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Can France prevent another attack?


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Hollande should resign. He failed completely.

Trump is right when he call an end for muslim immigration. The time to be political correct is over. Better to be political incorrect than to die political correct.

I consider Islam as the religion of hate and destruction.

Edited by alocacoc
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Drinking alcohol is forbidden in islam, but not driving a truck through a national celebration killing 84 and injuring hundreds.

It is a <deleted> 'religion' as are its followers.

Not for this Muslim...

Not according to his neighbour, always drunk, divorcee messing around with woman.

Has a criminal record as long as your arm...

Suppose he rather be a martyr than stoned (the Muslim way).

Not for the many muslims down Soi Nana either, stoned, drunk, with hookers and lady boys. What'sthe muslim equivalent of a Sunday morning Christian? Friday afternoon muslim??

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My heart goes out to the people of Nice, simply terrible what happened.

How is it possible to stop things like this happening, it is not impossible to stop.

Any truck bus on the roads could be used to commit atrocities like Nice.

No point focusing on 'trucks' either as the terrorists just shift modus operandi amd start using droans, packages, things dropped from tall buildings etc etc.

This is why, this world war we are presently engaged in will be the worst type mankind will ever see. Eventually we will see a 'dirty' bomb of some description. It's all down hill folks.

How did it all start? What brought it to our shores?

2 reasons,,, oil and money

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France is an extremely racist nationalistic Nation. Liberty Equality Fraternity is exclusively afforded to citizens of historical white French decent only. The French privileged elite. French born citizens of African West Indian decent are not considered 'Pure French'. Even after they have bleached themselves, stripped themselves of their identity and culture they are still not considered 'True French' aka 'white'.

The French have demonstrated they are totally incapable of integrating an ethnic minority into their Nation. Desperately high unemployment, lack of educational and advancement opportunities, high incarceration rates, millions living in slums surrounded by wealth and privilege unable to practice their religion.

France does not face an existential threat from Islam on foreign shores it faces a savage backlash from an oppressed and badly treated minority within its borders. All of their own doing.

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My heart goes out to the people of Nice, simply terrible what happened.

How is it possible to stop things like this happening, it is not impossible to stop.

Any truck bus on the roads could be used to commit atrocities like Nice.

True,but when you catch some of the terrorist belonging to the same cell there are ways to make him or her help you find out when the next attract may occur and help to prevent it from happening..You can not be squeamish about this.It is needed to prevent further deaths.

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True,but when you catch some of the terrorist belonging to the same cell there are ways to make him or her help you find out when the next attract may occur and help to prevent it from happening..You can not be squeamish about this.It is needed to prevent further deaths.

A lone wolf is not going to have any information on anyone else. The terrorist cells operate in isolation. That is part of why they are so effective. They don't know what anyone else is doing and no one knows what they are doing, so it's hard to get any useful information out of them.

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You can not be squeamish about this.It is needed to prevent further deaths.

Proponents of torture always think this

But truth is folks will say anything after a point of torture....truth???

Probably not because as others have said it is not likely they know anything. There is no 2017 calendar of events planned & handed out

Secondly when word gets around about things like water boarding at Gitmo / Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse Does it help or recruit more hate ...?? I think we see results today

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The war has started and we are losing. This conflict is being fought in the civilised world by persons who hide in the Muslim community.

We are unable to win this war, it can only be won by the majority moderate Muslims who are currently protecting these scum.

It is not our problem, it is the problem of hundreds of millions of Muslims and if they do not rise up and defeat these people then they will become the Pariahs of the world and no society will allow them to reside in their communities.

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No! It is not possible for France to stop another terrorist attack. France has had in 18 months more deaths from islamic terrorism then similar deaths in past 100 years. When French leaders say such dhimmi statement as "We'll have to get used to terrorism" it's like chumming jihadi water with blood. It was always going to be exactly as TV posters have said:

Islamization without a fight or,

European civil conflicts from protesting their Islamization. There's no other way. This is not an assimilating culture. Their scripture absolutely forbids it. Not unclear. Not opaque. Do not assimilate!

Before they elected to build their leftist multicultural edifice as the best they can reach for as Man, they should have looked around history to determine if the multicultural milieu also happens to be the single thing most required for the development of hijra jihad- it is!


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France is an extremely racist nationalistic Nation. Liberty Equality Fraternity is exclusively afforded to citizens of historical white French decent only. The French privileged elite. French born citizens of African West Indian decent are not considered 'Pure French'. Even after they have bleached themselves, stripped themselves of their identity and culture they are still not considered 'True French' aka 'white'.

The French have demonstrated they are totally incapable of integrating an ethnic minority into their Nation. Desperately high unemployment, lack of educational and advancement opportunities, high incarceration rates, millions living in slums surrounded by wealth and privilege unable to practice their religion.

