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Crazed Nigerian on the loose - Bangkok police make arrest

Jonathan Fairfield

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5 minutes ago, 348GTS said:

I completely disagree. Just because the loony lefties have hijacked the UN and are now redefining what words mean to further their agenda has no relevance to this topic. Neither does the point about "white train wrecks" and "the fellow countrymen of 'these' posters" being the ones who apparently according to you buy the drugs. Methinks that is a case of the pot calling the kettle black, for that right there is your own definition of being racist which makes you the racist ones. Ahh the irony. Perhaps if you read all the comments on the page, you would have noticed the person stating (and I paraphrase)  " the racist trolls present on this forum  can get away with their hate speech online but, in real life, they wouldn't dare repeat their vile comments for fear of receiving the beating of a lifetime". Ahh yes.... typical of the loony liberals who can't handle it when people disagree with their opinions and have no other way to come back apart from name calling, insults, and threats of violence. And as I said before, disagreeing with you does not constitute hate speech or "sympathizing" with hate speech, you just proved my point.


No, the word was being used like that well ebefore it appeared in the convention, you just know you have been "correcting" people on the definition of race for a long time, haven't you?. Yeah, use defines a word not the other way around me this ain't like the chicken and the egg, we know the words come before the dictionary.  And if course the definition of a word has relevance to your argument which has no substance other than semantics.


It is not racist to mention that the drug dealers in Sukumvit are black, that they are Nigerian, or that their customers are westerners, what ever gave you the idea that I was being racist there?  I am stating a fact not generalising on your fellow countrymen, it is after all some of them that keep those Nigerian drug dealers in business, if I were to call the kettle black then I would have to generalise on the whole lot of you which I have not done, simples.


now I see where you were coming from with the beaten thing, it was you unable to understand something simple yet again, for they were not threatening you, they were saying that these racists would not be openly racist to the people they are prejudiced against.  And it is often the case, racists are often the worst cowards.


and saying it again changed nothing as you did not have your funny little idea of a point proven at all, you are making yourself look silly now,.



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48 minutes ago, Agent Sumo said:


You realise that their customers are almost exclusively white train wrecks, right? What came first, the supply or the demand? Hmm, let me think


Sumo my friend.


I hoped you would not miss this party...after all, its on your favorite topic--Nigerians.


I just had a friendly, yet brief, discussion with some very colorful Nigerian ladies after a beer on Soi 4.


They were entrepreneurs. 

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1 hour ago, Shawn0000 said:


Stereotyping based on race, ethnicity or nationality are all defined as racism.  And PC has given us a better society, something that Thailand needs to emulate.


God help Thailand if you think they should or need to emulate anyone.


They have done quite well for centuries without Western PC folks interfering.


Hope you are relaxing a bit.



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Nice try. The re-defining of the term racism is a fairly recent thing and is constantly changing or evolving based on whoever decides to add more things to it. However, just because some leftwing nut hijacks the word for their own purpose (usually in a way to discredit or shout down dissenting opinions because they are too lazy to debate facts), that doesn't suddenly make the definition legitimate. Racism is about unfair discrimination and prejudice, it is not about joking about stereotypes or calling out certain nationalities or ethnicities on their behaviour. Going on and on about it and taking offence on behalf of everyone whilst simultaneously insulting the people who disagree with you is not going to make your points any more valid, not change the minds of the people who hold a different opinion. Funny how when you state "facts" they are facts, but when other people do then they are not so?? Maybe you don't agree that mentioning the fact (ahh another one of those pesky facts again!) that drug dealers in Sukhumvit are black or Nigerian makes you racist, but sadly many of your fellow lefties do think that way and that is the problem. I heard recently that police in Sweden are not allowed to record the race or religion of suspects in crime reports anymore. That is PC gone crazy and why a large number of people who are happy living in Thailand are happy to get away from the madness that Europe and it's PC madness has become. As for the threats of violence, at no time did I imply that they were directed at me, so I am afraid it was you who didn't understand. I was merely pointing out the MO of liberals who like to brow beat, insult, and threaten everyone who disagrees with them whilst taking offence on behalf of groups of people who probably don't care either way what people think of them. Anyway.... sorry if disagreeing with you makes me "silly", I guess that's just another example of my point being proven yet again. Perhaps the point was not understood in the first place? Nevermind....

