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Dozens of Republicans say party should stop funding Trump


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6 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

I can understand their chagrin, but if Trump loses, Hillary will pick the Supreme Court judges and bye, bye traditional America. Taking a chance on Trump is probably better than that.


If you're calling the Citizens United ruling "traditional America," good riddance in my book.

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36 minutes ago, NeverSure said:

The topic is...


On Aug 1st less than 2 weeks ago, Trump held a rally in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. There were so many people that this is just the overflow room.


Hillary could hold her rallies in the men's bathroom.






You understand that this is no indication of voting numbers, right?  Maybe not.

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1 hour ago, NeverSure said:


Maybe a place that isn't full of rapefugees as Hillary promises to do, and where men can't use the little girls' bathroom? A place that's fiscally strong with a strong middle class like we had before we got the commies in charge?




Like that vibrant economy under the last Republican president?  Oh, how I long for those days.


Sick men are going to find ways to abuse kids.  A bathroom sign will not stop them.  That's not the issue here.  You're talking about former men who just want to use the loo.

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1 hour ago, ChoakMyDee said:

I really hope Trump wins. America needs a no-bullshit businessman to take the helm away from the secret-handshake good-old-boys club. Hellary is pure evil. Anyone who believes a single word she says is completely retarded. 


Trump is "no-bullshit?"  Thanks for the much-needed laugh. 



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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:
1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

The wingnuts will still have their guns (even HRC doesn't advocate taking peoples' guns).  Millions of angry vindictive people wielding loaded guns is not a pretty picture.



Exactly.  Trump's TV (television) defenders keep lying about her gun position, as so many did about Obama's.  Obama has been in office more than 7 1/2 years now.  I'm sure that he's poised to take your guns, any day now....that's genius waiting until the last couple of months!

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1 hour ago, Steely Dan said:

More hysterical over reaction at the thought of the monopoly of political control of BOTH parties is under threat. The dirty tricks employed by HRC's team to keep Sanders from the nomination are being mirrored within the GOP. This election is not about Trump it's about people's disgust at a corrupt and broken system versus the scaremongering from those with most to lose if it's replaced. 


In in other words the exact same dynamic as the Brexit referendum.


The only recognition I have about Steely Dan was a song that I believe was called All Around My Hat. Thought is was a bit senseless myself. Good for you for keeping up a tradition.

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1 hour ago, Norvid said:


There's a lot of truth in this article. I'm not sure why it should focus on the Jews though when the same considerations may work amongst all Republicans, not to mention some Sanders supporters not keen on listening as a piano legged harpy shrieks 'pay no attention to the man behind the curtain'.

Edited by Steely Dan
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2 hours ago, NeverSure said:

 I see. Sooo - the 16 other Republican primary candidates who couldn't beat Trump in the primaries would each make a better and more competitive candidate in the general election? 


Not sure if each would make a better candidate, but Republicans had a glimmer of hope with Kasich.  He was probably the least scary of the bunch.  He actually had experience with passing legislation.  He got along with colleages, didn't shoot his mouth off telling ridiculous lies, and didn't alienate everyone (like someone else we know).   


If Republican voters had a choice between a ham and cheese sandwich and a flaming rotten alligator flesh sandwich, they would pick the latter - because it's more attention-grabbing.


2 hours ago, ChoakMyDee said:

I really hope Trump wins. America needs a no-bullshit businessman to take the helm away from the secret-handshake good-old-boys club. Hellary is pure evil. Anyone who believes a single word she says is completely retarded. 


I guess I'm retarded, according to your criteria.  Let me guess, you didn't watch Bill Clinton's presentation at the DNC.  You probably got all the info you need from Newt's "You must be terrified!!!" speech, ....and Trump's Mussolini impersonation. 


1 hour ago, NeverSure said:

The topic is... On Aug 1st less than 2 weeks ago, Trump held a rally in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. There were so many people that this is just the overflow room.


