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why democracy does not allow us to become a nationalist ?

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suppose that 90% of the population in a town or province are not interested into multiculturalism and they want to keep their heritage, language, religion and race, I don't see any problems about that since democracy is meant to serve people's interests and choices and not vice versa, I don't know why the global elites successfully created a system where multiculturalism is imposed on the population while any form of national identity or pride is condemned, why Mecca is not governed by a christian ?? and I am afraid that a national popular revolt is going to erupt very soon.


You need to tead a bit of history and inwardly digest.

The arguments you make were used by means of democratic election to deliver Germany into the hands of Hitler and his National Socialist German Workers Party.


That asside, I doubt you have any but the slightest understanding of how much of 'your culture' has been imported from overseas.

You might get a clue by flicking through the Oxford English dictionary and finding out where the words of the English language come from.

The English are mongrals, speaking a mongral language and living in a mongral culture.


You need to tead a bit of history and inwardly digest.

The arguments you make were used by means of democratic election to deliver Germany into the hands of Hitler and his National Socialist German Workers Party.


That asside, I doubt you have any but the slightest understanding of how much of 'your culture' has been imported from overseas.

You might get a clue by flicking through the Oxford English dictionary and finding out where the words of the English language come from.

The English are mongrals, speaking a mongral language and living in a mongral culture.

We 've heard this argument dozen of times, What's wrong with having a homogeneous Western culture? Seems to me such a successful culture in the past and present should be preserved.

The outcome of the last Austrian election and the obvious vote rigging is an illustration of the power of the globalist imposing the multicultural migration agenda that has been designed to enslave us all,The only people to benefit from this are those in positions of power, Multiculturalism brainwashing is is one of the worst things in the globalist agenda, this is a machine for manufacturing idiots !!


There is no such thing as a homogeneous western culture, there never was and there never will be.

Your comment about idiots was superfluous.


You need to tead a bit of history and inwardly digest.

The arguments you make were used by means of democratic election to deliver Germany into the hands of Hitler and his National Socialist German Workers Party.


That asside, I doubt you have any but the slightest understanding of how much of 'your culture' has been imported from overseas.

You might get a clue by flicking through the Oxford English dictionary and finding out where the words of the English language come from.

The English are mongrals, speaking a mongral language and living in a mongral culture.

From another perspective surely forcing a population into multiculturism if they dont want to is no different to a form of facism as well ?


No such thing as Democracy , it is Opium for the masses , same same religion .coffee1.gif


No such thing as Democracy , it is Opium for the masses , same same religion .coffee1.gif

Exactly open borders are an economic weapon used against the natives, The governments are ignoring the immigration problem because a group of mafia criminals have taken over our governments, their goal is to divide and conquer, by flooding our countries with mass immigrants, corporations are provided with slave-laborers who have NO rights.
Whether you like it or not the future belongs to those who accept the sharing and exchange.

Your concepts refer to the dark times, before the quick and easy travel, before television showing different models, each of which can draw before the Internet of course.

Deny this reality is to condemn oneself to be less than those who want to discover different worlds to acquire more knowledge.


The model you suggest exist. There is Iran.


No such thing as Democracy , it is Opium for the masses , same same religion .coffee1.gif

Exactly open borders are an economic weapon used against the natives, The governments are ignoring the immigration problem because a group of mafia criminals have taken over our governments, their goal is to divide and conquer, by flooding our countries with mass immigrants, corporations are provided with slave-laborers who have NO rights.

I'm glad you raise the very important issue of workers rights.

The only deregulation being discuused so far by pro-Brexit MPs are attacks on worker's rights: get rid of minimun pay, get rid of maternity leave, get rid of the working hours directive, get rid of anti discrimination laws wrt to employment.


you confuse democracy with majority. Given the OP opinion, if a majority of his countrymen decided to find him and kick his ass, it would be a just and democratic act.

Lucky for him Democracy is the will of the majority, tempered by a constitution, laws, norms and mores .


