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Thailand under siege - morning bombs explode all over Hua Hin, Phuket and Surat


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"under siege" (siege?) and "all over" - bound to get a lot of views/clicks with a misleading headline like that.


Often the media are responsible for the unnecessary panic and psychosis.


Keep calm and carry on....a bit of "grown-up" journalism wouldn't go amiss.....

Edited by capdagde
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1 hour ago, ianf said:

Perhaps the King of Dubai and his accolytes.


No King of Dubai..... doh!



Ref: Headline


"under siege" (siege?) and "all over" - bound to get a lot of views/clicks with a misleading headline like that.


Often the media are responsible for the unnecessary panic and psychosis.


Keep calm and carry on....a big of "grown-up" journalism wouldn't go amiss.....

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5 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:


My thoughts completely. Who is the only one who really wants to embarrass the government ? Who has in the past shown very little respect for the Royal Family ? Who in the past has shown that they are completely devoid of morals or principles ? Well, I haven,t a clue ! Do you ?


This is the type or rumor mongering that's highly frowned upon under Thai law, and as a result of that also on this forum.

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6 hours ago, NotMyUsualid said:


Islam recognizes NO law & order, only the word of Allah, and Mohammed his (paedophile) messenger.


Additionally, the ABSOLUTE hallmark of Islam-inspired attacks, has been one of attacking soft targets.




London, Somalie migrant goes on stabbing spree.


Thailand (recently), in Yala a 42 yr old man is ambused & killed by Muslim separatists.


Thailand (recently), in Pattani, two hunters are killed on the ir way home by Muslim separatists.


France, mother and three young daughters are stabbed by a Muslim man during breakfast, for not being 'sufficiently clothed'.


Germany, a refugee with an axe hacks people on a public train.


France (Nice), Muslim migrant hits 85 people in a truck during Bastille Day.


And Patong, poorly populated? Are you for friken real???


And for everyone else - the fact that the bombs may not have been big mean absolutely F. A. - they were big enough to maim & kill, were they not?


So please try to think, before you comment. Or people may think you are stupid.


That's very good advice. You may want to try it yourself.

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14 hours ago, Nip said:

This old fence is rickety from my straddling it for years. If one pays attention to world history then there can be only one outcome to this unrest and as foreigners tolerated and barely welcomed its time to seriously consider ones options. Years ago when one dared to complain about the system of things on here you were attacked by all in sundry now people mostly agree with you. 


...all AND sundry...

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10 hours ago, Jimbo2014 said:

There's another hole in the tourism ship.  Very sad - its almost as if the entire country is trying hard to sink itself.  To add to the coups, overpricing, bad environment, poor infrastructure and ageing population we now have terrorism.

I hope they sort themselves out - not the least as Im in it as thick as anyone else.


  There's another hole in the tourism ship.  Very sad - its almost as if the entire country is trying hard to sink itself.


    'It's a nice metaphor but at least; as I like to say: 'In LoS, all the sharks are on the beach!'

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38 minutes ago, Colabamumbai said:

A year ago on this forum I said "It would not take much to move the insurgency in the South to target the larger tourist areas, Pattaya, Phuket etc.

I suspect a number of us are surprised it has taken this long...

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The main Question One must ask is. If this is supposed to disrupt Tourism why so many small devices mainly set to injure and wound as opposed to larger devices . Surely if you wish to move your Insurgency to affect the Tourist areas you work on shock and awe. As in Bali where they knocked the Aussie Tourism on its backside for a few years. same as if this is Politically motivated by an opposition Group would you not seek to make a bigger point. These were nuisance devices more along the line of those you would plant yourself. to justify a crack down. as Some said perhaps the elections to be delayed a little longer like 2050 to allow order to be be stabilised and the new democracy to bed in .

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8 minutes ago, Kiwiken said:

The main Question One must ask is. If this is supposed to disrupt Tourism why so many small devices mainly set to injure and wound as opposed to larger devices . Surely if you wish to move your Insurgency to affect the Tourist areas you work on shock and awe. As in Bali where they knocked the Aussie Tourism on its backside for a few years. same as if this is Politically motivated by an opposition Group would you not seek to make a bigger point. These were nuisance devices more along the line of those you would plant yourself. to justify a crack down. as Some said perhaps the elections to be delayed a little longer like 2050 to allow order to be be stabilised and the new democracy to bed in .

I'm not expressing an opinion on this just repeating that in one of his report yesterday the BBC'S Jonathan Head discussed who might be involved and he said that some were suggesting the military themselves were responsible to give an excuse for tightening control even more.


Like so many other things will the real truth ever come out   ?

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13 hours ago, impulse said:


Over 99% of them are just living their lives like you and me, hoping the crazies don't kill them, either.  Which puts a damper on your contention that the crazies are just out to kill non-Muslims.

See you on utube.

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11 hours ago, Johpa said:


Well golly, but after decades of observing Thai society and what passes for politics in Thailand I can say with some certainty that the entire Thai economic elite are quite devoid of morals and principles.  Which rock have you been hiding under?

No offense.  I'm American. I still say American politicians are the most heartless psychopaths on the planet.  Forget about the sheer volume of mankind that is killed or suffers because of their maniacal actions.  What makes them the worse is it's all done under the color of, freedom, equality, democracy, opportunity and justice for all.  Of course where there coming from is all becoming blatantly obvious now even for "blind sheep."


