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TAT hopes to tap into population of rich Germans for tourism


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Targeting Chinese for quantity to stimulate the economy while targeting Germans for quality.

They are doing something right. The tourist numbers are relentlessly rising albeit the little hiccup just before the coup.

For the sake of Thailand's tourist industry and the people working within it I hope the target is met. When looking at tourist number FACTS (official figures released globally by third party entities that I have shown here) it seems to be working.

Well done.

Oh don't be so bloody stupid. Can you imagine the sight of 'wealthy' or not Germans mingling with the hordes of low class Chinese on a beach here on Phuket?

'Well done' laugh.png

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If you are serious about attracting more Western tourists, where do you start? By coordinating policy between the Tourism ministry, and Immigration. You start by offering visas of all sorts, for free, and making it as easy as possible.

Never understood this argument. If they're monied up, why would free visas persuade them? The $200 USD it costs at the Thai consulate in the US is such a minuscule percentage of the total spend on a trip that it seems like a questionable argument.

Sorry, can't compare to German costs here but, for me to fly US to BKK roundtrip, I'm going to spend around $1200 - $1700 depending on a host of factors like departure days, time of the year, etc. So let's call it $1500 and assume a German would pay a comparable amount. Yeah, you could find it cheaper. It could be more expensive. But, this is a monied up German so I'm assuming they travel during high season and don't book a flight with 15 layovers.

Assume a 3 month stay in Thailand (biggest reason to even need a tourist visa). At $100 a night, which is sort of what I would think the price point would be for a monied up German traveler according to TAT standards, that's $9000 in lodging. Even if they get a deal on something down in Pattaya or whatever, $50 has to be the rough minimum for a monied up traveler, which is $4500.

90 days of food, unless they're eating street food, I'm guessing in the neighborhood of $20 a day so $1800. Plus, assuming our monied up German likes him a little beer, say 4 beers a day at 100 baht each, is another $1000 and change for drinks.

None of that includes anything more than sitting around doing anything other than eating and drinking. Assume they travel within Thailand a bit, visit some entertainment venues, or whatever and the prices go up accordingly.

But just that, $1500 Airfare

$4500 - $9000 lodging

$2800 food and drink

That's between $8,800 and $13,300 USD. The $200 visa is 1.5% - 2% of the total cost of the trip.

And none of that is taking into account the fact that the average tourist stay by Europeans in Thailand is 16 days which means they don't even need a visa.

Well rich Europeans like to stay in a warm place the whole winter so they sure need visa's for that.

They don't mind applying for a visa but the embassies make it very very hard to apply. One has to bring copies of the bankaccount and not just the saldo but they need them for last months, all printed out.

I think it's offensive to focus on the tourists money all the time like the Thai do. The first thing they ask me in the plane on their immigrationcard is also the yearly salary. They act like salary is the only way to prove you have enough funds to stay in Thailand. Maybe they're thinking W-europeans all would love to live under a bridge in BKK.

I always refuse to provide salary information on the arrival card. And you are right about the visa. You can apply logic like digibum did. But, it is the hassle, and the general feeling like we are not really wanted over there, that alot of tourists get from these kinds of non visionary policies. It is inane. I have refused to travel to China for years now, over the $250 visa fee. The trip would cost me thousands. But, the visa fee holds me back. It is annoying, and offensive. It is quite easy to just pick another destination. Another example of the extraordinary lack of vision within this government, at every level. Top to bottom.

Well i 've been offered trips to china many times, totally paid for by a chinese company who does business with my wife but i refused to go there. I didn't even know they had such ridiculous expensive visa there, never heard of it before.

My wife made the trip last month though and it was great she said, except traffic is much worse then Thailand. She brought 8 collegues and all was free.

I don't understand the whole issue actually, if a westerner misbehaves in Thailand then kick him out.....why don't they do that? We don't need stories about begging farang in Thailand and i don't feel sorry for them. I pay enough tax in my homecountry to not have them begging there, they can get free help.

And what are the Thai doing with our financial situation? I even don't get the copies of my bankaccount back after applying for a visa! I think that's also rude.

If you put the maximum income on the immigrationcard then what will change for you? Will they say "Welcome to Thailand" and smile at the immigration? I don't think so but you never know, maybe they even guide you to the fast lane at their customs.

Can anybody tell me what changes if you tell the Thai you make more then 100kus$ a year? Will you get free flowers at the hotel? Or any better service/free stuff?

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Don't get over excited over the content guys; it is just another statement from TAT...

Some times, i sounds like they have a few dominos with preset sentences written over them, throw them in the air, take the first 4 to hit the ground and abracadabra, statement of the week ready :)...

Next week, expect some improvement though and maybe a follow up statement:

"TAT now confirmed the deal been sealed, to attract quality Germans; Bangkok will now host the 2016 October Fest" clap2.gifclap2.gif

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High end tourists? cheesy.gif I just got an email from Airports of Thailand. If you think the English in the email is bad, check the English in the links...

