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Khao Sarn Road beating: British tourists get compensation, Thai bouncers jail


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Why is it they always have to beat or kick people that are lying down?? (or use weapons)


I fully understand that sometimes people can end up in fights. But why do they have to keep on, when people are down? What a SICK way of thinking and behaving! 


If any tourists behave badly and get into fights, then that is fine (also if they get a beating). But Thais need to fix their brutal animal-like behaviour and attitude, when these situations happen. At least if they want to keep their image of being "gentle, calm and happy" people. 


A bouncers job is to remove people from an area and also protect the other guests in that area. It is not to act like wild animals and beat on people lying down. (No matter what the foreigners did)


Edited by khunpa
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16 minutes ago, robblok said:

Been here 10 years and you ? 


Has nothing to do with Thais.. nobody is saying they acted correctly. They went overboard that is clear. But it seems the Brit tourists first misbehaved, are you saying that its so unbelievable that drunks are beligirent and aggressive and provoke action ? Not in my book seen them from all nationalities (so if your defending them because your a Brit just stop). Drunk people can be real like <deleted> on steroids (alcohol in this case). Take a normal <deleted>.. ad alcohol and you get an super idiot. There are many people who can't handle their drink and get annoying / aggressive. So yes I buy this story. 


The point shouldn't really be about bad drunken behaviour by the brits, anyone with even a quarter of a brain knows that if you want to work in a bar/hotel then you will have to deal with drunken people. The main issue is the way the professionals involved (bouncers) went about dealing with the intoxicated people. 


If bars or people who work there don't want to (or cant) deal with drunk people then they should be in another type of business.

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Not sure who started it ? Or who was at fault.

Bottom Line is that the guy on the ground is very lucky that the Two Thai Bouncer were not very good with their kicks.

The Brit did a good job to defend himself. I'm sure he got hurt; but if one of the kicks landed on his head and he was

knocked out.  The Thai's guy could have kicked him to death. One thing that I seen from Thai people, men and women

is, that it takes a lot to get them angry. But once it happens; they see " Red " and they do not stop.


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42 minutes ago, robblok said:

Sounds a lot like drunken tourist with an attitude. Not the first time that I have seen this. The Thais might have gone overboard but the Brits started it.

I am surprised that people think these kind of things don't happen. Drunk people often make trouble nothing new about it. 


Yes, and they were tourists going WHERE?  ... into a BAR,  in a main tourist area, in a tourist city.  Not into a church, not into a military base where they are not allowed.  Do you not think the staff in a major tourist BAR should be used to dealing with drunken tourists?  OMG, maybe those nasty tourists showed the bottom of their feet ...then they would have deserved it!!

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2 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

So it was perfectly ok for the tourists to do this. Not. First they broke the rules of the bar which are reasonable and second acting like spoiled thugs in the toilets. They shouldn't have got one Baht and the bouncers shouldn't have been fired.

and there you go just listening to the thai thugs trying to justify the deplorable violence dished out by them, the man was on the floor,and still kicking the crap out of him,


even if the tourists were obnoxous once there out of the entrance that should be the end of the thai bouncers job, not kicking the living crap out of him halfway down the road.


if you think that was reasonable behaviour by the thai thugs your on your own,  the hotel, the court, and even the thai lady screaming "he cant fight "he cant fight  think different

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2 hours ago, colinneil said:

Another load of bs.

Bouncers deserved jail time.

Story about throwing beer !!made up !!

If true why did the hotel give compo ??????


Oh what do you know about it? You weren't there so you can't say if the beer-throwing was made up or not

I doubt you get out to clubs much because, if you did, you'd see what farang louts get up to. 

They weren't running away - they planted their feet and engaged the bouncers.

They shouldn't have received a satang

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17 minutes ago, khunpa said:

Why is it they always have to beat or kick people that are lying down?? (or use weapons)


I fully understand that sometimes people can end up in fights. But why do they have to keep on, when people are down? What a SICK way of thinking and behaving! 


If any tourists behave badly and get into fights, then that is fine (also if they get a beating). But Thais need to fix their brutal animal-like behaviour and attitude, when these situations happen. At least if they want to keep their image of being "gentle, calm and happy" people. 


A bouncers job is to remove people from an area and also protect the other guests in that area. It is not to act like wild animals and beat on people lying down. (No matter what the foreigners did)


Because basically many of them are animals................now what was the horrid screechy woman squealing in the commentary

Edited by kannot
Turkey bun fight sat on my ear
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35 minutes ago, slappy said:

It states British tourist (Armando Rodriguez and Shaun Angfreet. ) Their names don't sound british at all!!!!!!!!


