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Buyer beware


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I responded to on-line ad for <removed> in Chiang Mai to purchase a African Grey Parrot for my wife's birthday. I exchanged multiple e-mails with Mr <remoed> supposed manager and had Bangkok Bank send money to Mr. <removed> VIS Kasikorn Bank. After three days was informed he couldn't send Parrot as unable to separate breeding pair. I was told my money would be refunded shortly. After one week no refund. After three weeks I posted to DIY Trade (site which <removed> farms was listed through) inquiring if this was scam) & <removed> said his l would hear from his lawyers if I didn't stop. Inquiry is not acquisition. 4 Weeks no money, wife said forget, Mr <removed>  said he just needed more time. It's now six weeks

no refund, left people be judge of is this the kind of company I chose to do business with. 

If anyone doubts me just send e-mail to me and i'll e-mail back copies of all e-mails dealing with Mr.<removed> Farms.

Edited by ubonjoe
Edited to remove the person and company names to copy with this forum rule "6) You will not post comments that could be reasonably construed as defamation or libel."
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1 minute ago, Mook23 said:

caging african parrotts is as criminal as not refunding the money. i hope one day some colonizing alien starts caging humans ?

i can't give you two likes but i would have...

birds are meant to fly. putting them in cages falls in the same category as bear bile harvesting, bull fights, circus animals and human freak shows.

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Op edited in accordance with forum rules.


6) You will not post comments that could be reasonably construed as defamation or libel.

Defamation is the issuance of a statement about another person or business which causes that person to suffer harm. It does not have to be false to be defamatory. Libel is when the defamatory statement is published either in a drawing, painting, cinematography, film, picture or letters made visible by any means, or any other recording instruments, recording picture or letters, or by broadcasting or spreading picture, or by propagation by any other means.

Defamation is both a civil and criminal charge in Thailand.

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10 hours ago, MisterTee said:

Why didn't you go there in person to look at the parrot ?

You could have closed the deal then and there.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


a bird in the hand is worth two WITH a bush 5555555555555555555

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Bubbagreenbird: Yes, your money is likely gone. It's probably in your best interest for you to remember this experience the next time you are tempted to part with cash before you have the goods. Nevertheless, most Thais are honest and it's a shame you've been treated this way.


NB: I'm guessing you never thought you'd end up being the villain of the piece, did you? They're a quirky, self-opinionated, irascible bunch here on TV, never lost for a damning indictment (except where food or alcohol are concerned).





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there tis a very well advertised bird farm in the chiang mai area , which i am probably not allowed to name, that are an internet scam.

they advertise extensively online and are extremely convincing.


we should be able to name and shame these criminals .


in their case the bird farm does not really exist, it is all smoke and mirrors.

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5 minutes ago, moose7117 said:

there tis a very well advertised bird farm in the chiang mai area , which i am probably not allowed to name, that are an internet scam.

they advertise extensively online and are extremely convincing.


we should be able to name and shame these criminals .


in their case the bird farm does not really exist, it is all smoke and mirrors.


I'm pretty sure it is the one mentioned in the OP before the name was removed.


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On 8/12/2016 at 0:03 PM, Shoeless Joe said:



NB: I'm guessing you never thought you'd end up being the villain of the piece, did you? They're a quirky, self-opinionated, irascible bunch here on TV, never lost for a damning indictment (except where food or alcohol are concerned).



Please, do tell me how being self-opinionated differs from simply being opinionated.


I am self-curious.

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Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever….







pay by cash unless you receive the product on the spot.


Use paypal….or suggest it…if the seller balks….then you have some reason to be suspicious.

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On 8/12/2016 at 11:03 AM, Shoeless Joe said:

Bubbagreenbird: Yes, your money is likely gone. It's probably in your best interest for you to remember this experience the next time you are tempted to part with cash before you have the goods. Nevertheless, most Thais are honest and it's a shame you've been treated this way.


NB: I'm guessing you never thought you'd end up being the villain of the piece, did you? They're a quirky, self-opinionated, irascible bunch here on TV, never lost for a damning indictment (except where food or alcohol are concerned).





condemning keeping birds in cages is a reflection of being 'quirky, self-opinionated, irascible '? i would love being 'quirky, all my opinions are my own and i am completely calm about this - unlike the op.

i just like to give a voice to the ones who don't speak human.

how would you like to be kept in a cage by someone 200 times your size and power?


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30 minutes ago, manfredtillmann said:

condemning keeping birds in cages is a reflection of being 'quirky, self-opinionated, irascible '? i would love being 'quirky, all my opinions are my own and i am completely calm about this - unlike the op.

i just like to give a voice to the ones who don't speak human.

how would you like to be kept in a cage by someone 200 times your size and power?


Do you have any pets, do you eat meat, eggs, fish? 


A domesticated pet bird in a large cage, allowed freedom to fly and play, and cared for correctly is not cruel. 


