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Thai man says bank and phone company should take responsibility for 1 million baht internet loss


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Consumer Affairs and the media are the only ones the banks will listen to.Forget responsibility to the customer.You have to embarress

them into doing anything that involves handing over money.You have to hound them for months and often years to get a just result at a financial and personal cost to yourself.Be careful out there lads,trust nobody and i mean nobody when it comes to your hard earned.

ps.Maybe he should have had a seperate business account with zero baht in it,just use it for transferring funds from outside.

Edited by louse1953
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On 8/10/2016 at 0:35 PM, Kerryd said:


I'm guessing that when the thief went to the bank, he claimed to have forgotten his (iBank ?) password and requested a reset. The bank sent an OTOP to the phone number attached to that account (which he had because of the sim). Not sure how he'd have gotten the username for the account though unless he guessed it or someone at the bank showed him ?


Doesn't surprise me in the least though. Dear old (departed) dad's "girlfriend" was able to go to the bank and convince them to give her a new bankbook for his account (as I had taken the book, and ATM card, and Passport and everything else when dad died). She apparently had photocopies of his passport stashed and after he was dead she went to the bank everyday and withdrew 20,000 baht from his account until it was empty. I never notified the bank when dad died because I thought they were supposed to verify with him before allowing any withdrawals and I had his phone and everything else. By rights, no one should have been able to take anything from his account.


I couldn't touch the account until his will was probated and unfortunately, I had to go back to work a week after he died so I didn't have a lot of time to sort things out. 2 days after the cremation I was on my way back to work. When I got back 3 months later to do the probate of the will, that is when I found out what she'd done. Of course nobody at the bank knew how it happened. <deleted> - she'd even been checking his account balance regularly and when she saw an interest payment of a couple thousand baht deposited she was able to scoop that as well. Luckily she wasn't able to access his other (fixed term) account or his Canadian accounts. 


Lesson learned. Be like Fox Mulder and Trust No One !

Was Dad's girlfriend due anything in the will.After you took all the bank books she didn't trust you and moved in the take what she thought she was due.Did you have power of attorney or executor of will to take his belongings?Maybe Dad told her to take what was in the bank before you got to it.Many wives and girlfriends help their partners with their banking and the staff get used to this.I have seen westerners to lazy to get up when their name is called to get money,partner does everything.

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On 8/10/2016 at 2:41 PM, Udox said:

Doesn't it give you a nice warm feeling that the new immigration form asks for your bank account number, phone number, home and Thai address, facebook and email accounts, date of birth, passport No. & even your parents names.

And then they re-cycle many of their forms to use as photo-copy paper for the next customer.


It's only a matter of time.................

You where a mug if you gave all that info.They already had my fixed account number and address,passport number.dob and phone number.Just stated parents were dead and i don't use social media.

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On 8/10/2016 at 1:18 PM, ClutchClark said:


So this bad guy never actually went to the Bank then?


I don't quite understand the events but I would say the Bank is ultimately responsible since the vast majority of their clients send/receive wire transfers every day and there is a procedure to check ID.


Tough break for the victim but he should not have kept that kind of cash in one single account. 

I have money split up in seversl accounts and they are not electronically tied to each other.


I am old school.



One million baht is hardly alot of Money. At least not in banking terms.

Edited by HooHaa
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