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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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10 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Final Des Moines Register poll of Iowa has Trump winning easily

Trump is the top choice for 46 percent of Iowans who have already cast a ballot or plan to do so on Election Day, according to the latest Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll, compared to 39 percent who say they’re for Clinton…

Forty-one percent of independents support Trump, compared to 34 percent who back Clinton. Trump likewise leads by 5 percentage points — 43 to 38 — among voters under 35…

Lots more bad news for Crooked Hillary here: 



As the link says. It's hot air!

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1 hour ago, keemapoot said:


Stock markets recovered nicely today on Comey's FBI news that in spite the agency-wide program of going to extreme measures for the GOP to find evidence of guilt of Clinton, and announcing same globally to affect the election, based on not yet having seen the Weiner eamils, none has been found...again. Of course, Trump, who earlier applauded Comey, has now turned and called him a traitor and that he has rigged the FBI results for Clinton. Absolutely hilarious.


Trump is a  weathercock. His supporters take him for a  compass.

Edited by Opl
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6 minutes ago, Opl said:


Trump is a  weathercock. His supporters take him for a  compass.


I do agree Trump is some kind of cock. I think he's kinda the syphilis infected type, and tomorrow Tues. 8th, he will get the old fashioned treatment for this type of disease. A hard ball-peen hammer strike that we all hope will drive out this infection of the GOP.

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I do agree Trump is some kind of cock. I think he's kinda the syphilis infected type, and tomorrow Tues. 8th, he will get the old fashioned treatment for this type of disease. A hard ball-peen hammer strike that we all hope will drive out this infection of the GOP.

He'll probably lose but the treatment for the disease will likely take much longer.
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3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Final Des Moines Register poll of Iowa has Trump winning easily

Trump is the top choice for 46 percent of Iowans who have already cast a ballot or plan to do so on Election Day, according to the latest Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll, compared to 39 percent who say they’re for Clinton…

Forty-one percent of independents support Trump, compared to 34 percent who back Clinton. Trump likewise leads by 5 percentage points — 43 to 38 — among voters under 35…

Lots more bad news for Crooked Hillary here: 




hotair.com.  That's hilarious!  Do you ever use a reputable news source?

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Robert Reich Met A Trump Supporter And Blew His Mind With This Fact.


Famed economist and former labor secretary Robert Reich posted an interaction he recently had with a Trump supporter that demonstrates just how deeply this ridiculous misconception that Donald Trump is a “good businessman” has sunk into the public consciousness.



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Donald Trump has been an obnoxious crank from day one of his ugly campaign. Now in his final dayze Trump has become a wandering crank, poking around in Blue states to beg anyone who'd listen to give the state's Electoral College Votes to him by first giving him the state's popular vote.


“After months of campaigning, the presidential race has come down to this: Democrat Hillary Clinton has several apparent paths to the White House, while Republican Donald Trump must sweep battleground states and seize at least one Democratic-leaning state,” the Wall Street Journal reports.


“For Mr. Trump to win, he must finish ahead of Mrs. Clinton in the battleground states of Florida, Ohio and, in most calculations, North Carolina, analysts from both parties said. His path to victory, far narrower than Mrs. Clinton’s, also requires a win in at least one state that has long been in the Democratic column.”


“Mr. Trump’s chances are dim unless he can wrest away a state such as Michigan or Pennsylvania, where he campaigned Sunday, places that haven’t voted Republican in presidential races since 1988.”



Pennsylvania not a chance. Wisconsin no. Minnesota not. Michigan bust. Colorado forget it. Nevada no a' vagabundo. New Hampshire, there are post Comey Coup letter polls that are all over the place, but it is a Blue state due to the swarm of people in neighboring Taxachussetts who over decades have populated just across the border in NH. Virginia is a no sale for Trump. North Carolina is close but mostly because it's Trump -- either Rubio or Cruz for instance would be favored in NC fairly comfortably.


