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Barack Obama still liked around the world, survey suggests


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Obama is reviled overseas. Definitely not 'well liked'!

...he didn't get the name Drone Ranger for his actions that led to his Peace Prize! laugh.png

It's appears that you can't read too well. Try the OP with a dictionary.

Yes, "round the world" in highly-socialistic countries, that is. And c'mon, Kenya!?

The BBC article, HERE, did not provide a full list of the countries and included a "survey suggests" in the title.

It's the blatant propaganda I'm having trouble with - which I don't need a dictionary to translate.

The fact that Russia was the only country with a huge disapproval doesn't encourage me either.

Obama is what he is and what that is has become very obvious over the past eight years to American citizens that have "skin in the game" other than Federal and State welfare checks.

The BBC article, HERE, did not provide a full list of the countries and included a "survey suggests" in the title.

Given your error-ridden opinions,, it doesn't surprise me that you are completely averse to doing a data search. In the BBC article it says globe scan did the poll. So I did a search using these "words globescan poll obama favorability worldwide"

Here's the link. https://www.google.co.th/search?sourceid=chrome-psyapi2&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8&q=globescan%20poll%20obama%20favorability%20worldwide&oq=globescan%20poll%20obama%20favorability%20worldwide&rlz=1C1CHFX_enTH691TH691&aqs=chrome..69i57.12918j0j7

The fact that Russia was the only country with a huge disapproval doesn't encourage me either.

Putin and Trump being such good friends, I'm not surprised by your lack of encouragement.

News flash: Opinions are often "error-ridden" in someone else's opinion, but I didn't desire to go any deeper than the OP itself. Or maybe I was simply having a Jingthing moment.

If a Google search was necessary to determine the referenced Globescan poll, then they obviously didn't want to identify it exactly nor list the countries. They did take the time and space to display a very large picture of a waving Obama, however. Does that tell you anything?

Thanks for the link, BTW. However, you provided a link to the wrong poll! Didn't you look at it?

This is the link to the Globscan poll that undoubtedly was the subject of the BBC article.

If you had actually looked at the poll content, you would have seen that the USA was among the countries with the lowest marks (53% approval - near Turkey, Germany and China)!

Something that the BBC failed to mention in the article (propaganda piece).

Isn't what the USA thinks its own President important?

Oh, that's right it was a world wide poll so the US doesn't count, right?

As to your "error-ridden opinions" I'm not a Trump supporter and anything that has transpired between Putin and Trump and made it to the media, as far as I'm concerned, is electioneering propaganda, similar to the BBC article.

Here is the primary chart for the Globscan poll from the above link:


Why don't you go do something useful like find your password or something,OK?

Edited by MaxYakov
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So people in other countries like President Obama.

That isn't necessarily a good thing.

If the coach of your team is popular with fans of other teams then he is probably doing something wrong.

I wasn't aware that Canada and Australia are teams opposed to the USA.

You obviously don't know many Canadians or Aussies.

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Don't know where that survey came from but Barry is definitely not the flavor of the day nor has he been for quite some time:

How World Fell Out of Love with Obama...


Obama is an unmitigated disaster of Biblical proportions...facepalm.gif

...apologies to mopar71 - didn't see his earlier post.smile.png

Edited by Boon Mee
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Barry Obama. Right.

I almost forgot, he is an illegal alien, gay, muslim being paid big bucks to take away the guns, destroy America, lock everybody up in FEMA Camps and stay president for life!

Boon Mee has it all figured out....

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Don't know where that survey came from but Barry is definitely not the flavor of the day nor has he been for quite some time:

How World Fell Out of Love with Obama...


Obama is an unmitigated disaster of Biblical proportions...facepalm.gif

...apologies to mopar71 - didn't see his earlier post.smile.png

Some journalists interviews some people and draws generalizations from it. This is your idea of good data?

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Well, when the NY Times starts to turn on Barry, the end can't be far off, eh? whistling.gif

Libs Accuse NY Times of Racism Over Dowd Calling Obama, ‘Barry’; Wage #PresidentObamaNotBarry Hashtag War

"The most liberal of mainstream newspapers, The New York Times, is being race-shamed by Obama sycophants for having the temerity to run a column by Maureen Down in which President Barack Obama is referred to by the name he used until he was a young adult: Barry."


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Barry Obama, right. The double agent muslim terrorist that ran for president.

I've seen that website. Good stuff Boon Mee.

Most people don't know this, but Barry was actually married to a Pakistani man.


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It's appears that you can't read too well. Try the OP with a dictionary.

Yes, "round the world" in highly-socialistic countries, that is. And c'mon, Kenya!?

The BBC article, HERE, did not provide a full list of the countries and included a "survey suggests" in the title.

