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PM Prayut calls on Thais to do good things


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PM Prayut calls on Thais to do good things

In short:

Don't topple Governments?

Not even corrupt ones????
Correct. Thats the job of the voters at the next election.

So you suggest that voters live for possibly a full term of office with a corrupt government ??? Seems grossly incorrect to me. Corrupt Governmnrnts are removed by due process in all countries end of story!!! And by the the way the process which allows for this IS Democratic!!!

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PM Prayut calls on Thais to do good things

In short:

Don't topple Governments?

Not even corrupt ones????

You mean that the unelected and unremovable generals who topple the corrupt elected government are not corrupt?

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PM Prayut calls on Thais to do good things

In short:

Don't topple Governments?

Not even corrupt ones????
Correct. Thats the job of the voters at the next election.

So you suggest that voters live for possibly a full term of office with a corrupt government ??? Seems grossly incorrect to me. Corrupt Governmnrnts are removed by due process in all countries end of story!!! And by the the way the process which allows for this IS Democratic!!!

Sorry, you're not making any sense. Are you calling military coups due process????

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PM Prayut calls on Thais to do good things

In short:

Don't topple Governments?

Not even corrupt ones????
Correct. Thats the job of the voters at the next election.

So you suggest that voters live for possibly a full term of office with a corrupt government ??? Seems grossly incorrect to me. Corrupt Governmnrnts are removed by due process in all countries end of story!!! And by the the way the process which allows for this IS Democratic!!!

Sorry, you're not making any sense. Are you calling military coups due process????

No you're right it's obvious you're not understanding. I'm calling the removal of corrupt ones a due democratic process and they will obviously be replaced with something better if there is a situation where vote rigging g and corruption in open elections is rife do you understand now?

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PM Prayut calls on Thais to do good things

In short:

Don't topple Governments?

Not even corrupt ones????
Correct. Thats the job of the voters at the next election.

So you suggest that voters live for possibly a full term of office with a corrupt government ??? Seems grossly incorrect to me. Corrupt Governmnrnts are removed by due process in all countries end of story!!! And by the the way the process which allows for this IS Democratic!!!

Sorry, you're not making any sense. Are you calling military coups due process????

No you're right it's obvious you're not understanding. I'm calling the removal of corrupt ones a due democratic process and they will obviously be replaced with something better if there is a situation where vote rigging g and corruption in open elections is rife do you understand now?

"No you're right it's obvious you're not understanding."

I didn't say I didn't understand, I said you're not making any sense - big difference>

" I'm calling the removal of corrupt ones a due democratic process "

Please explain how the removal of an elected government not convicted of anything by a junta due democratic process. I can't wait for the answer!!clap2.gif

"..and they will obviously be replaced with something better if there is a situation where vote rigging g and corruption in open elections is rife do you understand now?"

Nope. Please try to explain yourself so that one can understand what you're talking about. What's obvious and how is "it" obvious (Whatever "it" is)??

Do you mean that having no elections is better than having elections where vote buying occurs? You do know that despite some vote buying the international community has deemed the last few elections fair, right?

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PM Prayut calls on Thais to do good things

In short:

Don't topple Governments?

Not even corrupt ones????
Correct. Thats the job of the voters at the next election.
So you suggest that voters live for possibly a full term of office with a corrupt government ??? Seems grossly incorrect to me. Corrupt Governmnrnts are removed by due process in all countries end of story!!! And by the the way the process which allows for this IS Democratic!!!

Due process is by an election or by the legal system, not by one man appointing himself and committing the highest crime against a nation. Not sure what you would call "due process" but a rethink of your processing ability is certainly due.

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PM Prayut calls on Thais to do good things

In short:

Don't topple Governments?

Not even corrupt ones????
Correct. Thats the job of the voters at the next election.
So you suggest that voters live for possibly a full term of office with a corrupt government ??? Seems grossly incorrect to me. Corrupt Governmnrnts are removed by due process in all countries end of story!!! And by the the way the process which allows for this IS Democratic!!!

Due process is by an election or by the legal system, not by one man appointing himself and committing the highest crime against a nation. Not sure what you would call "due process" but a rethink of your processing ability is certainly


Ok you're all right of course it was a far more democratic system when we stole rice from farmers and refused to pay for it and threw handgrenades at people on lumpini park too many people with Issan wives on this format or maybe that's unfair as many ORDINARY people in Issan reckon things are FAR better now red shirt farang would never accept that though would they? Bored now I think I'll get more sense out of that tree over there!!!!

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PM Prayut calls on Thais to do good things

In short:

Don't topple Governments?

Not even corrupt ones????
Correct. Thats the job of the voters at the next election.
So you suggest that voters live for possibly a full term of office with a corrupt government ??? Seems grossly incorrect to me. Corrupt Governmnrnts are removed by due process in all countries end of story!!! And by the the way the process which allows for this IS Democratic!!!