And so on. In Florida Trump is running way behind Romney among Cuban-Americans, and Trump is 7 points behind Romney among Hispanic Americans in the early voting. Puerto Rico natives recently relocated to FL are voting for HRC to the tune of 80% -- PR citizens can vote if they have permanent residence in the USA.


Elections are about numbers -- first find 'em, then turn 'em out. Republicans are in a severe deficit on each count since 2004. It's not getting any better for 'em either. Much worse in fact.

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4 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

What is terrifying is that many states will actually vote for Trump. Simply Terrifying.


I have decided to switch off today and watch a good movie. - 'The day the Earth stood still'.


Well, a base is a base and they will vote for whomever is running.


I wish I could turn it off. I am too obsessed with this election. Refreshing polling and forecast Web sites. Jumping to various news outlets. A few of the last days in a migraine haze with probably one big grand migraine when it is all over. I always get them during stressful times and right after. At least my wife is understanding and lets me have this time to follow the election closely.

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10 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

What is terrifying is that many states will actually vote for Trump. Simply Terrifying.


I have decided to switch off today and watch a good movie. - 'The day the Earth stood still'.


C'mon now, it's a two-party democratic system so people will vote one of two ways but for all kinds of reasons.


I still think of the lady in an Ohio focus group who said after the second debate, "I'm voting for the conservative party. If it's a jackass that's leading the parade so be it."


Even if it is a parade of elephants in an elephant walk it's still a parade. In a matter of hours the parade will be leaderless so it will break up as the different animals charge in to try to take it by the throat.


The unitary parade of elephants walking is about to be scattered into bunches of small and scared packs. They'll never be another parade of 'em again. The next scheduled event four years from now might look more like a Noah's ark but for fishing out survivors only.

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16 minutes ago, Opl said:


Almost all of us have been experiencing it.


The only cure is a post election relief if not joy.


But only the half of us will get the privilege of the particular recovery. 


The other side has the advantage in a certain sense, in that they're already watching their hero being slowly led to the political gallows. It's pretty much at this point they can begin to hear the preacher's voice walking alongside their guy.


Rather, as the final hours count down, it's always the side tapped to cheer that becomes susceptible to the willies. So it's only when the drum roll stops that the cheering can begin.

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  Put the corruption and sexual narratives to rest.     I vote no Globalism .I vote for boarders. I vote for American jobs, I vote against politicians who seem to think that  they are entitled to all the perks and benefits that come with their office.  I vote for a smaller government. I vote for less taxes. I vote for the message of change in Washington that will come without civil war!

Edited by riclag
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LA Times (who must then know that their tracking poll is utter nonsense).



NOV. 6, 2016, 3:04 P.M.

Our final map has Clinton winning with 352 electoral votes. Compare your picks with ours.




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31 minutes ago, riclag said:

  Put the corruption and sexual narratives to rest.     I vote no Globalism .I vote for boarders. I vote for American jobs, I vote against politicians who seem to think that  they are entitled to all the perks and benefits that come with their office.  I vote for a smaller government. I vote for less taxes. I vote for the message of change in Washington that will come without civil war!

You vote against the economics that have made the US and the world much richer.  You vote for violating international law.  You vote for a man who has presented no plan for new jobs and is notorious for not paying his own people and contractors.  You vote for a man who claims he's a billionaire and has the most extreme sense of entitlement ever seen in a political campaign.  You vote for a candidate who says he'll cut taxes but has not outlined any budget cuts outside of protecting the environment. You vote for change that is needed in Congress by putting an offensive incompetent in the White House.

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Following on the major open letter last week by something like the world's top 50 economists, comprising the greatest minds in the world of economics, including several Nobel Prize winners - which roundly condemned the thought of a Trump Presidency; today we now have another such letter, signed by hundreds of political science professors from some of the top Universities in the US:


Political scientists lay out 9 ways Donald Trump is endangering American democracy


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I vote Trump !  I vote No Syrian refugees in America. I vote for better VA standards for Vets. I vote for taking care of Americans first instead of supporting and  harboring millions of illegals in America .I vote for term limits on all  politicians. I vote for strict limits on who can contribute to campaigns. 

