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Beijing begins military exercise in South China Sea


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That is why boomer they are learning fast from the USA ...how does a economy like the USA sustains itself and never implodes...with so much national debt etc.

China is world economy No 2 and USA is No 1 ....both have hit the stage where neither can fail....so the market allows corrections / no implosion or downright failure

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As for the prisons and other infrastructure , this is why Philippines need help in...real help as I travel there frequently and even in Makati once you drive past the glitzy greenbelt area, the surrounding areas of Manila need a lot of improvement. There are the rich elite in Manila and also the kids using recycled water to wash their clothes etc on the streets.

Whoever was the elected President of Philippines will always have that problem as it's a lot of infrastructure development and improvement needed.

China and Philippines will recalibrate the relationship soon enough. Uncle Sam has no real $$$ to help and Uncle Japan is struggling to match the aid programs of China in the region and will play a role as they have for years in ASEAN but the Japanese have always been modest in their contributions as they are spread thin here. 

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1 hour ago, LawrenceChee said:

That is why boomer they are learning fast from the USA ...how does a economy like the USA sustains itself and never implodes...with so much national debt etc.

China is world economy No 2 and USA is No 1 ....both have hit the stage where neither can fail....so the market allows corrections / no implosion or downright failure

The national debt issues isn't that big of a deal if you research it closely.  But it makes great headline fodder for those who like stuff like this.  China, Russia, etc.

The US doesn't implode because it's a broad economy.  Not like Russia (natural resources) or China (exports).  Though 2008 was pretty bad!!!! 5555  And as we know, China is on the bubble right now.  Could go either way.  Hopefully, it will turn out well as the global economy needs it to do so.

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France said it will begin freedom of navigation operations in the SCS before the end of the year. French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian is negotiating with UK and Germany to join in patrols next year. It is now obvious the ruling in The Hague has globalised the SCS contest between CCP Dictators versus the countries of the Indo-Pacific Strategic Region to now encompass the globe.

South China Sea: The French Are Coming

July 14, 2016

By Yo-Jung Chen

The French initiative stems from a mounting concern in Europe that the aggressive Chinese expansion in the South China Sea and China’s rejection of the Permanent Court of Arbitration’s authority would constitute a serious issue for global governance and the rule of law, which will have far reaching consequences beyond Southeast Asia.

“It’s a message that France will continue to act upon, by sailing its ships and flying its planes wherever international law will allow, and wherever operational needs request that we do so,” Le Drain said in Singapore.

The French initiative was generally interpreted as a bad news for Beijing, who was already irritated by what it sees as “outside interference” by the United States and its allies in China’s territorial feuds with countries bordering South China Sea.



CCP Dictators are meanwhile continuing to draw support from Russia and the "coalition of the corrupt," from Hun Sen in Cambodia and Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe to anyone else with his hand out.

CCP Klutzes in Beijing have also just shot down their own wrongheaded position in the SCS that Japan has no business in the contest. With Russia now joining the PLA Navy in SCS joint exercises next month, Beijing can no longer holler and flap their arms at Japan that it must stay out of the SCS. Japan has been keenly interested in joining the US Navy in SCS patrols in support of the US and the Philippines and Asean in general. 

France is the only country in Europe to maintain an Indo-Pacific naval fleet, modest as it may be. It has 8000 personnel, to include frigates, multi-purpose helicopter carrier ships that can be converted to launch jet aircraft, patrol vessels, recon planes and transport planes

France has overseas territories that with mainland France itself give France the world’s second largest Exclusive Economic Zone of 11 million square kilometers, second only to the United States total EEZ. There are 1,500,000 French citizens that live in the French Indo-Pacific territories, to include 500,000 in the Pacific besides the 130,000 French nationals in various Asia-Pacific countries.

France, through various treaties and agreements, maintains a network of “strategic partnerships” with Asian countries such as Japan, China, India, Indonesia, Australia, Singapore, and Vietnam. France also has developing strategic relationships with Malaysia and New Zealand.

French navy is accustomed to transiting the SCS and Le Drian said it will now have a "regular and permanent presence there." 

The French Navy has carried out joint drills with Australian warships, with Vietnamese navy personnel off Vietnam’s coast, and joint exrcises with the Malaysian Navy.

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Publicus, your insights and details about military situations in Asia are interesting and appreciated. 

It's good to hear the French navy has taken a keen interest, though I don't want to see a military conflict flare up there - sometimes military footing is what's needed in dire situations.  At the early stages of each World War of the 20th Century, there were large groups of Americans who adamantly didn't want the US to become actively involved (while many of the same were in favor of shipping supplies to allies). 

Yet, each time, the US did enter the fighting in Europe, and each time it was proven, later, to be the smart thing to do, even considering all the sacrifices involved.  That's not to say military action is always justified, by any means.  Yet there are times when military confrontation is the right thing to do at the time.  Each scenario is unique.

As an aside:  the Trump camp trying to tarnish HRC with the abysmal mess known as Libya is really low class.  The US had little military involvement in Libya (re; the overthrow of Gadhafi).  Even more revealing about how flummoxed Trump is re; world affairs, he recently said emphatically that Russia would not go into Ukraine.  When the interviewer pointed out that Russia was already in Ukraine and had taken Crimea, Trump mumbled some weird obfuscation that even his handlers couldn't spin.  



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Meet the new CCP China.


Same as the old CCP China because now CCP Dictators have made known their intentions, plans, designs, means and methods, and their mindset. 


The Empire Strikes Back


Think China is going to accept the Hague decision on the South China Sea? Think again.


The July 28 announcement that Beijing and Moscow will be carrying out "routine" joint naval exercises in the South China Sea in September is merely the latest indication that Beijing is firmly digging in its heels on its maritime territorial claims.





For those who were holding out a glimmer of hope that the July 12 Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) ruling against Beijing over the South China Sea would temper Beijing's aggressive behavior, one thing is now crystal clear: China's past charm offensive aimed at Southeast Asia is as dead as a door-nail. Beijing has chosen the role of schoolyard bully over the mantle of being regarded as a "responsible stakeholder" by the international community.






