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A place to feel at home but far from home


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53 minutes ago, transam said:

So are you saying that in my many years of living here I have NOT sussed anything out, that I know no farangs that actually live on these estates and their problems.

Do you not think YOU will never know anyone's character until you have been around them for a while to accept them as OK for your thing....:rolleyes:..

In your previous post, you were clearly dismissing the importance of seeing people in person and having a chance to interact with them personally, over any given length of time, suggesting that taking on people you have not ever even seen before, would basically give you an equal result....

Sorry but i don't think that's true, meeting people in the real life and keep frequenting them over an extended period of time, surely will greatly help with reducing possible future contrasts, i might agree which it's not perfect, but definitely way better than just hope on fate.....not rocket's science really, and i am surprised how a (supposed) grow up person couldn't see that, unless it's just having a laugh?

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50 minutes ago, ardokano said:

Op dono what you want

 But it not be less the cost of living.

 If you want start do it , need investment.

 Example have in Thailand

Russian Village near Pattaya.

700 house.

inside there is almost everything. church, restaurants, kindergarten, many residents do not speak Thai or English. they do not have to. come enjoy a comfortable winter warm weather and the sea for several months. Some live for 4-7 months.

 But IMHO not all foreigner need it. Some come for cheap p..sy and not care about they quality life.

 First  it p...sy, after alcohol. And after all another..


Not looking for the so called "quality tourists" you are mentioning, the main aim it would be how to make life easier for the many farangs, de facto residents of Thailand, foreigners whom have made of this place, their main residence and not just a short term entertainment

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29 minutes ago, JAFO said:

I can't see this working at all.  It might work if 4 or 5 couples that had already networked bought up 4 or 5 places next to each other. Having random people connect is like throwing dice.  Most older folks are not that social.  You make it sound as if you would pull in a bunch of older retirees and they would just sit around a bonfire coughing up their life experiences to people who will do nothing with it.  My parents live in a retirement community. My Dad hates it.  My Mom does OK. But I have met the neighbors and good grief. Some are really bad and this would likely happen in this community.  I have heard of numerous westerners here in Thailamd that had friends and are now bitter enemies.  Bad Scenario. Now they are neighbors for life. Plus most of the foreigners drink excessive amounts out of pure boredom.  


I personally think your idea is flawed.  You are not considering human dynamics. 


Good Luck with it.


Please try to read the thread before commenting, thanks.

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What the OP describes is common in the Middle East - but that's because the people living in the secure compounds want to do things that the local's feel are inappropriate (drinking alcohol, wearing Speedos and treating women like equals etc.,), but in Thailand I don't understand what behaviors would divide us so that we'd want to be living in an ex-pat ghetto?


One of the things I like about living here is that we all tend to share similar values (well, apart from eating Som Tam for breakfast), and the mix of cultures is one of the big attractions of being an ex-pat.

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Work Permits are not necessary for living in Thailand, people interested into living inside this sort of environment, will however be expected to be "legal", as reporting the people living into any household it's a legal requirement.

There will be no age restrictions, everyone it's welcome.

The initial setup for a lodge, will be very basic in order to keep it cheap, but if someone it's willing to add anything to better suit its needs/possibilities, go for it, but don't expect others to pay for them if you decide to leave, which i think it's reasonable, the "money back" guarantee should cover only what all the people have agreed together, any extras should be the responsibility of whom wanted them.

As ideally i would like to see somewhere where foreigners can easily find products they are used to, obviously every household will have to include at least 1 foreigner (or should we make 4 foreigners for each local, to make it sound more familiar??? Ha ha, just kidding), but not ALL foreigners, definitely not, as we can see how a passport it's not a guarantee of "quality", people will need to go through an initial period where we will become familiar with each other, no rush, this little particular will surely be a turn off for many, but we have to understand that it's a necessary measure to make sure we don't end up with some really messed up individual, as already happens into commercial ventures, we don't do it for profit, but to make people's life better, and i don't think there will be a shortage of people on the waiting list, given all the "perks" involved.

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20 minutes ago, Khunyouyouu said:

Work Permits are not necessary for living in Thailand, people interested into living inside this sort of environment, will however be expected to be "legal", as reporting the people living into any household it's a legal requirement.

There will be no age restrictions, everyone it's welcome.

The initial setup for a lodge, will be very basic in order to keep it cheap, but if someone it's willing to add anything to better suit its needs/possibilities, go for it, but don't expect others to pay for them if you decide to leave, which i think it's reasonable, the "money back" guarantee should cover only what all the people have agreed together, any extras should be the responsibility of whom wanted them.

