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SURVEY: What effect will Brexit have on Thailand?


SURVEY: What effect will Brexit have on Thailand?  

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SURVEY: What effect will Brexit have on Thailand?

The recent decision of the UK to leave the EU has generated discussion about the effect on other nations. There have been discussions about the value of the currency, tourism and residents from the UK living in Thailand and there are possible implications for trade with both the UK and the EU. What effect, if any, do you believe that Brexit will have on Thailand?

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Edited by Crossy
Fixed the spelling before the grammar nazis start.
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Between now and the two years The UK,s dead line to leave the big money bets is that they Wont Go.A large number of people voting to leave are now "crawfishing" after waking up and finding out what the results might lead to.So will Brexit even happen ? Maybe.

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Between now and the two years The UK,s dead line to leave the big money bets is that they Wont Go.A large number of people voting to leave are now "crawfishing" after waking up and finding out what the results might lead to.So will Brexit even happen ? Maybe.

That's a good question.

The constitutional law experts and law academics are debating furiously over whether the Referendum result can be action by prerogative, i.e. the PM presses the button or whether it needs to be debated and action only after an Act of Parliament. So far, from the ones I've read, it's about 80% for the latter.

However, if Leadman wins the PM vote, as a hardline Brexit campaigner she has said she will trigger article 50 at once. May is suggesting she's not be so hasty whilst saying the referendum result must be respected.

A third option would be to go to a general election with each party manifesto stating their position on Europe. The labor and liberal parties, the SNP, Plaid Cymru and Ulster parties would all likely campaign to remain in EU. The Tories would be split and their bitter in fighting would probably cost them the election. They know this so are trying to avoid that option at all costs.

The hard right and their backers will try and ram the exit through as quickly as possible. But, as is clearly evident, they have no plans whatsoever on how to deal with any of this, with the EU or potential fragmentation in the UK. Leadman herself, interviewed after the result, send this was now a time to sit back and plan. In other words she didn't have one but still wants to trigger article 50 anyway.

48% of those who polled did not want to leave. 28% didn't vote. My ballot papers never arrived in Thailand. The referendum act passed to allow this referendum did not stipulate what the winning margin must be or what % of the electorate must vote. On such an important decision, that lack of detail is appalling. 52% voted to leave, and now many are saying they were misled. Certainly some Brexit politicians have been found out lying, misrepresenting the facts and making massive promises which they've immediately u-turned on.

Quite frankly this shows the ineptitude and self interest of a large number of politicians up for what they are. And these are the people elected to makes decisions for us,

One thing is becoming clear, people across Britain are becoming fed up with a political system that simply no longer represent them or makes decisions in their best interests.

Less than 40% of the electorate voted for the current Tory government. Now less than 40% of the electorate have voted to leave the EU, a monumental decision that will impact the lives of future generations. And politicians campaigning were allowed to lie and misrepresent and now done a runner, no doubt soon to resurface in some lucrative private corporate appointment.

The real issue now is that the UK is in a constitutional crisis, created by in fighting among rich Tories from very elite backgrounds, some of whom want to convince us they should be allowed to carry on running the country as they see fit.

What will happen - no idea, but it's going to be a very very bumpy and unpleasant several years. And all because Cameron couldn't control the other ex public school boys.

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Between now and the two years The UK,s dead line to leave the big money bets is that they Wont Go.A large number of people voting to leave are now "crawfishing" after waking up and finding out what the results might lead to.So will Brexit even happen ? Maybe.

Of course it will happen your living in cloud cuckoo land if you belive it won't. Or is that wishing it wont

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i only see this as a good thing,there will be less Poms in Pattaya,but the downside is,the ones that are already there will be cadging beers where ever they can as the pension will be less than before.I do pity those who have had a fixed pension for years and years,no CPI rise is wrong.

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Between now and the two years The UK,s dead line to leave the big money bets is that they Wont Go.A large number of people voting to leave are now "crawfishing" after waking up and finding out what the results might lead to.So will Brexit even happen ? Maybe.

That's a good question.

The constitutional law experts and law academics are debating furiously over whether the Referendum result can be action by prerogative, i.e. the PM presses the button or whether it needs to be debated and action only after an Act of Parliament. So far, from the ones I've read, it's about 80% for the latter.

However, if Leadman wins the PM vote, as a hardline Brexit campaigner she has said she will trigger article 50 at once. May is suggesting she's not be so hasty whilst saying the referendum result must be respected.

