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Thai men took off their shirts to keep 'homeless' farang warm, didn't forget to film themselves (VIDEO)


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46 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

You confuse the word cynic and racist.


46 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

You confuse the word cynic and racist.

Wow! Even for a veteran "I've been here for over 20 years" wannabe apologist like you, that is too much. 

At no point did I refer to race or nationality. I have no twitter presence, no facebook, no blogs and post nothing personal on line. That makes me tech dinosaur I know but that's the way it is.


I see it as narsasitic when I see posts like this one.


Now I did say the guys did good (but as a one track apologist you won't acknowledge that) but I remain cynical about posting it. 


I would say apologise for your slander but I know very well the closed mindset you possess. 

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4 hours ago, Hawk said:


Yes collected by the immigration and locked up until they can pay for a plane ticket back to their own country which most of these people can't so they remain locked up(forever) because Thai government will not help them and neither will the embassies. Go check out the immigration jail in Bangkok for proof.


I would guess it is up to the embassy to help out. Why don't they? The person is their citizen.  Get the person back to their home country and sort out the financials back in their country. Don't  abandoned them. Very poor really.

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5 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:


Wow! Even for a veteran "I've been here for over 20 years" wannabe apologist like you, that is too much. 

At no point did I refer to race or nationality. I have no twitter presence, no facebook, no blogs and post nothing personal on line. That makes me tech dinosaur I know but that's the way it is.


I see it as narsasitic when I see posts like this one.


Now I did say the guys did good (but as a one track apologist you won't acknowledge that) but I remain cynical about posting it. 


I would say apologise for your slander but I know very well the closed mindset you possess. 

I sense that you have a chip on your shoulder for being a newbie here. Certainly an aggressive reply. What is a "wannabe apologist"? 

Over 30 years actually. 

Nevermind your average daily post count is MUCH more than mine! Maybe you can get some sort of comfort for that low self-esteem.

You wouldn't have any time for facebook etc as you spend so much time here making generalized anti-Thai remarks. What a psychologist would call self-righteousness indignation to make up for that know nothing newbie low-esteem.

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25 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

I sense that you have a chip on your shoulder for being a newbie here. Certainly an aggressive reply. What is a "wannabe apologist"? 

Over 30 years actually. 

Nevermind your average daily post count is MUCH more than mine! Maybe you can get some sort of comfort for that low self-esteem.

You wouldn't have any time for facebook etc as you spend so much time here making generalized anti-Thai remarks. What a psychologist would call self-righteousness indignation to make up for that know nothing newbie low-esteem.

Ah, the typical response from you, won't admit your wrong. Instead you post your usual bluster and wrong assumptions about how long others have been here.


You seem perturbed about the number of posts I have made as it is not the first time you have mentioned them. 


As for chips on my shoulder [great Soft Cell track by the way} you seem to have a number yourself, well one great one in that you regard any criticism of thailand, as do all apologists, as thai bashing no matter that the criticisms are aimed at specific actions and behaviours. It is was if you left your critical thinking facilities at passport control.


How rosy your garden must seem.


As for an aggressive response? You call someone a racist then you can't expect champagne and chocolates [or even rose tinted glasses].

Edited by Bluespunk
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12 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Ah, the typical response from you, won't admit your wrong. Instead you post your usual bluster and wrong assumptions about how long others have been here.


You seem perturbed about the number of posts I have made as it is not the first time you have mentioned them. 


As for chips on my shoulder [great Soft Cell track by the way} you seem to have a number yourself, well one great one in that you regard any criticism of thailand, as do all apologists, as thai bashing no matter that the criticisms are aimed at specifications and behaviours. It is was if you left your critical thinking facilities at passport control.


How rosy your garden must seem.


As for an aggressive response? You call someone a racist then you can't expect champagne and chocolates [or even rose tinted glasses].

I will admit I am wrong when I am.


I only know , "tainted love" and "where did our live go" which was one of my favourites.


Happy I'm not a wannabe apologist but promoted to 'apologist'.


My garden is lovely, I suggest you get one.


I am not perturbed by your post count but it just seems rather obsessive.


I'll take the racist remark back, maybe it was a tad heavy, even if there is some truth to it.