It's the blatant propaganda I'm having trouble with - which I don't need a dictionary to translate.

The fact that Russia was the only country with a huge disapproval doesn't encourage me either.

Obama is what he is and what that is has become very obvious over the past eight years to American citizens that have "skin in the game" other than Federal and State welfare checks.

The BBC article, HERE, did not provide a full list of the countries and included a "survey suggests" in the title.

Given your error-ridden opinions,, it doesn't surprise me that you are completely averse to doing a data search. In the BBC article it says globe scan did the poll. So I did a search using these "words globescan poll obama favorability worldwide"

Here's the link. https://www.google.co.th/search?sourceid=chrome-psyapi2&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8&q=globescan%20poll%20obama%20favorability%20worldwide&oq=globescan%20poll%20obama%20favorability%20worldwide&rlz=1C1CHFX_enTH691TH691&aqs=chrome..69i57.12918j0j7

The fact that Russia was the only country with a huge disapproval doesn't encourage me either.

Putin and Trump being such good friends, I'm not surprised by your lack of encouragement.

News flash: Opinions are often "error-ridden" in someone else's opinion, but I didn't desire to go any deeper than the OP itself. Or maybe I was simply having a Jingthing moment.

If a Google search was necessary to determine the referenced Globescan poll, then they obviously didn't want to identify it exactly nor list the countries. They did take the time and space to display a very large picture of a waving Obama, however. Does that tell you anything?

Thanks for the link, BTW. However, you provided a link to the wrong poll! Didn't you look at it?

This is the link to the Globscan poll that undoubtedly was the subject of the BBC article.

If you had actually looked at the poll content, you would have seen that the USA was among the countries with the lowest marks (53% approval - near Turkey, Germany and China)!

Something that the BBC failed to mention in the article (propaganda piece).

Isn't what the USA thinks its own President important?

Oh, that's right it was a world wide poll so the US doesn't count, right?

As to your "error-ridden opinions" I'm not a Trump supporter and anything that has transpired between Putin and Trump and made it to the media, as far as I'm concerned, is electioneering propaganda, similar to the BBC article.

Here is the primary chart for the Globscan poll from the above link:


Why don't you go do something useful like find your password or something,OK?

About error-ridden. So you didn't write this? Yes, "round the world" in highly-socialistic countries, that is Was your computer hacked by some anonymous right wing poster?

If you had actually looked at the poll content, you would have seen that the USA was among the countries with the lowest marks (53% approval - near Turkey, Germany and China)!

Something that the BBC failed to mention in the article (propaganda piece).Really? More errors: "In the US itself, whose views are not included in the global average, a majority remains pro-Obama after his two terms, though narrower than in 2012 (53% today, down 5 points). "

And honestly, you think it's a bad thing that Obama is disapproved of by Russians? The fact that Russia was the only country with a huge disapproval doesn't encourage me either. Maybe he should have sent Russia a bouquet when it invaded the Ukraine? Or when it threaten the Baltic and Scandinavian states. Well, when Trump gets elected, he and Putin can cement their friendship and have a get-together in the new Russian province of Estonia. I'm sure the Russian people will adore Trump. And that's a good thing, right?

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Barry Obama, right. The double agent muslim terrorist that ran for president.

I've seen that website. Good stuff Boon Mee.

Most people don't know this, but Barry was actually married to a Pakistani man.


His name really is Barry Soetoro - so says Barack Obama

Barack Obama speaking at the Cambridge Public Library. Recorded on September 20,1995.

More here: http://israel-commentary.org/?p=11939

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Obama is reviled overseas. Definitely not 'well liked'!

...he didn't get the name Drone Ranger for his actions that led to his Peace Prize! laugh.png

Nothing like tossing out a brash, 180 degree wrong statement with no source to back it up. Let me guess, Breitbart?

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Barry Obama. Right.

I almost forgot, he is an illegal alien, gay, muslim being paid big bucks to take away the guns, destroy America, lock everybody up in FEMA Camps and stay president for life!

Boon Mee has it all figured out....

You forgot Marxist, as in Marxist muslim with no US birth certificate. He sure is doing a lousy job in taking away those guns. 8-)

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Obama is reviled overseas. Definitely not 'well liked'!

...he didn't get the name Drone Ranger for his actions that led to his Peace Prize! laugh.png

Nothing like tossing out a brash, 180 degree wrong statement with no source to back it up. Let me guess, Breitbart?

Guess you missed this:

How World Fell Out of Love with Obama...

Please try to keep up?

There's a good lad! smile.png

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The dream like bizarro world of wingnuttia where conspiracy theories are reality, everyone needs a gun and they all believe Cheeto Jesus is coming to save them clap2.gif

Obama's popularity will grow as his accomplishments are framed in light of trying to govern with a congressional majority that was dedicated to his destruction. That's all going to end come November along with a split Supreme Court.

