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G.W. Bush is visiting a primary school to talk with the kids about politics in the Middle East.

After his speech he invites the class for any questions they might have.

"Who's got a question" Bush asks.

A little boy raises his hand.

So what's your name ?

"My name is Billy" the boy answered

"And what is your question ?", Bush asks.

"Actually, the boy says, I have 3 questions:"

1. Why did the USA invade Irak without approval of the UN ?

2. Why did you become president, even though Al Gore received more votes than you ?

3. Where is Osama Bin Laden ?

Just after finishing his questions the bell rings. Bush promises to carrry on where they have left after the break.

After the break Bush asks, "So, where were we? Who has got a question?"

Another pupil raises his hand.

Bush asks: "Okay, whats your name what is your question?"

My name is Steve Mr. Pesident and I actually have 5 questions:

1. Why did the USA invade Irak without approval of the UN ?

2. Why did you become president, even though Al Gore received more votes than you ?

3. Where is Osama Bin Laden ?

4. Why did the bell ring 30 minutes early today?

5. Where is Billy ?


  • 1 month later...


But, unfortunately, the part about lil' Billy going missing is all-too-true.

During the former "Poppy" Bush regime, in addition to overseeing all the drug-running and illegal weapons sales, the elder Bush also ran a CIA-controlled int'l pedophile ring known as "The Finders" (he's a pedophile himself, just like the now-deceased Gerald Ford was). In fact, he may still be running it.

They would abduct children off the street, screw up their brains, and then sell them to their int'l clients (who then could be controlled through black-mail later, if need be). I believe Jeff Gannon (real name "Johnny Gosch") is a high-profile example who somehow made it to adult life, altho there are apparently many other cases that were not so fortunate.

When they got to a certain age, they were "programmed" to self-destruct (commit suicide) to protect their abusers from too much "scrutiny" later on. Cathy O'Brien (and her daughter) are two cases that fortunately "overcame" the programming and barely escaped with their lives.

If you don't believe me, just do some googlin' ...


Your location says you are from cloud 9.


I'd be happy to believe what you claim.

Why don't you give us some sources to your contributions?

I'd be happy to believe what you claim.

Why don't you give us some sources to your contributions?

I have e-books, documentaries and videos on the subject I got from the web. Some, if not all, of these can probably be watched on YouTube.

  1. A Trance Formation - Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips
  2. Satanic Ritual Child Sacrifices Exposed
  3. The Montauk Project (kidnap and mind control of children)
  4. The Franklin Coverup (direct links to Bush, Sr. and his pedophile ring centered in Washington, D.C.)
  5. Talks by Retired FBI Special-agent-in-charge Ted Gunderson
  6. Talks by the late Phil Schneider (who was killed for going public about the TRUE purpose of the 140 or so secret underground bases in the U.S., and hundreds worldwide, 13 of which he helped build)
  7. Talks by Al Bielek (who's a survivor of 'The Philadelphia Experiment')
  8. Testimony by Duncan Cameron (survivor of Montauk)
  9. Almost ALL Alex Jones videos

And many other sources.

And that's not including all the evidence of cocaine and heroin running by the CIA. And all the murders and coverups involved over the years related to it. A whole 'nother topic unto its own...

There is a lot of credible info becoming available on the web if you just do a little searching, using the keywords 'MK Ultra' and 'Project Monarch' for starters. WARNING: what you will find will be disturbing, to say the least. Most likely, shocking.

The dark side of the Bush Crime Family and the U.S. Secret Gov't is very, very dark. It's no exaggeration.

Brace yourself...

(Please make note my new username. Discovered a problem with the first one...)


Some Cool Bush Bumper Stickers

Bush: Like a Rock.....Only Dumber!

If You Can Read This, You're Not Our President

Hey, Bush Supporters: Embarrassed Yet?

They Call Him "W" So He Can Spell It

Bad President! No Banana

Bush: God's Way of Proving Intelligent Design is Full Of Crap

We Need a President Who's Fluent In At Least One Language

Impeachment: It's Not Just for Blo_jobs Anymore

Jail to the Chief

We're Making Enemies Faster Than We Can Kill Them

Is It Vietnam Yet?

George Bush: Creating the Terrorists Our Kids Will Have to fight

1/20/09: End of an Error

Let's Fix Democracy in This Country First

If You Want a Nation Ruled By Religion, Move to Iran

America: One Nation, Under Surveillance

That's OK, I Wasn't Using My Civil Liberties Anyway

Who's God Do You Kill For?

Cheney/Satan '08

No, Seriously, Why Did We Invade Iraq?


I've already replied to a couple of your pm's funny name change dude.

All these vdo's on you tube (yes I've watched several in the recent past) are wonderful entertainment, and as I said in my PM replies to you, I'm avidly Anti'Bush, but this sh1t is just other people making up cr@p the same way the bush admin does.

I need something credible, not high, drunken, high school kid's ramblings.

Now, more to the point: If you, as you so adamantly claim, are not being brainwashed by the Bush Admin, then what is it that is happening to you with these vdo's.

Just the fact that they suit your desire for other answers, does not the truth make nor make them good for you.

Who's the sheep, following the shephard?

Take a look in the mirror. And come back with some credible answers.

to ahnsahn, some of those are pretty funny. :o

I've already replied to a couple of your pm's funny name change dude.

All these vdo's on you tube (yes I've watched several in the recent past) are wonderful entertainment, and as I said in my PM replies to you, I'm avidly Anti'Bush, but this sh1t is just other people making up cr@p the same way the bush admin does.

I need something credible, not high, drunken, high school kid's ramblings.

Now, more to the point: If you, as you so adamantly claim, are not being brainwashed by the Bush Admin, then what is it that is happening to you with these vdo's.

Just the fact that they suit your desire for other answers, does not the truth make nor make them good for you.

Who's the sheep, following the shephard?

Take a look in the mirror. And come back with some credible answers.

to ahnsahn, some of those are pretty funny. :o

Look Out a Wabbit with wuffled Fur is Dangerous...

And People wonder why the poor old Yanks get a bashing.... :D:D

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