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Trump says America in crisis - and he'll fix it 'fast'


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Trump says America in crisis - and he'll fix it 'fast'

CLEVELAND (AP) — Declaring America in crisis, Donald Trump pledged to cheering Republicans and still-skeptical voters Thursday night that as president he will restore the safety they fear they're losing, strictly curb immigration and save the nation from Hillary Clinton's record of "death, destruction, terrorism and weakness."

Confidently addressing the finale of his party's less-than-smooth national convention, the billionaire businessman declared the nation's problems too staggering to be fixed within the confines of traditional politics.

"I have joined the political arena so that the powerful can no longer beat up on people that cannot defend themselves," Trump said.

The 70-year-old celebrity businessman's acceptance of the Republican nomination caps his improbable takeover of the GOP, a party that plunges into the general election united in opposition to Clinton but still divided over Trump. Underscoring his unorthodox candidacy, Trump doubled down on the hard-line immigration policies that fired up conservatives in the primary but broke with many in his party by promising protections for gays and lesbians.

His address on the closing night of the convention marked his highest-profile opportunity yet to heal Republican divisions and show voters he's prepared for the presidency. Ever the showman, he fed off the energy of the crowd, stepping back to soak in applause and joining the delegates as they chanted, "U-S-A."

As the crowd, fiercely opposed to Clinton, broke out in its oft-used refrain of "Lock her up," he waved them off, and instead declared, "Let's defeat her in November." Yet he also accused her of "terrible, terrible crimes" and said her greatest achievement may have been avoiding prison for her use of a private email and personal server as secretary of state.

The more than hour-long speech was strikingly dark for a celebratory event and almost entirely lacking in specific policy details. Trump shouted throughout as he read off a teleprompter, showing few flashes of humor or even a smile.

He accused Clinton, his far-more-experienced Democratic rival, of utterly lacking the good judgment to serve in the White House and as the military's commander in chief.

"This is the legacy of Hillary Clinton: death, destruction, terrorism and weakness," he said. "But Hillary Clinton's legacy does not have to be America's legacy."

In a direct appeal to Americans shaken by a summer of violence at home and around the world, Trump promised that if he takes office in January, "safety will be restored."

As he moves into the general election campaign, he's sticking to the controversial proposals of his primary campaign, including building a wall along the entire U.S.-Mexico border and suspending immigration from nations "compromised by terrorism."

But in a nod to a broader swath of Americans, he said young people in predominantly black cities "have as much of a right to live out their dreams as any other child in America." He also vowed to protect gays and lesbians from violence and oppression, a pledge that was greeted with applause from the crowd.

"As a Republican, it is so nice to hear you cheering for what I just said," he responded.

Trump was introduced by his daughter Ivanka, who announced a childcare policy proposal that the campaign had not mentioned before.

"As president, my father will change the labor laws that were put in place at a time when women weren't a significant portion of the workplace, and he will focus on making quality childcare affordable and accessible for all," she said.

Trump took the stage in Cleveland facing a daunting array of challenges, many of his own making. Though he vanquished 16 primary rivals, he's viewed with unprecedented negativity by the broader electorate, and is struggling in particular with younger voters and minorities, groups GOP leaders know they need for the party to grow.

The first three days of this week's convention bordered on chaos, starting with a plagiarism charge involving his wife Melania Trump's speech and moving on to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's dramatic refusal to endorse him from the convention stage.

Then, Trump sparked more questions about his Oval Office readiness by suggesting in the midst of the convention that the U.S. might not defend America's NATO partners with him as president. The remarks, in an interview published online Wednesday by The New York Times, deviate from decades of American doctrine and seem to reject the 67-year-old alliance's bedrock principle of collective defense.

Trump reinforced his position from the convention stage, saying the United States has been "picking up the cost" of NATO's defenses for too long. He also disavowed America's foreign policy posture under both Democratic and Republican presidents, criticizing "fifteen years of wars in the Middle East" and declaring that "Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo."

"As long as we are led by politicians who will not put 'America First,' then we can be assured that other nations will not treat America with respect," he said.

