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Trump ignites new firestorm: Gun backers might stop Clinton


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1 hour ago, Bung said:

That's right.  They need to stop bawling and get on with doing something about it.  


Australia managed to do it,  why can't the USA? 


Anyway,  getting off topic,  back to Trump alluding to gun fanatics killing his opponent 


I trust the Mods will permit a reply as Australian Gun Laws are regularly mentioned.


Personally I very much doubt the equivalent of the Australian National Agreement on Firearms (refer below) with ever be complied with by all US States and Territories, thereby leaving major gaps for law enforcement. In addition, for example, right now there are huge disparities by way of under reporting across the States & Territories within the US for reporting of persons who are mentally ill who would not be eligible for a firearms license.



Edited by simple1
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52 minutes ago, Franky Bear said:

I've heard all the excuses. As someone highly trained in the use of Firearms i know how difficult it is to get used to them. I also know how hard it is to actually hit a target that's still never mind one that is moving.

There's no logical reason for a civilian to own a gun....ever.

It's something i'll never get my head around. I know how deeply imbedded it is with you guys and i know the massive majority of Americans are more than decent people. But, you seem to think that means you are all good shots and capable of the "Hollywood" shot if you ever needed to use one. And lets be honest, how often in your lifetime would you actually be in a situation in life where your life was in danger and you would need to discharge the weapon to protect yourself or your family? 


I live and work in the outdoors.

I own a ranch and own livestock. I used to work for the State DNR.

I am now retired but I used to carry a sidearm every day for bear and cougar.

I have killed both.


And they were moving every single time.


Nowadays I am worried about some nutter breaking into my home to find drug money.


This forum convinces me daily there are many folks who never were given a full carton of eggs.

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6 minutes ago, simple1 said:


I trust the Mods will permit a reply as Australian Gun Laws are regularly mentioned.


Personally I very much doubt the equivalent of the Australian National Agreement on Firearms (refer below) with ever be complied with by all US States and Territories, thereby leaving major gaps for law enforcement. In addition, for example, right now there are huge disparities by way of under reporting across the States & Territories within the US for reporting of persons who are mentally ill who would normally be illegible for a firearms license.



Donald Trump isn't under reported in any State or Territory. Still, I take your point - he isn't illegible for a firearms license. However, he is incomprehensible, incoherent, unintelligible and very much verbally and cognitively incontinent. If there was such a thing as an adult diaper for brains, Trump would be the poster boy for the product. 

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51 minutes ago, Franky Bear said:

Outlaw civilian ownership.
Have an Amnesty  on every single firearm owned by every single American. Hand them in over a 2 year period of with 6 months grace incase someone forgets they had one stuck away in a cubby hole. Give every gun owner that hands in each weapons a receipt for the Gun both physically and on a computer database saying they handed it where and when.

Have local law enforcement go round every single register gun owners home making sure they have no weapons at home. If anyone keeps a gun and it's proven they knew they had it then a minimum of 5 years in jail.

Are bad guys still going to get guns? Of course they are, but they go to jail for a long time.

Australia did it easily.


How many firearms were turned in under the Australia Amnesty program?


As I understand it the Aussies a collective whole were highly supportive and cooperative of a mandate? In other words they all turned in their guns.


American gun owners don't want to turn in their guns. Are you going to arrest them all?



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31 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


How many firearms were turned in under the Australia Amnesty program?


As I understand it the Aussies a collective whole were highly supportive and cooperative of a mandate? In other words they all turned in their guns.


American gun owners don't want to turn in their guns. Are you going to arrest them all?




Again off topic, see if the Mods will permit.


You're misinformed regards the Oz gun control legislation, check out the info below.



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"I think it's a good thing for me because it's going to tell people more about me with respect to the Second Amendment because Hillary Clinton wants to essentially abolish the Second Amendment," he said. "And if she puts Supreme Court justices on, she will decimate your Second Amendment."

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/trump-second-amendment-backlash-give-me-a-break-226847#ixzz4Gvcb3eyu 


How clueless can somebody be?

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45 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


How many firearms were turned in under the Australia Amnesty program?


As I understand it the Aussies a collective whole were highly supportive and cooperative of a mandate? In other words they all turned in their guns.


American gun owners don't want to turn in their guns. Are you going to arrest them all?



Yes. if they break the law and don;t turn them in.