Well, could easily be.


UK... (as most other countries in Europe) has changed a lot during the last 20 years :-) Now most British people have Eastern Europe and Arabic names...

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1 minute ago, Agent Sumo said:


Oh what do you know about it? You weren't there so you can't say if the beer-throwing was made up or not

I doubt you get out to clubs much because, if you did, you'd see what farang louts get up to. 

They weren't running away - they planted their feet and engaged the bouncers.

They shouldn't have received a satang

and you were there were you,?????? judging by your immature ranting you must be native 

take a look at what goes on here many Thai youths on loud motor bikes going flat out in rural areas, intimidating everyone and anyone


knife fights, 10 one to one kickings, and usually alchol free, to much testosterone 


Also there is just not enough police around these bar areas 

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31 minutes ago, khunpa said:

Why is it they always have to beat or kick people that are lying down?? (or use weapons)


I fully understand that sometimes people can end up in fights. But why do they have to keep on, when people are down? What a SICK way of thinking and behaving! 


If any tourists behave badly and get into fights, then that is fine (also if they get a beating). But Thais need to fix their brutal animal-like behaviour and attitude, when these situations happen. At least if they want to keep their image of being "gentle, calm and happy" people. 


A bouncers job is to remove people from an area and also protect the other guests in that area. It is not to act like wild animals and beat on people lying down. (No matter what the foreigners did)


Yes, completely agree with you. What upsets me the most is indeed the way many Thais seem to have no conscience whatsoever about piling in on one single person who is on the floor and unable effectively to fight back. I was always taught as a child: 'Never kick a man when he is down'. It seems that the Thais have never come across this moral maxim - or would discard it if they did. 

The silly excuse about the tourists throwing beer all around the toilets is unbelievable nonsense: it bears all the hallmarks of utterly childish Thai lying in an attempt to 'justify' themselves. I myself have heard such silly patent lies from Thais (to my face) too many times to mention.

Finally, the willingness by many (most?) Thais to use or threaten force when they are in the numerical advantage, or when they have weapons and the victims do not, is reflected in what happened in Thailand in May 2014 and is still being enforced today (by men - and doltish women - with guns, tanks and bombs) upon a captive population, still down on its knees . 

At least Thai brutality and cowardice go from top to bottom - all the way through ...


P.S. The 'screechy' Thai woman, to her credit, was actually trying to stop the violence and saying 'That is enough, enough' - in other words, she wanted the cowardly Thais to stop kicking. Good on her!

Edited by Eligius
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I suppose a congratulations to police is in order.



Those Brits might wanna get out of town quick.
I doubt they will go to gaol ( The bouncers) 

TAT may be telling the goons make sure they get out alive.

Meanwhile the odds just shortened  on a Brit falls off a verandah anytime soon.

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Most posters here seem to have little idea of what a bouncer is.


A bouncer is a type of security guard, employed at venues such as bars or nightclubs to provide security,  check legal age or appropriate dress standards or to refuse entry for drunkenness, aggressive behavior or non-compliance with  establishment rules. their job is to remove trouble makers from the premises where they work.

They are not some sort of police force with carte blanche to beat the shit out of anyone who abuses or insults them!

They are employed by and at the venue. When they follow people into the street and beat them they are common street thugs, not bouncers!


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Seems some people have a problem understanding that people who say the drunks were part to blame does not mean they condone the actions of the bouncers. It just shows that both sides were to blame and there was not 1 innocent side like initially thought. 


Even in a bar you need to behave and if you cause trouble you get set out. Now if that goes wrong then that is wrong on the part of the bouncers but if the drunks had behaved themselves they never would have been in this situation. 


I hate belligerent angry drunks,  people that can't handle their drink should just not drink and pester other people who are having a nice time. 

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The fight did not start until the Brits had moved on down the street...that much is apparent from the video.  Why did it tske this long? To gather a group to go kick some ass? The hotel is ultimately responsible for the actions of their employees and its one thing if this fight had occured on the property but it happened down the street. 


Not easy to justify that except the bouncers were pissed off and quit being professional.


Were the Brits drunk? The guy on the ground looks it but the tall guy handled himself well enough. Did they show attitude when told they could not bring beer into establishment? I am guessing yes. Did they throw their beer? Well the article says they spilled it but no mention of throwing or breaking a bottle. Drunks do stupid things but hot headed bouncers trying to CYA also make things up. 


But the bottom line is the bouncers lost the right to fight when the pair moved off property.