He had promised to describe "major, major" tax cuts. But his economic proposals Thursday night were vague, centering on unspecified plans to create millions of jobs. He promised a "simplified" tax system for the middle class and businesses, fewer regulations and renegotiation of trade deals that he says have put working class Americans at a disadvantage.

Top Clinton aide John Podesta panned Trump for offering little more than "prejudice and paranoia" and promised she would offer a more positive vision for America when she accepts the party's nomination at its convention next week in Philadelphia.

Clinton is on the verge of naming a running mate to join her in taking on Trump and his vice presidential pick, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, in the general election. Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine has emerged as her top choice.


AP writers Kathleen Hennessey, Josh Lederman, Alan Fram and Thomas Beaumont in Cleveland, and John Hanna in Topeka, Kansas, contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-22

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Yeah, he'll "fix it" of course.

Like trump "university" fix it.

Scam artist!

Scam. This gets to the essential truth of Trump’s speech. The world as described by Trump doesn’t exist. The Trump as described by Trump doesn’t exist. As a businessman, Donald Trump’s career is defined by failure, fraud, and mismanagement. He has little knowledge of domestic and foreign affairs and shows little interest in the basic work of running a campaign, much less serving as president. Remove family members and employees from the mix, and there’s no one in Trump’s orbit—not ghostwriters, not business associates, not former contractors—who will attest to any of the qualities he claimed onstage tonight. The prototypical Trump story isn’t the success of some municipal project; it is theft: from small businesses, from ordinary investors, from desperate students.


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maybe if he would say: we are going to cut the defence budget in half

bring our boys back

and with all the saved money, we will either pay back the chinese

or finally start as the last civilized country on earth, to finally provide an affordable healthcare option for everybody

and in that case, they could start by fixing the prices of what the pharma maffia dares to ask for their products

and make them 100% liable for any damages the caused (50-100.000 vioxx deaths) and who knows here that the vaccine industry is never liable thanks to a law 30 years ago

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Good grief, I am glad that's over with. I tried to watch Trump's whole speech but after about 40 minutes of vapid yelling with little substance I couldn't take it anymore. I can't see how people think he is a great speaker. If I paid to listen to that drivel I would have asked for a refund. As it is, that is 40 minutes of my life lost that almost made me ill to watch. That smug look on his face while saying "only he" can fix things really displays his sociopath tendencies of self delusion and blaming others.

FYI - traits of a sociopath listed below...see how many hit the mark with Trump.

The following traits may be common among sociopaths…

-Unconcern for the feelings of others.

-Incapacity to experience guilt.

-Incapable of love and entirely self-serving.

-Lack of remorse.

-Sociopaths never apologize. ‘They are never wrong’.

-Deceitful, as indicated by repeated lying.

-Very low tolerance to frustration, a low threshold for discharge of aggression.

-Markedly prone to blame others or to offer plausible rationalization for the conflicting behavior.

-A sociopath is a master of deception, influence, and sounding believable – regardless of the real facts and reality.

-Sociopaths are charming and charismatic, spontaneous.

-Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships, though having no difficulty in establishing them.

-Attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, and obligations.

-A ‘high functioning’ sociopath (highly intelligent) are meticulous planners, and their lack of empathy, lack of remorse, deceptiveness, shallow emotions, etc. makes it very difficult for “normal” people to compete with them.

-A sociopath essentially has no soul.

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70-80% of jobs will disappear in the next 20 years:


Donald Trump: Sociopath?


"'Even though Spy went out of publication more than a decade ago, Carter still hears from Trump about the (small fingers) insult. He'll send me pictures, tear sheets from magazines and he did it as recently as April, Carter said earlier this year. With a gold sharpie, he'll circle his fingers and in his handwriting say, see, not so short."'


Dark, grave speech, about as aspirational as 'Sauron the Dark Lord of Mordor'... Young kids will be looking under their beds tonight...like most ardent Trump fan-boy/men likely always do. The above quote about Trump sending a writer images of his hands for YEARS (to prove his fingers are not short) is all one needs to know about the short-fingered sociopath/wannabe leader of the free world.

-Bottom line, America (and the world) needs a forward looking leader who identifies where the jobs of the future will be appearing (not saying this is Hilary either). But instead Trump is focused on delivering 'promises' to bring back coal mining jobs... and even this is just a deceptive attempt to swing the rust-belt states vote -which he knows if he can he wins it all.