Edited by 348GTS
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This was a half way decent thread until all these libersls got here this evening...bringing down all their hate and threatening violence. 


I would imagine the Nigerian who was found in the street today has since been bailed out by his fellow Countryman and they have tsken him home and are caring for him by now. 


No need for some folks to get all worked up.

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8 hours ago, Thian said:


I never heard of a stabvest, we call them leather jackets. 


If i was a policeman and had to deal with a crazy dangerous person i wouldn't touch him at all or even come near him. My gun and mouth would do all the work untill i could easy put the handcuffs on while he was laying  on the floor.


One cringe worthy racist remark after another. If I was...my gun and my mouth. euh


It's posts like this that get the racist going. 

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2 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


Stereotyping based on race, ethnicity or nationality are all defined as racism.  And PC has given us a better society, something that Thailand needs to emulate.

That's nonsense.
Why always the PC brigades want to colonize other countries with their wisdom.
Thailand can be proud of its culture and its national consciousness.

This moral transfer, by - I know everything better - than other countries disclosed herein racist characters.

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2 hours ago, 348GTS said:

Sigh... Nigeria is a country not a race so jokes about Nigerians are not racist by definition, not matter how hard you try to convince yourself. The "jokes" that you refer to are based on stereotypes which in turn stem from experiences that people have both living in Thailand and abroad (including Nigeria). The corruption and scams that originate in Nigeria or from Nigerian people is common knowledge and has been reported in the media. Take a stroll down Sukhumvit at night and it will not be Thai or Europeans who stop you in the street trying to be your friend so they can sell you cocaine or whatever they're trying to offload. I find it insulting that liberals automatically label people as racist or threaten them with a "beating" should they dare to disagree with their ridiculous PC views. Sorry to break this to you people, but disagreeing with you is not hate speech.

True, but mocking people because of their nationality or ethnicity is racist and not free speech.


Today Fascist holocaust deniers and those that believe apartheid should be established in every country, different races to be kept in their own communities , are no longer Fascists but revisionists. Publicly stereotyping  different races of people assuming that they have certain bad qualities according to nationality and ethnic backgrounds without exception but just on appearances is no longer bigotry and prejudice but free speech and that`s perfectly fine unless those concerned are on the receiving end of prejudice and bullying not for who they are, but for what they are.


If a Thai complete stranger judged you solely on appearances, approached you and then called you a stinking Farlang, would you smile and think; that is perfectly alright, that`s his opinion and entitled to his free speech? Or would you considering yourself coming from a first world country and white, take that as a great insult? That I think is more likely the case. Most of you people with your own interpretations of what constitutes as free speech are hypocrites, and no need to say; some of your best friends are black, right?


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6 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


Of course it will probably not cause him any great discriminations in his life to make racist jokes about him on the Internet, but it could, perhaps he will be perfectly well again tomorrow, back at work, but the idea that he may be a criminal is now in somebodies mind who he knows and he loses out in some way through that.  How would you like your photo being in the news with a bunch of comments below calling you a drug user, drug dealer and a scammer?  Quite a serious crime in Thailand by the way, you can go to jail for some of the comments above.


All we we know about him is that he has been unwell and taken away by the police and he is Nigerian, are you seriously trying to claim that the jokes people made about scams and drugs are not due to him being Nigerian?  Because if they are, which they obviously are, then they are racist jokes, the point of my previous post was not to demonstrate that he was suffering what would be considered by the UN to be descrimination, but that these comments made about a specific nationality are also considered racism.


As as for your final, I am not a racist I have three black friends comment, this type of attempt to use the fallacy that a racist could not possibly be friends with another race as they should feel that they are unsuitable as friends if they have any prejudice against other races at all, is weak to say the least, it's as if you think that this one single point, you having black friends, would override all other points that you make, it doesn't, you also made the blatantly racist claim that a joke is not racism, that overrides your black friends point,


More pc bs, can't you read black KIDS, my beloved dark skinned children not black friends. Most of the jokes were not racist full stop. Get your head out of your a.....