A third option would be to go to a general election with each party manifesto stating their position on Europe. The labor and liberal parties, the SNP, Plaid Cymru and Ulster parties would all likely campaign to remain in EU. The Tories would be split and their bitter in fighting would probably cost them the election. They know this so are trying to avoid that option at all costs.

The hard right and their backers will try and ram the exit through as quickly as possible. But, as is clearly evident, they have no plans whatsoever on how to deal with any of this, with the EU or potential fragmentation in the UK. Leadman herself, interviewed after the result, send this was now a time to sit back and plan. In other words she didn't have one but still wants to trigger article 50 anyway.

48% of those who polled did not want to leave. 28% didn't vote. My ballot papers never arrived in Thailand. The referendum act passed to allow this referendum did not stipulate what the winning margin must be or what % of the electorate must vote. On such an important decision, that lack of detail is appalling. 52% voted to leave, and now many are saying they were misled. Certainly some Brexit politicians have been found out lying, misrepresenting the facts and making massive promises which they've immediately u-turned on.

Quite frankly this shows the ineptitude and self interest of a large number of politicians up for what they are. And these are the people elected to makes decisions for us,

One thing is becoming clear, people across Britain are becoming fed up with a political system that simply no longer represent them or makes decisions in their best interests.

Less than 40% of the electorate voted for the current Tory government. Now less than 40% of the electorate have voted to leave the EU, a monumental decision that will impact the lives of future generations. And politicians campaigning were allowed to lie and misrepresent and now done a runner, no doubt soon to resurface in some lucrative private corporate appointment.

The real issue now is that the UK is in a constitutional crisis, created by in fighting among rich Tories from very elite backgrounds, some of whom want to convince us they should be allowed to carry on running the country as they see fit.

What will happen - no idea, but it's going to be a very very bumpy and unpleasant several years. And all because Cameron couldn't control the other ex public school boys.

Very intereseting and accurate view of the events,..THX for posting.

I quote you in the following phrase,..

"Quite frankly this shows the ineptitude and self interest of a large number of politicians up for what they are. And these are the people elected to makes decisions for us,"

"One thing is becoming clear, people across Britain are becoming fed up with a political system that simply no longer represent them or makes decisions in their best interests."

I think this goes for most politicians all over the world, not all, but most !!

Best regards.Off Road Pat,

I wish the best to all my British friends.

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Between now and the two years The UK,s dead line to leave the big money bets is that they Wont Go.A large number of people voting to leave are now "crawfishing" after waking up and finding out what the results might lead to.So will Brexit even happen ? Maybe.

If that happened there would be a lot of very angry people that actually thought their vote counted,even though it was non-binding.Too late now,you had your chance and stuffed it.

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I think a lot of Brexiteers made a protest vote ! Well the poltical system in the UK is now in a dismal state and will hopefully have to reform. In quite an unexpected way the protest Brexiteers may already have achieved their wishes. Those who voted for out on the basis of immigration are almost certainly going to be disappointed wheher or not Article 50 is invoked.

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There was trade before the EU, and there will be trade in the future. The problem is the

EU will want to make a clear example of the UK to quell the other countries that have

many Euro skeptics. It would all be easier if the Netherlands, Switzerland, Norway,

Denmark, Italy, Spain, Portugal, left/joined with the UK and formed a trading union, as it

should be. Not a social experiment. Anyone who thinks the USA is a bully should

look at the EU. The EU is a bully that needs to be balanced out. Just my opinion. coffee1.gif

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While the vote to exit from the EU may have been a protest on the part of many voters, I do agree with some of the posters that the EU is too much of the New World Order venue for the good of Europe and Great Britian in particular. What sort of rule is it that a centralized government in Brussells dictates what lawn-mower is efficient or what toaster to use for the good of the environment? Unelected officials in Brussells dictating policy for the whole of Europe is ridiculous. Honestly, is this not what the whole of The Continent wished to avoid being under with the Nazis and the Soviet Union?

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The EU is a sham, it s the biggest scam of the 21th century, If the EU was good for Europe, there wouldn't be any need to deceive the populace into it, the EU is a upgraded version of the old Soviet Union, Destroyers of Nations, I am glad Britain went out.

As an example of what is coming, Greece is currently being raped by the likes of Goldman Sachs, they need to get a decent government, get out of the EU and default on their loans. Nations such as us could support them by purchasing their goods, taking holidays there etc, and similar for all escapees, that way a peoples Europe can be re-established and the Remanent of the EU could go f*** itself !