It's all over but the shouting..

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Barry Obama, right. The double agent muslim terrorist that ran for president.

I've seen that website. Good stuff Boon Mee.

Most people don't know this, but Barry was actually married to a Pakistani man.


His name really is Barry Soetoro - so says Barack Obama

Barack Obama speaking at the Cambridge Public Library. Recorded on September 20,1995.

More here: http://israel-commentary.org/?p=11939

Thanks for that clip. Did you actually watch it? Give it a try if you didn't.

I am so proud that my country elected that man president.

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Barry Obama, right. The double agent muslim terrorist that ran for president.

I've seen that website. Good stuff Boon Mee.

Most people don't know this, but Barry was actually married to a Pakistani man.


His name really is Barry Soetoro - so says Barack Obama

Barack Obama speaking at the Cambridge Public Library. Recorded on September 20,1995.

More here: http://israel-commentary.org/?p=11939

You seem incapable of learning.


For those of you who don't know, this is about some fake id card that was reportedly used by Obama at Columbia University under the name of Barry Soetoro. And also references claims that he's really an Indonesian citizen.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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Obama is reviled overseas. Definitely not 'well liked'!

...he didn't get the name Drone Ranger for his actions that led to his Peace Prize! laugh.png

Nothing like tossing out a brash, 180 degree wrong statement with no source to back it up. Let me guess, Breitbart?

Guess you missed this:

How World Fell Out of Love with Obama...

Please try to keep up?

There's a good lad! smile.png

No doubt, you didn't actually read the Politico article (gosh you must have choked having to quote from Politico, right?). It opened with a strong headline but then maybe four countries show disappointment, among them the Ukraine, which steadfastly is hoping for Hillary and not Trump to take the reigns in November.

Meanwhile, back in reality, virtually all of the EU and the four major Asia Pacific countries show strong confidence for President Obama. Source: June 29, 2016 Pew Research's global attitudes (link included to help you keep up).

As Obama Years Draw to Close, President and U.S. Seen Favorably in Europe and Asia

Few overseas confident that Trump can handle foreign policy

President Obama: 77% confidence

Hillary Clinton: 59% confidence

Donald Trump: 85% NO confidence


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There is some significant trolling in this topic so don't be surprised if you find yourself on suspension. If you don't wish to be on suspension, then stay on topic, please.

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Obama is reviled overseas. Definitely not 'well liked'!

...he didn't get the name Drone Ranger for his actions that led to his Peace Prize! laugh.png

Nothing like tossing out a brash, 180 degree wrong statement with no source to back it up. Let me guess, Breitbart?

Guess you missed this:

How World Fell Out of Love with Obama...

Please try to keep up?

There's a good lad! smile.png

No doubt, you didn't actually read the Politico article (gosh you must have choked having to quote from Politico, right?). It opened with a strong headline but then maybe four countries show disappointment, among them the Ukraine, which steadfastly is hoping for Hillary and not Trump to take the reigns in November.

Meanwhile, back in reality, virtually all of the EU and the four major Asia Pacific countries show strong confidence for President Obama. Source: June 29, 2016 Pew Research's global attitudes (link included to help you keep up).

As Obama Years Draw to Close, President and U.S. Seen Favorably in Europe and Asia

Few overseas confident that Trump can handle foreign policy

President Obama: 77% confidence

Hillary Clinton: 59% confidence

Donald Trump: 85% NO confidence


Boon Mee is a regular at posting things without reading them, only to find they actually refute the points he attempts to make.

It's part of what makes him a TV comedy sidekick.


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Isn't it comical that the only so-called 'surveys' that rate Barry popular around the world are far left of center and don't take into account the numbers of Drone Kills he's initiated?

Guess why that's the reason he's acquired the moniker "Drone Ranger", eh? smile.png



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Isn't it comical that the only so-called 'surveys' that rate Barry popular around the world are far left of center and don't take into account the numbers of Drone Kills he's initiated?

Guess why that's the reason he's acquired the moniker "Drone Ranger", eh? smile.png



Drone Ranger? I like it.

It's true, Obama has killed more terrorists (including Bin Laden) than any President.

Remember when he was running for president? He said he would even go into Pakistan to hunt down terrorists. And he did.

People think that's a good thing. That is why he is popular.

Are you getting it?

Edited by Buzzz
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Isn't it comical that the only so-called 'surveys' that rate Barry popular around the world are far left of center and don't take into account the numbers of Drone Kills he's initiated?

Guess why that's the reason he's acquired the moniker "Drone Ranger", eh? smile.png



Got some proof that these surveys are "far left of center"

And what does that even mean that they don't "take into account the number of Drone Kills he's initiated"?

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