SHOW OF STRENGTH China fires dozens of missiles during muscle-flexing naval drills as it braces for ‘cruel and short’ conflict over the South China Sea dispute


Chinese navy announces it is preparing for a 'cruel and short war' over disputed waters, after having claim dismissed by international court last month


Dazzling images shows a number of ships firing live missiles and torpedoes during the sabre-rattling exercise on Monday.



China's reaction was to hold an aw-inspiring missile display shortly after announcing joint military drills in the sea with Russia

China’s reaction was to hold a missile display shortly after announcing joint military drills in the sea with Russia next month


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Doesn't look good.  I thought the Russkies were smarter than that. 


Note:  all militaries practice to hone their people/property killing abilities.


However, practicing in drills is not the same as participating in real combat.  The US, with it's many armed conflicts is, among other things, keeping its troops and equipment honed. 


The British navy, when it sailed south to deal with the Argentinians re; the Falklands/Malvines, did rather well (and won!), but they suffered a serious 'own goal' when one of its ships mistakenly fired on another of its own ships at close range.  That's where actual battlefield experience shows itself to be more valid than drills.


Part of the reason the Russians put combat forces to work in Syria is to get some real combat experience.   Chinese haven't had any actual combat experience since ....?  Well since it invaded Tibet in the 1950's.  Correct me if I'm wrong.



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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Doesn't look good.  I thought the Russkies were smarter than that. 


Note:  all militaries practice to hone their people/property killing abilities.


However, practicing in drills is not the same as participating in real combat.  The US, with it's many armed conflicts is, among other things, keeping its troops and equipment honed. 


The British navy, when it sailed south to deal with the Argentinians re; the Falklands/Malvines, did rather well (and won!), but they suffered a serious 'own goal' when one of its ships mistakenly fired on another of its own ships at close range.  That's where actual battlefield experience shows itself to be more valid than drills.


Part of the reason the Russians put combat forces to work in Syria is to get some real combat experience.   Chinese haven't had any actual combat experience since ....?  Well since it invaded Tibet in the 1950's.  Correct me if I'm wrong.




While not wrong there are just some more up to date events involving the PLA, its Navy and its Air Force -- not much involving its recently formed Marine Corps or its Special Operations forces which, interestingly enough, are specially trained to seize islands (Senkaku in particular which are in Japan's sovereignty, and the Ryukru archepelago from Taiwan to Japan and which Japan controls to prevent the PLA Navy accessing the open western Pacific).


In 1962 PLA launched a surprise invasion into a small area of northern India. CCP wasn't looking for a war with India, but it did make a major and large scale intrusion of India which caught India completely off guard and by surprise. PLA was withdrawn back across the Line of Actual Control while the Indian armed forces were being mobilised and advancing to meet the PLA. CCP claims ownership of the northern third of India, so this continues to be a severe sore point. CCP this year has been building up its forces at the LAC with some incursions by small units of the PLA across the LAC. India last month moved a tank division to the LAC and recently had created two new divisions of mountain Infantry at the LAC. When anyone in India makes a bent out of shape reference to "the war," this is the one they're still severe about.


In 1974 and in 1988 PLA and Navy invaded the Paracels in Vietnam waters, completed the seizure in the second invasion to take complete possession of the islands, to include the well developed Woody Island. In both aggressions Vietnam navy and coast guard ships were sunk and combatants killed.


In 1979 PLA launched an all out invasion of Vietnam striking at 26 points along their border. Striking at 26 points along such a small border was absurd. PLA commanders quickly lost control and management of the invasion as their forces were bumping into each other. It took one PLA corps of several divisions 17 assaults before its infantry, tanks, artillery could capture the vital regional hub city of Lang Son. The Vietnam high command activated only reserve forces to cut PLA supply lines, thus forcing the PLA withdrawal within 30 days, while the high command held its regular army divisions at the ready around Hanoi and other major centers.  It was a military defeat of the PLA, which it did not of course admit; CCP also called it a a it strategic victory because Russia did not come to the aid of Vietnam (many say Russia didn't need to assist at any point in the invasion).


In 1989 PLA invaded Tiananmen Square to massacre masses of unarmed civilians to include student protesters who were demanding accountability in their government.



Tiananmen Square June 5, 1989



In the South China Sea, any military action would be of the air-sea nature rather than involving army or ground forces. Many people who are hostile toward the United States repeatedly point to the proliferation of  land-air engagements over past decades to try to deride US military capabilities, perseverence, courage or will. However, the US 7th Fleet has patrolled the western Pacific since it won World War II, accompanied by the 3rd Fleet which in WWII had been commanded by Fleet Admiral Wm F. "Bull" Halsey and which patrols the eastern Pacific. The two have been integrated just recently to co-operate in the Indo-Pacific Strategic Region.


The US since 2010 has had the official war or combat doctrine of Air-Sea Battle which would apply in any conflict in the SCS or the Indo-Pacific region. In recent years, US Army has been declassed and the Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps have been upclassed. Hence the Air-Sea Battle Doctrine to include space, cyberspace, undersea. The main objection by many military analysts globally, to include some at the US Naval War College, is that the Air-Sea Battle Doctrine is too aggressive in that it does not easily allow for de-escalation. Once initiated, ASB is like an 18-wheel truck at 100 mph.

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Republic of Indonesia will celebrate its Independence Day by sinking three Chinese fishing boats seized for fishing illegally in the Indonesia EEZ that is wrongfully claimed by CCP Dictators in Beijing.


The sinking will be done in waters off the Natuna Islands in the southwest of the SCS in the Indonesia EEZ. Beijing puts the waters off the Natuna Islands inside its now illegal nine-dashed line, but not the islands themselves. Indonesia strongly objects to any Chinese claim of the islands, at the islands or near the islands. Indonesia's position is now reinforced by the PCA ruling that the nine-dashed line is illegal. 