France does not face an existential threat from Islam on foreign shores it faces a savage backlash from an oppressed and badly treated minority within its borders. All of their own doing.

I fail to see why a migrant would want to live in such a terrible place.

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My heart goes out to the people of Nice, simply terrible what happened.

How is it possible to stop things like this happening, it is not impossible to stop.

Any truck bus on the roads could be used to commit atrocities like Nice.

Well I agree with you in that you can't really stop this from happening. But you can still fight fire with fire. Terrorist have family to and I sure love like the rest of us love our families. They may not care about there own life but surely they care about them.

Your wife and kids came to France and immigrated with you, and then you do something like this. Then tough luck for them as well. Take away there immigration rights and ship them back to whatever country they came from. Take the mother, father, brothers and sisters as well. Too bad they face assassination if they returned. That is not France's problem. The son should have thought about that first.

How can you hurt someone who doesn't care two hoots about his own life? Except put him prison and feed him 3 meals a day for the rest of his life. He needs to understand that when they do things like this and hurt innocent people than innocent people in his own family can and will be hurt to. As ruthless as this sounds. .

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France should have closed all mosques during its 3 days of mourning and made them pray outside.

France does not intend giving credit to archaic societies by behaving like them.
Recall that in this country there are 7 million Muslims of which only a few dozen fanatics morons. And it's not too angelic to think that with time they will adopt our principles. Incidentally, this is already the case for almost all girls from this community.
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It is of course, possible to stop it.

It's all about the cost though.

You could exterminate every Muslim in France and not allow any other Muslims in - not even for a day trip.

This would effectively stop what is currently happening.

That cost is obviously too high, although such a thing has happened many times in many countries. It could end up happening again if NOTHING is done.

You could nuke the country of ancestry of anyone committing a terrorist attack. That would do it.

You could publicly execute by beheading, all friends and family members of any terrorist after an attack.

You could burn down the mosques that any terrorist attended.

I don't condone these acts but obviously they would have a huge impact.

So really, it's not a question of "can an attack be prevented" because of course it can.

The question is how far are we willing to go to prevent an attack and is that enough?

This would effectively stop what is currently happening.

Edited by Dagnabbit
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You can't win against terrorism unless you define and name the enemy and are then prepared to kill them or at least curtail their ability to operate. Alas to do this the authorities need to be coordinated, properly funded and not hamstrung by restrictive rules of engagement and pandering to liberal sensitivities.

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Or a less violent way would be to deport all muslims, but then you would have to deport all asians and africans too as maybe they are muslims too and lieing about their religion, and just have white people left, ohh but they can be muslim too, then you would need a border fence/wall patroled 24 hrs a day to stop jihadis sneaking in to kill people, and then no aircraft in or out your airspace maybe a kamikazi hijact an airliner.........

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Or a less violent way would be to deport all muslims, but then you would have to deport all asians and africans too as maybe they are muslims too and lieing about their religion, and just have white people left, ohh but they can be muslim too, then you would need a border fence/wall patroled 24 hrs a day to stop jihadis sneaking in to kill people, and then no aircraft in or out your airspace maybe a kamikazi hijact an airliner.........

You wouldn't need to deport all Muslims.

For a long time in the UK, the Finsbury Park Mosque was taken over by extremist Islamist preachers. The very people that are turning young men to violence.

These people know the UK laws and they dance around us using our own laws against us, so that they can continue what they are doing in the name of freedom of speech and human rights.

People like Anjem Choudary are prime examples. He's a distasteful character and has been associated with many jihadis - including Michael Adebolajo, the man who beheaded Lee Rigby on a UK street.

Here's Anjem preaching with Michael just behind him.


If we can't even put a stop to this hate speech and intervene when British Mosques get taken over by radicals - then we are effectively doing nothing at the source.

What we are doing is looking for people once they become active.

Political correctness is preventing us from being pro-active. Anjem Choudary should not be a free man.

Look at him here:

Anjem is a radical. He is associated with extremists. He is open about his extremist views but he hides behind weak British laws. This is a clever man, he's not been ostracized by society, he is not an outcast. He has many people looking up to him

And him and his kind are very much part of the problem. We do nothing about people like him. In fact, he was living off benefits which he jokingly calls "Jihadiseeker's allowance" (after the British "Jobseekers allowance").

The whole thing is one huge joke.

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Or a less violent way would be to deport all muslims, but then you would have to deport all asians and africans too as maybe they are muslims too and lieing about their religion, and just have white people left, ohh but they can be muslim too, then you would need a border fence/wall patroled 24 hrs a day to stop jihadis sneaking in to kill people, and then no aircraft in or out your airspace maybe a kamikazi hijact an airliner.........

You wouldn't need to deport all Muslims.

For a long time in the UK, the Finsbury Park Mosque was taken over by extremist Islamist preachers. The very people that are turning young men to violence.