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I should imagine it will have virtually no discernible effect. The pound will bounce around for a few months, but the dust will settle soon enough.

Even if a few British pensioners are sufficiently close to the line to be forced out of Thailand, that is hardly going to have a noticeable effect on a nation of 65 million+.

Now if the Baht were to find its real value.....

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I should imagine it will have virtually no discernible effect. The pound will bounce around for a few months, but the dust will settle soon enough.

Even if a few British pensioners are sufficiently close to the line to be forced out of Thailand, that is hardly going to have a noticeable effect on a nation of 65 million+.

Now if the Baht were to find its real value.....

clap2.gif clap2.gif Now if the Baht were to find its real value.....thumbsup.gifclap2.gif

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Between now and the two years The UK,s dead line to leave the big money bets is that they Wont Go.A large number of people voting to leave are now "crawfishing" after waking up and finding out what the results might lead to.So will Brexit even happen ? Maybe.

If that happened there would be a lot of very angry people that actually thought their vote counted,even though it was non-binding.Too late now,you had your chance and stuffed it.

There will be an equally angry lot of people who realize that they have been lied to and deceived by the brexit politicians and wish they had not voted to leave.

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Between now and the two years The UK,s dead line to leave the big money bets is that they Wont Go.A large number of people voting to leave are now "crawfishing" after waking up and finding out what the results might lead to.So will Brexit even happen ? Maybe.

If that happened there would be a lot of very angry people that actually thought their vote counted,even though it was non-binding.Too late now,you had your chance and stuffed it.

Don't forget that a referendum is not binding and The UK leaders can just ignore it.

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It will be unfortunate for the Brits if their money fluctuate like any other country welcome to our world of incertitude and some day pension is good money and some very poor on the exchange.

It is like anything else when you leave home you are on your own and have to cope with come at you.

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You are wrong.

Ireland was asked three times by the 23 unelected corrupt bureaucrats in Brussels to join the European Union and the euro currency,and twice they voted with a resounding No, but this did not deter the corrupt ones they just poured billions of euros into the economy and bought the Yes vote.

And this was from a bunch of Bureaucrats who gave earlier assurances to the wider Europe that No meant No, and Yes meant yes

Subsequently Ireland joined up, ( can't blame them suddenly over night they became wealthy with many many becoming seriously wealthy, ) but it was not to last, The corrupt ones pulled the plug and Ireland went bust just like the Greeks.

It was the perfect coup de grace,raise the people up to get what you want and then slam them down again for daring to step outside of the slavery imposed on them by Brussels and each countries political ne'er - do - well elite.

If the political elite of England try to ignore the will of the people you can take it as read that there will be blood on the streets.

Suddenly the men of Britain became men and the women of Britain grew a set of balls and we all voted

To justify the sacrifice of those brave men and women who died in two world wars fighting the dominance of Germany by making Britain GREAT again.

I am very proud of the 19,295,000 fellow country men and women who voted out, and once we get rid of the carnage caused by Carney and the verbal diarrhoea of Osbourne who should be ashamed of himself we will fly high once again on the world markets.

It has already started and it will continue with ever increasing speed.

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Brexit is just the catalyst which will tear the EU apart.

The UK has dodged a bullet. FTSE's up and getting stronger. The City will thrive, exports will increase, but a weaker Sterling will hurt savers.

Getting out of the Soviet EU will become an obsession for an increasing number of Europeans as they realise that unemployment, bankruptcy and Sharia Law are not the European values they signed up for.

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Between now and the two years The UK,s dead line to leave the big money bets is that they Wont Go.A large number of people voting to leave are now "crawfishing" after waking up and finding out what the results might lead to.So will Brexit even happen ? Maybe.

Obviously wishful thinking from a ''pro European''.

The remainers are still stoking the same fear after the vote as prior, get over it, people voted to leave the. Within 10 years there will probably;y be no Europe as we see it today, best to leave first.

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To protect the rich and powerful, vast resources will be wasted to keep the Baht strong. This combined with the weakening of most currencies (except the USD) will result in plummeting exports and diminishing returns from tourism.

Perhaps a resurgence of US tourists may occur, but their domestic economy is in a shambles, so this is not a reliable source of revenue. You can basically halve or worse, total revenues from the EU as their economy crashes and burns.