So Jakarta will sink some CCP fishing boats in the CCP claimed waters of Indonesia. CCP this week activated its militia fishing fleet of hundreds of armed and trained crew and said it will take action against any foreign fishing boats in the areas of the SCS that Beijing claims as being Chinese....


RI to mark Aug. 17 by sinking 3 Chinese fishing boats


A minister may ratchet up the already tense relations between Jakarta and Beijing to a new level with her plan to blow up three Chinese fishing boats and the dispatch of 400 Indonesian vessels to fish in waters unilaterally claimed by China.

Emphasizing Indonesia’s refusal to succumb to China’s might, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti said the three boats would be among 71 foreign fishing vessels listed to be sunk for poaching during the celebration of the 71st anniversary of Indonesian independence on Aug. 17.

Several of the vessels will be destroyed in the waters of Natuna Islands, which lie the closest to a demarcation used by China as the basis of its claim to around 90 percent of the resource-rich South China Sea — a claim rejected last week by a UN tribunal. 




Interestinger and interestinger.

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On 01/08/2016 at 8:10 PM, Publicus said:

CCP are taking all this in stride -- NOT.

Today is an anniversary day of the PLA so Oz is rather taking this PLA editorial piece as the tantrum that it is. However, CCP had already said earlier this year Oz risks getting its P-3 Orion recon plane that does SCS regular missions from Malaysia suddenly making a "drop out of the sky."

A PROMINENT state-run Chinese newspaper has launched a scathing attack on Australia and threatened to take military action over the South China Sea dispute.

August 1, 2016

The Global Times editorial piece, entitled ‘‘Paper cat’ Australia will learn its lesson’, follows the Federal Government’s decision to support an international tribunal over the South China Sea.

The piece goes on to make a direct threat to the nation, warning that if Australia physically involves itself in the South China Sea waters, our country will “be an ideal target for China to warn and strike”. The media outlet said “China must take revenge and let it (Australia) know it’s wrong”.

Just last week, China pronounced itself “very unsatisfied” with the actions of countries like Australia, warning of “serious measures” if global powers continue to oppose its development in the South China Sea. The hostile piece concludes by saying “Australia is not even a ‘paper tiger’, it’s only a ‘paper cat’ at best”.



Sooo, that's quite the lecture and scolding by the PLA shouted out at but one small errant country that will not obey the Beijing Masters of the Universe. After all, who does Australia think they are  :lol:

CCP are really beside themselves that the big fish - small fish syndrome the Chinese suffer from isn't having any impact or influence on Australia (or New Zealand). Seems the big fish up there in Beijing can't manage to open their mouth large enough to swallow up all of Australia, or even a part of it.

Only thing Beijing has in its mouth these dayze is its foot. There's no face when it looks in the mirror either.

Yes that was an interesting comment from a state run media outlet, as such a very barbed warning that received little mention in the Oz press. Australia has been a US puppet state since the 70's after a coup against an anti-US government and pretty much now joins any US war that is running. China is our largest trading partner, so provoking them does seem like a good economic idea particularly as we are basically a large mining pit with little other industry.


Thing is though, the Chinese actually recognize us for what we really are, the skinny pimply kid that feigns friendship with the school bully and uses that connection to throw his weight around. Alone we have bugger all military power and so really are a paper tiger. What does Australia have to benefit from provoking a nuclear armed power that to date has not been aggressive to us, and from which we benefit enormously in trade?


As far as I can see the South China Sea is an issue between China and Asean countries, one that has nothing to do with Australia. Australia sticking its nose in is not in our national interest in any way whatsoever, which clearly demonstrates our vassal state status.

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21 minutes ago, Rancid said:

Yes that was an interesting comment from a state run media outlet, as such a very barbed warning that received little mention in the Oz press. Australia has been a US puppet state since the 70's after a coup against an anti-US government and pretty much now joins any US war that is running. China is our largest trading partner, so provoking them does seem like a good economic idea particularly as we are basically a large mining pit with little other industry.


Thing is though, the Chinese actually recognize us for what we really are, the skinny pimply kid that feigns friendship with the school bully and uses that connection to throw his weight around. Alone we have bugger all military power and so really are a paper tiger. What does Australia have to benefit from provoking a nuclear armed power that to date has not been aggressive to us, and from which we benefit enormously in trade?


As far as I can see the South China Sea is an issue between China and Asean countries, one that has nothing to do with Australia. Australia sticking its nose in is not in our national interest in any way whatsoever, which clearly demonstrates our vassal state status.

Hmmmm....perhaps being a good citizen of the world and calling China to the carpet for their massive environmental disaster would be a good thing to do.  And perhaps because the next time, it might actually have to do with Australia.  Then when you are in need, others might not come to help.  We are part of a global society.  Standing up to bullies is the right thing to do.

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4 hours ago, Rancid said:

Yes that was an interesting comment from a state run media outlet, as such a very barbed warning that received little mention in the Oz press. Australia has been a US puppet state since the 70's after a coup against an anti-US government and pretty much now joins any US war that is running. China is our largest trading partner, so provoking them does seem like a good economic idea particularly as we are basically a large mining pit with little other industry.


Thing is though, the Chinese actually recognize us for what we really are, the skinny pimply kid that feigns friendship with the school bully and uses that connection to throw his weight around. Alone we have bugger all military power and so really are a paper tiger. What does Australia have to benefit from provoking a nuclear armed power that to date has not been aggressive to us, and from which we benefit enormously in trade?


As far as I can see the South China Sea is an issue between China and Asean countries, one that has nothing to do with Australia. Australia sticking its nose in is not in our national interest in any way whatsoever, which clearly demonstrates our vassal state status.


You're entitled to your opinion, however....


Aussies support South China Sea ops, but some wary of Trump 


Australians support conducting freedom-of-navigation operations in the South China Sea similar to those by the United States but are concerned about security ties with the U.S. under a potential Donald Trump presidency, according to a poll released Tuesday.


