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Gang rape leaves student dead, 4 men arrested in Bangkok


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Anger. Power.


Still applying Western motivations to the Asian mind.


These guys were horny. Period.


It was never made more obvious than the article last week where the step father raped his 18-month old step daughter.


When asked why, he responded that he was horny.


And opportunity presented itself.




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If your post is meant for me,then read it again.I am not still applying western rules to Thailand.I Stated that what would happen in western society,is completly differnt from what happens here. Read it again,because you obviously didnt get it the first time!

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On 5 August 2016 at 1:39 PM, poohy said:

Rape has little to do with sex its about power and control over women.

Sadly here it seems that it fits in well with the male mindset

Unfortunately, that's feminist propaganda that only applies in a minority of cases. It doesn't explain why most rape victims are young women and why there is evidence that rape stats decline in jurisdictions where prostitution is legalised. 

Example: http://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/decriminalizing-prostitution-linked-to-fewer-stds-and-rapes

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Quote: "The suspects are charged with aggravated sexual assault resulting in death, the maximum penalty for which is death."


I wonder what the maximum penalty is for driving recklessly (whether intoxicated or otherwise) resulting not in death, but deaths.


Back to the four gits, I won't feel any sympathy if they are proven to be guilty and penalised with the maximum penalty.

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19 hours ago, Artisi said:

Never too late, just ban all the crap TV today, and things will gradually change, ok will need the help from role models initially, together with  proper direction and guidance at school etc. 


But Never To Late.

Good ideas, but I think you're clutching at straws.  You and I both know that nothing will change. 


No! Never too late, but don't hold your breath.  There's more chance of every foreigner being included on the 30 Baht insurance scheme.

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12 hours ago, Docno said:

Unfortunately, that's feminist propaganda that only applies in a minority of cases. It doesn't explain why most rape victims are young women and why there is evidence that rape stats decline in jurisdictions where prostitution is legalised. 

Example: http://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/decriminalizing-prostitution-linked-to-fewer-stds-and-rapes


Finally someone calls BS on this PC claim.


Well done.

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15 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

If your post is meant for me,then read it again.I am not still applying western rules to Thailand.I Stated that what would happen in western society,is completly differnt from what happens here. Read it again,because you obviously didnt get it the first time!


I hadn't even realized you had spoken, I was responding to earlier posters. 



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the ONLY good thing about this story is it reminds me to not feel bad about my own problems.....can you imagine if this was your child?


i really don't understand how someone who kills gets to live.........i don't care if pre-meditated or not.


NOW....IF.....the guys were on some drugs, mental problems, family problems, then i say put them in jail for 100-years no parole.  i'm trying to be nice....

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On 8/6/2016 at 7:26 AM, shirtless said:

These guys need to hang

By their sexual organs until they drop off, then they can go free?


Perhaps chemically castrated sounds like a sensible (and  a warning to others) solution to me. And payment of any monies is not to diminish the punishment. :coffee1:

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On 8/5/2016 at 2:08 PM, scorecard said:



"...the obligatory bad treatment of women on Thai television has a lot to answer for. Kids grow up with it and likely think it is normal. I hope they realise soon and replace 90% of the trash that is put out there."


Couldn't agree more.


In fact my Thai adult son banned all of these programs in our house several years ago.


He had some initial resistance from his M-I-L who insisted it was a good story. Son told her strongly; 'banned in my house, if you don't like it don't come here.' She fell in line.


His sister in law got caught watching one of these programs in our living room with 4 young girls in the room (my son's two daughters 11 and 6, plus S-I-L own girls same ages). S-I-L tried to insist 'you can't tell me what to do', son threw her out and she's never been back. 

Good for him!


I must say that all I have seen in 5 years in Isaan is the most utterly appalling parenting with the usual irresponsible  behaviour as a result...and the entire family sits around enthralled by the amount of violence inflicted by the actors upon each other


Men striking men and striking women,women slapping each other..women hitting men and everybody screaming at the top of their lungs and then dissolving in tears of smug satisfaction as they get their way..endless,mindless drivel.They all watch it in my M-I-L's because I refused to pay for 70 channels of this utter rubbish.


I have never observed any of them  watching a documentary or an educational program.


I might also add that I have never observed my mother-in-law or her sons and daughters (including my wife) ever adopting a paternal/maternal mentoring,teaching or guidance role with their offspring and the results have been disastrous with unwanted pregnancies,chronic under achievement and subsequent unemployment being the usual outcome.

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