleasuring ugly women would be an opportunity to make me rich, i would probably do it, however appalling i find it to be, and whatever any good-do-er would say to me to convince me that it is bad for me.

1 more funny thing: There are enough old fat women who travel to Africa to have sex with young muscled men. In the press they call it "love holidays" (not sex travels)

I never saw 1 article in the press that those "african men are exploited because they have no other option to flee poorness" or about "the psychological damage that these african men suffer from being f*cked by fat old western women"

That shows how biased that whole poor-women-exploited-by-white-man idea is.

How old are you? Maybe old fat women wouldn't look at you!

Argue all you like but look at the facts - prostitutes suffer psychologically. If you think otherwise, you are deluded.

If you can't see the difference between male and female whores, you are past helping.

You can insult all you want and fail to hear solid arguments.

It only makes my will stronger to bang prostitutes, so i can get rid from frustrations that guys like you give me.

So just insult me some more, throw some more empty arguments at me .... feed my hunger for sex.

You clearly need to grow up. Stupid posts designed to flame, get a life.

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GAZZPA says " I have been to the bars, seen the girls, spoken to the girls" THEN LATER IN THE SAME POST.. " Forget what they tell you because you will never know the truth by talking to a prostitute when she's on the job" Dude, she was on the job when talking to YOU, she was just working a different angle, they can be very clever.

Oh wow, you really tripped me up there, you are just too clever for me. To me it's very clear what i was saying, it seems you cannot comprehend. So, you try to claim some kind of poor, immature victory. This is simply because you cannot come back with a clear, coherent response to any of the points I was making regarding the damage it all does.

So many people here justifying their behaviour, most would never do so back home.

Will never get you to really look at what you do, I suspect none of you are brave enough to really find out. Well, unfortunately for me i have seen and been involved in the bad side of this (Including the abandoned kids and the HIV babies) and I am sure many would think again if they really understood,, but like I said you are deaf, blind and dumb and will never chose to know.

I'm done trying to talk to people like you.

People like me? you mean someone with a different opinion? with an open mind that has read opinions from western sex workers demanding their rights, you make it sound as if there is only one valid viewpoint, yours, and you insult and belittle anyone that may disagree. As I said in my first post on this topic, I have strong social libertarian views. i believe in freedom of choice, I would express my views to anyone at any time, i also said I find the bar, and bargirl scene boring and antierotic, been there done that years ago. You Gazzpa have an unhealthy obsession with this topic, I suspect you may actuall be "DAN".cheesy.gif ..... what is your kink you dirty boy?

Gazz is exactly the same as the misguided drug warriors, anti-abortion activists and other keepers of moral right. He backs it with PH.D of the Internet, where groups compete to produce ever more extreme narratives. Fortunately, I think these views are a last gasp, one that will come at the same time as Gazz's.

I think you find that developing countries tend to progress and clean themselves up not regress.

My knowledge comes from experience, I don't have an internet assembled opinion, it is based on what I have seen and the fact that i am not morally bankrupt.

I am still amazed how you sex tourists are so brazen about what you do, you have no shame. Were you a frequent user of prostitutes back home or have you just lost your way since getting into Asia, I have seen this many times before.

But anyway, the reality is that dinosaurs like you will most certainly die out. I am not old, and I can't think of any intelligent person who doesn't know how damaging it all is.

Count your days my friend, they are numbered.

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Many Prostitutes Suffer Combat Disorder, Study Finds


THE world's oldest profession may also be among its most traumatizing. A new study has found that a serious psychiatric illness resulting from exposure to physical danger is more common among prostitutes than among troops who have weathered combat duty


Yes, combat soldiers suffer, fukushima employees suffer, mine workers suffer, millions of underpayed labour workers suffer, surgeons who loose patients to death suffer, nurses who bathe and clean the genitals of old incapable men suffer, ... so many people with jobs that get damaged because of their job...

Why is nobody trying to rescue them? Because they chose to do that job, because they need/want the money, even if sometimes they don't like the job.

A lot of jobs come with risks too (firemen, police, security guard...). People still choose to take that risk, in return for the money.

According to your link there where studies done that show that being a combat solder has a high risk of leading to a psychiatric illness. Yet, nobody is trying to rescue them or prevent them from going in the army.

So why is it that hookers get this special social status, that good do-ers are standing in line to rescue them?

And specifically, why do hookers that chose to be a hooker need to be rescued?

You could say that soldiers are providing a "noble service to preserve peace amongst citizens in their own country"

Well, hookers are providing a noble service too, because they are helping men who need to release their sexual urges, in order to chill out so that they don't need to harrass people otherwise. Or simpler: they make men feel good.