Asked about “China’s increasing military activities,” 74 percent of Australians favored FON operations in the South China Sea, according to the poll by the Lowy Institute for International Policy, a nonpartisan Australian think tank. Another 20 percent opposed FON operations.


“All states have a right under international law to freedom of navigation and freedom of overflight in the South China Sea and elsewhere, and that’s Australia’s position,” Foreign Minister Julie Bishop told Australian broadcaster ABC in May.





I wouldn't presume to speak to an Aussie about his history, however, Oz has followed the Union Jack for 200-plus years. Where the Brits fought, the Aussies fought, most prominently at Gallipoli in WWI when First Lord of the Admiralty in London Winston Churchill got most of the Oz army obliterated by the Ottoman Turks.   



It was due to the Suez Crisis of 1956 that UK and Oz went one way -- absolute support of the USA, while France went the opposite way of zero reliance on the USA. Recall it was President Eisenhower who busted UK and France with Israel for secretly plotting to do their disastrous invasion of Egypt after Col. Nasser had nationalised the canal. The three knew Ike would not stand for it so London, Paris and Tel Aviv surprised Ike and everyone else with an airborne invasion fiasco the furious Eisenhower called to a quick halt (and which the UK General Staff had advised against). UK Premier Anthony Eden had to take a vacation from which he never returned and France threw a croissant, er, a conniption. Oz as always saluted the Union Jack and still does -- whatever relationship exists between Oz  and USA is rooted in WW2 and the 200 and some odd years of UK lording right there with you



Your "coup against an "anti-US government" was in fact the dismissal of the government by the Governor-General of Australia who was at the time appointed by Buckingham Palace (the GG concluded his proclamation of dissolution with "God Save The Queen" which is what he'd pretty much done). It occurred in 1975 against an Oz PM who could not enact a budget (a double dissolution), one reason being he was busy being best buddy to Ho Chi Minh. America haters there still call it a coup. (Want to see a wild time, wait till CCP Dictators take control over there.)



USA btw is the largest single investor in Australia with $430 bn poured in while CCP Dictators in Beijing have managed only $21 bn in "mining pits" during their adventures in Oz. USA remains the number one investment destination of Australians. US has its largest foreign intelligence joint facility at Pine Bluff in the central outback with 24 huge dishes co-operated with the Aussie government and military. Oz a couple of months ago awarded a $40 bn contract to France for 12 new submarines and now hosts rotating US Marine Forces and Air Forces outside Darwin, soon to include the B-1 stealth bombers.


Your post would be accepted by the CCP Dictators in Beijing, my post would not be accepted by the censoring and punishing CCP.

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Looks like CCP Dictators in Beijing and their PLA and Navy haven't had much if any impact in their threats to "strike" Australia if it sends ships into the SCS. 


Australia has been sending its P8-3 Posidon U.S. made recon aircraft on regular intelligence gathering missions over the South China Sea for more than a year, from Anderson Air base in Malaysia, which has asked Canberra for assistance in coping with the belligerents that are the CCP.  



AUSTRALIA could be about to send military assets into the South China Sea to spy on China and Russia.



Australia could be employing military assets to spy on China and Russia next month.

Royal Australian Navy guided missile cruisers underway in the South China Sea February 14, 2016. Eight missile launcher tubes are visible at the bulkhead of the lead warship. 



Fairfax Media understands Australia will be employing military assets in the area to spy on China and Russia’s forces and collect vital information, which includes seeing how effectively they are cooperating together.


Retired Royal Australian Navy rear admiral James Goldrick said it would "certainly be worthwhile" to observe the drills. Planes or ships would not need to get too close, but rather could observe from over the horizon and pick up signals and radar signatures. 


“We can send a couple of aircraft up — one or two planes is not going to make any difference. If Australia is to send warships [and submarines] through the South China Sea, as they fairly routinely do, they won’t be muscling up to China too much, and if they did it would be part of a large coalition.





CCP just a few days ago told Australia and Australians what Beijing thinks of 'em....


The unofficial mouthpiece of the ruling Communist Party of China also called Australia a "paper cat" and a country with an "inglorious' history."



"Australia is not even a 'paper tiger,' it is only a 'paper cat' at best," the editorial said.



"Australia was at first an offshore prison of the U.K. and then became its colony, a source of raw materials, overseas market and land of investment," the paper said. "This country was established through uncivilized means, in a process filled with the tears of the aboriginals."






Still looking we are for that elusive and now completely non-existent peaceful and genteel rising China. The Party Dictators in Beijing are instead dealing in the SCS piecefully.

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It's probably nothing...




B-1 bombers will deploy to Guam for first time in a decade

“The B-1 units bring a unique perspective and years of repeated combat and operational experience from the Central Command theater to the Pacific,” the release said. “They will provide a significant rapid global strike capability that enables our readiness and commitment to deterrence, offers assurance to our allies, and strengthens regional security and stability in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region.”
We hear that Guam is lovely this time of year...:whistling:
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Analysts recommend 2nd US aircraft carrier for Far East

"China’s growing assertiveness and increasingly capable air, naval and missile forces reinforce the need for more U.S. Naval forces in the region, especially carrier strike groups, the report said. “A larger demonstration of U.S. will and capability is necessary for deterrence and reassurance purposes,” said the report, which added the Navy should examine the steps needed to move a second carrier strike group to the Far East. One possible location would be Yokosuka Naval Base in Japan."
It's more than the NORKS lobbing sabos into the Sea of Japan...betcha:thumbsup:
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58 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Analysts recommend 2nd US aircraft carrier for Far East

"China’s growing assertiveness and increasingly capable air, naval and missile forces reinforce the need for more U.S. Naval forces in the region, especially carrier strike groups, the report said. “A larger demonstration of U.S. will and capability is necessary for deterrence and reassurance purposes,” said the report, which added the Navy should examine the steps needed to move a second carrier strike group to the Far East. One possible location would be Yokosuka Naval Base in Japan."
It's more than the NORKS lobbing sabos into the Sea of Japan...betcha:thumbsup:

You're probably right!  This would cause a reaction:



TAIPEI, Taiwan — Guam is within China’s military strike reach with new missiles and bomber aircraft capabilities that demonstrate China’s continued efforts to neutralize America’s ability to come to the aid of its allies and friends in the region, according to a May 10 report by the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC).