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Damn, I hate agreeing with CC, but I too have done much of what he has done. Long time professional hunting guide, worked for NM Natural Resources Dept. Yea, that is me in the avatar, SKS (from VN) in the rifle scabbard and S&W 586 357 stainless/blued just underneath the duster. Hmmm, thick I just might think so but would rather attribute to lack of knowledge about the states. The US is NOT Australia and gun owners will never turn in their guns. Mine were all sold to friends, mostly USMC Vets, when I left for good, they are there waiting for me if I have to return. The Trump shouldn't be elected dawg catcher in a one dog town. On the other hand, while Obama never intended and never tried to take guns away, Clinton's history proves she just might. Again as in every thing else, I'd trust Bernie on this. This subject is about the Trump encouraging nutters to assassinate Clinton, and damn right he did. Oh and whoever you are quit crying for mods to intervene. Stand your ground, don't crybaby for help.

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You are wasting your time I am afraid,  They don't want to change.  Surely better to draw a line across the USA and build a wall.  Then all the cowboys can live on one side and the enlightened people can live on the other side.  Be interesting to compare the life spans of the different groups

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OH MY, 10,000 gomens and a bottle of Asai...lol. What I see is the lack of mental health started by the Reagan regime that fails to diagnose and stop the nutters. It isn't the gun laws or lack of, want to look back at what prohibition did to America? You know not of that which you speak of. The topic is about Trump calling for the assassination of Clinton, not whether you agree with confiscation  of guns or not, ah duh. I owned what people like you would call an arsenal, my friends owned 5 times as much and I used my guns.

Edited by sgtsabai
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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:


How many firearms were turned in under the Australia Amnesty program?


As I understand it the Aussies a collective whole were highly supportive and cooperative of a mandate? In other words they all turned in their guns.


American gun owners don't want to turn in their guns. Are you going to arrest them all?



Hell, why not! People want to keep their ganga, tweak and colo but we lock them up. A couple of million of em. Just trade places. It's the responsible thing to do.

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9 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


I am sorry but where do you see Trump supporters inciting violence?

I have seen highly agitated anti-Trump demonstrators incite violence and the news report state that it was somehow Trumps fault.

Where are his supporters inciting violence? I assume they are being arrested for it? 


The Trump supporter who threw a full tilt blindsided sucker punch at the black guy who was being escorted (both arms held by officials).  Trump said he would pay legal expenses for the aggressor.  Did he?    ....and, there are others.   A redneck, by definition, is a person who is quickly offended by many things, very quick to anger, and never far from his/her guns.


9 hours ago, joeyg said:

In the end.  Everyone gets what they deserve.  It's called karma.  No dodging that bullet.


So the 12 babies who were burned to death today in an Iraqi hospital were getting what they deserve?

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17 minutes ago, dunroaming said:



You are wasting your time I am afraid,  They don't want to change.  Surely better to draw a line across the USA and build a wall.  Then all the cowboys can live on one side and the enlightened people can live on the other side.  Be interesting to compare the life spans of the different groups

I know mate. I don't want to sound Anti American, i'm not in any way or means. This crazy gun law really boggles my mind.

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Clinton espouses tougher gun laws.  She supports law-abiding citizens owning guns.  She doesn't advocate taking guns away from law-abiders.


Sgtsabai says above, " Mine (guns) were all sold to friends, mostly USMC Vets, "


It back what I've said earlier:  anyone in the US with guns for sale can sell to anyone else, even visitors/tourists to the US.   Granted, it may not always be legal, but every day, tens of millions of Americans do things which are not legal, from jaywalking, to smoking a joint, to tweaking their tax statement, to fudging on their loan application.  


At any given time, there are around 100 assault weapons for sale in the US, ....and that's just what's listed on a web site.  How many other assault and semi-assault weapons are being bought and sold under-the-counter in the US?   We don't know.  But we do know the US is insanely saturated with guns.  ....and that's a major reason why there are so many shootings.  HRC and Bernie are in favor of sane gun laws, NOT INSANE.   There is no reason for any American, outside of the military or special forces (like; SWAT teams) to own an assault weapon.   It's not needed for hunting nor for protecting one's home.    A regular single-shot weapon will suffice.



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10 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


The problem is you don't have even a basic understanding of 2nd Amendment "people".


We are responsible gun owners and we also respect the USA and Consider political assasination to be thoroughly un-American and against all we hold dear.




wouldn't overthrowing a tyrant be political assassination?

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2 hours ago, Neurath said:

Donald Trump isn't under reported in any State or Territory. Still, I take your point - he isn't illegible for a firearms license. However, he is incomprehensible, incoherent, unintelligible and very much verbally and cognitively incontinent. If there was such a thing as an adult diaper for brains, Trump would be the poster boy for the product. 


The post deserves re-posting. It is for one thing articulate. It is moreover directly on topic. (It does not address other posters but, rather, picks up on a point made by another poster to make its own point.)


