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Trump to black voters: 'What the hell do you have to lose?'


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19 minutes ago, impulse said:


If I were to follow you around 24/7 with a camera, and do some creative editing, I could make you look like an absolute genius, or an idiot; a caring individual, or a callous heel; presidential material, or a buffoon.   


Perhaps enough voters are smart enough to realize that they're seeing some of the real Trump and all they get from Clinton are well rehearsed, focus group vetted, carefully choreographed sound bites.


That's the conspiracy nut narrative. Don't trust the media....they are all crooked. 

You must tune into the right wing conspiracy media. 

Repeat after me: Obama the community organizer is a Muslim that wants to destroy America and Hillary is worse. 



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16 minutes ago, Buzzz said:


That's the conspiracy nut narrative. Don't trust the media....they are all crooked. 

You must tune into the right wing conspiracy media. 

Repeat after me: Obama the community organizer is a Muslim that wants to destroy America and Hillary is worse. 


Have you noticed that I haven't made a personal attack anywhere in this thread, in spite of disagreeing with several others' ideas.  Yet I have been on the receiving end of several.


I wonder what that says?  Don't bother responding.  I already know the answer.

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19 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Welfare and food stamps might tighten up when Trump gains the White House.


Trumps biggest obstacle is the never-ending litany of bashing he gets and to overcome that his presence in Louisiana the past few days handing out relief from his own pocket while his opponents are noticeably absent can only help with the Black Vote!  

It might have been out of his pocket but i bet it wasn't his money.

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1 hour ago, impulse said:


If I were to follow you around 24/7 with a camera, and do some creative editing, I could make you look like an absolute genius, or an idiot; a caring individual, or a callous heel; presidential material, or a buffoon.   


Perhaps enough voters are smart enough to realize that they're seeing some of the real Trump and all they get from Clinton are well rehearsed, focus group vetted, carefully choreographed sound bites.


The media is not following him around 24/7. They are showing what he says during speeches at rallies, call-ins to radio shows, interviews on Fox, and his tweets. 


The editing going on is reducing these staged events down to the most outrageous lines or most blatant untruths. That may be bias, but it is also what makes headlines and gets the ratings. 


You do not see similar from Hillary as often because she rarely makes the same type of comments.





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2 hours ago, impulse said:

If I were to follow you around 24/7 with a camera, and do some creative editing, I could make you look like an absolute genius, or an idiot; a caring individual, or a callous heel; presidential material, or a buffoon. 

No need to follow me around or do any editing. Like Trump, I'm already universally known for the being the second in each of your twosomes. Like Trump, I've earned it. Over and over.

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2 hours ago, impulse said:

Have you noticed that I haven't made a personal attack anywhere in this thread, in spite of disagreeing with several others' ideas. 

True, and it should be respected and encouraged.

"Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection"

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One Comment on Friday Summed Up Just How Full of Crap Donald Trump’s Entire Campaign Is (Video)

"And at the end of four years, I guarantee you that I will get over 95 percent of the African-American vote, I promise you"




 "Delusional Trump"


I bet you his KKK and Redneck supporters like this alot. :lol:


Edited by Skywalker69
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12 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


Funny…how the cnn guys…specially this "oreo" don lemon always try to get the PC nonsense going….the sheriff was haven none of it….lemons passive aggressiveness was phenomenal. Bet he dreams of hillary singing him to sleep every night.


More on David Clark





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Both Trump and Clinton have to be the most disliked nominees in US election history. Dont really  cares who wins but I would love to see Bill back in the White House as the first man and making sure the performance of the interns was up to scratch.


Better still, Bill getting caught putting his pecker in a pigeon hole.

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17 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Actually, Im not sure how much better things can get for the black community…they've had their hero at the top for 8 years…..you'd think if there was a chance in hell that things could improve, then they would have already….instead things have actually gotten worse and worse….look at all the white cops killing blacks….its a disaster.

That's because he ISN'T a "black man". He's half white and was raised as a white kid outside of the USA. IMO he has no more in common with "black" Americans than I do, other than the colour of his skin.


I still remember how Kenyans were celebrating after he was elected because they thought he was going to help them. I guess they learned their lesson on that one, same as the black communities in cities with Dem councils like Chicago.


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10 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

That's because he ISN'T a "black man". He's half white and was raised as a white kid outside of the USA. IMO he has no more in common with "black" Americans than I do, other than the colour of his skin.


I still remember how Kenyans were celebrating after he was elected because they thought he was going to help them. I guess they learned their lesson on that one, same as the black communities in cities with Dem councils like Chicago.


Tell that to all the African Americans who are now getting decent health care via Medicaid thanks to the Affordable Care Act.  Such ignorance.

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38 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


Funny…how the cnn guys…specially this "oreo" don lemon always try to get the PC nonsense going….the sheriff was haven none of it….lemons passive aggressiveness was phenomenal. Bet he dreams of hillary singing him to sleep every night.


