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Phang Nga: 12 Aug's blasts no effect on tourism


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Phang Nga: 12 Aug's blasts no effect on tourism


PHANG NGA, 14 August 2016 (NNT) - Tourism organizations and the provincial chamber of commerce in Phang Nga have announced that the recent violent incidents in the province have not affected tourism while ensuring tourists of safety. 

Phang Nga Governor Phakkhaphong Thawiwat, President of the Phang Nga Tourism Association Nanthida Atiset and representatives of the relevant organizations on Sunday attended a news conference on tourism in Phang Nga after the explosions on 12 August 2016. Ms. Nanthida said the association gave top priority to safety in life and property of tourists. She added that Phang Nga stepped up security in important areas including tourist sites after the incidents and confirmed that the explosions had no impact on the province’s tourism. 

More than four million tourists visit Phang Nga each year. Most of them are foreigners from Germany, Scandinavian countries, Switzerland, Australia, U.K., France, China and Korea. 

Mr.Hubert Schuster and Ms.Ezgi Oege, tourists from Germany, said violent incidents could take place anywhere and they went to a local market in the province just one day after the bombings. They said Thailand was a beautiful country with friendly people and they would definitely return to Thailand. 

-- nnt 2016-08-15
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32 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

How are these guys allowed to publish this stuff.  Guaranteed this will have a massive effect on tourism. 

But they will get their gold star,   maybe two,   from a certain lady   !

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46 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

How are these guys allowed to publish this stuff.  Guaranteed this will have a massive effect on tourism. 


But, but.......tourists will flock in in unprecedented record numbers to view the bomb damage! Situation normal!

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52 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

How are these guys allowed to publish this stuff.  Guaranteed this will have a massive effect on tourism. 

Maybe not


David said he planned to visit the North today and then travel to the South despite the bombings.

He added that he was not worried about the unrest because he had witnessed political turmoil in Thailand before.

Now on his second visit to the Kingdom, David said he was used to the unrest after first visiting in 2006 when a military coup overthrew the elected government of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Despite the coup, he said, he still enjoyed travelling in the country 10 years ago.


Edited by carstenp
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15 minutes ago, carstenp said:


I was in Bali right after the first bombing.  In Phuket within a month of the Tsunami.  In Egypt just after the riots started.  Actually saw the protests in Tahrir Square.  I was there and so were other determined travelers.  But these places were practically ghost towns.  And for good reasons.


It doesn't matter what one person says.  Hotel occupancy rates will tell the true story.  Sadly, not this government.

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1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:


I was in Bali right after the first bombing.  In Phuket within a month of the Tsunami.  In Egypt just after the riots started.  Actually saw the protests in Tahrir Square.  I was there and so were other determined travelers.  But these places were practically ghost towns.  And for good reasons.


It doesn't matter what one person says.  Hotel occupancy rates will tell the true story.  Sadly, not this government.

I'm agree. I should had writing more. 1.class Propaganda starts in all medias, to be sure this will be forgotten very fast. All the positive article is popping up everywhere :) and explained

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14 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:


I was in Bali right after the first bombing.  In Phuket within a month of the Tsunami.  In Egypt just after the riots started.  Actually saw the protests in Tahrir Square.  I was there and so were other determined travelers.  But these places were practically ghost towns.  And for good reasons.


It doesn't matter what one person says.  Hotel occupancy rates will tell the true story.  Sadly, not this government.

Luckily the Hotels Association usually tells it like it is and that trumps the BS from Popcorn and Co.

As ever,   and I include a couple of friends who have small restaurant / bar businesses ,   the refrain is   "  so where are all these tourists then  ?  "   but the Minister and TAT still produce ever increasing figures.

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Credit where credit is due, for it is clear that not even an asteriod impact; bubonic plague or the arrival of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse would result in a downturn of tourist arrivals.

And besides that, a credible source (djjamie) confirms this to be the case.

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12 minutes ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Luckily the Hotels Association usually tells it like it is and that trumps the BS from Popcorn and Co.

As ever,   and I include a couple of friends who have small restaurant / bar businesses ,   the refrain is   "  so where are all these tourists then  ?  "   but the Minister and TAT still produce ever increasing figures.

They tourist is coming, but Chinese and Asean members there don't use many money. I was reading analyze of Thailand economy for some weeks ago, and in the conclusion was if is was not for the public spending and Tourists the grow GDP in Thailand will only be 0.6%.


So if the only positive figures of tourist going down it will hurt the economy hard and the elite in thailand


Of course i understand why the positive spin it needed to keep the tourist dollar to come, but indeed also why the exchange rate has to be like it is, because of the fewer high spending tourist

Edited by carstenp
Need to explain more ;)
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29 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:


I was in Bali right after the first bombing.  In Phuket within a month of the Tsunami.  In Egypt just after the riots started.  Actually saw the protests in Tahrir Square.  I was there and so were other determined travelers.  But these places were practically ghost towns.  And for good reasons.


It doesn't matter what one person says.  Hotel occupancy rates will tell the true story.  Sadly, not this government.

The true story will never be told. Instead these meaningless announcements and utterly implausible statistics will be spun on and on.


They aren't just rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic, they are earnestly debating what colour fabric to have on the one's they will order to cope with increased demand, as the icy water laps at their ankles. A blind, deaf and dumb quadriplegic Eskimo who has never left his igloo would understand that Tourism is going to be affected!


And breathe.....

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22 minutes ago, BigBadGeordie said:

Credit where credit is due, for it is clear that not even an asteriod impact; bubonic plague or the arrival of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse would result in a downturn of tourist arrivals.

And besides that, a credible source (djjamie) confirms this to be the case.


Careful BBG, are trying to bait what's his name?