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No question the long term plan since Mao is to control and dominate the SCS to include militarily. Same concerning the East Sea against Japan, South Korea, Taiwan. 


UNCLOS came along in the meantime, however, CCP Party Boyz in Beijing never considered it as a possible factor, which only proves what klutzes they are because now things have become increasingly heated as a contest between the rule of law or the diktats of CCP emperors in business suits.

China Builds military hangers in disputed South China Sea islands

Last Updated: Tuesday, August 9, 2016 - 11:08



Japanese and US Naval Intelligence believe these Chinese fishing boats to be Chinese fishing militia underway to the Senkaku Islands of Japan in the East Sea, August 5th.



Washington: Despite losing its case at an international court in The Hague, China appears in no mood to let go of its claims in the disputed South China Sea.


The New York Times reported that recent satellite photographs – made public by the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) think tank - show China having built reinforced aircraft hangars on its holdings in the Spratly Islands.

The hangars constructed on Fiery Cross, Subi and Mischief Reefs, part of the Spratly Islands have room for any fighter jet in the Chinese air force. "They are far thicker than you would build for any civilian purpose," Gregory Poling, director of CSIS's Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, told the Times. "They're reinforced to take a strike."





Washington and the rest of the region are paying close attention to where in the SCS joint naval maneuvers will occur in September involving elements of the PLA Navy and the Russian Navy. Neither have Beijing nor Moscow said where in the SCS the exercises will be held, exactly when, involving what ships or fleet(s), whether the actions will be live fire etc.


The concern by Asean and USA, Japan, Australia and the region is whether the joint naval exercises might be held near, at, or in the Spratlys for example. And whether any of the new artificial islands built on reefs there might have their runways used, or any port capabilities utilised. Or whether the exercises might be held in or near the Paracels of Vietnam. Several nations claim the Spratlys, the Philippines most notably which got strong support by the PCA Tribunal of the Spratlys being in the Phils EEZ.


Most previous PLA Navy maneuvers in SCS have been near Hainan Island, which is the base of the PLA Navy South Fleet (one of three PLA Navy fleets). If that is where the exercises occur, then no one in the region would become concerned. But if they exercises might be held near, at or among disputed sea features, such as those named in the news article, then US and others would likely consider it provocative.


Meanwhile. PLA Air Force bombers and fighter jets are flying over the Sea during the past ten or so days to include disputed features, and Chinese militia fishing boats are swarming in the East Sea at the Senkaku Islands of Japan which have been in dispute for decades, but which had had a heated period from 2009-13 that had fallen quiet -- until now.


Japanese naval intelligence meanwhile reported detecting a PLA Navy radar facility on a CCP drilling rig in the East Sea which is suitable as only a naval radar system and or naval radar weapons targeting system.

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On 8/5/2016 at 6:36 PM, craigt3365 said:


The THAAD defensive anti-missile system that Seoul will get from USA next year will neutralise CCP missiles short range, medium range, ballistic. It will deny CCP any offensive missile capability against the US military in the region, against S Korea, Japan, to include Guam, Asean, Australia/NZ -- the whole of the region. (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense.)


The Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense system pictured here provides the ballistic missile defense system with a globally transportable, rapidly deployable capability to intercept and destroy ballistic missiles inside or outside the atmosphere during its final phase of flight, according to DoD’s Missile Defense Agency website. Lockheed Martin photo

The Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense system pictured here provides the ballistic missile defense system with a globally transportable, rapidly deployable capability to intercept and destroy missiles inside or outside the atmosphere. Missile Defense Agency/Lockheed Martin photo



President Obama approved the THAAD sale and deployment last month after Seoul's very hard pursuit of THAAD since last year. CCP Dictators in Beijing had spoken strongly and stridently against it to both Seoul and to Washington. Both Seoul and Washington told Xi Jinping to instead put the arm to Kim Jong Un but Xi has shown that is an impossibility for him.


THAAD being installed in southern S Korea demolishes three decades of CCP missile development, construction, deployment. It reestablishes control by the US, allies, strategic partners, of the vital First Strategic Island chain of the Pacific -- southern Japan, Taiwan, Philippines to Singapore.


Those 1100 missiles on the CCP mainland aimed at Taiwan may as well be sent to the scrap metal yard. THAAD also provides a more instant warning to US anti-ballistic missile defenses in Alaska to terminate a strategic missile attack from China or Russia. Kim Jong Fat isn't at all pleased either about his chances any more.


Xi and the Boyz are furious. So the Russians are coming to exercises with PLA Navy in the SCS in September. CCP keeps it up the noose will only get tighter.

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On 8/5/2016 at 5:27 PM, Boon Mee said:

It's probably nothing...




B-1 bombers will deploy to Guam for first time in a decade

“The B-1 units bring a unique perspective and years of repeated combat and operational experience from the Central Command theater to the Pacific,” the release said. “They will provide a significant rapid global strike capability that enables our readiness and commitment to deterrence, offers assurance to our allies, and strengthens regional security and stability in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region.”
We hear that Guam is lovely this time of year...:whistling:


THAAD means no rain of CCP missiles which also means endless sunshine on Guam.


Kim Jong Fat has painted himself into a corner.


Xi Jinping now has to figure out what to do with those tens of thousands of useless missiles. Swords to ploughshares? Probably not.


So the B-1 owns the skies over all of East Asia to include deep into the China mainland. Coming soon also to Australia at the base outside Darwin on the SCS and a stone's throw from the PLA South Fleet at Hainan Island and also mainland southern China.


Still, the CCP are slow to learn. It takes 'em a hundred years just to figure out tomorrow's weather. They really do need to do better to try to keep up. Catch up to the modern world.