The post addresses the Trump ranting which caused the Secret Service to issue a statement concerning Trump's remarks. (Can we imagine what Trump's Secret Service detail thought when they heard Trump's statement!) (Trump also presents Second Amendment extremists who support Trump as who and what they are, simultaneously setting the rest of us apart from the Second Amendment gun nuts.)


Putin Trump is a wildman radical crackpot lunatic ignoramus who the Republican party has chosen as its official nominee for the office of President of the United States. Trump is simply irresponsible and he is without bounds, principle, conscience, decency, self-respect and honor. Trump presents himself as the law and order candidate while he advocates political murder. He consciously pursues a general social disorder predicated on racism, bigotry, guns. Donald Trump is the chaos candidate.


Donald Trump is the man who is the face of the 2016 Republican Party which is dominated by people who advocate strongman rule in the full knowledge and faith that their strongman is a demented political paranoid deranged extremist. 


While it will be interesting to see the national polling on this particular issue, it will only confirm what we and the world already know.

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The Crazy Bloviator is whistling what other crackpots in his party have been saying the past few years:


Sharron Angle Floated ‘2nd Amendment Remedies’ As ‘Cure’ For ‘The Harry Reid Problems’

"Sharron Angle, the Tea Party candidate turned Republican primary winner in Nevada,

has taken heat for a number of extreme affiliations and policy positions."


"One of the more outlandish was a statement she made during a radio interview last January in which she floated the idea that the public would bring down an out-of-control Congress with “Second Amendment remedies.”




Sharron Angle, in a discussion of revolution with a neo-con radio show host stated:

"I hope that's not where we're going, but, you know, if this Congress keeps going the way it is, 

people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies and saying my goodness,

what can we do to turn this country around?"

"I'll tell you the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out."



Mike McCalister, Florida GOP Senate Candidate, Brings Back Second Amendment Remedies

“We need a sign at every harbor, every airport and every road entering our state:
"You’re entering a 10th Amendment owned and operated state and,
 justice will be served with the Second Amendment." :blink:
The unhinged Bloviator knew exactly what he was implying.
Dunning Kruger.
Edited by iReason
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2 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

"I think it's a good thing for me because it's going to tell people more about me with respect to the Second Amendment because Hillary Clinton wants to essentially abolish the Second Amendment," he said. "And if she puts Supreme Court justices on, she will decimate your Second Amendment."

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/trump-second-amendment-backlash-give-me-a-break-226847#ixzz4Gvcb3eyu 


How clueless can somebody be?


I was going to say even Chuck would roll his eyes at that one, but talking of which, anyone know how he's doing?



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@ boomerangutang guy, do you know what an assault rifle is? It fires fully automatic when needed. The guns sold that you call "assault rifles" are NOT! I owned many of the 2nd type. Yes, an American can own one, pass an intensive background check and have a thick wallet. Please quit confusing the 2. One does NOT need a reason to own a weapon they desire no more than you need a reason to open your favorite porn site or read the bible. That subject has been beat to death many times here and you won't change my mind and I don't give a damn what lily livered cowards think. My old roommate, Navajo who was shot to doll rags defending his team, received a Silver Star along with the Purple Heart for losing his legs never stopped owning guns would agree with me completely, BTW I carried the SW .357 Mod 19 he gave me many years as a certified/commissioned law enforcement officer in New Mexico. I would guess at this time of morning CC is checking his cattle and horses, or maybe finished and sitting down for breakfast, ever do that? This is about the Trump and his call to assassinate Clinton, not about guns or gun ownership. Please, the Trump is a danger to all mankind and those that fail to recognize it will pay the price. Yes, Clinton is dangerous, but we recognize the danger and will fight the Clintons all the way.

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Let me add this quote by a man describing the Trump supporters.  I despise him for wanting to take all the civil liberties he can away from Americans in the name of security:rolleyes:. In this case he is right on. "Racists, bigots, misogynists, fear-based knuckle-draggers who want a wall around the United States to keep out everybody who isn't a white God-fearing, gun-toting, climate-change-denying, pro-life creationist."  For once a 3 initial gets it right.

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How's this for telling it like it is?:coffee1:





Trump’s Ambiguous Wink Wink to ‘Second Amendment People’

People are playing with fire here, and there is no bigger flamethrower than Donald Trump. Forget politics; he is a disgusting human being. His children should be ashamed of him. I only pray that he is not simply defeated, but that he loses all 50 states so that the message goes out across the land — unambiguously, loud and clear: The likes of you should never come this way again.



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