God help America (and the world) if this dangerous, self-interested, charlatan, sociopath gets in...

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He is definitely a hard core SOCIOPATH. Now the question is whether the American people are going to buy that to be their "great" leader. If so, we're so SCREWED!

I hear you and I believe you, when Trump get elected Democrat supporters are screwed, better reconsider your plans to return to the US because a Trump presidency is a reality.

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We should be very grateful that Trump is in the game, just think how boring and predictable it would be without him. Glad to see that he is still on board with the wall building and kudos to him saying he will protect gays and lesbians. Not sure where that leaves Muslim or Mexican gays and lesbians but I am sure he has a plan for them too.

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Good grief, I am glad that's over with. I tried to watch Trump's whole speech but after about 40 minutes of vapid yelling with little substance I couldn't take it anymore. I can't see how people think he is a great speaker. If I paid to listen to that drivel I would have asked for a refund. As it is, that is 40 minutes of my life lost that almost made me ill to watch. That smug look on his face while saying "only he" can fix things really displays his sociopath tendencies of self delusion and blaming others.

FYI - traits of a sociopath listed below...see how many hit the mark with Trump.

The following traits may be common among sociopaths

-Unconcern for the feelings of others.

-Incapacity to experience guilt.

-Incapable of love and entirely self-serving.

-Lack of remorse.

-Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong.

-Deceitful, as indicated by repeated lying.

-Very low tolerance to frustration, a low threshold for discharge of aggression.

-Markedly prone to blame others or to offer plausible rationalization for the conflicting behavior.

-A sociopath is a master of deception, influence, and sounding believable regardless of the real facts and reality.

-Sociopaths are charming and charismatic, spontaneous.

-Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships, though having no difficulty in establishing them.

-Attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, and obligations.

-A high functioning sociopath (highly intelligent) are meticulous planners, and their lack of empathy, lack of remorse, deceptiveness, shallow emotions, etc. makes it very difficult for normal people to compete with them.

-A sociopath essentially has no soul.

Sounds like atrump alright.

Sounds just like the Clintons as well.

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trump is very skilled at his con artist crapola. 1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif

He is a con man, which makes him perfect for POTUS.

Hillary is a crook, that makes her perfect for the job.

Maybe these two scumbags should "Job Share"?

You mean like Trump selecting Hilary as running mate?

May be that's what the story is about that Trump wanted to chance his choice at the last minute.

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Classic Fear Mongering, with the required Doom and Gloom factor.

The OP clearly lays out the emptiness of the Bloviator's "vision"

No substance at all just bombastic hyperbole. The Bloviator's March on Rome.

To be expected of course, given this statement from Day 1:

"Campaign chairman Paul Manafort said Trump would "eventually" outline policy specifics but not at the convention."

"The more than hour-long speech was strikingly dark for a celebratory event and almost entirely lacking in specific policy details.

Trump shouted throughout as he read off a teleprompter, showing few flashes of humor or even a smile."

"He's viewed with unprecedented negativity by the broader electorate, and is struggling in particular with younger voters and minorities..."

"His economic proposals Thursday night were vague, centering on unspecified plans to create millions of jobs."

"Declaring America in crisis, Donald Trump pledged to cheering Republicans ... he will restore the safety they fear they're losing..."

I'm beginning think the rabid Lemmings chant U S A, U S A (like some fascist ralley) because it's easier than saying America.

Less syllables for the simpletons...

"Let us have a dagger between our teeth, a bomb in our hands, and an infinite scorn in our hearts." Benito Mussolini

"The Liberal State is a mask behind which there is no face; it is a scaffolding behind which there is no building." Benito Mussolini

"It is the State which educates its citizens in civic virtue, gives them a consciousness of their mission and welds them into unity." Benito Mussolini

"Mussolini enjoyed a wide support in the military and among the industrial and agrarian elites, while the King and the conservative establishment were afraid of a possible civil war,

and ultimately thought they could use Mussolini to restore law and order in the country, but failed to foresee the danger of a totalitarian evolution."


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trump is very skilled at his con artist crapola. 1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif

He is a con man, which makes him perfect for POTUS.