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52 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

True, but mocking people because of their nationality or ethnicity is racist and not free speech.


Today Fascist holocaust deniers and those that believe apartheid should be established in every country, different races to be kept in their own communities , are no longer Fascists but revisionists. Publicly stereotyping  different races of people assuming that they have certain bad qualities according to nationality and ethnic backgrounds without exception but just on appearances is no longer bigotry and prejudice but free speech and that`s perfectly fine unless those concerned are on the receiving end of prejudice and bullying not for who they are, but for what they are.


If a Thai complete stranger judged you solely on appearances, approached you and then called you a stinking Farlang, would you smile and think; that is perfectly alright, that`s his opinion and entitled to his free speech? Or would you considering yourself coming from a first world country and white, take that as a great insult? That I think is more likely the case. Most of you people with your own interpretations of what constitutes as free speech are hypocrites, and no need to say; some of your best friends are black, right?



Well one thing is very clear you know fa about Thailand. Where dark skinned people (not to mention all white skinned people and really black people like Nigerians for instance) are subject to real racist comments all day, every day, 365 days a year.


You want to know about racism, try being a white man in Bangladesh, or China or Japan, or Jakarta, or  Saudi  .........or so may places it is impossible to list them, but Nigeria would certainly rate very highly on the list of inherently racist countries. You frigging idiots only think racism can only be against black people, because you know nothing at all.


I am white, my Thai kids are black how the ffff can I be accused of racism, I spent all their young lives ensuring they could ignore the real Thai racism surrounding them and grow up to be well balanced adults with a sensible view that they are equal to anybody in this world and it doesn't matter what colour, race or creed you are, its who you are that counts.


But they also know that everybody in the world does not have the same liberal ideas that we do; and many, many races and creeds are inherently racist, with by far the  most ignorant, racist and discriminatory people residing in countries like Nigeria.


That's not racism, that's a bloody fact.


It is a terrible struggle now in the most liberal country in the world ( the UK) to stop religious extremists from taking advantage of the liberal non-racist majority and imposing their totally discriminatory and racist doctrines on the rest of the country; and one reason its so hard, is because of the stupid pc brigade, who cannot see beyond their fat noses exactly what is going to happen to them once the extremists are allowed to use so called "racism" against them on every point of what constitutes real freedom of expression.


I think not so long ago somebody posted a picture on TV of extremists in Holland trying to impose sharia law and stating "Islam will rule the world, democracy can go to hell". That's RACISM.


Fascist holocaust deniers! My family fought and died to protect the world from the Nazis and the totally racist Japanese of the time and some of them are still fighting disgustingly racist pigs like the Taliban.


All I see is people like you on this forum with pc bullshit gone mad  because you have some stupid idea that all jokes against other nationalities are inherently discriminatory. Well they are not, get over it.



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7 hours ago, louse1953 said:

That's why your not a police man,try the USA.


10 hours ago, Thian said:

I never heard of a stabvest, we call them leather jackets. 


If i was a policeman and had to deal with a crazy dangerous person i wouldn't touch him at all or even come near him. My gun and mouth would do all the work untill i could easy put the handcuffs on while he was laying  on the floor.


The stab-proof vests issued to the Thai police are very nice and made by a local company. They are much lighter, cooler and more practical than bullet-proof vests for everyday wear in war-torn Pattaya and dealing with crazy Nigerians............Oh dear there I go again with the racist jokes.


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He was gabbling incoherently and had no i/d so the BIB are trying to find out who he is and his immigration status.

They did determine he was from Nigeria so did he tell them or someone who knows him or is just a guess on their part because he's black    ?

I say this because a former gf called everyone from the Middle East or who she thought was middle eastern  '  Palestinian  '    because it was the only country name she knew.  

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3 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

True, but mocking people because of their nationality or ethnicity is racist and not free speech.


Today Fascist holocaust deniers and those that believe apartheid should be established in every country, different races to be kept in their own communities , are no longer Fascists but revisionists. Publicly stereotyping  different races of people assuming that they have certain bad qualities according to nationality and ethnic backgrounds without exception but just on appearances is no longer bigotry and prejudice but free speech and that`s perfectly fine unless those concerned are on the receiving end of prejudice and bullying not for who they are, but for what they are.


