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It's Trump's big night before the nation - and GOP skeptics


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You continue to present your opinion as fact. You continue to disperse falsehoods as truths. You continue to divert away from the issue.

Your editing of the thread ensures that nobody can see that the post to which I responded contained nothing that was relevant to the issue on BLM and was merely a litany of juenvile, puerile and ridiculous insults about steers and metrosexual. These are the 'valid points' to which you refer?

Deflection and untruths seem to be the hallmark of some posters. Not one on the Right has adequately addressed the message of BLM. They just can accept the truth.

Your confusion with these things appears to be worsening by the day.

It was me that found so much humor about your "Language of the Oppressor".

Now what exactly was the message of the BLM movement?

Something about black men should be able to break the law without fear of being shot?

You have zero credibility to require any response to your diversions. You lost that when you started with the 2nd Grade name calling.

Likewise, your puerile attempts to define BLM put you in the oppressor camp. When your answer to Black Lives Matter is Yes, then you have some standing on the issue. Until then you remain with the rednecks.

OK....sure...does this mean you are not going to tell the forum what Black Lives Matter stands for?


Edited by ClutchClark
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I am afraid I do not follow your logic.

Here in Thailand when a non-Thai national is deported for lack of proper documentation that allows them to remain in this country, or be employed in this country, do you think they are being treated unfairly? Do you think Thailand is "taking" something out on them ?

I've seen some of the people they deport here in Thailand. It's pitiful sometimes.

Usually real dark. Desperately poor, they will be thru a horrible experience being processed, locked up and starved and dumped on a street back home. O well...The mafia and human traffickers in their new town can handle it....

Every Country has their 'darkies' doing the grunt work.

That's the way it goes because they are providing needed services the locals don't do.

If someones is making problems, put the hammer down and make them an example but some starving poor chap busting his ass to barely feed his family, doing some menial job, I would would not waste resources on that.

Kinda ironic these devout Christians right wingers are ready to yank 11 million catholic mexicans (around 150,000 actually named Jesus) out of their houses with wife and kids, lock them up, then dump him on some border ghetto like dogs.

The nastiest people I know are religious. Funny.

OK, not the simple Yes or No that would have sufficed so I really don't know your position still.

I always get a kick out of this idea that immigrants do the jobs that locals won't do. A more complete statement would be "Immigrants do the jobs Americans won't do...for the wages that employers can get away with paying illegals.

You do realize that undocumented workers are 10 times more likely to be exploited by their employer than those workers in the country legally? The reason is that an undocumented worker has no recourse that does not also risk their deportation and the employer knows this. Requiring these immigrnats to become documented would be a benefit to them. Also, was it you that pointed out that undocumented workers pay into SS but do not get any benefit out of it? Bingo. Becoming "legal" would make them eligible for the benfits they have paid.

How did Christianity just get brought into this? Sounds like you have some personal problems (issues) with religious people and the fact you have now introduced them into this thread suggests that you somehow mix them up with the fact immigrants are choosing to circumvent our documentation process????

You dont see the irony Chuck, of the christian white man wanting to raid a town named San Jose and string up a harmless, improvished guy named Jesus?

Edited by Buzzz
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I am afraid I do not follow your logic.

Here in Thailand when a non-Thai national is deported for lack of proper documentation that allows them to remain in this country, or be employed in this country, do you think they are being treated unfairly? Do you think Thailand is "taking" something out on them ?

I've seen some of the people they deport here in Thailand. It's pitiful sometimes.

Usually real dark. Desperately poor, they will be thru a horrible experience being processed, locked up and starved and dumped on a street back home. O well...The mafia and human traffickers in their new town can handle it....

Every Country has their 'darkies' doing the grunt work.

That's the way it goes because they are providing needed services the locals don't do.

If someones is making problems, put the hammer down and make them an example but some starving poor chap busting his ass to barely feed his family, doing some menial job, I would would not waste resources on that.

Kinda ironic these devout Christians right wingers are ready to yank 11 million catholic mexicans (around 150,000 actually named Jesus) out of their houses with wife and kids, lock them up, then dump him on some border ghetto like dogs.

The nastiest people I know are religious. Funny.

OK, not the simple Yes or No that would have sufficed so I really don't know your position still.

I always get a kick out of this idea that immigrants do the jobs that locals won't do. A more complete statement would be "Immigrants do the jobs Americans won't do...for the wages that employers can get away with paying illegals.

You do realize that undocumented workers are 10 times more likely to be exploited by their employer than those workers in the country legally? The reason is that an undocumented worker has no recourse that does not also risk their deportation and the employer knows this. Requiring these immigrnats to become documented would be a benefit to them. Also, was it you that pointed out that undocumented workers pay into SS but do not get any benefit out of it? Bingo. Becoming "legal" would make them eligible for the benfits they have paid.