Hillary is a crook, that makes her perfect for the job.

Maybe these two scumbags should "Job Share"?

You mean like Trump selecting Hilary as running mate?

May be that's what the story is about that Trump wanted to chance his choice at the last minute.

Yeah they could get together and tag team the presidency position.

They'd make a cute couple......

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We should be very grateful that Trump is in the game, just think how boring and predictable it would be without him. Glad to see that he is still on board with the wall building and kudos to him saying he will protect gays and lesbians. Not sure where that leaves Muslim or Mexican gays and lesbians but I am sure he has a plan for them too.

Listen to what he said.

He only cynically EXPLOITED the gay issue by tying it to Islamophobia.

In other words, extremist Muslims kill gays, which is true, so he can tie that in to his B.S. attack on Hillary Clinton (taking money from countries like Saudi Arabia for the Clinton foundation).

Here are the facts:

Trump didn't say WORD ONE about protecting gay civil rights domestically.

The current republican platform is the most EXTREMIST anti-gay in American history.

His V.P. pick, Pence, who it is well known will be doing almost all the actual work of president if trump wins, is the most EXTREMIST anti-gay in American history.

Any gay person that votes for trump is either a moron or a self serving billionaire that can see personal financial gain by cynically allying with the trump fascist movement.

Anyway, don't believe for one second that the trump ticket is about gay civil rights. It is VERY ANTI.

You want another U.S. president that is ACTUALLY very pro gay civil rights? That would be HILLARY CLINTON. No contest.

I wouldn't call Peter Thiel a moron.

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He is definitely a hard core SOCIOPATH. Now the question is whether the American people are going to buy that to be their "great" leader. If so, we're so SCREWED!

Either way we're screwed because Clinton is equally sociopathic if not more so.

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He is definitely a hard core SOCIOPATH. Now the question is whether the American people are going to buy that to be their "great" leader. If so, we're so SCREWED!

Either way we're screwed because Clinton is equally sociopathic if not more so.

No, she's not.

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We should be very grateful that Trump is in the game, just think how boring and predictable it would be without him. Glad to see that he is still on board with the wall building and kudos to him saying he will protect gays and lesbians. Not sure where that leaves Muslim or Mexican gays and lesbians but I am sure he has a plan for them too.

Listen to what he said.

He only cynically EXPLOITED the gay issue by tying it to Islamophobia.

In other words, extremist Muslims kill gays, which is true, so he can tie that in to his B.S. attack on Hillary Clinton (taking money from countries like Saudi Arabia for the Clinton foundation).

Here are the facts:

Trump didn't say WORD ONE about protecting gay civil rights domestically.

The current republican platform is the most EXTREMIST anti-gay in American history.

His V.P. pick, Pence, who it is well known will be doing almost all the actual work of president if trump wins, is the most EXTREMIST anti-gay in American history.

Any gay person that votes for trump is either a moron or a self serving billionaire that can see personal financial gain by cynically allying with the trump fascist movement.

Anyway, don't believe for one second that the trump ticket is about gay civil rights. It is VERY ANTI.

You want another U.S. president that is ACTUALLY very pro gay civil rights? That would be HILLARY CLINTON. No contest.

I wouldn't call Peter Thiel a moron.

Agreed. He's a self serving billionaire.


Edited by Jingthing
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We should be very grateful that Trump is in the game, just think how boring and predictable it would be without him. Glad to see that he is still on board with the wall building and kudos to him saying he will protect gays and lesbians. Not sure where that leaves Muslim or Mexican gays and lesbians but I am sure he has a plan for them too.

Listen to what he said.

He only cynically EXPLOITED the gay issue by tying it to Islamophobia.

In other words, extremist Muslims kill gays, which is true, so he can tie that in to his B.S. attack on Hillary Clinton (taking money from countries like Saudi Arabia for the Clinton foundation).

Here are the facts:

Trump didn't say WORD ONE about protecting gay civil rights domestically.

The current republican platform is the most EXTREMIST anti-gay in American history.

His V.P. pick, Pence, who it is well known will be doing almost all the actual work of president if trump wins, is the most EXTREMIST anti-gay in American history.

