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Clinton wins sufficient number of delegates for nomination


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Edit = Bush was in the Whitehouse 5 minutes, so in no way can he be held responsible for it.

You do know what the '9' stands for in 9/11 right?

And you do know that Bush took charge in 1/11 right?

You're completely wrong on this one Franky.

It was all on his, Cheneys and that hag Rice's watch.

They made a mess of it, and frankly they made an even bigger mess using it as an excuse.

You are very very very wrong mate.

Look into it deeply. It's stunning what that man did in his Presidency.

Franky, that's why I suggested leaving 9/11 alone. Hardcore Democrats base everything on emotion and the outcome they desire....much like a child doesn't reason things...... they just know what they want.

It would be easier to try and teach a dog Spanish than to get them to view anything objectively.

Yo quiero Taco Bell.

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You are very very very wrong mate.

Look into it deeply. It's stunning what that man did in his Presidency.

Franky, that's why I suggested leaving 9/11 alone. Hardcore Democrats base everything on emotion and the outcome they desire....much like a child doesn't reason things...... they just know what they want.

It would be easier to try and teach a dog Spanish than to get them to view anything objectively.

Yo quiero Taco Bell.

Yeah...but greats like the Taco Bell dog & Mr. Ed only come around once every other generation

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Edit = Bush was in the Whitehouse 5 minutes, so in no way can he be held responsible for it.

You do know what the '9' stands for in 9/11 right?

And you do know that Bush took charge in 1/11 right?

You're completely wrong on this one Franky.

It was all on his, Cheneys and that hag Rice's watch.

They made a mess of it, and frankly they made an even bigger mess using it as an excuse.

You do know that 11 is a day...not a year?

I would have also reminded that Bush took over in 1/01 but you seemed to be having so much fun

Thanks for the correction. Not used to the American way of putting dates the wrong way round. tongue.png

But I don't call nine months '5 minutes'' in any counting system.

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Edit = Bush was in the Whitehouse 5 minutes, so in no way can he be held responsible for it.

You do know what the '9' stands for in 9/11 right?

And you do know that Bush took charge in 1/11 right?

You're completely wrong on this one Franky.

It was all on his, Cheneys and that hag Rice's watch.

They made a mess of it, and frankly they made an even bigger mess using it as an excuse.

You are very very very wrong mate.

Look into it deeply. It's stunning what that man did in his Presidency.

I agree with you considering the mess he inherited and the absolute carnage that followed him.

Edited by Chicog
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Edit = Bush was in the Whitehouse 5 minutes, so in no way can he be held responsible for it.

You do know what the '9' stands for in 9/11 right?

And you do know that Bush took charge in 1/11 right?

You're completely wrong on this one Franky.

It was all on his, Cheneys and that hag Rice's watch.

They made a mess of it, and frankly they made an even bigger mess using it as an excuse.

You are very very very wrong mate.

Look into it deeply. It's stunning what that man did in his Presidency.

I agree with you considering the mess he inherited and the absolute carnage that followed him.

Nice try.

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Vermin Supreme was in the running too but now the winner will be either Drumpt or Hillary.

At least with Miss America by the time it gets to the finals at least you still get to pick the one you preferred the most rather than in the presidential election where you have to choose the one you dislike of the least.

Of all the qualified GOP & DFL cantidates, I can't believe these two are the best choices.

Ted Cruze and Chris Christie had no business running, their only purpose was to make the other losers look not as bad by comparison

In America you get to choose from 50 candidates for Miss America but only two for president.

But it isn't two candidates. There were bucketloads to start with, including "Deez Nuts".


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Socialist women, let's the rest of American CITIZENS pay for all of the Illegals who use the system so well. Sorry, I HAVEN'T learn to shit extra money after paying my rent and taxes.

MAYBE we should put her in Syria and see how she's feels, oh how about being blown up in France during a festival, but she has protection service lucky girl huh? who lives in the real streets of life.

She paraded Spanish speaking Illegals during the convention and blew off Senator Sanders proposals , a real insider. Funny, all that education and she doesn't speak Spanish, don't they teach that at Yale? ( Oh Hispanics didn't qualify),Can she order Taco's at TACO BELL drive through in San Diego in Spanish?

Yes,Trump has a big mouth for the truth of the the broken system, like all people in power they never like to let go.

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Fact of the matter is that Hillary is one boring and annoying woman to listen to.

Even Bill had his fill of her....getting his kicks from other women in the white house.

Democrats are doing everything in their power to get more interesting people on the stage....

The inevitable is, that annoying voice once again.....over and over. Same old drivel.

