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A British couple who had been living illegally in Cambodia for three years were deported to the UK on Monday afternoon. The pair, 54-year-old Gavin Christopher and his wife Pauline Mirgan, were arrested on July 23 at a guesthouse in Siem Reap City’s Slar Kram commune after police discovered their lengthy visa overstay, explained Major General Uk Heiseila, chief investigator at the Interior Ministry’s immigration department.

They had initially entered Cambodia from Thailand in late 2013 via the Poipet international checkpoint, but told police they were unemployed and were therefore unable to afford correct visas, Maj. Gen. Heiseila told Khmer Times. After being held at the provincial immigration department after their arrest, they were put on a plane to the UK at 3:30pm yesterday, he said.

Maj. Gen. Heiseila said more than 2,500 people had been deported so far this year. “A total of 2,502 immigrants have been deported and those deportees are permanently barred from returning to the Kingdom of Cambodia.


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/28268/overstaying-brits-deported/


54, .....Look more like 74. Well I am sure they will enjoy being back in the cold and damp. :facepalm:


I think she modelled the Easter Island statues.....Sorry, it is wrong to mock the afflicted, but I mean.....Cambodia certainly hasn't done them any favours !! 

3 hours ago, fatyank said:

she looks like the sister of keith richards 

Hey, don't be unkind to keith, he's the pcture of health nowadays :-)  Somehow I think they won't have the side benefits they enjoyed in Asia

5 minutes ago, sahibji said:

i an wondering how they they sustained themselves financially if they did not have funds for the correct visa.


Spot on, especially when a year visa is only a few hundred dollars

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