How did Christianity just get brought into this? Sounds like you have some personal problems (issues) with religious people and the fact you have now introduced them into this thread suggests that you somehow mix them up with the fact immigrants are choosing to circumvent our documentation process????

You dont see the irony Chuck, of the christian white man wanting to raid a town named San Jose and string up a harmless, improvished guy named Jesus?

Sorry but I just don't see the situation as you describe.

I don't see this as a "Christian White Men vs Harmless Impoverished Mexican".

I mean its a great way to write your narrative so that you can defend it but its just not based on fact.

Your narrative might be true in San Jose, CA. I don't know much about CA except that I am glad I do not live there. However, your narrative is in no way true for Eastern CO.

There is a large hispanic presence in Colorado...my home. This includes Eastern CO and you might already know this region is agricultural. The hispanic community has been out here for a long, long time. Not like in New Mexico but a long time.

Out here legal Hispanics have friction with illegal undocumented hispanics often. Why? Because the illegals are willing to work for less wages. They compete for the same skilled and unskilled labor positions. The large presence of undocumented workers in the labor pool provides employers with a ready supply of workers who can be exploited with no benefit package and no recourse when the employer wants to short them wages, and who are kicked to the curb when they are injjured on the job because the employer didn't provide a safe worksite. etc..

The legal immigrants think, "I did this the right way, I did this the legal way, I have earned my position in this foreign country." And people who do things the right way don't like it when they see people who have not played by the rules get ahead. So your characterization that this is a case of the evil white Christian man against the Mexican is wholy incorrect.

You might consider studying how the labor pool supply and demand ties in with Capitalism if you are ever bored. Study early Industrialization vs Orgsnized Labor if you have not already. You are not doing these illegals any favors when you fight for them to remain undocumented and unprotected.

Anyway, you keep making the assumption, and correct me if I am misunderstand, but you keep painting the picture that alll undocumented workers are all great folks. What you seem to ignore is there is often a reason that some immigrants have chosen to enter the US illegally and that is because they have criminal backgrounds. Until you are willing to include this subset into the "undocumented" immigration population then we really can't have a real discussion.

I encourage you to study how many undocumented workers are incarcerated right now for violent crimes. Maybe you already know something about the violent gangs coming up to LA from Centrsl America?

Surely you understand the integral relationship between the drug trade in the US and the reliance on undocumented workers?

I realize its really fun to see everything in the world as being the fault of the evil white male but it is intelectuslly lazy and dishonest.

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Currently, the US Gov't has a very difficult time performing background checks on all of the undocumented immigrants who can easily sneak across the porous border.

No one is saying kick out all Mexicans except for the anti-Trump people who like to build this strawman argument. I don't know anyone who wants to kick out all Mexicans or all Hispanics--do you?

What I don't like is to have this shadow population within the US that lives completely outside the laws of the US. I welcome those that can enter the US legally and who choose to respect the laws of their host country which is kind enough to allow them in. I don't welcome those with criminal histories or who have spent years in LA gangs.

I have the right to that opinion and if the fact I am a white, Christian male offends you then I encourage you to deal with your bigotry.

Edited by ClutchClark
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You continue to present your opinion as fact. You continue to disperse falsehoods as truths. You continue to divert away from the issue.

Your editing of the thread ensures that nobody can see that the post to which I responded contained nothing that was relevant to the issue on BLM and was merely a litany of juenvile, puerile and ridiculous insults about steers and metrosexual. These are the 'valid points' to which you refer?

Deflection and untruths seem to be the hallmark of some posters. Not one on the Right has adequately addressed the message of BLM. They just can accept the truth.

Your confusion with these things appears to be worsening by the day.

It was me that found so much humor about your "Language of the Oppressor".

Now what exactly was the message of the BLM movement?

Something about black men should be able to break the law without fear of being shot?

You have zero credibility to require any response to your diversions. You lost that when you started with the 2nd Grade name calling.

Likewise, your puerile attempts to define BLM put you in the oppressor camp. When your answer to Black Lives Matter is Yes, then you have some standing on the issue. Until then you remain with the rednecks.

OK....sure...does this mean you are not going to tell the forum what Black Lives Matter stands for?


You speak for the forum? You feel you have some authority to require posters to comply with your instructions? You certainly dress up your baiting in such 'reasonableness'.

Like I said, when the oppressor's answer to Black Lives Matter is Yes, then a conversation can begin.


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Your confusion with these things appears to be worsening by the day.

It was me that found so much humor about your "Language of the Oppressor".

Now what exactly was the message of the BLM movement?

Something about black men should be able to break the law without fear of being shot?

You have zero credibility to require any response to your diversions. You lost that when you started with the 2nd Grade name calling.

Likewise, your puerile attempts to define BLM put you in the oppressor camp. When your answer to Black Lives Matter is Yes, then you have some standing on the issue. Until then you remain with the rednecks.