There are many popular people who can fill a large auditorium.  Lady Gaga or Justin Timberlake, for example.  People flock to see a big personality, particularly one who's hogging news headlines.  It doesn't mean all those people will vote for the Trumpster fire.  Have you seen the interviews of people who attend a Trump rally?  I have.  Some are fully for Trump, but many (perhaps the majority of attendees) don't even like him, but are intrigued by the loud celebrity and want to see the buffoon in person.

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55 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:


There's a lot of truth in this article. I'm not sure why it should focus on the Jews though when the same considerations may work amongst all Republicans, not to mention some Sanders supporters not keen on listening as a piano legged harpy shrieks 'pay no attention to the man behind the curtain'.


For some reason you like to focus on Jews. No idea why. 

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I find it interesting reading all the stuff that appears in this "Rag".


I for one, a US Senior Citizen, am voting for Donald Trump. It is time to throw out all the establishment that has driven the US down the road to Hell or somewhere worst.


There needs to be a house cleaning in D.C. and voting for Hillarious will not accomplish that. I am 81 and have seen the US going down hit for too many years. Needs to stop and Hillarious will just add to the ill gotten funds the Clinton Foundation has accrued.


Is The Don a perfect person, no, but the only one I ever heard about died on a Cross for me.


I am tired of paying taxes to be handed out as Free Stuff by present establishment.


I do not like illegals or refugees that are coming to spread their culture.

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2 hours ago, dukeandduke said:


Like that vibrant economy under the last Republican president?  Oh, how I long for those days.


I think you're confusing a vibrant economy and a Ponzi scheme, which looks really vibrant until the music stops playing.  Or until the loan payments come due.  Whichever comes first.  


Sad thing for the Repubs- if GWB had been able to keep the plates spinning just a few more quarters, they could have blamed it all on the party of Obama and Hillary.  Not that they haven't tried.

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5 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

The career politicians are furiously fighting Trump due to the fact they stand to lose millions from the hangers on and the lobbyist. 

EVERYONE stands to lose if he's elected, everyone stands to lose everything. Truly, he should not be allowed anywhere near our nuclear arsenal. He is an existential threat to the country. He lacks consistency, judgement and his inability to control his mouth shows that he intemperate and lacks impulse control. No, not near nuclear weapons. Not ever.

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34 minutes ago, gchurch259 said:

I find it interesting reading all the stuff that appears in this "Rag".


I for one, a US Senior Citizen, am voting for Donald Trump. It is time to throw out all the establishment that has driven the US down the road to Hell or somewhere worst.


There needs to be a house cleaning in D.C. and voting for Hillarious will not accomplish that. I am 81 and have seen the US going down hit for too many years. Needs to stop and Hillarious will just add to the ill gotten funds the Clinton Foundation has accrued.


Is The Don a perfect person, no, but the only one I ever heard about died on a Cross for me.


I am tired of paying taxes to be handed out as Free Stuff by present establishment.


I do not like illegals or refugees that are coming to spread their culture.

"I do not like illegals or refugees that are coming to spread their culture."


Even the legal ones will do that. Stick with Trump, you're in the right place.

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20 minutes ago, Neurath said:

EVERYONE stands to lose if he's elected, everyone stands to lose everything. Truly, he should not be allowed anywhere near our nuclear arsenal. He is an existential threat to the country. He lacks consistency, judgement and his inability to control his mouth shows that he intemperate and lacks impulse control. No, not near nuclear weapons. Not ever.


That's the same sort of thing that many top security experts in the US are now saying.  Perhaps most tellingly, Mr. Schwartz, the man who wrote the Art of the Deal (Trump may have leafed through the final version, maybe not, he says).   Schwartz hung out with Trump for many hours each day, and was allowed to listen in on many of T's phone conversations for 18 months in order to gather data for the book.  Schwartz wasn't going to speak out about Trump, but his conscience got the best of him, and he was compelled to come forth recently (for the good of America and the world) and try telling people the truth about Trump and T's personality.  It's not a pretty picture, and one of the main issues that bothers Schwartz is the idea of T being Commander in Chief.   Schwartz was asked, "If you could title the book now, what title would you give it?"  His answer; 'THE SOCIOPATH.'   


