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Tiny house bungalow ? how to move it easily from one land to another ?


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1 hour ago, simon43 said:




If you make a problem with the land-owner, then I suspect that he will lock the gate to access/exit the land.  What are you going to do then with your tiny house?



But here is some more practical information.  I think you will find it very hard to just find a plot of land that you can park your tiny house on, and come and go as you wish.


Rather, you need to lease a piece of land, on which to park your tiny house.  A non-Thai can lease land for up to 30 years.  If you go to the north Thailand region, then you should be able to find a plot of rural land for a monthly rent of say, 10,000 baht per half rai (I was only paying 16,000 baht for a half rai in Phuket).


You lease the land on a pay per month/quarter basis - there is absolutely no reason to have to pay upfront for the whole lease period - I have leased plots of land in Phuket on 4 occasions, and never had to pay upfront.  If the landowner won't agree to a quarterly payment, then go and look for another plot of land.  


You can get the lease formalised/registered at the local amphur, but you'll have to pay the land tax for the whole lease period.


Your lease contract (my ones had this), bound the landowner to lease the land to me for the whole lease period - he had no 'get-out' clause.  But I had a get-out clause.  If I stopped paying the monthly rent for 3 months, then the landowner could repossess the land. but I was under no contractual obligation to pay the balance of the outstanding lease period.


Finally, if you park a tiny house on your land, I guess that it will not be defined as a permanent dwelling.  Therefore, you do not need to worry about planning permission, utility taxes etc, and can park your tiny house on agricultural land.


You can dig a well for water, dig a septic tank or use a dry toilet, use wind and solar for electricity, and plant your own fruit and veg in your half rai of land, all 100% legal.


Just make sure that the landowner can't lock the gate!


I am not the kind of person who can have his gate locked by anyone, this is why I want a tiny house / truck on wheel, not a permanent restaurant.


The only problem I was talking about is a retarded land owner who will raise the renting price like most of them always do. It won't happen to me.


"But here is some more practical information.  I think you will find it very hard to just find a plot of land that you can park your tiny house on, and come and go as you wish."

=====> WHY? I do what I want with my money and I am sure to find a land owner who will like my money and my conditions. They are stupid but like cash.


"Rather, you need to lease a piece of land, on which to park your tiny house.  A non-Thai can lease land for up to 30 years.  If you go to the north Thailand region, then you should be able to find a plot of rural land for a monthly rent of say, 10,000 baht per half rai (I was only paying 16,000 baht for a half rai in Phuket)."

=====> EXACTLY WHAT I DO NOT WANT ! I have never been the victim or prisoner of anyone, usually people are my victims, Thai or foreigners, and it won't change for any reason.

10000 for a land ? you really have been cheated all your life this way ? I already know lands for 5000thb around Pattaya, no need to go any further BAANORK. Phuket even in my worst nightmares I will never go there again.


"You can get the lease formalised/registered at the local amphur, but you'll have to pay the land tax for the whole lease period."

=====> NO THANK YOU ! I go whenever I want just like the owner asks me to go whenever he wants, this is the purpose of having a restaurant on wheels !


"Finally, if you park a tiny house on your land, I guess that it will not be defined as a permanent dwelling.  Therefore, you do not need to worry about planning permission, utility taxes etc, and can park your tiny house on agricultural land."

======> YES, i will never worry if I do my way because it's the only smart way to go



Thank you for your opinion, it's interesting but not the best way to keep my freedom in this country where only people who never learn think that any contract will help them to have any rights.




















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4 hours ago, simon43 said:




If you make a problem with the land-owner, then I suspect that he will lock the gate to access/exit the land.  What are you going to do then with your tiny house?



But here is some more practical information.  I think you will find it very hard to just find a plot of land that you can park your tiny house on, and come and go as you wish.


Rather, you need to lease a piece of land, on which to park your tiny house.  A non-Thai can lease land for up to 30 years.  If you go to the north Thailand region, then you should be able to find a plot of rural land for a monthly rent of say, 10,000 baht per half rai (I was only paying 16,000 baht for a half rai in Phuket).


You lease the land on a pay per month/quarter basis - there is absolutely no reason to have to pay upfront for the whole lease period - I have leased plots of land in Phuket on 4 occasions, and never had to pay upfront.  If the landowner won't agree to a quarterly payment, then go and look for another plot of land.  


You can get the lease formalised/registered at the local amphur, but you'll have to pay the land tax for the whole lease period.


Your lease contract (my ones had this), bound the landowner to lease the land to me for the whole lease period - he had no 'get-out' clause.  But I had a get-out clause.  If I stopped paying the monthly rent for 3 months, then the landowner could repossess the land. but I was under no contractual obligation to pay the balance of the outstanding lease period.


Finally, if you park a tiny house on your land, I guess that it will not be defined as a permanent dwelling.  Therefore, you do not need to worry about planning permission, utility taxes etc, and can park your tiny house on agricultural land.


You can dig a well for water, dig a septic tank or use a dry toilet, use wind and solar for electricity, and plant your own fruit and veg in your half rai of land, all 100% legal.


Just make sure that the landowner can't lock the gate!

Nah, the OP and abab could simply pitch up at kannot's pad. I'm sure they'd all get on like a..........house on fire?

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