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Thailand Based Soi Dog Launches Bt550m Project to Sterilise Bangkok Street Dogs


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5 minutes ago, MiKT said:



Hey, not only did Artisi kiblitz me, now you are praising him!


Pay more attention please Sir.



Still waiting on your explanation to your comment-


If you are referring to post 82# , it  was (supposed to be) posted to you attention, if it went elsewhere please accept my sincere apology, I certainly wouldn't want you to think bad of me, even if we don't agree :thumbsup:     

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29 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


 A guilty conscience?




That makes no sense.


furthermore, properly organized culling can work on a short term basis in the absence of a paradigm shift in the local human population which feeds and cares for the dogs. Culling can have a long term effect when the local human population supports the cull and desires to modify their cultural norms. 


You appear to not understand the relationship that Thai society has with the Soi dog population is symbiotic. The method they choose to keep dog populations in check includes localized culls. 


The sterilization programs which operate in Thailand have the support of the local communities they operate in. We had Thai personnel and they interfaced with the local community members; however, there were times when someone would object to a particular Soi dog going under the knife and at those times their wish was respected. I don't know of even one such instance where the person could show papers or proof of ownership.


You folks here who are talking about a major and thorough cull program are simply talking nonsense because the majority of the Thai community does not want to see such a sweeping depopulation effort take place.




Guilty,..... Usual lack of understanding of irony, sorry I can't help you in that direction, figure it out for yourself.


I do not agree that the majority of the community does not want to see such sweeping depopulation. You have no factual basis for that statement whatsoever.


Most Thai's have kind hearts and do not want to see animals suffer, so they feed the soi dogs, but many cannot afford to have them sterilized (although a surprising number do).


Thai's are not a stupid as you make out, they understand that it will be beneficial for everybody if the stray (soi) dog population is reduced and they don't mind dogs dying of natural causes because they know there are only too many puppies coming along that they will have to look after. What they don't want to see is the mass killings advocated by the more irrational and blood thirsty members of this forum.


For goodness sake read my posts before you knee-jerk again.


Well your last post has overtaken mine so I can edit as follows:


No, as long as you don't want to kill all dogs (and I know you don't) I won't think  badly of you. In fact I am very happy that you have been involved with dog control.


I just think there you do not seem to have enough understanding of the situation here as apposed to say the US.


I am not totally apposed to culling, sometimes it is actually kinder, but I would like to see the sterilization programme given a chance, because I know that mass culling has not and will not succeed here. Its a different mindset.






Edited by MiKT
overtaken by anther post
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