These people know the UK laws and they dance around us using our own laws against us, so that they can continue what they are doing in the name of freedom of speech and human rights.

People like Anjem Choudary are prime examples. He's a distasteful character and has been associated with many jihadis - including Michael Adebolajo, the man who beheaded Lee Rigby on a UK street.

Here's Anjem preaching with Michael just behind him.


If we can't even put a stop to this hate speech and intervene when British Mosques get taken over by radicals - then we are effectively doing nothing at the source.

What we are doing is looking for people once they become active.

Political correctness is preventing us from being pro-active. Anjem Choudary should not be a free man.

Look at him here:

Anjem is a radical. He is associated with extremists. He is open about his extremist views but he hides behind weak British laws. This is a clever man, he's not been ostracized by society, he is not an outcast. He has many people looking up to him

And him and his kind are very much part of the problem. We do nothing about people like him. In fact, he was living off benefits which he jokingly calls "Jihadiseeker's allowance" (after the British "Jobseekers allowance").

The whole thing is one huge joke.

Actually I agree with you, and anyone preaching hate shoud be deported, have spys in mosques weeding out the bad guys, change the law get rid of them.

Edit regarding my previous post, I was just going OTT as you were talking about nuking countries, lol laugh.png

Edited by Thaiwine
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The war has started and we are losing. This conflict is being fought in the civilised world by persons who hide in the Muslim community.

We are unable to win this war, it can only be won by the majority moderate Muslims who are currently protecting these scum.

It is not our problem, it is the problem of hundreds of millions of Muslims and if they do not rise up and defeat these people then they will become the Pariahs of the world and no society will allow them to reside in their communities.

Wishful thinking!!

Having said that, I hope you're right.

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it's completely irrelevant if these terrorists are out on this piss every night or in the Mosque every night, their inspirational sources are just the same . There seems to always be an effort by some to downplay their Muslim credentials and to distance them from Islam, as being not real Muslims just nutters, lone wolves, drunks etc, it's just playing into their hands of course. This killing is always done in the name of Allah and his so called prophet, it really is a war and we have no leaders acting against the attacking force.

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I reside in Thailand, but a few years ago visited the US. I arrived by bus in a town (Palm Springs) I'd never been to before. My ride didn't show as planned. Middle of afternoon, I put my suitcase in the lobby of a post office, while I walked 9 meters to make a pay-phone call. I was back in 6 minutes. My suitcase was gone. Within minutes I found out that a Post Office worker had taken my suitcase to the parking lot in back and was arranging to get explosives to blow it up. Luckily, I thwarted their plan. It gives an idea of how paranoid the US is becoming. Probably same for parts of Europe.

That's not particular to the US. I caught a van from Victory Monument one morning, but since I was not familiar with how to get one, I put my bag down and asked someone for help. It wasn't a big bag, so I was quite close to it at all times. Within minutes there were 5 police officers around the bag and me.

They were very helpful in getting me out of there, post haste.

Try stepping away from your bag at any airport and see what happens.

Quite right too.

On my recent trip back to LOS I had over maxed my baggage weight limit with 2 bags, so crammed everything into one bag to save a kilo ( weight of one bag ). I was going to put the unwanted bag into the rubbish bin, but luckily realised that would probably have resulted in the terminal being closed while the police checked the bag for explosives. Gave it to one of the stall keepers ( showed it was empty first ) to avoid being in the doodoo.

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Or a less violent way would be to deport all muslims, but then you would have to deport all asians and africans too as maybe they are muslims too and lieing about their religion, and just have white people left, ohh but they can be muslim too, then you would need a border fence/wall patroled 24 hrs a day to stop jihadis sneaking in to kill people, and then no aircraft in or out your airspace maybe a kamikazi hijact an airliner.........

You wouldn't need to deport all Muslims.

For a long time in the UK, the Finsbury Park Mosque was taken over by extremist Islamist preachers. The very people that are turning young men to violence.

These people know the UK laws and they dance around us using our own laws against us, so that they can continue what they are doing in the name of freedom of speech and human rights.

People like Anjem Choudary are prime examples. He's a distasteful character and has been associated with many jihadis - including Michael Adebolajo, the man who beheaded Lee Rigby on a UK street.

Here's Anjem preaching with Michael just behind him.


If we can't even put a stop to this hate speech and intervene when British Mosques get taken over by radicals - then we are effectively doing nothing at the source.

What we are doing is looking for people once they become active.

Political correctness is preventing us from being pro-active. Anjem Choudary should not be a free man.

Look at him here:

Anjem is a radical. He is associated with extremists. He is open about his extremist views but he hides behind weak British laws. This is a clever man, he's not been ostracized by society, he is not an outcast. He has many people looking up to him

And him and his kind are very much part of the problem. We do nothing about people like him. In fact, he was living off benefits which he jokingly calls "Jihadiseeker's allowance" (after the British "Jobseekers allowance").