OK....sure...does this mean you are not going to tell the forum what Black Lives Matter stands for?


You speak for the forum? You feel you have some authority to require posters to comply with your instructions? You certainly dress up your baiting in such 'reasonableness'.

Like I said, when the oppressor's answer to Black Lives Matter is Yes, then a conversation can begin.


One minute you refuse to talk to me and the next minute you are...any chance you are female?

BTW, I only speak for myself but apparently you have not noticed this is a public forum and your explaining what BLM is might have benefited one of those forum members.

Every post of yours is hostile. What gives?

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Agreed. I just object to all the lies and false propaganda being used against him. I intend to sit this election out.

Have you checked in-depth about the many accusations against Trump? I have. They're all true. If you have any evidence that shows they're not, please share it with us.

Plus, when you have a man, like writer Schwartz, who worked side by side with Trump for 18 months, many hours per day, WHO SPEAKS HIS ASSESSMENT of Trump's 'sociopath' character ('sociopath' is the word Schwartz chose to use), ......then that's rather revealing, if you ask me.

sociopath, noun: a person with a psychopathic personality is someone whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience. source

Note: Schwartz didn't speak out at all about Trump for two decades. It was only recently, when Schwartz heard Trump was declaring his run for the presidency, that he spoke out. He did so because he thinks (as I and many other Americans) that Trump as president would be dangerous for the US and for the world. He was motivated by love of country and concern for its future.

P.S. Trump is now suing Schwartz. No surprise.

Now I have met alot of ex-wives who spent decades living under the same roof as their "ex" and they speak very poorly of that "ex" quite often...especially when that ex-husband traded them in on a younger model.

Should everything they say be taken at face value simply because they lived side-by-side? That is what you are saying about Schultz if I am understanding you correctly.

I watched Schultz on Bill Maher and it certsinly seemed like he had an agenda...it would be interesting to learn if he has a new book coming out anytime soon.

His name is Schwartz, not Shultz. He does have an agenda. His agenda is to do all he can to see that America doesn't get harmed by a man he's very familiar with.

As for ex-wives. Of course I'm familiar with how they can bad-mouth ex-husbands. However, the deposition by Ivana had a lot of detail and, as far as I've heard, The Divider didn't dispute it at the time. Of course now he disputes it, because he has to. And now the ex-wife says nice things about her ex-. Time heals wounds, but that doesn't divorce from the fact that the incident happened and it shows a macabre side to the man. A man who is capable of raping someone while pulling out her hair, is capable of other bad things when his temper erupts. 77 red buttons. that's how many nukes the US purportedly has ready to launch. Schwartz mentioned the Nuke danger also, and insinuated Trump could be the one to massively change the world in some ugly ways.

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Agreed. I just object to all the lies and false propaganda being used against him. I intend to sit this election out.

Agreed. So many stupid things are said.

For instance when Trump says Hillary wants to take the guns.

Who believes that stuff?

It's like he thinks the electorate are a bunch of morons.

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New "unofficial" campaign song for the 2016 Trump-Pence Republican Presidential ticket. (The performer's own description.)

He's your typical Trumpette...some of his other videos are, while completely crazy, nearly as funny.

Check out 0:47, where he pasted over a misspelling. Classic.

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New "unofficial" campaign song for the 2016 Trump-Pence Republican Presidential ticket. (The performer's own description.)

He's your typical Trumpette...some of his other videos are, while completely crazy, nearly as funny.

Check out 0:47, where he pasted over a misspelling. Classic.

I thought it was a joke and a banana cream pie was going to hit his face at the end.

But no. He is just an idiot with a video camera.

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New "unofficial" campaign song for the 2016 Trump-Pence Republican Presidential ticket. (The performer's own description.)

He's your typical Trumpette...some of his other videos are, while completely crazy, nearly as funny.

Check out 0:47, where he pasted over a misspelling. Classic.

Is it possible for a Hillary supporter to submit a message that offers discussion rather than immature name-calling?

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Trump caught lying, again, what a shock...


NFL refutes Trump claim that it sent him a letter bashing debate schedule

Donald Trump complained Friday that Hillary Clinton and her fellow Democrats were rigging this fall’s presidential debates by scheduling them alongside NFL games. That claim was easy to disprove — the debate schedule was determined almost a year ago by a private group made up of both Democrats and Republicans.

On Saturday, Trump doubled down on his grievance. In an interview with ABC’s “This Week,” the GOP presidential hopeful said the NFL voiced its dismay about the conflicting primetime slots in a letter to Trump.

“I’ll tell you what I don’t like,” Trump told George Stephanopoulos. “It’s against two NFL games. I got a letter from the NFL saying, “This is ridiculous.'”

Just one problem with that: The NFL says it never sent him a letter. CNN’s Brian Stelter approached the league about the matter and got this response:


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