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Thai Food And Medicinal Qualities

libya 115

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Mrs. Libya devotes a lot of time processing fresh gra chai which she insists is a medicinal compound that cures all ills. Bad back, constipation, skin complaints, coughs and colds etc.

I have done a little internet research and found it is called 'lesser ginger' in English or 'Chinese Keys', yet I cannot find any research on the so called health benefits.

Does anyone have any further information? Thanks.

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Finding alot of the exact scientific data on Thai food is difficult. I have a friend who is a Professor at Chiang Mai U that I go to if I realy want some data on something for my writing. If you are around a university, I suggest asking around their faculty of pharmacy or medicine. The problem here is that Thai food has a wealth of medicinal uses for us in life, but little of the information is disseminating out into Western culture presently - ie in English.

I will tell you this, though. Krachai is often listed as having carminative effects aiding in digestion. Just googling 'krachai" as one word, and then "carminative", I found a bunch more google pages, but most of them ju8st unsubstantiated passing on of the same information about Thai food. Maybe also try "krachai" and "medicinal."

Go ahead and post any good links if you find them.

And personally, good for you or not, I find krachai and turmeric in too large amonts in foods a little offensive. It's so strong in things like catfish curry sometimes - pla deuk phat phet. When it's a minnor ingredient to the 'gaeng' it's fine by me though.

And if you are in Chiang Mai and speak a good measure of Thai, maybe I can pass along Ajarn's name so you can speak directly if you'd like to. He's a Doctor, and dedicated vegetarian with loads of Thai herb info. If only I had time to help him convert it all into English !!

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