With the world population increasing at an alarming rate and the radical Muslims belief in multipal wives and rape of anyone they can get their hands on, it is not surprising that those who wish to destroy Europe are fulfilling their conquest. The EU supports massive immigration of Muslims one should expect to confront an ultimatum to convert to Islam or die. Now they are surprised that these religious fanatics are not converting to Christianity, Islam does not/cannot assimilate. It demands, instead, your submission.

Unless Europe's leaders come to their senses, millions of Brits, French, and Germans will soon be the refugees escaping from violent Sharia oppression.


When was the last time you saw a doctor?

10 years I predicted the imminent fall of the EU because of Romania and Bulgaria and it happened accurately, now the Paris bombing has reconfirmed my prediction, watch out when in 10 years all western nations will be invaded by jihadists keeping opening the borders and voting for idiots like Clinton.


When was the last time you saw a doctor?

10 years I predicted the imminent fall of the EU because of Romania and Bulgaria and it happened accurately, now the Paris bombing has reconfirmed my prediction, watch out when in 10 years all western nations will be invaded by jihadists keeping opening the borders and voting for idiots like Clinton.

You perhaps need to make another appointment.

  • 2 weeks later...

you confuse democracy with majority. Given the OP opinion, if a majority of his countrymen decided to find him and kick his ass, it would be a just and democratic act.

Lucky for him Democracy is the will of the majority, tempered by a constitution, laws, norms and mores .


Most established Democracies have systems in place to protect society from becoming a tyranny of the majority.

On July 9, 2016 at 4:05 AM, GuestHouse said:

You need to tead a bit of history and inwardly digest.
The arguments you make were used by means of democratic election to deliver Germany into the hands of Hitler and his National Socialist German Workers Party.
That asside, I doubt you have any but the slightest understanding of how much of 'your culture' has been imported from overseas.
You might get a clue by flicking through the Oxford English dictionary and finding out where the words of the English language come from.
The English are mongrals, speaking a mongral language and living in a mongral culture.

"[You] need to read a bit of history," digest.... perhaps [you] won't then be so incorrect. The arguments you use were used by the post war Fabian progressives to deliver the west into a post war utopia, minus the cohesive glue [they] argued caused the past debacle. This the incessant post war push to a mythical fraternity.  comparing this process with natural evolutions of cultures is fraudulent  

The fact is, "I doubt you have any understanding..." ...one was the natural but unfortunate evolution of a state and people the other contrived social engineering. The latter a conspiracy of 1/2 truths by failed communist victors, socialists, and one-worlders to impose by coercion a deliberate dissolution of a people. It was based entirely on theory, fiat...since it's never been done in human history.

=socialism couched in need or response. Crisis=Solution

Hard to see where 1. Forced cultural marriage as a solvent to prevent war is essentially the obverse of what they argue they oppose. It's morally different from nazism only in scale, not end results and 2. [You] might get a clue... that the natural evolutions of people's and states and cultures are equipped with the mechanisms of time, honesty, and water naturally seeking its own level. Comparing a melting pot society as London or New York as a snapshot in time of multiculturalism is disingenuous. This has been happening into antiquity. But this is NOT what is happening today. 

Your choice to isolate a particular aspect of the UK and its people and associate England, it's people, culture and language with a dog may have appeared to you to have intellectual value but your entire lead up makes clear, you were building to insult, not some false intelligent observation. You've offered nothing correct above, and only slandered a people below. I doubt you "have a clue."


Democracy is not equal with the majority of voters imposing their will on the others.
The majority of voters can sometimes take wrong decisions, for example in bringing Hitler to power in Germany, or the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
So the people's right to self-determination is sometimes conflicting with democracy.

And democracy is also a concept used by Western governments when it suits them. All protest Russia's annexion of Crimea, but there has been a referendum in Crimea and I haven't heard anyone arguing that the poll results were wrong...

Also, the concept of democracy has been, and is still being, "enriched" with other things that are now sold in the same package, such as political correctness, anti-discrimination, anti-racism, multiculturalism, feminism, etc. Some people even advocate animal rights.
There is a question of balance in all this, how much of the above do we want and how much of it does society really need?