As ideally i would like to see somewhere where foreigners can easily find products they are used to, obviously every household will have to include at least 1 foreigner (or should we make 4 foreigners for each local, to make it sound more familiar??? Ha ha, just kidding), but not ALL foreigners, definitely not, as we can see how a passport it's not a guarantee of "quality", people will need to go through an initial period where we will become familiar with each other, no rush, this little particular will surely be a turn off for many, but we have to understand that it's a necessary measure to make sure we don't end up with some really messed up individual, as already happens into commercial ventures, we don't do it for profit, but to make people's life better, and i don't think there will be a shortage of people on the waiting list, given all the "perks" involved.

I do not say work permit its necessary.

 Just explain.. In Russian villige have different people. have few month stay have living in Thailand..

 But its place there have food, church, restaraunt etc  Russian. so it as "home" for russians  out of Russia..

 If you want make home for some  foreigners.. I do not thinks its important it residents or not.

 Must just have people who accept to pay for this is kind type life.

 And ofcouse need for start investition..


Edited by ardokano
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16 minutes ago, transam said:

You still do not understand my point ...My own interaction with folk over the years, my own problems with dealing with folk....You carry on.....Your headache for sure...

You try build village for UK guys?

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18 minutes ago, Familyonthemove said:

What the OP describes is common in the Middle East - but that's because the people living in the secure compounds want to do things that the local's feel are inappropriate (drinking alcohol, wearing Speedos and treating women like equals etc.,), but in Thailand I don't understand what behaviors would divide us so that we'd want to be living in an ex-pat ghetto?


One of the things I like about living here is that we all tend to share similar values (well, apart from eating Som Tam for breakfast), and the mix of cultures is one of the big attractions of being an ex-pat.


That's an interesting recount, FamilyOnTheMove, i have no insights about life in the ME, but i have a fair knowledge of what, as a westerner, might get on my nerves while hanging around in this beautiful place, and that's where i would like to try to improve things a bit, a safe corner where you can be sure you will not have to go through all the common inconvenience you have out of it, surely people here might really like it and even support it, no problems with it at all, just i will really like to keep it out from my life sometimes, and possibly extend those limits a bit further (just a bit), than my house's walls.

Please don't get me started on all the things i wouldn't like to see into my life, if you have been living here, not just as a tourist, but more as a resident, you will no doubts have already experienced most of the stuff i dislike. If you have been living here all your life, obviously, you might not be able to notice it, and perhaps you even like some of those unhealthy habits.

This will not be a prison, it's up to the residents to keep their doors open or closed, and if everything in your life it's already so rosey and perfect, there is no need to look into something else, i am glad for you and i would like for other to improve their happiness too, that's the very reason behind the existence of this thread, it's all about happiness

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3 minutes ago, transam said:

So a farang buys a place in your thingy....He dies and his Mrs. moves in a Thai bloke....What happens...?

I do not know about "farang". I am talking about all foreigner .  I do not divide people by skin color.

 why Mrs nee move in Thai bloke?:blink:

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44 minutes ago, ardokano said:

You try build village for UK guys?

Why only people from the "UK" ???

I understand there is a large part of current expats from this area, but the sort of common habits, food, education, etc we receive, it's far more wider than a single country.

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36 minutes ago, transam said:

So a farang buys a place in your thingy....He dies and his Mrs. moves in a Thai bloke....What happens...?

If a "member" (any member),suddenly takes an attitude we try to keep out, independently from its place of origin, i think it will be reasonable for them to either, adapt -and fast-, to the current civilized lifestyle, or make plans to find a more suitable environment, all for the benefit of the person in question and the rest of the community, let's not forget that upsetting the very people that will have to give you back your cash, might not be the best of the possible choices to be made, we should all aim to get an happier life for us and the others.

How would you deal with it, maybe you have a better idea?



       ohh and i almost forgot, even if it has being written in previous posts already, it will NOT be "my thingy", but "our thingy", there is a massive difference between the two "thingyes"....

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27 minutes ago, transam said:

I am asking the OP, not a bloke with a Toyota Bike....:rolleyes:


Ardon, you clearly do not understand what has been written...:facepalm:

I understand..

 Its you do not get "clue"

You ansver my post and its writen to OP?


 Tell me WHY need Mrs move to Thai?

 And why you talking only about farang.. Asian or african foreigners its be different?