The whole thing is one huge joke.

Actually I agree with you, and anyone preaching hate shoud be deported, have spys in mosques weeding out the bad guys, change the law get rid of them.

Edit regarding my previous post, I was just going OTT as you were talking about nuking countries, lol laugh.png

have spys in mosques

Do you think they haven't already?

However, how many tame Muslims are prepared to spy on their own communities? I'll warrent not enough to cover every mosque in any country and a non Muslim would be exposed in a trice. They could ( and probably have ) put recording devices in the mosques, but there probably aren't enough Arabic speakers in the police force to monitor them.

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Or a less violent way would be to deport all muslims, but then you would have to deport all asians and africans too as maybe they are muslims too and lieing about their religion, and just have white people left, ohh but they can be muslim too, then you would need a border fence/wall patroled 24 hrs a day to stop jihadis sneaking in to kill people, and then no aircraft in or out your airspace maybe a kamikazi hijact an airliner.........

You wouldn't need to deport all Muslims.

For a long time in the UK, the Finsbury Park Mosque was taken over by extremist Islamist preachers. The very people that are turning young men to violence.

These people know the UK laws and they dance around us using our own laws against us, so that they can continue what they are doing in the name of freedom of speech and human rights.

People like Anjem Choudary are prime examples. He's a distasteful character and has been associated with many jihadis - including Michael Adebolajo, the man who beheaded Lee Rigby on a UK street.

Here's Anjem preaching with Michael just behind him.


If we can't even put a stop to this hate speech and intervene when British Mosques get taken over by radicals - then we are effectively doing nothing at the source.

What we are doing is looking for people once they become active.

Political correctness is preventing us from being pro-active. Anjem Choudary should not be a free man.

Look at him here:

Anjem is a radical. He is associated with extremists. He is open about his extremist views but he hides behind weak British laws. This is a clever man, he's not been ostracized by society, he is not an outcast. He has many people looking up to him

And him and his kind are very much part of the problem. We do nothing about people like him. In fact, he was living off benefits which he jokingly calls "Jihadiseeker's allowance" (after the British "Jobseekers allowance").

The whole thing is one huge joke.

Actually I agree with you, and anyone preaching hate shoud be deported, have spys in mosques weeding out the bad guys, change the law get rid of them.

Edit regarding my previous post, I was just going OTT as you were talking about nuking countries, lol laugh.png

Spies in Mosques.... Brilliant idea...

Have you considered becoming head of MI6???

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NY Times


France has paid $58 million to Al Qaeda since 2008.

the Dailymail ( the French company La farge is paying taxes to ISIS.)

Bashar Assad ( France is supporting the terrorists it claims to fight ).

Isabelle Coutant-Peyre, The former lawyer of the terrorist Mohamed Merah: "he was an agent of French secret services, they eliminated him".

Article in French

(see also: Mohamed Merah worked for RG)


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France should have closed all mosques during its 3 days of mourning and made them pray outside.

France does not intend giving credit to archaic societies by behaving like them.
Recall that in this country there are 7 million Muslims of which only a few dozen fanatics morons. And it's not too angelic to think that with time they will adopt our principles. Incidentally, this is already the case for almost all girls from this community.

I respond to the content, not the poster--

This the most moronic thing I have read lately. Yes, its too angelic to think in time... Not you. Your optimism is laudable, but its hour has passed.

There is not one single example in history you can point to to demonstrate why this optimism rests on facts; whereas I can point to every single example of hijra migration jihad turning out poorly for the host country.

I do not have the answer, but angelic wishful thinking is a choice, a choice for capitulation and surrender.

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France should have closed all mosques during its 3 days of mourning and made them pray outside.

France does not intend giving credit to archaic societies by behaving like them.
Recall that in this country there are 7 million Muslims of which only a few dozen fanatics morons. And it's not too angelic to think that with time they will adopt our principles. Incidentally, this is already the case for almost all girls from this community.

I respond to the content, not the poster--

This the most moronic thing I have read lately. Yes, its too angelic to think in time... Not you. Your optimism is laudable, but its hour has passed.

There is not one single example in history you can point to to demonstrate why this optimism rests on facts; whereas I can point to every single example of hijra migration jihad turning out poorly for the host country.

I do not have the answer, but angelic wishful thinking is a choice, a choice for capitulation and surrender.

Yes, I think it is pointless to try to explain the impasse where leads your primary reasoning.
But for others, my point is that the childish solutions of sentencing an entire population pretext of some morons is not acceptable.
Furthermore we still have perspective on the harm of Islamic attacks. Traffic, suicide, alcoholism, addictions or even the flu are far more casualties.
In consequence all radical recommendation to disciminer people according to their faith or culture would be infinitely more harmful than terrorism itself.
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