Due process is by an election or by the legal system, not by one man appointing himself and committing the highest crime against a nation. Not sure what you would call "due process" but a rethink of your processing ability is certainly


Ok you're all right of course it was a far more democratic system when we stole rice from farmers and refused to pay for it and threw handgrenades at people on lumpini park too many people with Issan wives on this format or maybe that's unfair as many ORDINARY people in Issan reckon things are FAR better now red shirt farang would never accept that though would they? Bored now I think I'll get more sense out of that tree over there!!!!

"Ok you're all right of course it was a far more democratic system when we stole rice from farmers and refused to pay for it and threw handgrenades at people on lumpini park"

Were you involved????

"too many people with Issan wives on this format or maybe that's unfair as many ORDINARY people in Issan reckon things are FAR better now..

On what do you base that claim? If that were true wouldn't the "PM" have held election a long time ago? I laugh every time a junta supporter makes the claim that a majority supports the junta, and when I ask the if the "PM' wouldn't have held an election already the silence is resoundingclap2.gif

"Bored now I think I'll get more sense out of that tree over there!!!!"

If you're bored then why do you keep posting?

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Gen Prayut also asked all Thai people to remain mindful and united so as to help the government build peace and stability. General, I am sure they will indeed stay mindful when they cast their No votes.

Repeating oneself continually is an early symptom of Alzheimer's disease. Your looking tired General.

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It's ironic a man holding power by gun says this.

Like a hostage taker asking the hostages to consider the good deeds in their life's more.

Or a rapist request the victim whisper "I love you."

It's getting sicker by the day this delusion that military are the people's voice

Thanks - almost forgot he wasn't elected. facepalm.gif

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"PM Prayut calls on Thais to do good things"

Errrr, like voting? Wouldn't THAT be a good thing?

Yes it would - if they actually understood what they were voting for!

They don't have to, the military understands for them, silly!

Edited by jesimps
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Why would you need to ask people to do good things?

You miss the point. this is an endorsement. It is preparation, much like the bike for dad and mom events.

The point here is the occasion prayut wishes people to do good on, not that he wishes them to do good. Lines are being drawn.

I'm surprised how many here can't see what goes on under their noses preferring instead to bicker pointless semantics.

Edited by HooHaa
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28th of July 2016

Could be a massive day for Thailand.

Could be the beginning of the end of the relentless cycle of coups.

I don't think the anti-begging law will bring about a revolution. But that's your opinion.

No, I think on Thursday a lot of beggars will probably go up country and stay away from Bangkok. Too risky for them. Such a shame that laws on begging have been passed without the approve of the masses. Hope this law is repealed. I always give money to beggars. My wife says it's good luck. If I fell on hard times I would hope someone could help me. Not arrest and imprison me.

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"PM Prayut calls on Thais to do good things"

Errrr, like voting? Wouldn't THAT be a good thing?

Yes it would - if they actually understood what they were voting for!

Where does that happen?

So are you and Waldroj working on the assumption that Thais are too stupid to understand what's going on? Unlike you two intellectual giants...

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Why would you need to ask people to do good things?

You miss the point. this is an endorsement. It is preparation, much like the bike for dad and mom events.

The point here is the occasion prayut wishes people to do good on, not that he wishes them to do good. Lines are being drawn.

I'm surprised how many here can't see what goes on under their noses preferring instead to bicker pointless semantics.

Very subtle. Well put, I take my hat off to you.

Now we will just have to wait and see if the prediction is correct...

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Looks like the monkeys up in Phichit never got the memo.

Destroying all those referendum papers might just bring on a curfew.

I do hope you are not being cynical as 8 year old children and monkeys are a threat that cannot be underestimated!

Citizen's 'Do Good Things'! a message of hope and goodwill that you cynical farangs will never understand

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"PM Prayut calls on Thais to do good things"

Errrr, like voting? Wouldn't THAT be a good thing?

Yes it would - if they actually understood what they were voting for!
Where does that happen?

So are you and Waldroj working on the assumption that Thais are too stupid to understand what's going on? Unlike you two intellectual giants...

Can't speak for Waldroj, but MY comment apparently went WELL over your head. Prob'y best therefore that you not engage in any "intellectual" tugs of war...

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"PM Prayut calls on Thais to do good things"

Errrr, like voting? Wouldn't THAT be a good thing?

Yes it would - if they actually understood what they were voting for!
Where does that happen?

So are you and Waldroj working on the assumption that Thais are too stupid to understand what's going on? Unlike you two intellectual giants...

Can't speak for Waldroj, but MY comment apparently went WELL over your head. Prob'y best therefore that you not engage in any "intellectual" tugs of war...

Wow... You think your dim-witted comment constitutes an intellectual statement? Was it the vague reference to there not actually being a vote that makes you feel that way?

Edited by Alwyn
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