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Refusal !

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Mark, I think you misunderstand me. When I said

For the vast majority of visa applicants the whole process is swift, successful and, apart from the cost, painless.
I meant that this is because they are successful.

The Entry Clearance Statistics 2005-06 (PDF, 1.10MB) have recently been published. They show that in 2005/6 British embassies worldwide received 2,550,277 applications and refused only 473,742 (19%) of them. It is certain that some of those refusals were unjustified, but based on the refusals I have personally been involved with and those I have read about on forums such as this, most of them, based on the information presented to the ECO at the time, were correct.

What the figures don't show, unfortunately, is how many of those applications were sponsored by a British citizen. What do you reckon; 10%? 15%? More? Less?

Whatever the figure, anyone who complains to their MP about their loved one being refused a visa is likely to get advice on how to appeal or how to be better prepared next time, but that's it. The rules are not going to be relaxed simply because there are simply too few people who think that the immigration rules are too harsh; and many more who think they are too soft. MPs know this. They will feel that it is better to lose the votes of a few thousand disgruntled visa sponsors than the votes of the several million who want less immigration, not more.


Sorry but you are wrong.........The problem is that they won’t acknowledge or state what they class as a durable relationship. That’s what Solvit are looking into.

Do not be surprised if Solvit come back and say that they have investigated and you have no case, because Spain have stated what they class as a durable relationship and you don't fit the criteria.

But I wish you luck.

So the Wa**er was wrong wasn’t he! ...........It’s up to the two people as to how they feel! It shouldn’t be what some young jumped up power freak decides what HE thinks is genuine!
With the benefit of hindsight, it would appear so. But based on the information before the ECO at the time?

It is fairly obvious that the conclusion the ECO came to is that she was trying to get into the UK to continue her chosen profession. Whether you were considered as a willing accomplice or an unwitting stooge is irrelevant.

"Bar girl, who claims she is a hairdresser (how many times have I heard that this week?), wants to visit the UK with her 'boyfriend' whom she has known for all of 2 weeks (or is it 6 days? She doesn't seem very sure when questioned).

Having developed the relationship over a longer period and provided more and better evidence, such doubts in the ECO's mind would be lessened if not removed.

Okay you keep asking so without going into lengthy detail. Basically it’s because neither of us are divorced as yet.
After more than 2 years!!! Doesn't show much commitment by either of you, IMHO.
Apart from that I don’t really want to marry for the reason of obtaining a visa.
Marry her because you love her, want to commit to her and want to live in Spain with her.
People shouldn’t have to marry for the sake of a visa even though sometimes it’s the easiest or only way.
There's lots of things that people don't particularly want to do, but have to do in order to obtain what they want. It's called growing up and living in the real world.

If you don't love her enough to make that commitment, that's your choice. But you'll have to accept that you wont get the legal advantages of being married if you wont marry her.

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from PHIL

So the Wa**er was wrong wasn’t he! ...........It’s up to the two people as to how they feel! It shouldn’t be what some young jumped up power freak decides what HE thinks is genuine!

from GU22

With the benefit of hindsight, it would appear so. But based on the information before the ECO at the time?

It is fairly obvious that the conclusion the ECO came to is that she was trying to get into the UK to continue her chosen profession. Whether you were considered as a willing accomplice or an unwitting stooge is irrelevant.

No she never intended to work in a beauty salon again as she didn’t need to as I had enough money to look after her in England, and still have now!

from GU22

"Bar girl, who claims she is a hairdresser (how many times have I heard that this week?), wants to visit the UK with her 'boyfriend' whom she has known for all of 2 weeks (or is it 6 days? She doesn't seem very sure when questioned).

She was NEVER doubted or questioned regarding the duration of our relationship. There was no need as the dates of my holiday fitted in with my passport stamps! So again with all respect, you’re talking through your @rse (as usual)

from GU22

Having developed the relationship over a longer period and provided more and better evidence, such doubts in the ECO's mind would be lessened if not removed.

The evidence provided for the second application was EXACTLY the same. If you had bothered to read my post fully regarding this matter before once again talking through your @rse, you would have read that the only difference was that we had known each other longer. Which I have also said before proves that these eco’s are vindictive nasty C***s

from PHIL

Okay you keep asking so without going into lengthy detail. Basically it’s because neither of us are divorced as yet.

from GU22

After more than 2 years!!!

Doesn't show much commitment by either of you, IMHO.

As I said, I wont go into lengthy detail, so don’t make an opinion about something that you know <deleted> all about! Opinions are like belly buttons, we all have them and they’re all useless!!

from GU22

There's lots of things that people don't particularly want to do, but have to do in order to obtain what they want. It's called growing up and living in the real world.

What like robbing banks? Lying to get a visa! Well done GU22, now you’re getting the right idea!!

The rest of your pathetic comments aren’t worth wasting my time by answering! I would get a more sensible response talking to my computer.

Edited by Phil_ne_uk
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