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On 03/08/2016 at 9:50 AM, Rancid said:

Yes that was an interesting comment from a state run media outlet, as such a very barbed warning that received little mention in the Oz press. Australia has been a US puppet state since the 70's after a coup against an anti-US government and pretty much now joins any US war that is running. China is our largest trading partner, so provoking them does seem like a good economic idea particularly as we are basically a large mining pit with little other industry.


Thing is though, the Chinese actually recognize us for what we really are, the skinny pimply kid that feigns friendship with the school bully and uses that connection to throw his weight around. Alone we have bugger all military power and so really are a paper tiger. What does Australia have to benefit from provoking a nuclear armed power that to date has not been aggressive to us, and from which we benefit enormously in trade?


As far as I can see the South China Sea is an issue between China and Asean countries, one that has nothing to do with Australia. Australia sticking its nose in is not in our national interest in any way whatsoever, which clearly demonstrates our vassal state status.

I do have a big grin when reading this post !   :)
Australia has been a US puppet since the 70's ?  Well, I wouldn't put it that far, but I see what you mean.

China is Australia's biggest trading partner ?  Well, yes. What percentage of Australia's exports go to China ?  What percentage of Australia's imports are from China ?  I suppose Britain and Walmart are not the only countries that import a stack of Chinese goods.  :)

  " What does Australia have to benefit from provoking a nuclear armed power that to date has not been aggressive to us, and from which we benefit enormously in trade? "    You're right, about zero.

An interesting question would be, would Australia prefer to move closer to China ?

Okay, Australia is far away from the South China Sea, but another country, the Philipines, is far closer and more involved in the South China Sea.
Okay, here'a a link from a newspaper.   https://asiancorrespondent.com/2016/08/u-s-govt-summons-philippines-envoy-duterte-hurls-insults-ambassador/


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4 minutes ago, tonbridgebrit said:

I do have a big grin when reading this post !   :)
Australia has been a US puppet since the 70's ?  Well, I wouldn't put it that far, but I see what you mean.

China is Australia's biggest trading partner ?  Well, yes. What percentage of Australia's exports go to China ?  What percentage of Australia's imports are from China ?  I suppose Britain and Walmart are not the only countries that import a stack of Chinese goods.  :)

  " What does Australia have to benefit from provoking a nuclear armed power that to date has not been aggressive to us, and from which we benefit enormously in trade? "    You're right, about zero.

An interesting question would be, would Australia prefer to move closer to China ?

Okay, Australia is far away from the South China Sea, but another country, the Philipines, is far closer and more involved in the South China Sea.
Okay, here'a a link from a newspaper.   https://asiancorrespondent.com/2016/08/u-s-govt-summons-philippines-envoy-duterte-hurls-insults-ambassador/


Yeah, so what's happening ?
The Phils leader said “Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana and I talked to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. He was okay. I had a rift with his ambassador (Philip Goldberg), his gay ambassador. He meddled during the elections, giving statements. You’re not supposed to do that. That son of a bitch really annoyed me,” .   Man actually said that.  Washington didn't like it, and summoned the Filipino envoy to clarify the comments.

What's the bigger picture ?  The new Phils leader, he knows Washington needs the Phils more than the Phils needs Washington. Washington is desperate for an excuse or reason to do some action on the South China Sea. This macho display of military hardware, it needs to be done on behalf of somebody. In this case, on behalf of the Philipinnes. And the Phils, they know that they might get a better deal by being with Beijing rather than Washington, hence, Duterte has decided to antagonise Washington in this way.

Yeah, Australia being a Washington puppet is a bit over-doing it. But the Phils being a puppet previously, well, that's far more true.
Come on, Washington, get real, you're beginning to clutch at straws. You're trying to make it look like that ASEAN is backing you on this macho display of military ships and planes.

We all know that YOU only do stuff IF it benefits YOU.  The latest scheme is to sell that THAAD stuff to the Asian countries. How many billions do you stand to make ? Why don't you show that you're more interested in peace, rather than profit, by selling the stuff at a deep discount price ?  You're suppose to be trying to arm Vietnam, that other country involved in this South China Sea thing. Vietnam needs you ??  They don't have big money, lets see you arm Vietnam at a discount price.   :)

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Vietnam is taking the military lead among Asean states in presenting a serious challenge to the unrelenting aggressions of the CCP Dictators in Beijing throughout the SCS.


Unidentified as yet intelligence sources revealed today VN has stationed Israeli made offensive missiles on several features in the Spratlys during recent months. The discovery was made because the missile batteries technologies are at the stage of being activated by Hanoi "in two or three days."



Israeli made and US partially-funded Extra mobile compact guided missile weapons

platform bought by Vietnam and deployed by Hanoi in the Spratly archipelago of

Vietnam during recent months according to as yet unidentified intelligence reports

which say the system will be activated in a few days.



The commander of the VN military in Hanoi said the report is "inaccurate" but that VN has the right to defend its sovereign territory to include the Spratlys....


Vietnam fortifies its islands with rocket launchers in South China Sea


Several islands controlled by Vietnam in the South China sea have been fortified with mobile rocket launchers, which are able to strike the Chinese military bases in the region.


Reports suggest that Hanoi had shipped the launchers from the Vietnamese mainland into positions on five bases in the islands in recent months.


The launchers, recently acquired from Israel, are said to be part of Vietnam’s ‘Extra rocket artillery’ system, a range of 150 km (93 miles) that can carry 150 kg warheads and attack multiple targets at once.




The Extra rocket weapons platform is capable of striking targets on the land and against ships at sea.


Judging by these military analysts in Australia and in UK it seems Vietnam is determined to stand up against the CCP aggressions and belligerence in the SCS as it affects VN own territories. So this is a game-changer, as it were...


Carl Thayer, an expert on Vietnam's military at the Australian Defence Force Academy, said the deployment showed the seriousness of Vietnam's determination to militarily deter China as far as possible.