"Let's make an email campaign to get high end tourists."

"Should we have the text translated and edited by a professional language services agency?"

"No, that would cost too much. Just use Google. We're going after Germans now, and they probably aren't that good at reading English so they won't notice any mistakes."

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The scam that ruins the Thai image the most (imo) is the "palace is closed sir, come see longtailboat hab special plice now".

When i reported this scam at the reception in the Palace they acted like they couldn't speak english.

We all know to whom this Palace belonged and i really can't understand why they let those scammers ruin it's reputation. It's been going on for decades now, sure they all know about it.

Boggles the mind, doesn't it?

Makes you wonder which is more powerful, the Monarchy or the Mafia.

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If you are serious about attracting more Western tourists, where do you start? By coordinating policy between the Tourism ministry, and Immigration. You start by offering visas of all sorts, for free, and making it as easy as possible.

Never understood this argument. If they're monied up, why would free visas persuade them? The $200 USD it costs at the Thai consulate in the US is such a minuscule percentage of the total spend on a trip that it seems like a questionable argument.

Sorry, can't compare to German costs here but, for me to fly US to BKK roundtrip, I'm going to spend around $1200 - $1700 depending on a host of factors like departure days, time of the year, etc. So let's call it $1500 and assume a German would pay a comparable amount. Yeah, you could find it cheaper. It could be more expensive. But, this is a monied up German so I'm assuming they travel during high season and don't book a flight with 15 layovers.

Assume a 3 month stay in Thailand (biggest reason to even need a tourist visa). At $100 a night, which is sort of what I would think the price point would be for a monied up German traveler according to TAT standards, that's $9000 in lodging. Even if they get a deal on something down in Pattaya or whatever, $50 has to be the rough minimum for a monied up traveler, which is $4500.

90 days of food, unless they're eating street food, I'm guessing in the neighborhood of $20 a day so $1800. Plus, assuming our monied up German likes him a little beer, say 4 beers a day at 100 baht each, is another $1000 and change for drinks.

None of that includes anything more than sitting around doing anything other than eating and drinking. Assume they travel within Thailand a bit, visit some entertainment venues, or whatever and the prices go up accordingly.

But just that, $1500 Airfare

$4500 - $9000 lodging

$2800 food and drink

That's between $8,800 and $13,300 USD. The $200 visa is 1.5% - 2% of the total cost of the trip.

And none of that is taking into account the fact that the average tourist stay by Europeans in Thailand is 16 days which means they don't even need a visa.

Well rich Europeans like to stay in a warm place the whole winter so they sure need visa's for that.

They don't mind applying for a visa but the embassies make it very very hard to apply. One has to bring copies of the bankaccount and not just the saldo but they need them for last months, all printed out.

I think it's offensive to focus on the tourists money all the time like the Thai do. The first thing they ask me in the plane on their immigrationcard is also the yearly salary. They act like salary is the only way to prove you have enough funds to stay in Thailand. Maybe they're thinking W-europeans all would love to live under a bridge in BKK.

I always refuse to provide salary information on the arrival card. And you are right about the visa. You can apply logic like digibum did. But, it is the hassle, and the general feeling like we are not really wanted over there, that alot of tourists get from these kinds of non visionary policies. It is inane. I have refused to travel to China for years now, over the $250 visa fee. The trip would cost me thousands. But, the visa fee holds me back. It is annoying, and offensive. It is quite easy to just pick another destination. Another example of the extraordinary lack of vision within this government, at every level. Top to bottom.

Well i 've been offered trips to china many times, totally paid for by a chinese company who does business with my wife but i refused to go there. I didn't even know they had such ridiculous expensive visa there, never heard of it before.

My wife made the trip last month though and it was great she said, except traffic is much worse then Thailand. She brought 8 collegues and all was free.

I don't understand the whole issue actually, if a westerner misbehaves in Thailand then kick him out.....why don't they do that? We don't need stories about begging farang in Thailand and i don't feel sorry for them. I pay enough tax in my homecountry to not have them begging there, they can get free help.

And what are the Thai doing with our financial situation? I even don't get the copies of my bankaccount back after applying for a visa! I think that's also rude.

If you put the maximum income on the immigrationcard then what will change for you? Will they say "Welcome to Thailand" and smile at the immigration? I don't think so but you never know, maybe they even guide you to the fast lane at their customs.

Can anybody tell me what changes if you tell the Thai you make more then 100kus$ a year? Will you get free flowers at the hotel? Or any better service/free stuff?

I got a 10 year multi entry tourist visa for China for under $200 usd. 10 years!!!!!! I come and go as I like, hassle free. They even allow back to back runs every 90 days, which make it easy to run from Shenzhen to Hong Kong and back.

If you are able to get the extended visa, ge it. It's worth the cost.

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