To maintain numbers it looks as though authorities will encourage tourism from developing countries, certainly large numbers are attainable. Problem is that on a street level, these folks don't bring much joy. Everyone from fashion designers, to jewellers, real estate developers and bar girls will be forced to lower their standards to get their business. Get ready for the big ugly. This in turn will alienate wealthy tourists, even from developing countries. A small number of exclusive, very secure and expensive resorts may manage their way through an environment resembling something between the wreck of the Hesperus and Bopol.

At some point the unofficial peg holding the Baht will snap and ricochet. Suddenly Thailand will become damned cheap, which will cause it to rebound, on the proviso it has not yet become too nasty.

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Between now and the two years The UK,s dead line to leave the big money bets is that they Wont Go.A large number of people voting to leave are now "crawfishing" after waking up and finding out what the results might lead to.So will Brexit even happen ? Maybe.

That's a good question.

The constitutional law experts and law academics are debating furiously over whether the Referendum result can be action by prerogative, i.e. the PM presses the button or whether it needs to be debated and action only after an Act of Parliament. So far, from the ones I've read, it's about 80% for the latter.

However, if Leadman wins the PM vote, as a hardline Brexit campaigner she has said she will trigger article 50 at once. May is suggesting she's not be so hasty whilst saying the referendum result must be respected.

A third option would be to go to a general election with each party manifesto stating their position on Europe. The labor and liberal parties, the SNP, Plaid Cymru and Ulster parties would all likely campaign to remain in EU. The Tories would be split and their bitter in fighting would probably cost them the election. They know this so are trying to avoid that option at all costs.

The hard right and their backers will try and ram the exit through as quickly as possible. But, as is clearly evident, they have no plans whatsoever on how to deal with any of this, with the EU or potential fragmentation in the UK. Leadman herself, interviewed after the result, send this was now a time to sit back and plan. In other words she didn't have one but still wants to trigger article 50 anyway.

48% of those who polled did not want to leave. 28% didn't vote. My ballot papers never arrived in Thailand. The referendum act passed to allow this referendum did not stipulate what the winning margin must be or what % of the electorate must vote. On such an important decision, that lack of detail is appalling. 52% voted to leave, and now many are saying they were misled. Certainly some Brexit politicians have been found out lying, misrepresenting the facts and making massive promises which they've immediately u-turned on.

Quite frankly this shows the ineptitude and self interest of a large number of politicians up for what they are. And these are the people elected to makes decisions for us,

One thing is becoming clear, people across Britain are becoming fed up with a political system that simply no longer represent them or makes decisions in their best interests.

Less than 40% of the electorate voted for the current Tory government. Now less than 40% of the electorate have voted to leave the EU, a monumental decision that will impact the lives of future generations. And politicians campaigning were allowed to lie and misrepresent and now done a runner, no doubt soon to resurface in some lucrative private corporate appointment.

The real issue now is that the UK is in a constitutional crisis, created by in fighting among rich Tories from very elite backgrounds, some of whom want to convince us they should be allowed to carry on running the country as they see fit.

What will happen - no idea, but it's going to be a very very bumpy and unpleasant several years. And all because Cameron couldn't control the other ex public school boys.

One could write essays on this. At least I know people who could, and who would read them?

Its a blow in the face for big government/ big brother and represents people voting with the gut feeling that they are no longer in control of their own patch.

Thailand is a reasonably good example of the importance of sovereignty. Britain has lost its sovereignty to Europe. Up til now.

Whilst those at the top like to control our destinies for their own reasons, people who still work every day have the opportunity to control their own destinies. Taking responsibility for oneself is part of that maturity, is it not?

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Now is perhaps the best time for the expat brit to buy a condo here but the £ will recover when the new primeminister sets out an exit agenda with the EU. After listening to Obama yesterday I really feel the Leave result is one in the eye for the globalists.

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Between now and the two years The UK,s dead line to leave the big money bets is that they Wont Go.A large number of people voting to leave are now "crawfishing" after waking up and finding out what the results might lead to.So will Brexit even happen ? Maybe.

Keep on hoping!!!

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best thing to happen to pattaya in years.. now maybe a few cheap ass brits will actually leave

Nonsense ! Better 1 cheap ass brit than 50 indians or chinese smile.png

Surely 50 cheap ass indians/chinese would spend more methinks!...

The indians cause no-one harm!.........not sure can say same about many wild,foul mouthed brits!........

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