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7 minutes ago, riclag said:

I vote Trump !  I vote No Syrian refugees in America. I vote for better VA standards for Vets. I vote for taking care of Americans first instead of supporting and  harboring millions of illegals in America .I vote for term limits on all  politicians. I vote for strict limits on who can contribute to campaigns. 

So you vote for:

Make abortion illegal

Make same sex marriage illegal

Kick off over 20 million Americans from health insurance they can't get otherwise

Keep Citizens United

Massive tax cuts for the super rich

Racist immigration policy similar to Operation Wetback 

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15 minutes ago, riclag said:

I vote Trump !  I vote No Syrian refugees in America. I vote for better VA standards for Vets. I vote for taking care of Americans first instead of supporting and  harboring millions of illegals in America .I vote for term limits on all  politicians. I vote for strict limits on who can contribute to campaigns. 

And did your master Trump ever put a plan down, about the stuff you are so upset about?


You just follow your hatred. Stop blaming the world for the fact that your dreams didn't come out.

I agree that there have to be better care for the vets. And maby Trump will do something about this, because he has a purple heart. And btw, you remember him saying; I always wanted one, but this is the easy way to get it.

So, just vote for your clown, but don't comeback later and complain that you are screwed by your master.

Have a nice day, because tomorrow you will be crying in your beer.

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I vote for levying higher taxes on companies who leave America and want to import their products back into America.I vote for no campaign contributions from  duel citizens of other countries.I vote for renegotiation of trade polices of all countries that trade with the USA  . I vote for expanding use of America's energy and becoming independent of foreign countries energy . I vote for limiting regulations on business .I vote for cutting the deficit of 20 trillion dollars of which Obama doubled in 8 years. 

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2 minutes ago, riclag said:

I vote for levying higher taxes on companies who leave America and want to import their products back into America.I vote for no campaign contributions from  duel citizens of other countries.I vote for renegotiation of trade polices of all countries that trade with the USA  . I vote for expanding use of America's energy and becoming independent of foreign countries energy . I vote for limiting regulations on business .I vote for cutting the deficit of 20 trillion dollars of which Obama doubled in 8 years. 

Well, you have to find a other candidate to vote for than. Maby you can start running yourself, 4 years from now. In the mean time you can start working on all those issues you mention.

Get a grap on the real life, you cann't always get what you want. But at least you can use your brain and see the reality of this clown Trump.

But than, ofcourse, i'm trowing sand in the wind by just responding to your bs.

Because I feel sorry for people like you, just let me know where to send 38 tb for a Archer beer. I buy you one, so you have some compny tomorrow.


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Dutch issan , The first sign of a liberal defense is to attack with insults. American's are tired of politicians . We are tired of political correctness .We are tired of people sitting on their  ass and sucking of the system.

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REPORT: FBI Just Got A Warrant To Investigate Trump’s Russian Server.


A new exclusive report from Heat Street‘s Louise Mensch – a former British Member of Parliament – claims that the FBI’s counter-intelligence division just obtained a FISA warrant to conduct national security searches of Donald Trump’s recently uncovered private email server.




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5 minutes ago, riclag said:

Dutch issan , The first sign of a liberal defense is to attack with insults. American's are tired of politicians . We are tired of political correctness .We are tired of people sitting on their  ass and sucking of the system.


 The first sign of a liberal defense is to attack with insults.



The 282 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List.



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8 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

REPORT: FBI Just Got A Warrant To Investigate Trump’s Russian Server.


A new exclusive report from Heat Street‘s Louise Mensch – a former British Member of Parliament – claims that the FBI’s counter-intelligence division just obtained a FISA warrant to conduct national security searches of Donald Trump’s recently uncovered private email server.





Good grief. Now we have to deal with more emails again. Will it ever end? Seems we are in a post-email apocalypse world where everyone's emails will be fair play. If anything, it seems this will cause the death of the email platform.

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