Not sure why free speech was raised, as the post you quoted of mine clearly stated that disagreeing with misguided PC views did not constitute 'hate speech'. Which is what some people get accused of now when they have the gall and temerity to disagree or challenge some of the idiotic social justice warriors running rampant in our society. But seeing as you have raised the free speech issue, it should be pointed out that so-called political correctness is the first step down a very slippery slope that seeks to undermine the right of free speech in that a lot of people now are afraid to voice their opinions lest they be bullied and insulted and be accused of being a racist, homophobe, bigot, misogynist, zenophobe, fascist, islamaphobe (sigh), or whatever other insulting leftwing buzzword will be hurled at them by the loony liberal lefty morons who are too intellectually lazy and uninformed to debate them with facts and can't handle living in a society where freedom of speech and democracy allows people to have a different view than them. Europe is now finding out what cultural diversity is and they will soon learn that the people they are so tolerant and accepting of have no interest in returning the favour.

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Why bullshit around? You can reference a world of fact pointing to the vast majority of Nigerian and Sudanese men having involvement in illegal and antisocial behaviour.


Nothing racist about it, the underlying fact available is overwhelming. Next time your unhappy about jumping through hoops to become a citizen  or resident in Thailand or the tightening of visa requirements then you can perhaps look at the requirements for the government to do so. This very post highlights one point in fact. 


Remember these people are viewed as Farang too and create the aspersion held by Thai society.

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8 hours ago, 348GTS said:

I think some people are obsessed with racism to the point where they can't see anything else. It is a symptom of the cancer that is the PC that has infected and is slowly killing our society. People really need to understand the difference between stereotyping and racism, they are not the same thing.

We need to be obsessed to keep up with you lot on TVF where covert and overt racism is rampant.

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9 hours ago, gdgbb said:

You need to get down off your high horse because you can't see what posters are actually saying from up there.  No one has said that he is a "drug user, dealer or scammer".  Where did it say that he has been "unwell"?


What you describe as a reference to the poster's three black friends was, in fact, the poster referring to his three black children.    As I said jump down and try reading what is actually posted.

Reading comprehension is not good on this forum and you have this problem.You only have to go back to page1 and you will get your racist comments and snide remarks.As far as the mans health is concerned i don't think he was lying in the middle of the road  to check cars suspension.Is this what sane people do in your country,if so ,it explains a lot.

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9 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

Reading comprehension is not good on this forum and you have this problem.You only have to go back to page1 and you will get your racist comments and snide remarks.As far as the mans health is concerned i don't think he was lying in the middle of the road  to check cars suspension.Is this what sane people do in your country,if so ,it explains a lot.

Big differance between mentally ill and drug induced hallucinations. The mentally ill are very good at self preservation where as the druggie on a trip beleives they are immortal hence the laying down in the middle of the road for whatever reason.


The level of naivety on Here is truly astounding

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7 hours ago, 348GTS said:

Nice try. The re-defining of the term racism is a fairly recent thing and is constantly changing or evolving based on whoever decides to add more things to it. However, just because some leftwing nut hijacks the word for their own purpose (usually in a way to discredit or shout down dissenting opinions because they are too lazy to debate facts), that doesn't suddenly make the definition legitimate. Racism is about unfair discrimination and prejudice, it is not about joking about stereotypes or calling out certain nationalities or ethnicities on their behaviour. Going on and on about it and taking offence on behalf of everyone whilst simultaneously insulting the people who disagree with you is not going to make your points any more valid, not change the minds of the people who hold a different opinion. Funny how when you state "facts" they are facts, but when other people do then they are not so?? Maybe you don't agree that mentioning the fact (ahh another one of those pesky facts again!) that drug dealers in Sukhumvit are black or Nigerian makes you racist, but sadly many of your fellow lefties do think that way and that is the problem. I heard recently that police in Sweden are not allowed to record the race or religion of suspects in crime reports anymore. That is PC gone crazy and why a large number of people who are happy living in Thailand are happy to get away from the madness that Europe and it's PC madness has become. As for the threats of violence, at no time did I imply that they were directed at me, so I am afraid it was you who didn't understand. I was merely pointing out the MO of liberals who like to brow beat, insult, and threaten everyone who disagrees with them whilst taking offence on behalf of groups of people who probably don't care either way what people think of them. Anyway.... sorry if disagreeing with you makes me "silly", I guess that's just another example of my point being proven yet again. Perhaps the point was not understood in the first place? Nevermind....