Is it being anti-democratic to wish that countries would stop distributing passports to illegal immigrants or to newborn simply because they were born with the national boundaries?
Or to wish that only foreigners without a criminal record and able to speak the language can apply for citizenship?
I don't think so.

On July 9, 2016 at 7:30 AM, marcofunny said:

You need to tead a bit of history and inwardly digest.

The arguments you make were used by means of democratic election to deliver Germany into the hands of Hitler and his National Socialist German Workers Party.

That asside, I doubt you have any but the slightest understanding of how much of 'your culture' has been imported from overseas.

You might get a clue by flicking through the Oxford English dictionary and finding out where the words of the English language come from.

The English are mongrals, speaking a mongral language and living in a mongral culture.



We 've heard this argument dozen of times, What's wrong with having a homogeneous Western culture? Seems to me such a successful culture in the past and present should be preserved.


The outcome of the last Austrian election and the obvious vote rigging is an illustration of the power of the globalist imposing the multicultural migration agenda that has been designed to enslave us all,The only people to benefit from this are those in positions of power,  Multiculturalism brainwashing is is one of the worst things in the globalist agenda, this is a machine for manufacturing idiots !!

He's deliberately conflating the contrived with the natural process of civilization. There's zero in the human record as precedence. No, it's not much different then national socialism. Only the degree of excess differs or, more acutely, the injury is spread more broadly onto larger populations. Multiculturalism as a contrived agenda can never supplant 'cosmopolitan' because it's the product of deficient mentality. It will fail and countkess will be injured in the collapse. 

After, people's will again willfully or not freely associate as they are inclined, rather then by fiat and decree. It's evil because it's imagined in a dark mind.

59 minutes ago, arjunadawn said:

"[You] need to read a bit of history," digest.... perhaps [you] won't then be so incorrect. The arguments you use were used by the post war Fabian progressives to deliver the west into a post war utopia, minus the cohesive glue [they] argued caused the past debacle. This the incessant post war push to a mythical fraternity.  comparing this process with natural evolutions of cultures is fraudulent  

The fact is, "I doubt you have any understanding..." ...one was the natural but unfortunate evolution of a state and people the other contrived social engineering. The latter a conspiracy of 1/2 truths by failed communist victors, socialists, and one-worlders to impose by coercion a deliberate dissolution of a people. It was based entirely on theory, fiat...since it's never been done in human history.

=socialism couched in need or response. Crisis=Solution

Hard to see where 1. Forced cultural marriage as a solvent to prevent war is essentially the obverse of what they argue they oppose. It's morally different from nazism only in scale, not end results and 2. [You] might get a clue... that the natural evolutions of people's and states and cultures are equipped with the mechanisms of time, honesty, and water naturally seeking its own level. Comparing a melting pot society as London or New York as a snapshot in time of multiculturalism is disingenuous. This has been happening into antiquity. But this is NOT what is happening today. 

Your choice to isolate a particular aspect of the UK and its people and associate England, it's people, culture and language with a dog may have appeared to you to have intellectual value but your entire lead up makes clear, you were building to insult, not some false intelligent observation. You've offered nothing correct above, and only slandered a people below. I doubt you "have a clue."

So I was wrong, Hitler and the Nazi's did not gain power via a democratic election.

Except of course...they did.



1 hour ago, GuestHouse said:

So I was wrong, Hitler and the Nazi's did not gain power via a democratic election.

Except of course...they did.

Strawman. I never said they did not.

1 minute ago, arjunadawn said:

Strawman. I never said they did not.

No you went off on your own strawman argument in response to my earlier post but I didn't bite. 



Thw old story about the nazis goes like this:


First they came for the jews, but i did not worry because i was not a jew.

Then they next came for the communists, but i did not worry because i was not a communist.

Then they came for the homosexuals, but i was not a homosexual.

Then they came for the christians, but again Ii was not worried.

Finally they came to take away anyone else they didn't like, and i looked around for anyone to help me.

But by then there was no help from the police or the law.....because all the honest people had already ben taken away.

But i supect you csn't understsnd thst story.


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