Yes, even if hookers chose to hook, maybe they don't like it, maybe it makes some feel bad, maybe some get damaged mentally, but that is also true for other jobs millions of people are doing. At least hookers earn a lot of money while getting "damaged".

Let's compare the earnings of asian hookers (serving tourists) compared to european hookers:

Hookers in poor countries get payed very well compared to standard wage: Lets say in pattaya: 1000 baht for a Shorttime. Minimum wage: about 7000 baht starting a 7/11 job? So pattaya hookers have to shag 7 men to reach the minimum wage.

Hookers in my country (in europe) earn 50€ for a shag. Minimum wage here: 1000€. So hookers in my country have to shag 20 men to get the minimum wage here, in a rich western country!

And I never met a european hooker (and i met a lot) that told me she has a boyfriend abroad that sends her money. (opposed to thai hookers who brag a lot about "stupid farang boyfriend send me money haha") Apparently european hookers don't have that luxury, they work for every euro.

So how bad off are asian hookers compared to european hookers anyway?

Another thing: How many people on the globe banged a prostitute today? Hundreds of thousands?

That's a lot of evil criminals with twisted minds that should be locked up...

Good luck with your mission of trying to eliminate something of that scale...

Edited by freestyle
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this article is multi faceted,talking about under aged girls led to prostitution,maybe boys too.Then it goes on about sad older western men,leaving families behind in the west to pursue a sex life with younger girls.

If dan is concentrating on the first all well and good but leave the latter alone.

Nearly all the ladies working in bars come from Isaan,many have mothers that plied their trade before them and were encouraged to do the same,to hook a farang so the family can get out of their poverty,so no one forced them.And lets face it its not just about sex tourism,in every thai town/village there are karoake bars for thai men to visit.

These ladies dont have to sell their bodies,but it is thought of as an easier way to make money than work in a factory or to become a street food vendor.

What would help the thai poor is if the government got serious about raising the minimum wage substantiously,even then prostitution would still be prevelant..

This article with dan and his aussie chick reporter is as sad as the content it thinks it is exposing,some people just feel the need to hook into a cause to get them up in the morning.

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Without us they would all live on the streets. I see it as we are helping them, as the Thai society isn't. No laws that makes fathers pay for the children's. No social securities. 90% of tourists are here for sex. That boosts the society.

So no. The Lord isn't going to punish me for helping these ladies give food and shelter for their baby and family.

And i don't care what people think about my statement. What options would the girls have unemployed. With a baby. Uneducated. This is a go_______t failure. A social structure failure. An educational failure. An cultural behaviour that accepts this.

They have accepted this and so have i.

Damn this is going to be quoted a lot hahaha!

Your figure of 90% may have been the case back in the days when Tiger Wood's dad was serving in Vietnam, and came to Pattaya, and met his wife and the mother of Tiger in a bar. Maybe back in the 1960's. These days? Probably more like 12%. Just guessing. There are so many families now, and probably less than 2% of the Chinese tourists, who make up a third of the current crop of tourists, partake in any action. Thanks are changing. Society is evolving.

Nobody is going to punish you for enjoying yourself with a woman for hire, as long as you treat her with kindness and respect. Only the prudes, the naive Americans, and the moralists will attempt to do so.

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Without us they would all live on the streets. I see it as we are helping them, as the Thai society isn't. No laws that makes fathers pay for the children's. No social securities. 90% of tourists are here for sex. That boosts the society.

So no. The Lord isn't going to punish me for helping these ladies give food and shelter for their baby and family.

And i don't care what people think about my statement. What options would the girls have unemployed. With a baby. Uneducated. This is a go_______t failure. A social structure failure. An educational failure. An cultural behaviour that accepts this.

They have accepted this and so have i.

Damn this is going to be quoted a lot hahaha!

Your figure of 90% may have been the case back in the days when Tiger Wood's dad was serving in Vietnam, and came to Pattaya, and met his wife and the mother of Tiger in a bar. Maybe back in the 1960's. These days? Probably more like 12%. Just guessing. There are so many families now, and probably less than 2% of the Chinese tourists, who make up a third of the current crop of tourists, partake in any action. Thanks are changing. Society is evolving.

Nobody is going to punish you for enjoying yourself with a woman for hire, as long as you treat her with kindness and respect. Only the prudes, the naive Americans, and the moralists will attempt to do so.

The issue is not about enjoying yourself or the native Americans.

What you think is kindness and respect is clearly NOT, according to the experts, which you are not. YOU are adding to the psychological problems of young women. If that makes you feel like you have some integrity, fine.

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