"China's runways and military installations in the Spratlys are a direct challenge to Vietnam, particularly in their southern waters and skies, and they are showing they are prepared to respond to that threat," he said. "China is unlikely to see this as purely defensive, and it could mark a new stage of militarization of the Spratlys."


Trevor Hollingsbee, a former naval intelligence analyst with the British defense ministry, said he believed the deployment also had a political factor, partly undermining the fear created by the prospect of large Chinese bases deep in maritime Southeast Asia.




The little dragon VN has never really feared the big dragon and the Chinese know this, so they will respond.


A pressing question in Washington and regional allied capitals is where and to what extent the PLA Navy and Russian Navy joint exercises will occur in the SCS next month, and exactly when. No specific dates or locations of the joint exercises have been announced by either Beijing or Moscow. If the exercises are near, at, or in the Spratlys, things could get hairy. Same concerning the Paracels in the VN EEZ or the Scarborough Shoal in the Philippines EEZ and which Washington told CCP is positively off limits to 'em, to not go there.


The involvement of Israel in the SCS disputes on the side of US allies or strategic partners such as VN and Singapore does suggest a US involvement behind the scenes. In the 1990s, for instance, a team of Israeli military advisors were invited by Singapore to devise a military defense strategy for the island city-state. The result is military conscription in Singapore and the 4th best navy in the Indo-Pacific region and the best air force of Asean. Singapore provides bases for the US Navy and Singapore recently constructed at its own expense a full docking facility to receive USN aircraft carriers and escort ships.


President Obama in his three-day visit to VN several months ago lifted the lethal arms embargo on Hanoi that had been in effect for several decades. The Extra weapons platform is definitely a lethal weapons platform, as CCP well know, as does everyone else in the region.

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On 03/08/2016 at 2:41 PM, Publicus said:


You're entitled to your opinion, however....


Aussies support South China Sea ops, but some wary of Trump 


Australians support conducting freedom-of-navigation operations in the South China Sea similar to those by the United States but are concerned about security ties with the U.S. under a potential Donald Trump presidency, according to a poll released Tuesday.


Asked about “China’s increasing military activities,” 74 percent of Australians favored FON operations in the South China Sea, according to the poll by the Lowy Institute for International Policy, a nonpartisan Australian think tank. Another 20 percent opposed FON operations.


“All states have a right under international law to freedom of navigation and freedom of overflight in the South China Sea and elsewhere, and that’s Australia’s position,” Foreign Minister Julie Bishop told Australian broadcaster ABC in May.



I wouldn't presume to speak to an Aussie about his history, however, Oz has followed the Union Jack for 200-plus years. Where the Brits fought, the Aussies fought, most prominently at Gallipoli in WWI when First Lord of the Admiralty in London Winston Churchill got most of the Oz army obliterated by the Ottoman Turks.   


Publicus, what are you trying to do ?   :)

Okay, this time round, you're trying to tell an Australian that his country is backing Washington far more than what it really is.  That report, so 74% support freedom of navigation operations. By the way,  one fifth (20%) of Australians are AGAINST this present macho display of American military ships.  And those who support the freedom of navigation operations, that don't mean to say that they support firing a few missiles to dismantle the Chinese dots.

You, you come along here and make it look like that ASEAN is fully against China on this. When you start saying that Thailand is dead against China, well, that's when we know you're spreading non-accurate information. We can see Thailand with our own eyes. It's just that you paint a false picture regarding Vietnam and the Phils, people might believe it. Paint a false picture, exaggerate Australia's desire to fight a war with Washington, well, that's when Australians know it's all drivel.

A small note, Britain doesn't want to fight a war alongside Washington in Syria.  Parliament voted against it, even though Britain did get involved. Nobody is interested in firing a few missiles at them Chinese dots to dismantle them,  it's only a few war-mongers in Washington who might want to.

Can YOU please, at this point,  say that you are against firing any missiles at any Chinese dots, missiles will only be fired IF China fires first ??

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20 hours ago, Publicus said:


President Obama approved the THAAD sale and deployment last month after Seoul's very hard pursuit of THAAD since last year. CCP Dictators in Beijing had spoken strongly and stridently against it to both Seoul and to Washington. Both Seoul and Washington told Xi Jinping to instead put the arm to Kim Jong Un but Xi has shown that is an impossibility for him.


THAAD being installed in southern S Korea demolishes three decades of CCP missile development, construction, deployment. It reestablishes control by the US, allies, strategic partners, of the vital First Strategic Island chain of the Pacific -- southern Japan, Taiwan, Philippines to Singapore.


Those 1100 missiles on the CCP mainland aimed at Taiwan may as well be sent to the scrap metal yard. THAAD also provides a more instant warning to US anti-ballistic missile defenses in Alaska to terminate a strategic missile attack from China or Russia. Kim Jong Fat isn't at all pleased either about his chances any more.



"THAAD being installed in southern S Korea demolishes three decades of CCP missile development, construction, deployment. "

What on earth is this ?  Beijing has not got missiles aimed at South Korea, how on earth can THAAD in South Korea undo or demolish three decades of Beijing's missile development ?   :)
By the way, South Korea is importing a stack of Chinese goods, it's not just Walmart that is buying Chinese stuff. Beijing is not threatening South Korea, Beijing just wants to export it's goods.  Oh, so THAAD is in South Korea. Now, yes, North Korea, North Korea has missiles aimed at South Korea. Now we're talking.

Okay, so no need for South Koreans to worry about Kim's nukes, because, because THAAD will blow up Kim's nukes before they reach South Korea ?  Let's tell the American soldiers in South Korea that there's no need for them to worry about being blasted by a nuke. Hey, THAAD will protect them.  Is it okay if Washington can sell THAAD (at a discount price) to Britain ?  I mean, supposedly, Russia has nukes aimed at Britain and Europe.   :)



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16 minutes ago, tonbridgebrit said:

Publicus, what are you trying to do ?   :)

Okay, this time round, you're trying to tell an Australian that his country is backing Washington far more than what it really is.  That report, so 74% support freedom of navigation operations. By the way,  one fifth (20%) of Australians are AGAINST this present macho display of American military ships.  And those who support the freedom of navigation operations, that don't mean to say that they support firing a few missiles to dismantle the Chinese dots.

