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Fighting With Thai Men......


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There's a great book, What Would You Do?, compiled by John Howard Yoder. It contains many examples of people who, in fact, did have that maniac at the door, or were confronted by violent evil. Time and again, more often than you can imagine or that you ever heard of, non-violent methods were used that defused the situation. Even in Nazi-occupied Europe during world war two. Even in China during the days of the warlords, circa 1930's.

Say that you walk around the corner and see some weaker person being beaten up by a bully. You pull out your gun and kill him. Then you discover you just stumbled onto a movie set and killed a very famous Hollywood actor.

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Say that you walk around the corner and see some weaker person being beaten up by a bully. You pull out your gun and kill him. Then you discover you just stumbled onto a movie set and killed a very famous Hollywood actor.

If it was Tom Cruise then I would be expecting a round of applause, prior to a drug fueled appearance on Oprah complete with involutary laughing fits and jumping up and down on a couch.

Not that there is anything wrong with that :-)

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All these Internet tough guys......................................... :D


Get real chaps..................... :o


Where did you get that picture of Donz from ....?!

Well I told you I was 6'9 and 200 kgs

Edited by Donz
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I'm just pleased you were not advising Winston Churchill or this forum would be in German. :o

Can you explain the connection to the subject and how you come to this conclusion?

Nah don't bother!


Grover said when you are in a corner, surrounded by a large angry mob, and you don't know if they want to kill you or intimidate you, submitting is the safer policy.

If good old Blighty had done this in WWII what do you think would have happened?. :D

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Mandatory reading for our heros and tough guys:


Was John Wayne Gay?

In the olden days when all our heroes were gay, heroism was totally different. John Wayne would charge the Japanese under intense gunfire and killed a couple of dozen of them with three bullets, and then he’d hoist the flag over Iwo Jima and everybody thought that it was bloody marvelous. Rock Hudson would hold his hand and then the two of them would smoke a Marlboro, gaze into the sunset, and dream of the boys back home.

Alexandra the Great and Lawrence of Arabia were gay so that proves my point. Heroes are gay.


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Mandatory reading for our heros and tough guys:


Was John Wayne Gay?

In the olden days when all our heroes were gay, heroism was totally different. John Wayne would charge the Japanese under intense gunfire and killed a couple of dozen of them with three bullets, and then he’d hoist the flag over Iwo Jima and everybody thought that it was bloody marvelous. Rock Hudson would hold his hand and then the two of them would smoke a Marlboro, gaze into the sunset, and dream of the boys back home.

Alexandra the Great and Lawrence of Arabia were gay so that proves my point. Heroes are gay.


Your my hero, ColPyat :D

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I'm just pleased you were not advising Winston Churchill or this forum would be in German. :o

Can you explain the connection to the subject and how you come to this conclusion?

Nah don't bother!


Grover said when you are in a corner, surrounded by a large angry mob, and you don't know if they want to kill you or intimidate you, submitting is the safer policy.

If good old Blighty had done this in WWII what do you think would have happened?. :D

Yeh.... uh... thanks for clearing that up LC

couple of points though.. can't remember Germany wanting to invade Thailand, and this is about getting involved in conflicts with Thais.

Winston certainly had great sentiment, but never had to do the dirty work himself.

Good old Blighty? :D

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Mandatory reading for our heros and tough guys:


Was John Wayne Gay?

In the olden days when all our heroes were gay, heroism was totally different. John Wayne would charge the Japanese under intense gunfire and killed a couple of dozen of them with three bullets, and then he’d hoist the flag over Iwo Jima and everybody thought that it was bloody marvelous. Rock Hudson would hold his hand and then the two of them would smoke a Marlboro, gaze into the sunset, and dream of the boys back home.

Alexandra the Great and Lawrence of Arabia were gay so that proves my point. Heroes are gay.


Your my hero, ColPyat :D

Oh, my gosh ... :o

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Well, that is quite a jump, from street fighting with Thai men to the Axis and Allies of WWII. :D

Its evolution sbk ... mutations in genes and all that ... :o

Come back in 40 threads and you'll have a terminator ... :D

Or rather, a discussion of the invasion of Rome by the Vandals and the Visigoths and why those damned Germans still can't be trusted :D

Please note, that after 40 pages we will have already touched upon the Napoleonic Wars, The French Revolution, the American Revolution, the War of the Roses and any other major and minor European conflict that took place in the past 2000 years.

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Well, that is quite a jump, from street fighting with Thai men to the Axis and Allies of WWII. :D

Its evolution sbk ... mutations in genes and all that ... :o

Come back in 40 threads and you'll have a terminator ... :D

Or rather, a discussion of the invasion of Rome by the Vandals and the Visigoths and why those damned Germans still can't be trusted :D

Please note, that after 40 pages we will have already touched upon the Napoleonic Wars, The French Revolution, the American Revolution, the War of the Roses and any other major and minor European conflict that took place in the past 2000 years.