Any gay person that votes for trump is either a moron or a self serving billionaire that can see personal financial gain by cynically allying with the trump fascist movement.

Anyway, don't believe for one second that the trump ticket is about gay civil rights. It is VERY ANTI.

You want another U.S. president that is ACTUALLY very pro gay civil rights? That would be HILLARY CLINTON. No contest.

I wouldn't call Peter Thiel a moron.

Agreed. He's a self serving billionaire.


Don't forget he said that there must be some sort of punishment for women who have abortions.

possible punishment, a big, deep, wet kiss with D. Trump

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I have no problem with Thiel coming out in front of the RNC and glad he was acknowledged by Trump and the floor (even if by record, deceitfully). But perhaps Thiel could have used the moment to also denounce another prominent pro-Trump gay republican and conservative Breitbart writer for serial racial harrassment of a black female actor:

Breitbart's Milo banned from Twitter


Oh but then Thiel apparently admires that sort of thing:

Peter has become an increasing admirer of Trumps public attacks on political correctness, especially what he has been saying about women


One understands Thiel has an axe to grind with Gawker (rightfully), but both Thiel & Milo are basically self-serving hypocrites thus fit in quite well with Trump and the GOP.

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Theil was already out. But even though he is a traitor to gay rights somehow I doubt he'll have any trouble getting dates.

As far as the politics of outing people I think that's only defensible when it's a closeted anti-gay politician. Otherwise that's very rude.

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trump is very skilled at his con artist crapola. 1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif

Sure, if you want to influence sheep, you can't get too complicated--you know sheep still have not figured out the dog and the man are in cahoots. Let's face it, Trump stands a very good chance of being elected. How many elections have you witnessed where the candidate with the most ignorant voters wins?

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trump is very skilled at his con artist crapola. 1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif1zgarz5.gif

He is a con man, which makes him perfect for POTUS.

Hillary is a crook, that makes her perfect for the job.

Maybe these two scumbags should "Job Share"?

You mean like Trump selecting Hilary as running mate?

May be that's what the story is about that Trump wanted to chance his choice at the last minute.

Yeah they could get together and tag team the presidency position.

They'd make a cute couple......

Maybe that's the plan.
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Go the Donald!! Make the world safe again!!

(^nice sig...)

Anyways, sure, 'Go The Donald! Make the world safe again!!' - but besides basically HELPING and accelerating ISIS in their strategy to create a clash of civilizations with Trump becoming their #1 recruitment 'tool' (figuratively & literally;) by his constant painting/insinuating of an ENTIRE religious group same as a relatively tiny group of extremists and nut cases, Trump also plans on 'making your world safe again' by weakening NATO, emboldening Russia & China and tearing up the Iran nuclear treaty deal.

If Trump 'tears up the Iran deal' as he says he will on his 1st day in office on Jan 21 2017, this would leave almost no restraints to prevent Iran from rapidly resuming their nuclear weapons program. Tearing it up would also un-bind Russia and China from upholding sanctions and instantly halt the critical monitoring which was a direct result of the 'Worst deal America has ever made' as Trump calls it. In short, the short-fingered self-interested sociopath is extremely and recklessly, dangerous.


'"Without the deal, Iran might be two to three months away from getting a nuclear bomb. With the deal, Iran commits to not pursuing nuclear weapons overall and faces obstacles if it seeks to break its commitment and pursue a nuclear weapon.

Under the deal, Iran will lose 97 percent of its stockpile of enriched uranium. It will also give up 14,000 of its 20,000 centrifuges, the machines used to enrich uranium, and agree to only enrich uranium to a level unsuitable for weapons for 15 years."'


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Donald Trump Takes America on a Journey to the Dark Side

"The Republican nominee, who usually peppers speeches with improvised humor, used his nationally televised acceptance speech Thursday night,

to lay out a darker version of his core message."

"Trump described an America awash in blood and corruption that only he can prevent from sliding into the abyss."

"After months of speculation that he might eventually soften his tone, broaden his message or roll out policy details,

the speech made clear that Trump is going to be Trump — and unapologetically so."


The Bloviator: The Demagogue. The Don Darkness.

Keep it up Donnie. thumbsup.gif

Get out there and increase that number of 70% of people who already detest you.

Edited by iReason
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