Have you any experience with keeping pet birds?  I keep and breed many kinds, from fancy pigeons, chickens and ducks, to parakeets, songbirds and finches.  All are captive born, raised and cared for properly, most living in large aviaries outdoors.  Sometimes I accidently let one or 2 escape when I go into feed / clean... and they always come back and are desperate to get back into the cage.  If they were so unhappy they would not do that.


They get a better life than in the wild, they never go hungry or thirsty, they have shelter from rain and wind, they don't have to worry about predators or attacks from territorial male birds. 


They do not die if they get sick, as they get medical treatment to help them recover. 


If they were taken out and released into the wild they would die within a few days from starvation or getting killed.  This is because they are domesticated birds and don't know how to live in the wild. 


Would you say people who had pet dogs were cruel because they kept them in a house and not let them run free in the forest?  If I took my kittens and cats and dumped them out in the countryside you would think that a good thing for them to starve to death? 



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In my experience an African Grey or yellow Amazon will spend a large ammount of time out of the cage interacting with the family, including kids, dogs and cats. They see their cage as a safe space to sleep or be left alone. They are bred in captivity for many generations. Some people should not have them and some are confined, misstreated and ignored. Due to their high cost people tend to research what having one involves and form a deep mutual bond with their bird.

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A bird was promised then he can't break up a pair? Why can't they offer a different bird? He was sent your money, now needs "more time" to refund it back? 

This sounds like a scam. Lawyers cost money/ police will do nothing unless compensated, other options? More problems. Best take the loss and chalk this one up on the loss side.

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On 8/11/2016 at 3:49 PM, MisterTee said:

Why didn't you go there in person to look at the parrot ?

You could have closed the deal then and there.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


He did not go possibly because the quote should read:   A bird in the hand will do you dirt.

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Sorry for being late, I do owe you a reply. I tried yesterday but must have pressed some button…

could not find my sob – story again about my pet budgie, and my dead dachshund, and all those cats I lost…

so I am pre – writing this on office, hence the unusual correct capitals.


>>>>>>>>> this is quoting you...

Do you have any pets, do you eat meat, eggs, fish? 

A domesticated pet bird in a large cage, allowed freedom to fly and play, and cared for correctly is not cruel. 


Have you any experience with keeping pet birds?  I keep and breed many kinds, from fancy pigeons, chickens and ducks, to parakeets, songbirds and finches.  All are captive born, raised and cared for properly, most living in large aviaries outdoors.  Sometimes I accidently let one or 2 escape when I go into feed / clean... and they always come back and are desperate to get back into the cage.  If they were so unhappy they would not do that.


They get a better life than in the wild, they never go hungry or thirsty, they have shelter from rain and wind, they don't have to worry about predators or attacks from territorial male birds. 


They do not die if they get sick, as they get medical treatment to help them recover. 


If they were taken out and released into the wild they would die within a few days from starvation or getting killed.  This is because they are domesticated birds and don't know how to live in the wild. 


Would you say people who had pet dogs were cruel because they kept them in a house and not let them run free in the forest?  If I took my kittens and cats and dumped them out in the countryside you would think that a good thing for them to starve to death? 




please, let me deal with this in order of your post... and please remember I am just stating my point of view. There is no right or wrong other than 'I think – you think', ok?


To me, it all boils down to what you want to have happen to yourself. Everything in life is!!!!!!!Being born in a cage – no matter how big - does not necessarily make you like it or accept it as what your life is all about. you can talk to ancestors of slavery in the us and I am sure you will get a similar reply.


' pigeons, chickens and ducks', again, my view, appear to be able to choose their abode. To a degree, anyway. A friend of mine releases his pigeons every day and most of them come back to their cages.


Your ' parakeets, songbirds and finches' come back? They must love you, big time. I think you are not telling the truth here.


There is 100% no question that your birds get a 'better' life than they would have in the wild – but that applies to just about any 'domesticated' living species – well, at least in our somewhat tainted human appreciation. Is being well – fed, supplied with ample females to have sex with but being restrained from flying more than 2 meters really a 'better life' than getting done 3 days after hatching in the wild?


They do not die if they get sick.

You think that's good?

Our planet is suffering a massive population overload of humans because these days, 'they don't die if they get sick'.

Creating sheltered environments does not always serve the greater good.


And of course they'll all kark it once released into the wild. Chances are, so would you. And me. And plenty others.

Something wrong with that? Your birds are not 'domesticated', they have been deprived of their natural habitat for the sake of your pleasure. And as a result you have robbed them of all their natural instincts, habits and defences.


Yes, of course, people who keep pets in their house are cruel and selfish. Do you know any animals who keep humans as pets?

If you took your cats and dumped them…? Yes, mate, you answered you own query.


Do you really feel that you are, by what ever reason, empowered to dictate over the fate of another earth species?



We all are just one of millions, and we are not 'masters of all species', on the contrary.

No other animal has done as much damage to it's habitat as humans and we have zero rights to impose our pathetically superior notions upon other co - habitants of this planet.


“ two planets meet:

#1: I am am no good, I feel terrible

#2: what's wrong?

#1: I have 'homo sapiens'!

#2: don't worry, it will fix itself very soon

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