So do you try build villige for foreigners?


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24 minutes ago, Khunyouyouu said:

Why only people from the "UK" ???

I understand there is a large part of current expats from this area, but the sort of common habits, food, education, etc we receive, it's far more wider than a single country.

Its only say for Transam..

An for me intresting How be edication for expat not  from English lang country?

And how it be "home" for german or franch guys?

But yes for multiple expat its more easy start.. but one another thinks.. what its be differents live as now just go to Foreigners restaraunts, shops etc in public place where go Thai too..

you need thinks about economic feasibility..

How  many people are willing to pay for "home" out homecountry.

And western people also have different preference and opinione on life. its NOT same. Therefore, there is Italian and Dutch ireland etc communities in other countries.

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I'm trying to think what this "Community" could offer that I can't possibly already find in Chiang Mai and what about Chiang Mai that drives me crazy it could possibly eliminate.  Will it be surrounded by a large plastic dome and climate controlled so we don't have to put up with the choking urban air, especially during "burning season"?  Will be be able to walk for miles and miles on wide open footpaths to visit our favorite malls, shops and restaurants?  Will there be no traffic?  Will it have an Immigration office where retirees can obtain their annual retirement extension within 10 minutes of arriving without having to pay a bribe to the "visa agent" conveniently located right next door to Immigration office to jump the queue.  


Nope, didn't think so.


Unless the OP can fix these things that I don't like about CM, I might as well stay put.

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7 minutes ago, NancyL said:

I'm trying to think what this "Community" could offer that I can't possibly already find in Chiang Mai and what about Chiang Mai that drives me crazy it could possibly eliminate.  Will it be surrounded by a large plastic dome and climate controlled so we don't have to put up with the choking urban air, especially during "burning season"?  Will be be able to walk for miles and miles on wide open footpaths to visit our favorite malls, shops and restaurants?  Will there be no traffic?  Will it have an Immigration office where retirees can obtain their annual retirement extension within 10 minutes of arriving without having to pay a bribe to the "visa agent" conveniently located right next door to Immigration office to jump the queue.  


Nope, didn't think so.


Unless the OP can fix these things that I don't like about CM, I might as well stay put.

1. In thailand can find place where not have "burning season"

2. In vilage 1000 house you can work miles and miles..

3. In village with not easy acces  willbe not traffic.

4. I do not know what  for favorite shops and restaraunt, but if westerns.. In close community village ita can maked..


this theory. 

On practic need some courageous guys who start all this is invest..to when they build all this, like you skeptics might come on all ready and accept to live in this place or not


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30 minutes ago, transam said:

What happens if the farang dies and his wife/lady moves a Thai guy in....?

Why you talking only about farang? Why not for all foreigner? Are you rassist? African or asian wife cant go to Thai?

Ansver :

 In Russian Villige have few russian girl got Thai guy. Have few Thai family. Even start speak russian lang, eat food etc.

 I have friend she thai  hasband HK guy with UK passport. Die.

 Mrs now have Thai guy. THAI guy start speak cantonies. Eat western and chines food. Do all what do this is family. She have two child..

 So ansver to you NOTHING happened..


if people do not forget their roots. do not forget their traditions. if these people are strong spiritually. the surrounding people also follow these traditions even after they die

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46 minutes ago, NancyL said:

I'm trying to think what this "Community" could offer that I can't possibly already find in Chiang Mai and what about Chiang Mai that drives me crazy it could possibly eliminate.  Will it be surrounded by a large plastic dome and climate controlled so we don't have to put up with the choking urban air, especially during "burning season"?  Will be be able to walk for miles and miles on wide open footpaths to visit our favorite malls, shops and restaurants?  Will there be no traffic?  Will it have an Immigration office where retirees can obtain their annual retirement extension within 10 minutes of arriving without having to pay a bribe to the "visa agent" conveniently located right next door to Immigration office to jump the queue.  


Nope, didn't think so.


Unless the OP can fix these things that I don't like about CM, I might as well stay put.

NancyL, please let me remind you that Thailand extends a little further than the Chiang Mai's walls, strange but true, i know.

As you seems to be so knowledgeable, do you mind if i ask you where are these places you know, that will give you back the money you invested for your property, as soon as you want them back?

I am sure you are not just making up things, so, please, tell us now, where are they???:lol:


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1 minute ago, transam said:

You are an idiot who does not understand a word used in Thai


YOU are grasping at straws.......Your downfall is imminent...

