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PM warns monks they face arrest if staging a protest


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Watch out PM, they may cast a black magic spell on you or send around some ghosts in the middle of the night. That will have you shaking in your slippers.

And you dont think the PM has expensive amuletts protecting from black magic?

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He should prosecute Phra Buddha Issara on the new land encroahment charges he has.

Could you please explain and define what those land encroachments are?

Provide a link or two so that everybody knows what you are talking about.

If you have the knowledge or proof then tell everybody instead of making unsubstantiated remarks.

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If the good General has any sense he will leave Dhammkaya well alone - they have a million upwards followers who beleive their Abbott is a God and has through their considerable donations intervened in heaven to ensure that their families and themselves will live forever in some twisted Buddhist heaven. !

Isn't this kind of approach the root of all the problems surrounding this temple at the moment?

Yes but they are no worse than many other cults such as Scientology that are left alone in much of the world and have charitable status whilst expounding even crazier views than DMK. My worries are if they try to attack the temple in any meaningful way to arrest the abbott or try to shut it down then the state better be prepared for huge,dramatic protests that they won't be able to control / will spin out of control. A wise General knows to keep his powder dry and only attack from a position of strength. Against the considerable forces of the Dhammakaya movement he simply doesn't have this as recent events have made crystal clear. The rights and wrongs simply don't come into it.

quote "The rights and wrongs simply don't come into it."

And that is the biggest problem of all.

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We are ignoring the fact that monks are just Thais in yellow wraps. Thus they could be a way of making a political statement. So i dont buy the angle that they should be allowed to appoint whoever they want as that can be manipulated politically just like anything else.

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