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French Tourist Brutally Beaten by Pattaya Motorbike Taxi Drivers


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I agree with Mr ClutchClark. Thailand is not a place to fight with Thai people or argue with them. I call them covered when many attach one person. If they are a man they should try to stop the fight and not to beat up the same person. Unfortunately this happen even between the Thai people.

In our case we have no one to support us so the best is just say sorry, move, and if you like go to police and make a report.

My advise when renting motorbike take a full movie of the bike all around in slow motion and make sure the rental person is also in the video to proof you took it at the time of rental. If there is any problem in the end and he is not returning your money politely ask him ok give me a receipt that you are not returning the money because of the damage and try to record everything if you can. Take the receipt or the record to the police.

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8:30 in the evening, still pretty early so should have been lots of sober people around and not far from the police station. Wonder why no one bothered to help?

Depending on your age and physical prowess you can get involved but as often happens another half a dozen thugs come out of the shadows, seen it happen.

A lot of these guys also carry knives and taxi drivers machettes or guns under the front seat.

Of course these parasites will get a slap on the wrist and a 300 baht fine at most

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More loss of face for Thai tourism in general and Pattaya rudeness in particular.

Will there be serious legal charges filed against the perps? No. Pattaya is famous for letting Thai criminals go free with no more than a rebuke from limp-wristed cops.

It's only serious injuries

Severe reprimands of 500 baht fines could be thrashed out for this attempted murder by these seriously deranged cowardly rejects

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So the situation has nothing to do with the hopped-up thug motorcycle taxi drivers, but they see an opportunity to act like a pack of cowardly dogs and do the usual 5 or 6 on one gang attack. I guess these types do this kind of thing because every morning when they wake up and take their yaba, they know they're nothing more than human garbage and it infuriates them -- always some quest for cowardly violence brewing inside them.

Its almost as if they seethe with hate against farang and just await the chance they can seriously harm one of us.

I believe that farang are but surrogates for the rich and privileged people they really hate; hate that they can not express or even admit to themselves. It is redirected hatred at the farang who they believe are also rich and privileged.

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8:30 at night?

62-year old man?

Group of motorbike taxi drivers particpate in a "beat down" that leaves farang with serious head injuries.

This is why I tell everyone I know in the US to never visit Thailand.

Even if the damage to the motorbike is true, and there are many instances of this type of scam, the resulting actions are criminal.

Lesson to all farang: Smile. Be apolite. Get the police involved.

"get the police involved"???

Good luck with that. You'd be wasting your time.

Best advice, it's 1000 baht - walk away. What is your time worth?.. apart from the fact it's not exactly fun spending time at the police station (take that from someone who has spent many hours down there on many occasions).

It's easy money in the pocket for unscrupulous people renting out bikes. If they say you're not getting it - you're not getting it. It's not enough money to be worth the effort of trying to recover it. It's a perfect scam.

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8:30 at night?

62-year old man?

Group of motorbike taxi drivers particpate in a "beat down" that leaves farang with serious head injuries.

This is why I tell everyone I know in the US to never visit Thailand.

Even if the damage to the motorbike is true, and there are many instances of this type of scam, the resulting actions are criminal.

Lesson to all farang: Smile. Be apolite. Get the police involved.

"get the police involved"???

Good luck with that. You'd be wasting your time.

Best advice, it's 1000 baht - walk away. What is your time worth?.. apart from the fact it's not exactly fun spending time at the police station (take that from someone who has spent many hours down there on many occasions).

It's easy money in the pocket for unscrupulous people renting out bikes. If they say you're not getting it - you're not getting it. It's not enough money to be worth the effort of trying to recover it. It's a perfect scam.

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So the situation has nothing to do with the hopped-up thug motorcycle taxi drivers, but they see an opportunity to act like a pack of cowardly dogs and do the usual 5 or 6 on one gang attack. I guess these types do this kind of thing because every morning when they wake up and take their yaba, they know they're nothing more than human garbage and it infuriates them -- always some quest for cowardly violence brewing inside them.

You've got this the wrong way around. They don't think they are "human garbage" as you stated. They think Farang are human garbage, and they don't need yabba to help them spew their hatred.

It's not a matter of a fair fight or not. Even one could have taken care of that 62 year old Frenchman. It has nothing to do with cowardice at all. It's just a frenzy brought on by pent-up hatred. They weren't thinking, they were reacting. They were having a lot of fun.

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So the situation has nothing to do with the hopped-up thug motorcycle taxi drivers, but they see an opportunity to act like a pack of cowardly dogs and do the usual 5 or 6 on one gang attack. I guess these types do this kind of thing because every morning when they wake up and take their yaba, they know they're nothing more than human garbage and it infuriates them -- always some quest for cowardly violence brewing inside them.

Its almost as if they seethe with hate against farang and just await the chance they can seriously harm one of us.