Sorry to disappoint you, but even from your previous comment it's clear which one of us got some issues....not that this will bring any joy to me, but it's you choosing that path, sorry mate

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Alright, i am going to take a break from replying to some absurdities, and instead highlight some other positive aspect that a similar project might have on our life.

Let's think, for example, on all the things every single household usually purchase, but that are being used very seldom, as a lawnmower, camping equipment, a bike, etc, there are really a whole lot of things that are just sitting there, without being used for the most part of the year, wouldn't be great if we could share that stuff, with somebody else who might want to use it for the day?

In exchange, they could borrow to us something else which we don't have, but we don't want really to buy it.

Think about all the possible savings of something like that could make you, which could translate with a greater availability of stuff and perhaps those savings could be invested on purchasing even more extras, it's all about common sense, really, there is absolutely no need to have 10 identical items around, when just even one of them would suffice, it's like one of those soi where you see 10 hairdressers shops, all next door to each other, and inevitably almost always empty, you know what i mean??? :D

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2 minutes ago, MyFrenU said:

Realistically then a ghettoe full of alcoholics eating pie and chips all married to bargirls,is that really someone's idea of heaven?

That would perfectly resume what elements similar to you might be, do you think you might be able to overcome your evident difficulties, MyFrenU, by adding something which can eventually make any sense whatsoever, or you have to keep up showing off your stupidity in public?

I have absolutely no interest in people of your caliber, and i really don't know what the heck are you doing in here, apart from disrupting what might other ways be a very interesting conversation

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24 minutes ago, transam said:

I think you are getting my posts mixed up with another....Perhaps a glitch.....




JUST ANSWER, how do YOU deal with it...............?


I have already answered to your question when i previously quoted your post, read again the post #115, where i did not simply reply to this scenario but included even further information, if you still cannot understand what you read, please come back to say what exactly you did not get and we will take it further from there

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8 minutes ago, transam said:

So YOU cannot answer a simple question related to YOUR idea.....


YOU bailed.......:rolleyes:


Why have you not answered...?...Because you have no answers....Gawd...


There's a farang bloke near me building a 'resort', a complete nutter.....No it is not you, his inspiration is aimed at Chinese folk.....Bwaaaaaaaaaaah...

If you are unable to understand a reply which contain the answers you are asking for, that's not my fault, i have already been way too helpful for your case

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22 minutes ago, Khunyouyouu said:

Alright, i am going to take a break from replying to some absurdities, and instead highlight some other positive aspect that a similar project might have on our life.

Let's think, for example, on all the things every single household usually purchase, but that are being used very seldom, as a lawnmower, camping equipment, a bike, etc, there are really a whole lot of things that are just sitting there, without being used for the most part of the year, wouldn't be great if we could share that stuff, with somebody else who might want to use it for the day?

In exchange, they could borrow to us something else which we don't have, but we don't want really to buy it.

Think about all the possible savings of something like that could make you, which could translate with a greater availability of stuff and perhaps those savings could be invested on purchasing even more extras, it's all about common sense, really, there is absolutely no need to have 10 identical items around, when just even one of them would suffice, it's like one of those soi where you see 10 hairdressers shops, all next door to each other, and inevitably almost always empty, you know what i mean??? :D


Man you are a dreamer. So to be the devils advocate, A scenario to consider: Neighbor A borrows Neighbors B's lawnmower. Neighbor A uses it and hits rocks, tears up the blade, rips the bag. and then returns it. Neighbor B is going to expect Neighbor A to pay for it. What if he doesn't? Are you going to become a mediator for this. It could go for anything in this Borrow stuff program of yours. And after that event trust me it will spread and no one will loan stuff to others. Its just that simple. I have personally loaned items to neighbors and friends and got them back in damaged or terribly dirty. While we always want to believe people borrowing things from others will respect them, the reality is they do not.


Carry On with your Wayward Pines Story. I am enjoying it

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21 minutes ago, Khunyouyouu said:

That would perfectly resume what elements similar to you might be, do you think you might be able to overcome your evident difficulties, MyFrenU, by adding something which can eventually make any sense whatsoever, or you have to keep up showing off your stupidity in public?

I have absolutely no interest in people of your caliber, and i really don't know what the heck are you doing in here, apart from disrupting what might other ways be a very interesting conversation

The truth can indeed be a cruel master,a ghettoe full of people like you would surely be anyone's worst nightmare?As I said before pie,chips,alcoholism and bargirls,I'd rather live in a ditch!

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