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Father of boy knocked off motorbike: "Police only doing their job"


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Recently witnessed an event where police were providing traffic control outside a large school exit. An individual riding a motorcycle at speed chose to ignore a request to stop and instead weaved thro a group of young girls who were in the process of crossing the road.One girl spun on her feet but did not appear to be significantly struck. He got about 50 metres past before a Policeman who gave chase on a CBR 300 and riding alongside used his left hand to force the escapee into the curb. Once stationary the idiot actually fell over with his bike. When he got up he was obviously extremely drunk and possibly more because although appearing to be at least mid 30's he burst into tears.

A second police officer also quickly approached on foot and I noticed that he kept his hand on his revolver.Due to the queue of cars I was in being permitted to continue what ensued after I was not able to see but I hope he at very least was made to walk home towing his piece of sh.t bike backwards.

I have to say I was impressed with the very quick response to what was a very potentially dangerous act.

And these police provide this school protection morning and afternoon every schoolday in wind rain or shine.

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Lucky he wasn't shot in the back like some other motorcyclist was before.

Now we're talking.

He did not stop when indicated by the checkpoint officers to STOP like so often you see young Thai "thugs" on motorcycles just giving the checkpoint officers the finger and speed right on.

As you can see daily on the News from the US people get shot for actions similar and I often wonder why Thai Police in a country as gun crazy as Thailand, don't pull their gun, and of course shoot the perpetrator in the back, wherever can they shoot a person speeding away on a motorcycle???

While on the subject of not stopping, it will be interesting to see how things are going to work on RR-7 AH-123 AH-19 when the surveillance cameras are going to operated with all the speed maniacs who will be directed to the parking area at the Tollgates to be issued with a speeding ticket and associated fine. Or maybe as in Europe the ticket will be mailed to the offender's home address and when not taken care of within 14-days ultimately will run up against the wall at time of registering for following year registration certificate at the Department of Motor vehicles Office. There the offender can do all the running away in the world. BUT without a new registration certificate to attache visually from the outside of the vehicle, while the fine will keep increasing, issuing of arrest warrant and impounding of motor vehicle. DMV has the Home Address of the offender so the issuing authority knows exactly where to go to issue it and proceed accordingly.

Biding my time to see how this system is going to work in Thailand.

Don't worry not holding my breath.

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So, TV 'correspondents' have been complaining that the police need to do something about the fighting college kids. The police, just as TV ‘correspondents’ would demand, set up checkpoints to see if any likely suspects, like the 19 year old in this case, are carrying weapons (knives, bombs, guns etc). This particular 19 year old is in a hurry and doesn’t stop when asked, saying he didn’t know that a policeman gesturing him to stop meant that he had to stop. Instead of just letting him ignore the order the police try to force him to stop, just as TV ‘correspondents’ would expect them to do instead of standing around like limp flowers.

And when they do their job, just as TV ‘correspondents’ expect of them, they still get criticised.

True, they often act carelessly and dangerously, but what happens in your country if you drive past a checkpoint? Hmm?

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That's a scary amount of brown nosing, not to mention stupidity from the father

"He said that the police did not hit his son - his face collided with the policeman's hand as he tried to stop him in the course of his duty. "

Yeah, right.

Why do you both think it is not OK for cops to use force to stop someone from breaching a checkpoint?

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YES let's blame the police forget the fathers statement he must be stupid after all he is a THAI and we can't belive Thais on here can we. Don't stop at any check points and who cares. Then when police do there job and stop people oh dear police are so wrong. Get a life you load of tossers

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That's a scary amount of brown nosing, not to mention stupidity from the father

"He said that the police did not hit his son - his face collided with the policeman's hand as he tried to stop him in the course of his duty. "

Yeah, right.

Why do you both think it is not OK for cops to use force to stop someone from breaching a checkpoint?

I never said any such thing (and I think you missed out the word reasonable in your "explanation" of what happened).

I am expressing doubt at the veracity of this explanation of events.

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Stupid is as stupid does. Remember the climate in which we live today. In the US if he ran a checkpoint he would be dead with a hundred rounds from a police automatic rifle. Having said that, on the other side of the coin, In the US, it's very common for people's faces, mostly black peoples', to accidentally hit police car doors, batons, police fists, sidewalks, and to step in front of moving bullets. Read about Freddie Gray. Read today's news from the US. But at least our times are changing with the advent of smartphones and incontrovertible video evidence. At least our police our now being brought to trial. Reading these stories is like reading punchlines to a comic panel. And the "reporters" are pretty cute in their attempts to sound literate. We have a thing which we call a "Tom Swiftie", a badly constructed piece of contrived grammar made famous by a series of kids' books featuring a character named Tom Swift. Here is our present author's example - "I would like to remind the public if they see a checkpoint to please slow down and cooperate," he added helpfully. So in a Tom Swiftie contest we would say such things as "that's a sharp knife" he said pointedly. You can see that this writer has been intimidated into supporting the police view lest he/she face consequences for "defamation". It appears there is an epidemic of the brown nose syndrome. Still, compared to the US, I prefer Thailand. We know how things work, TIT, and the way things work in the US has little to offer folks like me

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Just what do you expect to happen to someone who fails to stop at a police checkpoint? Do you think the BIB would blow kisses and wave him goodbye?

I think the main issue here is the lack of straight talking from the father and police rather than who's right or wrong.

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Bukkhalo Police eh. That's some bad bacon there. They excell at many things . Planting evidence, beating confessions out of innocents, lying in court, inadvertently laughing about setting up teenagers to collect bonuses while within earshot of their parents. An unholy corrupt bunch. if ever there was one.

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Almost half of the motocy drivers won't stop at all, no matter what. They turn 180 degrees and drive against traffic. Ones who do get stopped just pull up again and escape.

They police makes it very easy to escape.

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""I would like to remind the public if they see a checkpoint to please slow down and cooperate," he added helpfully." Or perhaps it should have read "hopefully"?

The whole incident is a prime example of "saving face" by all concerned. No pun intended.

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Lucky he wasn't shot in the back like some other motorcyclist was before.

Really? Never heard that one. They shot an unarmed man in the back?

The policeman said he shot into the air, however, that didn't explain the bullet hole in the back of the drivers heads, even their forensic expert argued the cop shot the kid, it was not possible if he had shot into the air.

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