I read your post after I posted similar above. You hit the nail on the head. Their hate is like a pressure cooker, waiting to explode at any given opportunity. Any Farang causing trouble and/or raising his voice is the perfect opportunity.

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8:30 at night?

62-year old man?

Group of motorbike taxi drivers particpate in a "beat down" that leaves farang with serious head injuries.

This is why I tell everyone I know in the US to never visit Thailand.

Even if the damage to the motorbike is true, and there are many instances of this type of scam, the resulting actions are criminal.

Lesson to all farang: Smile. Be apolite. Get the police involved.

Damage to motorbike ? I cannot find any reference to any damage, even in the original posting, and it just looks like the thais do not like to give deposits back under any circumstances :(

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The "Seasoned" response from those of us who have been here a while, would have been to sum up the situation, and just pay the Baht 1000, the consequences could have been a lot worse, I am not suggesting in this case that the victim lost his cool, but it has been known, that does not excuse the way the Thai's acted, but there are a whole new set of rules that foreigners should learn if they want a stress free holiday/ life here.

The dispute was over 300 baht.

Yup but the frenchman started the fight according to the shopowner.

assuming that the frenchman did start the fight, what

gave five other thugs the right to beat him up.

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The cowardly Thai men scums that always attacks in packs like rabid dogs, seen it happening

over and over again, and always a bunch of them on one victim, and very unique to this country,

you wanna beat someone up, go it alone, Mano A Mano, you cowherds....

Let's be real. It is not unique to this country.

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the question is not about the quantum of money.

the question is about humanity, morals, social values and

due process of law.

five thugs had no right to beat up an elderly visitor.if there

was an issue in the business transaction, the matter could be resolved by

referring it to the police.

if thugs are going to take the law into their own hands. what then is the police

there for?

such thuggery should be combated with harsh punishment. caning ought to be mandatory for group assaults.

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These Thai thugs always fight in gangs with weapons and usually beat the crap out of some old man. It is way past time the Thai Police and Judicial system do something that sends a message to these Thai Thugs that this is not acceptable. They usually get some minimal fine and sent on their way.

In Belize, any local stealing from a tourist gets a 7 year jail sentence. Aggravated assault should get even more!

I am very disillusioned with the land of smiles. This kind of thing is happening far far far too often

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Tough guys. Gang fight against a 62 year old. They should be ashamed of themselves. Terrible behavior here.

ashamed? it's not in their play book! the only time those running dog cowards feel good about themselves is when they attack foreigners who can'tfight back or are to drunk to fight! after they perform their cowardly act then they feel "good" about themselves! something like rats who see garbage on the street.

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The cowardly Thai men scums that always attacks in packs like rabid dogs, seen it happening

over and over again, and always a bunch of them on one victim, and very unique to this country,

you wanna beat someone up, go it alone, Mano A Mano, you cowherds....

Let's be real. It is not unique to this country.

it is unique to thailand that a pack goes after an individual

or the attachers outnumber the victims by a huge margin.why do

thugs who are not privy to the issue join in.

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These Thai thugs always fight in gangs with weapons and usually beat the crap out of some old man. It is way past time the Thai Police and Judicial system do something that sends a message to these Thai Thugs that this is not acceptable. They usually get some minimal fine and sent on their way.

In Belize, any local stealing from a tourist gets a 7 year jail sentence. Aggravated assault should get even more!

I am very disillusioned with the land of smiles. This kind of thing is happening far far far too often

if this situation is not handled firmly the cumulative

effect on the tourism industry will be disastrous.

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Awareness that there are substantial numbers of Thai people, and particularly angry young Thai men, who hate farangs (and likely all foreigners) is something people should be aware of when coming to Thailand.

Just as there are likely many young men in your home country who feel the same about non-whites and arent afraid to act on it.

The difference is that most farang are treated far better in Thailand than any Thai/non-white person would be in your home country and other predominantly white/euro countries.

Farangs questioning why such incidents happen need look no further than the disparaging, hateful things said by their fellow countrymen about Thais on TV and other forums daily.

It's no wonder Thais retaliate when they encounter one too many arrogant/belligerent farang who while living in their country, think theyre entitled to look down on them and treat them with disrespect.

As for this incident, one can only surmise that the Frenchman-who like his countrymen, are used to being confrontational and expressing themselves aggressively, exacerbated the situation resulting in the assault.

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I have been in several situations where uneducated, low life Thais wanted to gang up on me over nothing.

I have far too much to lose to confront these scum whereas they have nothing to lose except a 100 baht.

Their attitude is definitely confrontational and some appear to have downright hatred toward foreigners.

There have been numerous cases where a gang of dead beat Thais beat up old foreigners.

I am in this country because of my employer who pays me a lot to be here otherwise adios amigos as

I will be transferred soon to a more civilized place, Japan.

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