" it is not about joking about stereotypes or calling out certain nationalities or ethnicities on their behaviour"Wrong again,the previous is exactly what racism is.Also a very typical racist arguement to refer to PC and loony,nut job left wing to try to denigrate when they call you out or disagree with your world view.

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2 hours ago, Postmaster said:

Nigerians yet again. How often do these seedy people crop up?  They should be all banned at port entry and sent back home. None of them are up to any good whatsoever.

Boring,don't you people every give up on your hate.

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8 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


God help Thailand if you think they should or need to emulate anyone.


They have done quite well for centuries without Western PC folks interfering.


Hope you are relaxing a bit.




You clearly don't know the history.

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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:


The most overused word by the PC crowd is to label any dissenting view as "hate".



Dissenting views are new, previously not held views, whereas yours are ancient views that the world is rapidly leaving behind, nothing dissenting about them.

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10 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


Dissenting views are new, previously not held views, whereas yours are ancient views that the world is rapidly leaving behind, nothing dissenting about them.


You are correct that my views have stood the test of time.


Reasonable and unemotional and well thought out.


This is why "Elders" have always been revered in societies and cultures throughout the world...they offer the wisdom not shown by the younger members of the community. 



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9 hours ago, 348GTS said:

Nice try. The re-defining of the term racism is a fairly recent thing and is constantly changing or evolving based on whoever decides to add more things to it. However, just because some leftwing nut hijacks the word for their own purpose (usually in a way to discredit or shout down dissenting opinions because they are too lazy to debate facts), that doesn't suddenly make the definition legitimate. Racism is about unfair discrimination and prejudice, it is not about joking about stereotypes or calling out certain nationalities or ethnicities on their behaviour. Going on and on about it and taking offence on behalf of everyone whilst simultaneously insulting the people who disagree with you is not going to make your points any more valid, not change the minds of the people who hold a different opinion. Funny how when you state "facts" they are facts, but when other people do then they are not so?? Maybe you don't agree that mentioning the fact (ahh another one of those pesky facts again!) that drug dealers in Sukhumvit are black or Nigerian makes you racist, but sadly many of your fellow lefties do think that way and that is the problem. I heard recently that police in Sweden are not allowed to record the race or religion of suspects in crime reports anymore. That is PC gone crazy and why a large number of people who are happy living in Thailand are happy to get away from the madness that Europe and it's PC madness has become. As for the threats of violence, at no time did I imply that they were directed at me, so I am afraid it was you who didn't understand. I was merely pointing out the MO of liberals who like to brow beat, insult, and threaten everyone who disagrees with them whilst taking offence on behalf of groups of people who probably don't care either way what people think of them. Anyway.... sorry if disagreeing with you makes me "silly", I guess that's just another example of my point being proven yet again. Perhaps the point was not understood in the first place? Nevermind....


'"Racism is about unfair discrimination and prejudice, it is not about joking about stereotypes or calling out certain nationalities or ethnicities on their behaviour.:"


Generalizing on a whole nationality based on the actions of some is unfair prejudice and you would have to be very dim not to see that.

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2 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


You are correct that my views have stood the test of time.


Reasonable and unemotional and well thought out.


This is why "Elders" have always been revered in societies and cultures throughout the world...they offer the wisdom not shown by the younger members of the community. 




You would not have erroneously referred to your views as being dissenting if you actually believed that they had stood the test of time.

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2 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Well then I suppose they must be over-joyed that Shawn the farang is here to show them their errors as well as the "light".


You are the modern day missionary.


There were quite a few who were overjoyed at the outcome of international pressure back in 1912.

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4 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


You would not have erroneously referred to your views as being dissenting if you actually believed that they had stood the test of time.


You are getting confused again Shawn. 


I am not the first person that you have made erroneous claims about. I fear your reading comprehension is not nearly so finely tuned as your ability to spot PC violations.

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