I have gone through years feeling like you do. I look on it as a long learning curve until one can finally have acceptance.


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I don't understand the reason to see homeless farrang in street. We can't stay or come here for a long time if yo don't have money, and what about the police and immigration officers my best guess they are focusing onto the foreigners with money so they could give them a big fine and trow them out of the country to never come back. 

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17 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:



there is no truth in the racist remark. I am many things, not all pleasing to others, but I am not a racist. 

Fair enough, I believe you and hence apologize :) I must be confusing you with someone else.

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It still come down to Thai bashing ... Some people just love doing this , it would not matter what country they were in  they would still bash the locals .. It was good to see the 2 Thai doing this kind act ...

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8 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Hmm, good for them helping the guy but to film and post themselves doing so...


Look on YouTube, everyone, everywhere does the "Look, I helped a homeless guy" videos.  OP shouldn't feel a need to single out Thais for doing exactly what the world considers normal behavior.  

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2 minutes ago, digibum said:


Look on YouTube, everyone, everywhere does the "Look, I helped a homeless guy" videos.  OP shouldn't feel a need to single out Thais for doing exactly what the world considers normal behavior.  

I don't care what YouTube and all it's narsasitic denizens consider normal.


My criticism was aimed at posting their laudable actions in such a manner and would remain the same no matter where the posters dwelt. 

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1 hour ago, Bluespunk said:

I'm sorry but where do you get "there's money to be made" from? 


Step 1

Take a video of you helping a homeless guy


Step 2

Post it on YouTube


Step 3

Spread the word via social media about how you helped a homeless guy


Step 4

YouTube displays ads on your video and you get a percentage of the ad revenue


It's become such a "thing" that now people who video themselves helping homeless people go to great lengths to say that they're not like the other guys just trying to make a viral video about them helping the homeless :-)


Other variations on the homeless guy video are the "And you won't believe what happened next" variety where the homeless guy takes the money the kind strange gave him and the cameras secretly follow him as he goes and buys food for other homeless people.  Big view numbers for that kind of stuff.  



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1 minute ago, Bluespunk said:

I don't care what YouTube and all it's narsasitic denizens consider normal.


My criticism was aimed at posting their laudable actions in such a manner and would remain the same no matter where the posters dwelt. 


I think you might have misread the sarcasm.  I was saying that it's become normal to video oneself doing kind acts in order to get YouTube views (which translate into ad revenue).  


Personally, I think the whole trend started off with good intentions.  People wanting to share the joy that comes from helping others.  But it's devolved into something akin to the Ice Bucket Challenge where eventually it's just done for one's own ego with no appreciation for what they're actually doing.  


But hey, if these kids were just being kind and the thought never crossed their minds to monetize their actions or to get tons of views from video'ing their acts, more power to them.  If they did it because they had an end goal in mind, well, meh, this trend has already been played out and I'm far less impressed that it took several years for this meme to hit Thailand.  


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8 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

In fairness to these two good samaritans, these younger generations film absolutely everything these days. 


It won't be long before everyone just has their own GoPro camera mounted on their head to film every moment of their lives.


Sony applies for patent on contact lens camera that shoots photos in a blink 

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2 hours ago, mettech said:

I don't understand the reason to see homeless farrang in street. We can't stay or come here for a long time if yo don't have money, and what about the police and immigration officers my best guess they are focusing onto the foreigners with money so they could give them a big fine and trow them out of the country to never come back. 

Many Farlangs come over here thinking they have found paradise. Some get caught up in bad relationships with Thai women and lose all their money, others get hooked on drugs or alcohol. some invest in land, houses or businesses and it all goes wrong, others live up the good life until their money runs out, or some come here tempted by a job, they lose the job and end up broke. Some take a gamble and give up everything in their own countries, invest here badly, can`t return to their own countries and end up caught between a rock and a hard place in Thailand.


The police only take action against these beggars when they decide to have a purge on overstayers that happens every so often, so I guess that poor man is on borrowed time, either ending up getting deported or left to rot in a police cell and forgotten.


These are the reasons why.

