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Murder hunt on as Thai mother is shot dead at 7-11 counter in Bangkok


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14 hours ago, robblok said:

I agree with the other poster that your ignorant.


To condemn all males of an entire nation because  of news articles. I read quite a few about American shootings and I don't think all Americans are mass murderers. I have read some bad things about Brits too, and a lot of drug use among Dutch. Now to generalize like you do is just ignorant. 


To take movies/  tv series  as an example so funny, I wonder what you think about all the action and Western made horror movies :cheesy:



Honestly, I believe most readers are mature enough to understand that in context it is taken as many/most, but not all, along the same lines as thai drivers being piss poor, we know there must be some good drivers, it's just so hard to find them. Time to grow up kiddies.

Edited by Rorri
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18 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

A convenience store is a strange and poor choice of venue for a non-robbery related homicide. Does sound like a very impulsive crime of passion by a not very bright person.


hardly impulsive if the perp is carrying a gun.............of course it could be a coincidence,he just wandered in for a hot dog.lol.

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12 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

Yes,I agree-a little money or power seems to go to their head and when drunk they want to be treated as the top rooster.


I,inadvertently,walked into a situation yesterday from which I was lucky to extricate myself.A Thai male covered in clunky jewelry sounding forth about all his many virtues and was quickly working himself up into an alcohol fueled  rage whilst his equally belligerent henchmen cheered him on.


After 5 minutes or so I managed to extricate myself with the usual courtesies but was followed out by this person bellowing "Where you go..where you go..?"Apparently he saw me as some kind of "farang" trophy to show off to his friends who have had some business dealings with my wife.


I went home and locked and bolted both doors.


I shan't be drinking with Thai males again.

It helps of you speak Thai to therm.

If you live here and can't speak Thai of course they will look on you as an oddity.

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I read a few responses to my post and laughed.


One response was-"It helps if you can speak Thai to them"-I do and that is why I backed off so quickly.


The other "you're a wimp!"-without knowing a single thing about the context of the situation I was in.


In actual fact, I did a job that could be quite dangerous for 31 years and where your life could depend on rapid risk assessments on the level of danger/threat another person presented.


My wife and step daughter are "fishing" in very dangerous waters at the moment,and I have told them so. Meeting  the fellow again only confirmed my deep unease about the man and his friends.


After 5 years plus in the murky land of Isaan I will decide who I chose to drink with.


Returning to the OP-who knows what dangerous waters  the poor woman was fishing in-because it looks like a cold blooded execution to me.

Edited by Odysseus123
additional sentence.
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2 hours ago, samuibeachcomber said:


hardly impulsive if the perp is carrying a gun.............of course it could be a coincidence,he just wandered in for a hot dog.lol.


Having malice aforethought isn't always the same thing as premeditation. If I tell you that I slept with your wife last night, and you run home, get your gun from the basement and then go upstairs and shoot your wife, that isn't necessarily premeditation, at least not in all jurisdictions. In many (if not most) jurisdictions that would be considered second-degree (not premeditated) murder done in the heat of the moment.


A good recent example of this is the case where a group of teenage boys attacked and killed a handicapped man. After getting into a verbal altercation with the handicapped man, the boys ran home and got weapons, before returning and killing the handicapped man. The prosecutor ultimately dropped the premeditation (first degree murder) charge because there was insufficient evidence to prove that the crime had been planned in advance.


Choosing to shoot someone in a well-lit convenience store loaded with CCTV cameras, steady foot traffic, and multiple employees sounded pretty impulsive to me.

Edited by Gecko123
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2 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

I read a few responses to my post and laughed.


One response was-"It helps if you can speak Thai to them"-I do and that is why I backed off so quickly.


The other "you're a wimp!"-without knowing a single thing about the context of the situation I was in.


In actual fact, I did a job that could be quite dangerous for 31 years and where your life could depend on rapid risk assessments on the level of danger/threat another person presented.


My wife and step daughter are "fishing" in very dangerous waters at the moment,and I have told them so. Meeting  the fellow again only confirmed my deep unease about the man and his friends.


After 5 years plus in the murky land of Isaan I will decide who I chose to drink with.


Returning to the OP-who knows what dangerous waters  the poor woman was fishing in-because it looks like a cold blooded execution to me.


I think the relevant point is that your post has no more relevance to the murder of this poor woman than the spelling correction saga we have been partaking in.


On the face of it you only seem want to turn it into a hated of all Thai males because one scared you so much you had to run home and lock your door.


It well may have been a sensible thing to do under the circumstances, although your post made it sound rather wimpy,  but you can't tie it to the murder of a girl in a 7/11.


If you are seriously worried about the safety of your wife and daughter, maybe you aught to be doing more about it than going on about Thai males in general.


Don't you have any reliable friends who can check things out for you? But to be honest, unless you are Thai, it is just not possible to say who is doggy or not, and even if they are by "outsiders" standards, its not very easy to know if they really are a threat to your family. Many times it is far better to look the other way if you want to continue to live in peace.


And for goodness sake don't start with the  "all it takes.....good men look" stuff.


 But this is all of-topic, so maybe you should start another thread on how to drink, or not drink, with drunken Issan males, or females come to that!




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1 hour ago, Gecko123 said:


Having malice aforethought isn't always the same thing as premeditation. If I tell you that I slept with your wife last night, and you run home, get your gun from the basement and then go upstairs and shoot your wife, that isn't necessarily premeditation, at least not in all jurisdictions. In many (if not most) jurisdictions that would be considered second-degree (not premeditated) murder done in the heat of the moment.


A good recent example of this is the case where a group of teenage boys attacked and killed a handicapped man. After getting into a verbal altercation with the handicapped man, the boys ran home and got weapons, before returning and killing the handicapped man. The prosecutor ultimately dropped the premeditation (first degree murder) charge because there was insufficient evidence to prove that the crime had been planned in advance.


Choosing to shoot someone in a well-lit convenience store loaded with CCTV cameras, steady foot traffic, and multiple employees sounded pretty impulsive to me.

cant agree unless said guy always carries a gun...would suggest he followed the women into the store with exact idea of killing..hardly impulsive...will have to let the judge decide if it ever goes to court.

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