:D:D:D Quality! alas I feel another great topic drawing to a conclusion. :D

Edited by Robski
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Well, that is quite a jump, from street fighting with Thai men to the Axis and Allies of WWII. :D

Its evolution sbk ... mutations in genes and all that ... :D

Come back in 40 threads and you'll have a terminator ... :D

Or rather, a discussion of the invasion of Rome by the Vandals and the Visigoths and why those damned Germans still can't be trusted :D

Please note, that after 40 pages we will have already touched upon the Napoleonic Wars, The French Revolution, the American Revolution, the War of the Roses and any other major and minor European conflict that took place in the past 2000 years.

I guess thats devolution then ... :o

OK, come back in 40 threads and you'll have a T Rex ... :D

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Mandatory reading for our heros and tough guys:


Was John Wayne Gay?

In the olden days when all our heroes were gay, heroism was totally different. John Wayne would charge the Japanese under intense gunfire and killed a couple of dozen of them with three bullets, and then he’d hoist the flag over Iwo Jima and everybody thought that it was bloody marvelous. Rock Hudson would hold his hand and then the two of them would smoke a Marlboro, gaze into the sunset, and dream of the boys back home.

Alexandra the Great and Lawrence of Arabia were gay so that proves my point. Heroes are gay.


Your my hero, ColPyat :D

Oh, my gosh ... :D

ColPyat, I've read some of your posts.

I think Thaksin is your hero. :o

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ColPyat, I've read some of your posts.

I think Thaksin is your hero. :o

My dear new found bumboy, i think you should read my posts a bit more closely then, or leave the thinking business to your lord and master.



Edited by Grover
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I guess you must be really young. I had been the same when I was younger but as one ages, one becomes more realistic.

Some of you people aren't realistic. Lived in dreamland for too long, maybe.

If I felt that I had the slightest chance of saving that girl, I might have risked it, but rushing into a brutal beating or worse by a gang of youngsters with no hope of helping her just seems foolhardy to me.

We have to pick when to fight and when to run in order to survive and in this case I don't regret choosing self preservation. :o

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I used to have a wonderful crash helmet. All carbon fibre and dineema, great, saved my life one day. Some a-hole in a big SUV took me and the missus of the bike. I was a little miffed to say the least, and kicked his car. As I turned to pick up the wife, this f-ker comes up behind me and gives me a smack on the back of the head. I grab him, shout at wifey to phone the police, at which point he pulls a knife!!!!

So, I got this f-ker by the shirt front, he's already taken a large chunk from my ear. I look down, see helmet, look up see 15 odd motyorcye boys, big grins, coming my way. Next thing I know I'm holding a helmet in one hand and an unconciuos Thai in the other, motorcy boys are now heading in a totally different direrction. If you are put in a position where there isn't much of a choice, put the f-ker down hard, violent and make sure he ain't getting up. His mates won't want to play.

By the way when we finally got this c*t down to the police station it turned out that I was at fault because I hurt his car. A quick mention that I wanted a complete copy of all the records to give to my embassy soon saw the w-ker busted. 500baht fine.

next time I don't stop at unconcious!!

Edited by Basslifeform
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I used to have a wonderful crash helmet. All carbon fibre and dineema, great, saved my life one day. Some a-hole in a big SUV took me and the missus of the bike. I was a little miffed to say the least, and kicked his car. As I turned to pick up the wife, this f-ker comes up behind me and gives me a smack on the back of the head. I grab him, shout at wifey to phone the police, at which point he pulls a knife!!!!

So, I got this f-ker by the shirt front, he's already taken a large chunk from my ear. I look down, see helmet, look up see 15 odd motyorcye boys, big grins, coming my way. Next thing I know I'm holding a helmet in one hand and an unconciuos Thai in the other, motorcy boys are now heading in a totally different direrction. If you are put in a position where there isn't much of a choice, put the f-ker down hard, violent and make sure he ain't getting up. His mates won't want to play.

By the way when we finally got this c*t down to the police station it turned out that I was at fault because I hurt his car. A quick mention that I wanted a complete copy of all the records to give to my embassy soon saw the w-ker busted. 500baht fine.

next time I don't stop at unconcious!!

your frigging taking the piss right. :D:o:D

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I guess you must be really young. I had been the same when I was younger but as one ages, one becomes more realistic.

Some of you people aren't realistic. Lived in dreamland for too long, maybe.

If I felt that I had the slightest chance of saving that girl, I might have risked it, but rushing into a brutal beating or worse by a gang of youngsters with no hope of helping her just seems foolhardy to me.

We have to pick when to fight and when to run in order to survive and in this case I don't regret choosing self preservation. :o

Do you know what Mr G in all seriousness, the one thing that has struck me out of such a banal thread is the harsh reality of the experience you have shared with us all, human nature can be so cruel, it has nothing to do with nationality.

You did the right thing, that is what the police are for after all.

Such an experience cannot ever be forgotten.

Being an outsider makes it worse, but seeing the experience of that poor girl and the injustice of her situation, cuts right through all the daydreams of what if's and when's.

Seeing the harsh reality of life in an unjust society and feeling virtually powerless to stop it, I really feel for you.

A lot of heartfelt respect to you.

What a terrible situation.

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