Edited by cyberfarang
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1 hour ago, cyberfarang said:

Many Farlangs come over here thinking they have found paradise. Some get caught up in bad relationships with Thai women and lose all their money, others get hooked on drugs or alcohol. some invest in land, houses or businesses and it all goes wrong, others live up the good life until their money runs out, or some come here tempted by a job, they lose the job and end up broke. Some take a gamble and give up everything in their own countries, invest here badly, can`t return to their own countries and end up caught between a rock and a hard place in Thailand.


The police only take action against these beggars when they decide to have a purge on overstayers that happens every so often, so I guess that poor man is on borrowed time, either ending up getting deported or left to rot in a police cell and forgotten.


These are the reasons why.


Another reason is some people develop mental illnesses while they're in Thailand.  Wasn't that the case with the German guy who used to always be out in front of Family Mart on Soi 22?  Maybe alcoholism played into that as well, I don't remember, but people said he was clearly not firing on all pistons mentally.  


Yet another story is the person who won't leave.  That probably encompasses some of the ones you mentioned but can be its own thing as well.  Farang comes to Thailand, everything is going fine for awhile but then they lose a job, business isn't what they thought it would be (ahem, bar owners), or whatever.  They have money (for awhile) that they could go back home and regroup with but they can't leave the Thailand lifestyle so they start hustling friends for loans, running up credit in bars, etc, etc.  Instead of being honest, they usually go exactly the opposite direction and tell everyone how great things are.  Partially because people don't want to loan money to people who have no means of paying it back but also because they're self deluding.  


When they can't pay they hide so they're totally isolated and broke which only seems to accelerate their demise.  This can be made worse if the wife or girlfriend leaves because he has no money and can no longer support them.  


Basically they run it down to zero and have used up every favor or piece of good will they ever had and they have no way to go back home.  





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I saw the homeless gentleman a couple of days ago on Sukhumvit near the Philippine embassy. Sadly he appeared to have acute mental health issues as he was loudly berating a tree at the time.


The gentleman was only wearing a pair of shorts when I saw him. I suspect he might be an American citizen due to his pronounced accent.


I have very little idea about the social welfare system in the US. Even if he managed to get to the US, what type of assistance would he receive?

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This farang is German or Swiss and have been walking up and down Sukhumvit from Tesco Lotus  for many years, you can see him walking with a plastic bag and I think he is collecting plastic bottles. Strange police never tried to stop him , but they just leave him alone. 


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i'm filming me type this...


then a selfie....


please give LIKE......i will feel more special and then post the like on facebook....


i almost helped a guy drowning but i didn't have my phone on me.......what's the point??????

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7 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Ah, the typical response from you, won't admit your wrong. Instead you post your usual bluster and wrong assumptions about how long others have been here.


You seem perturbed about the number of posts I have made as it is not the first time you have mentioned them. 


As for chips on my shoulder [great Soft Cell track by the way} you seem to have a number yourself, well one great one in that you regard any criticism of thailand, as do all apologists, as thai bashing no matter that the criticisms are aimed at specific actions and behaviours. It is was if you left your critical thinking facilities at passport control.


How rosy your garden must seem.


As for an aggressive response? You call someone a racist then you can't expect champagne and chocolates [or even rose tinted glasses].



Im a bit concerned about the number of posts your making as well BS.


For goodness sake, get off your bloody hands and have a go lad, slacking around not posting isn't what your being paid to do ;)

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1 hour ago, balo said:

This farang is German or Swiss and have been walking up and down Sukhumvit from Tesco Lotus  for many years, you can see him walking with a plastic bag and I think he is collecting plastic bottles. Strange police never tried to stop him , but they just leave him alone. 




Smelly perhaps, harmless perhaps, no money to be made perhaps, maybe lack of interest perhaps, maybe he's Thai resident already?


he probably causes a whole less harm than some of those young, smoking, drinking douchebag wannabes that littler little Thai town.

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56 minutes ago, neverdie said:



Im a bit concerned about the number of posts your making as well BS.


For goodness sake, get off your bloody hands and have a go lad, slacking around not posting isn't what your being paid to do ;)

I'm assuming you are being sarcastic here ;-}


However just in case I've been helping a friend dig a well in his garden and lay his rather substantial patio this week and think I'm due a bit of slacking off.


P.S. the significant pause is after, not before, the s...

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