What we see going on in Thailand is really "Romper Room" stuff.  Wouldn't you agree?  USA! USA! USA!

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15 hours ago, NotMyUsualid said:


Islam recognizes NO law & order, only the word of Allah, and Mohammed his (paedophile) messenger.


Additionally, the ABSOLUTE hallmark of Islam-inspired attacks, has been one of attacking soft targets.




London, Somalie migrant goes on stabbing spree.


Thailand (recently), in Yala a 42 yr old man is ambused & killed by Muslim separatists.


Thailand (recently), in Pattani, two hunters are killed on the ir way home by Muslim separatists.


France, mother and three young daughters are stabbed by a Muslim man during breakfast, for not being 'sufficiently clothed'.


Germany, a refugee with an axe hacks people on a public train.


France (Nice), Muslim migrant hits 85 people in a truck during Bastille Day.


And Patong, poorly populated? Are you for friken real???


And for everyone else - the fact that the bombs may not have been big mean absolutely F. A. - they were big enough to maim & kill, were they not?


So please try to think, before you comment. Or people may think you are stupid.


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17 minutes ago, NongKhaiKid said:

I'm not expressing an opinion on this just repeating that in one of his report yesterday the BBC'S Jonathan Head discussed who might be involved and he said that some were suggesting the military themselves were responsible to give an excuse for tightening control even more.


Like so many other things will the real truth ever come out   ?

There was no extra security at Central Mall on Beach Road Pattaya and none today either.  Is it me?  I just find that really curious.  I mean what an opportunity to show "you" are on top of the "situation."

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55 minutes ago, NongKhaiKid said:

I'm not expressing an opinion on this just repeating that in one of his report yesterday the BBC'S Jonathan Head discussed who might be involved and he said that some were suggesting the military themselves were responsible to give an excuse for tightening control even more.


Like so many other things will the real truth ever come out   ?

Yes/No/Maybe........ Which truth suits the purpose. ...........Or the You can't handle the Truth .truth








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It is so sad to see this violence happening again in Thailand.

  These bombings may be small in size, but it is worrying that

so many have gone off in quite a few places.  I hope all that

were injured can make a good recovery, and RIP to those

poor victims of this shameless event. Bombings like this is

a very cowardly way to create havoc , or to claim to be fighting

for some cause. What a world we are living in.


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1 hour ago, NongKhaiKid said:

I'm not expressing an opinion on this just repeating that in one of his report yesterday the BBC'S Jonathan Head discussed who might be involved and he said that some were suggesting the military themselves were responsible to give an excuse for tightening control even more.


Like so many other things will the real truth ever come out   ?

It is as plausible a theory as any other for those who are impartial and simply want the truth. Of course the 'It was Thaksin and work back from there' brigade won't like it, but their minds were made up before it happened anyway...

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41 minutes ago, Kiwiken said:

Yes/No/Maybe........ Which truth suits the purpose. ...........Or the You can't handle the Truth .truth














Again not simply to be contrary.  However, the "truth" is smeared all over the internet in the USA.  The sheeple won't and can't do anything about it.  Militarized police force, Constitution trashed, Full Military on call 24/7.   I ask you, which is worse really?


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16 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:


Yeah...because bargirls are reliable sources for truth...


It wasn't kept quiet at all. I remember it well. Was all over the news. Here's 2 of MANY articles that can be found on New Year's Day 2007. It was NOT kept quiet or covered up...







Actually, you'd be surprised what relationships the TBGs [Thai Bar Girls] have with the police, and what things they do get to know.


Just last night, I was out in Laguna, and a friend ( bar owner ) said it was just leaked, that a device was found in Chalong. Many of us cleared the bars immediately. And yet... I can find no mention of it online. So do you really believe the police don't cover things up? I guess you really fit your username.


Google??? You are assuming the posted link, is the bombs to which I refer.


And it is not.


I am on about up to a dozen devices found in Patong, New Years Eve, back in about 2006. The TBGs told me the police found loads of devices, took care of it, and buried the story, so as not to affect the money machine that is Bangla road.


I suggest you make some TBG friends. They are a wealth of local information.

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14 hours ago, joeyg said:

What we see going on in Thailand is really "Romper Room" stuff.  Wouldn't you agree?  USA! USA! USA!


I agree that the US and Thailand are not that dissimilar.  And sorry, but I don't pay attention to the Olympics.

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On ‎8‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 4:32 AM, Johpa said:


Well golly, but after decades of observing Thai society and what passes for politics in Thailand I can say with some certainty that the entire Thai economic elite are quite devoid of morals and principles.  Which rock have you been hiding under?

And this is different from every other country in the entire world how? It may be more obvious in Thailand but it is absolute no different in the USA or Britain it is just more concealed in the developed world. Take the blinders off. 

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41 minutes ago, rsokolowski said:

And this is different from every other country in the entire world how? It may be more obvious in Thailand but it is absolute no different in the USA or Britain it is just more concealed in the developed world. Take the blinders off. 


That is false logic regarding the blinders.  My original comment upon the Thai elite does not exclude similar opinions regarding other country's elites.  I would argue that the moral deficiency is more pervasive within the Thai elite.  Among the Thai elite you will find few philanthropists and few who might argue as does Nick Hanauer in his article:  http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/06/the-pitchforks-are-coming-for-us-plutocrats-108014#.VcDTh_mSfYg.


Not that, for example, in the US we don't have our Leona Helmsleys, who did resemble certain elements of the Bangkok elite.

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