There are few people who know Trump who don't have an official gag order imposed on them.  His wives can't talk about him except in glowing terms (Marla Maples was threatened with legal repercussions if she spoke her mind).  Even the recently fired head of T's campaign staff had to sign a non-disclosure statement to keep his mouth shut.  The minute T heard Schwartz was speaking his mind, Trump slapped a lawsuit on him to recover all the proceeds Schwartz had earned from writing 'The Art of the Deal.'  Trump and Schwartz had made a deal beforehand, to split advance and royalties 50/50.   Yet another of the thousands of deals Trump has trashed.

Edited by boomerangutang
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5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Do Trump's staffers know Trump's record on not paying workers?  ....particularly their final payments on jobs done?


Do they think Trump will pay them their final paychecks in November, when the poll numbers show The Divider has soundly lost?   If they believe that, then they'll believe Bernie Madoff gives great investment advice.

Golly gee, for a moment there, I thought you were going to mention his tiny hands.  Yawn.

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15 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

Golly gee, for a moment there, I thought you were going to mention his tiny hands.  Yawn.

They are astonishing small. There's an imprint of them on the wall of museum of some sort in New York. Smaller than the hands of a 90 pound women. I reckon there's some sort of developmental abnormality. I don't like to politically correct about these things so I feel fine saying that he seems to be deformed. I wonder if his mother took thaldomide. And please, let's not have the PC police rain down upon me. They're small, abnormally small. Nothing wrong with saying it. Just telling it like it is. Donald would thank me.

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1 minute ago, Neurath said:

They are astonishing small. There's an imprint of them on the wall of museum of some sort in New York. Smaller than the hands of a 90 pound women. I reckon there's some sort of developmental abnormality. I don't like to politically correct about these things so I feel fine saying that he seems to be deformed. I wonder if his mother took thaldomide. And please, let's not have the PC police rain down upon me. They're small, abnormally small. Nothing wrong with saying it. Just telling it like it is. Donald would thank me.

Wasn't it Little Marco Rubio who made this observation first?

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13 hours ago, Neurath said:

Trump's recklessness is an existential threat to the US and the world. He cannot be allowed anywhere near decisions regarding the deployment of our nuclear arsenal. No second chances with that. 

Clinton's recklessness is an existential threat to the US and the world. She cannot be allowed anywhere near decisions regarding the deployment of our nuclear arsenal. No second chances with that. <_<

The beautiful thing about this election cycle is that the rhetoric is essentially interchangeable.  It just depends on one's perspective. 

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12 minutes ago, connda said:

Clinton's recklessness is an existential threat to the US and the world. She cannot be allowed anywhere near decisions regarding the deployment of our nuclear arsenal. No second chances with that. <_<

The beautiful thing about this election cycle is that the rhetoric is essentially interchangeable.  It just depends on one's perspective. 

Cool. I guess that mean that Trump is the founder of Isis. It just depends on one's perspective. 

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4 hours ago, 55Jay said:

Golly gee, for a moment there, I thought you were going to mention his tiny hands.  Yawn.


Minute, nanoscale, infinitesimally diminutive hands.


He also screws people who work for him. Sues everybody and anybody at the drop of a hat. He's a throughly terrible person who has left a wake of bodies in his path. 


All that would be irrelevent except that it indicates what an a$$%*!@ he is.  He does not have one single positive idea for his supporters to get around. He has built his entire candidacy on a foundation of destruction, not building a positive movement around policy.


Trump supporters are the dumbest people on the planet...


Get out now, women and children first. (Oh yeah, there aren't any, just the old bitter white guys) 

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2 hours ago, Pinot said:


Minute, nanoscale, infinitesimally diminutive hands.


He also screws people who work for him. Sues everybody and anybody at the drop of a hat. He's a throughly terrible person who has left a wake of bodies in his path. 


All that would be irrelevent except that it indicates what an a$$%*!@ he is.  He does not have one single positive idea for his supporters to get around. He has built his entire candidacy on a foundation of destruction, not building a positive movement around policy.


Trump supporters are the dumbest people on the planet...


Get out now, women and children first. (Oh yeah, there aren't any, just the old bitter white guys) 

Talk about bitter white guys..... you take the cake.

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