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If anyone would like to see a documentary concerning people whose lives were NOT enriched by the clinton,s hard work and dedication, get into youtube and check out "The clinton Chronicles _ the bill clinton murders". It details a highly interesting sequence of intriguing events ! Working for the good of the people ? My donkey !

Edited by phantomfiddler
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In America you get to choose from 50 candidates for Miss America but only two for president.

BUT they have personality and a nice chest.

And that is what a person should 'vote on?' Grant it, that is all she has! That the bra off and see how far they FALL!

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There is only one candidate for President. The fact that she's a strong woman scares the poop out of the wingnuts.

The best argument against Trump are the people who defend him. Trump supporters are extreme, dim and intolerant. Trump isn't a serious candidate. He’s the Republican candidate for President.

There isn't enough bandwidth in the universe to detail all the ways liberals are intolerant...and they will be voting for Hillary, who by any other name would be sitting in federal prison.

I like the way the thread title uses the word "sufficient number" as if she just squeaked out a victory. If not for Super Delegates and the DNC rigging the system, Bernie would have won. But 2008 taught Hillary not to leave things to chance.

As the American people and other around the world are subjected to weekly corruption scandals coming from Hillary and the Democrats, they should ask themselves, "where are all the Republican corruption scandals?". Sure, they are far from perfect, pulling off what they did in Colorado giving Cruz the victory. But the list of Democrat Party corruption is long, and much of it involves their nominee for president.

There is some hope that even American Democrats almost needed to be tricked into voting for her, allowing her to barely beat a 70-something year old Socialist while getting less votes than she did in 2008.

The number of times I run into Pinut's insightful little pearls of wisdom in other posters quotes has become more rare, When I do, It reminds me of why the ignore feature really can help filter out chronically tedious and juvenile blathering. He's a rare bird indeed.

Nova is ignoring me? I'm crushed. I was posting just for him.

I'm very proud of my new moniker, Pinut. Hillary Rotten Clinton and me. thumbsup.gif

Maybe Pinenut? Love them in pesto. Hard to find here in LOS.

Maybe we should all ignore anyone who doesn't agree with us? Of course that would take all the fun out of it for me. I love boring under the skin, finding the nerve. Obviously, it's working. gigglem.gif

Classy bunch, eh?

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EXCLUSIVE: IRS Launches Investigation Of Clinton Foundation

" IRS Commissioner John Koskinen referred congressional charges of corrupt Clinton Foundation “pay-to-play” activities to his tax agency’s exempt operations office for investigation, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

The request to investigate the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation on charges of “public corruption” was made in a July 15 letter by 64 House Republicans to the IRS, FBI and Federal Trade Commission (FTC). They charged the foundation is “lawless.”giggle.gif


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Clinton wins historic nomination, emotional boost from Bill

JULIE PACE, Associated Press

CATHERINE LUCEY, Associated Press


Yes, fantastic speech by good ol' Bill.

I particularly liked this bit near the end:

"She's still the best darn change-maker I have ever known."

He's dead right, of course. She is the best darn change-maker - she changes her mind depending on which way the wind blows and how many votes she'll get for changing it.

How can you Democrats actually believe her? crazy.gif

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Great speech, Bill.


Maddow: I Found Top Part of Bill’s DNC Speech ‘Shocking and Rude’

Maddow began by giving the end of the speech an A+, but then said, “I think the beginning of the speech was a controversial way to start, honestly, talking about the girl, a girl, leading with this long story about him being attracted to an unnamed girl and thinking about whether he was starting something he couldn’t finish, building her whole political story, for the whole first half of the speech around her marriage to him. I think, unless there were worries that this is going to be too feminist a convention, that was not a feminist way to start. But the end of the speech was really good. I’ve got to say, the top of the speech I found shocking and rude.”


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What a pair!

Americans find Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump equally unfavorable, according to a new Gallup poll conducted between July 18 and July 25. The surveyed Americans rated, for the first time ever, both Clinton and Trump at 37 percent favorable and 58 percent unfavorable. The figures indicate a slump for Clinton, who has routinely scored a higher favorability rating than Trump since July 2015.


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Clinton wins historic nomination, emotional boost from Bill

JULIE PACE, Associated Press

CATHERINE LUCEY, Associated Press


Yes, fantastic speech by good ol' Bill.

I particularly liked this bit near the end:

"She's still the best darn change-maker I have ever known."

He's dead right, of course. She is the best darn change-maker - she changes her mind depending on which way the wind blows and how many votes she'll get for changing it.

How can you Democrats actually believe her? crazy.gif

"She's still the best darn change-maker I have ever known." BJ Clinton

Well, she certainly changed Libya.

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