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1 hour ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Luckily the Hotels Association usually tells it like it is and that trumps the BS from Popcorn and Co.

As ever,   and I include a couple of friends who have small restaurant / bar businesses ,   the refrain is   "  so where are all these tourists then  ?  "   but the Minister and TAT still produce ever increasing figures.

Does the Hotels Association include the thousands of guesthouses in Thailand, the ones that were doing well before the coup and are hurting now?  Serious question, I don't think it does but I don't know.  I took a quick look at their website and didn't find any information about the composition of its membership.

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These guys just don't get it do they. 


So desperate to protect the tourist industry they expose the industry to the potential to continuing attacks,.


In denying the impact, they may just increase the resolve of the terrorists to shut down Thailand as a favoured destination.


The Thai authorities need to come up with words and statements a little more substantial than the,   "It's all OK nothing to see here we have it under control"


While the prevention of attacks of this nature are difficult and can occur in countries with the most sophisticated security measures. I remain unconvinced that Thailand has the capability or even the interest in organising a concerted effort against this terrorism.



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5 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Does the Hotels Association include the thousands of guesthouses in Thailand, the ones that were doing well before the coup and are hurting now?  Serious question, I don't think it does but I don't know.  I took a quick look at their website and didn't find any information about the composition of its membership.

I don't think so,  I believe hotels etc have to apply to join the association and many of the smaller places,  guest houses etc. don't and may not even be eligible.

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Re: the title. What a load of shit.


Two undetonated bombs/incendiaries were found yesterday in Khao Lak (Bang Niang market), Phang Nga and tourists are leaving early/cancelling. 


The police had the area cordoned off, and the fire truck arrived... but it didn't have any water (only in Thailand :blink:). It had to leave, fill up and return over an hour later before the 'devices' were removed.

Edited by cruisemonkey
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Actually, I think they might be right for Phang Nga and Khao Lak.

The bombs there almost went unnoticed.

I work for a tourist- company and our representative in Khao Lak did not even inform us before 12:30.

I said at another thread: even in hi- season you never see many people out after midnight, let alone 2am.

This place is not Bangkok, Patong or Pattaya.


To say, these bombs will not influence tourism at all, is rubbish!

So far, we had 14 cancellations at Monday morning, directly connected to the bombs and fear thereof.

Thank God, it is still low season!

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Thailand over all with tourism will be affected ....


China alone makes up 30% of all tourists and when Malaysians and middle eastern , Indians , and Russians are added along with South Koreans and ""other nearby countries "" you have plus 20 million tourists or 66.6 % .

The communist Chinese don't alarm their citizens too much I'd imagine on the risks of a friendly countries tourism threats .
The Russians selling arms might do a favour and not highlight things too much.

So they can for now brag their show will continue.

And to a degree it will without horrendous consequences for now.
Albeit countries more enlightened will heed warnings.
They will fudge figures invent polls and congratulate the 30th millionth visitor for their propaganda purposes.

They might even caution people complaining on Facebook of lousy business to shut up or be charged under some act against National security.?

But facts are more bombings are possible if not likely and further bombs will only cement the disposition further to the point reality ""kicks in hard"
It never happened mentality carry on......
Even blood not washed away ( we heard from a contributor )

Won't suffice.

Australia .....my current location at present .
Flight centre is seeing tourism cancellations to bomb affected areas.
Thailand in general is suffering 10% across the board drops .

Times this figure in other affluent western nations , who supply Thailand with over 8-10 million tourists who spend more than the Asian tourists and Middle eastern, and sub continent tourists per tourist.

And the loss becomes significant .
Roughly based on 10% 
Somewhere around 30 billion -45 billion Thai baht .

But because their tourism is expected to ironically grow by about this number with influxes of said localised Nations ( China etc) 
They will simply say no changes occurred and laugh at their detractors here.

Unless the tourism minister gets more Boom Boom for her bucks than she banked on.
Suddenly her move on the sex industry is certain to stall.
Which makes you wonder more about the state of affairs there.

Clearly tourism safety is way way down the list.
If Godzilla emerged in Bangkok the spin would be they are taming it 
""Come see for yourself ""

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5 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

Credit where credit is due, for it is clear that not even an asteriod impact; bubonic plague or the arrival of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse would result in a downturn of tourist arrivals.

And besides that, a credible source (djjamie) confirms this to be the case.

Will the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse be required to buy a special SIM card when they arrive?


What sort of Visa will they need?


Will they need work permits?


Silly questions I know, but no dafter than the statements in the OP. 

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      Just who comes out with these ridiculous statements that these events won't have any affect on the Thai Tourism Industry. Blind Freddy could 'see' that tourism will be affected. In fact here is an article quoting a Thai Tourism official (not TAT nobody believes them) stating the Thailand could lose 200,00 visitors and millions of dollars this year alone.......http://news.trust.org/item/20160815073649-ll0c0/

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Ofcourse the tourism is affected.

I know of a tourbus company in my homecountry that had 60% cancellations this summer from Chinese visitors because they are too afraid to come to Europe. What makes Thailand different???


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There is an article in the other newspaper where the Dean of Rangsit University's Faculty of Economics predicts that the loss to tourism could be as high as B33bn.


He goes on to say that there are already 50% cancellations of hotel bookings in the seven southern provinces.

Another economist said the loss would run into tens of billions.


I can't imagine there are 50% cancellations but I can imagine there will be a significant loss.

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12 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

But they will get their gold star,   maybe two,   from a certain lady   !

Absolutely right - if one can call that certain someone a lady, or even a human being (in the sense that the term 'human being' is normally understood - i.e. possessing humanity in the heart!)

Edited by Eligius
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