You, you come along here and make it look like that ASEAN is fully against China on this. When you start saying that Thailand is dead against China, well, that's when we know you're spreading non-accurate information. We can see Thailand with our own eyes. It's just that you paint a false picture regarding Vietnam and the Phils, people might believe it. Paint a false picture, exaggerate Australia's desire to fight a war with Washington, well, that's when Australians know it's all drivel.

A small note, Britain doesn't want to fight a war alongside Washington in Syria.  Parliament voted against it, even though Britain did get involved. Nobody is interested in firing a few missiles at them Chinese dots to dismantle them,  it's only a few war-mongers in Washington who might want to.

Can YOU please, at this point,  say that you are against firing any missiles at any Chinese dots, missiles will only be fired IF China fires first ??


You, you come along here and make it look like that ASEAN is fully against China on this


CCP Dictators in Beijing are hell-bent on demolishing the UNCLOS and Asean. In each instance, CCP have the support of Asean member states Cambodia and Laos. No other member state supports CCP, either quietly or openly.



When you start saying that Thailand is dead against China, well, that's when we know you're spreading non-accurate information.


Present where I said that. I did not say that. It is another of your million concoctions in your own muddled head, which are both tiring and monotonous. So given you do this in 90% of your every post, kindly visit here   http://www.readingrockets.org/reading-topics/reading-comprehension


I presented one among many MSM reports of PM Gen. Prayuth as keynote speaker at the regional forum for defense ministers in Singapore several months ago saying the rule of international law must apply in the SCS and that the Asean proposed Document on the Conduct of the Parties on the South China Sea, opposed by CCP using Hun Sen and Laos, needs to be the legally binding mutually agreed instrument of regional cooperation. (Since the PCA ruling, CCP have begun to make noises in this direction, however, nothing concrete.)



those who support the freedom of navigation operations, that don't mean to say that they support firing a few missiles to dismantle the Chinese dots.


Correct. Now tell us something we do not know...however, I won't hold my breath on that.



Can YOU please, at this point,  say that you are against firing any missiles at any Chinese dots, missiles will only be fired IF China fires first ??


Everyone is opposed to this except the fenqing in the CCP who are the lunatic nationalist ethnic supremacists. Here's a statement by one Chinese fenqing taken from a CCP website....


The Chinese Nation will rise in this century to reclaim its status of the preeminent nation that it had enjoyed for thousands of years throughout human history but lost in the last 150 years, whether you like it or not, whether through peace or war.

Hopefully, it will be achieved through peaceful development, together with the rest of the nations and the world; however, if war is forced upon China by evil warmongers in order to derail Chinese nation's development and its rise, the Chinese Nation will go all the way to the nuclear armageddon with you -- Live Free or Die! Yes, indeed.



At first I'd thought that was someone crossing a bridge too far, but then I looked at it again to see it was an actual CCP fenqing in China.

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8 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:

What's the bigger picture ?  The new Phils leader, he knows Washington needs the Phils more than the Phils needs Washington. Washington is desperate for an excuse or reason to do some action on the South China Sea. This macho display of military hardware, it needs to be done on behalf of somebody. In this case, on behalf of the Philipinnes. And the Phils, they know that they might get a better deal by being with Beijing rather than Washington, hence, Duterte has decided to antagonise Washington in this way.

Yeah, Australia being a Washington puppet is a bit over-doing it. But the Phils being a puppet previously, well, that's far more true.
Come on, Washington, get real, you're beginning to clutch at straws. You're trying to make it look like that ASEAN is backing you on this macho display of military ships and planes.

We all know that YOU only do stuff IF it benefits YOU.  The latest scheme is to sell that THAAD stuff to the Asian countries. How many billions do you stand to make ? Why don't you show that you're more interested in peace, rather than profit, by selling the stuff at a deep discount price ?  You're suppose to be trying to arm Vietnam, that other country involved in this South China Sea thing. Vietnam needs you ??  They don't have big money, lets see you arm Vietnam at a discount price.   :)


Washington wants nothing more than for China to back off.  Peacefully.  And abide by the law.  I can guarantee you, Americans don't want another war.  And one with China will never happen.


As for being puppets, no country is a puppet.  They can, and do, what they want.  Most countries do what benefits them personally. Makes sense.

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China miscalculated big time.  They thought they could sneak in and take some tiny islands and shoals, that the int'l community would be annoyed - but they calculated (wrongly) that annoyance would all blow away on the next sea breeze.  It hasn't.  China is creating a serious arms build-up there.  Not only its own weapons/radar systems, but it's creating a magnet for other countries' build-up.   Saber rattling by any other name is still saber rattling.


Beijing will ultimately lose and be forced to retreat back to China.  Will it be quick or (as is happening now) drawn-out?  No one knows.  But it will be painful and expensive for those involved.  .....and painful for peripheral players also, such as manufacturers, bankers, insurers, shippers, migrants, etc.   War is never confined to just the combatants.  And there's always environmental harm when there are military clashes.  


However, in rare cases there are environment gains, as in the DMZ between the Koreas.  Sightings of deer and other native beasts there are heartening, though some may trigger land mines once in awhile.





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Craigt opines; "Washington wants nothing more than for China to back off.  Peacefully.  And abide by the law.  I can guarantee you, Americans don't want another war.  And one with China will never happen.


As for being puppets, no country is a puppet.  They can, and do, what they want.  Most countries do what benefits them personally. Makes sense."


I somewhat agree with most of your opening paragraph.  However, no one can say a war involving US and China will never happen.


Second paragraph, I don't agree.  Some countries are puppets of other countries. As regards the SCS debacle, Cambodia and Laos are puppets of China.   I could elaborate further, but it would entail too much typing, and I need to get started on breakfast.  

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