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For those concerned about the welfare of the bouncers they haven't really been punished. They got fined only 2,000 baht and got suspended sentences.  They will be rehired by the same hotel or some similar dump immediately.


I don't condone what the Brits did but we only have the hotel's word for it that they were throwing beer around in the toilets and they and the bouncers have every reason to lie and the police have every reason to believe them.  So we should discount their version of events completely and stick to the provable facts which are that two tourist received brutal but fortunately not life threatening beatings in the street after they had already been escorted off the premises, at which point the bouncers' task should have been considered complete with no need to injure them.  One of the Brits is seen receiving two hard kicks between the legs when he is already on the ground and not offering any resistance whatever, while a Thai woman is heard shrieking, "Enough, enough, they aren't resisting you any more" to absolutely no avail. 


I would have liked to have seen the thugs getting proper prison sentences for this.  In prison they would meet much nastier thugs than themselves in the form of warders armed with billy clubs and other prisoners.  Then they would learn what it is like to be on the other side of a beating and maybe learn some lessons.


For foreigners the lesson is don't go to sh*tty places like Khao San Road.



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1 hour ago, eggers said:

Agree totally, the tourists were asking for trouble, they got it & why should they be treated as "victims" in all of this?? Should have been deported & treatment of bouncers should be reviewed..

They should be treated as victims because some thugs were kicking them in the head when they were on the ground and pretty defenseless.  Were the bouncers victims......only if they stubbed a toe while kicking somebody in the head!!!!!! Let us say they did throw beer around in the toilet.....not exactly a high crime and misdemeanor.......I have seen a lot worse than that smeared around a toilet wall. You might not want to let your emotions rule your head, and look at this from a more balanced point of view.

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1 hour ago, denkiblue555 said:

Nobody likes a drunken pest.... but that is kinda what bars/hotels etc. have to manage as getting people drunk is their reason for existence. The bouncers should know how to manage intoxicated people better as it is the job they are employed to do. Kicking someone while they are on the ground in that situation is far from 'restraining them'.


I'd like to hear more about the 'throwing of beer' as nobody likes to waste alcohol usually - could have just been a drunken spillage? Either way the payment suggests some admission of fault but the bigger issue is simply the TAT's reputation I would guess.

I can't see the issue or the mitigation on the part of the hotel.  I go to a hotel (sometimes I take beer in from the bar next door, it's in my belly), I drink even more beer, go to the loo and throw it down the drain.


Happens all the time.;)


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23 minutes ago, robblok said:

Seems some people have a problem understanding that people who say the drunks were part to blame does not mean they condone the actions of the bouncers. It just shows that both sides were to blame and there was not 1 innocent side like initially thought. 


Even in a bar you need to behave and if you cause trouble you get set out. Now if that goes wrong then that is wrong on the part of the bouncers but if the drunks had behaved themselves they never would have been in this situation. 


I hate belligerent angry drunks,  people that can't handle their drink should just not drink and pester other people who are having a nice time. 


Nah, the onus is on the establishment to have employees to manage the incidents of over-intoxicated people - that is their responsibility as a bar. Not an excuse to defend their reaction due to rowdy behaviour...they are place which sells alcohol --> drinking alcohol gets you drunk --> drunk people can be rowdy and hard to manage.


It's a bar's choice to be in this business, and I assume most reasonable people would expect to meet drunk people at places which sell alcohol for on site consumption. 


And even if drunk people do call the bouncers everything derogatory under the sun - society still expects them to be professional and deal with it appropriately. Giving someone a beating is not part of their job description - if they can't control themselves then the reasonably large police station is what....300 meters away?

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Getting so that hooligans can't have any fun anywhere. Maybe they can use the B10,000 for muay thai lessons. Get drunk and annoy people and you might just get your butt kicked. Any bet that they are starting all over again drinking the comp money?

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4 minutes ago, Tonybeerd said:

If the bouncers stopped them at the door the brits should be in our olympic beer throwing team ! If they can reach the toilets from outside in the street  


Can hooligans even get in to the Olympics? No beer sold there.

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3 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

So it was perfectly ok for the tourists to do this. Not. First they broke the rules of the bar which are reasonable and second acting like spoiled thugs in the toilets. They shouldn't have got one Baht and the bouncers shouldn't have been fired.


3 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

So it was perfectly ok for the tourists to do this. Not. First they broke the rules of the bar which are reasonable and second acting like spoiled thugs in the toilets. They shouldn't have got one Baht and the bouncers shouldn't have been fired.

if you can believe whats put in the papers

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