WOW, did he ever show that so called journalist up 55555555555555

Glad I saw your reply or I wouldn't have watched it. I loved the bit when he said that Obama is a liar.

And, guess what, they can't accuse him of being racist 5555555555555555


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I'm voting for Jill Stein.  I predict she'll get close to 20% of California's and other west coast states' popular votes.   She probably won't win delegates, except maybe Wash.D.C. (my former home city), but there are many down-ballot Green Party candidates out there who have a chance of winning.  County supervisors, school board members, governors and such may seem like small potatoes to Big Shot political manipulators, but it adds up and sets the stage for future high-positions.  


If Sanders thought Stein had a real chance of winning, he would have put his support behind her.  I'm 100% sure of that.  As it is, the importance of beating Trump is so important, that Sanders was compelled to put his full support behind HRC. 


Note, the Green Party door was cracked open to allow Sanders the option to become either the Green's prez or vice-prez candidate.   He didn't respond.  However, his policy statements dovetail with the Greens, note for note, even to the extent of excusing student loan obligations and thereby enabling a whole generation of well-educated young Americans to get out from the burden of having to pay back loans to the Federal government.   The same Feds (Reps and Dems) who have burdened each American family with $75,000 worth of expenses for the failed wars brought to them by Republicans. 

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47 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

You see, that quote turns up in lots of places. Only some of them are honest enough to quote it in full.

Again, it was a page of one-liner quotes from Barkley.   IMO, the quote is right on the money.  The fuller context ain't bad either, and pretty much sums things up.


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Trump to Speak at Historic Black Church on Sunday – Wants to Make America Great for Black Americans



Thomas Rodgers, Antioch’s pastor, said that it was imperative for Blacks to support Trump.  He echoed comments he made in a recent CNN interview in which he said Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton was not fit to lead the country, calling her “dangerous.”

Katrina Rodgers, his daughter, also spoke to Trump’s leadership, echoing that his economic prowess made him the best choice for president. Rodgers said the Democratic Party made Blacks reliant on government handouts.



Indeed.  :thumbsup:


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15 hours ago, Chicog said:


. I'm sure his peers would call him a "coconut".



Despite the obsessive posts, you really do not know much about America. That is not insult that you are looking for. :lol:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Well, Donald is gaining the Black vote by performing a vital civic duty his opponent hasn't bothered to do besides 'phone it in':


Louisiana Democrat Governor: Trump’s Visit ‘Helped Shine Spotlight’ On Flooding, Wasn’t Used As A Photo Op…


Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards said Donald Trump’s visit helped draw attention to the people displaced by recent flooding.

Prior to Trump’s visit, Edwards had said he did not want it to turn into a photo op, but on CNN’s State of the union on Sunday he said the visit was a good one.

The rest here:  



The Negro vote in Louisiana will be affected for sure by Trump's kindness! :)

Edited by Boon Mee
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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

Well, Donald is gaining the Black vote by performing a vital civic duty his opponent hasn't bothered to do besides 'phone it in':


Louisiana Democrat Governor: Trump’s Visit ‘Helped Shine Spotlight’ On Flooding, Wasn’t Used As A Photo Op…


Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards said Donald Trump’s visit helped draw attention to the people displaced by recent flooding.

Prior to Trump’s visit, Edwards had said he did not want it to turn into a photo op, but on CNN’s State of the union on Sunday he said the visit was a good one.

The rest here:  



The Negro vote in Louisiana will be affected for sure by Trump's kindness! :)

 Why pollute every thread with conspiracy nonsense?

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18 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

That's because he ISN'T a "black man". He's half white and was raised as a white kid outside of the USA. IMO he has no more in common with "black" Americans than I do, other than the colour of his skin.


I still remember how Kenyans were celebrating after he was elected because they thought he was going to help them. I guess they learned their lesson on that one, same as the black communities in cities with Dem councils like Chicago.



Oh boy...still on about Obama. IMO bigotry is first and foremost in the Republican party. 


17 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


I think many people will vote to just stay at home.


Dems still win in a landslide. You hear this from the Republican side far more than the Democratic side. Trump is dangerously incompetent and America knows it now. It's over. 


24 minutes ago, Buzzz said:

 Why pollute every thread with conspiracy nonsense?


Buzzzz (sigh), it's a way of life. They're all out to get us. Weaken America. Keep putting minorities in the White House. Money for hostages. MSM is poisoning everything, blah, blah blah. It passes for small talk in folksy ole wingnuttia. 

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This past week Donald Trump reached out to African American voters in several speeches at his packed rallies.
Trump called on black voters to leave the Democrat Party after decades of failure.

"Packed Rallies" is the Operative term here boys.  Meanwhile, his opponent is ...''resting' :whistling:

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:


This past week Donald Trump reached out to African American voters in several speeches at his packed rallies.


Yeah, giving speeches in areas that are less than 1% African American is a great way to reach out to them.  And now he's campaigning for 2020 by claiming he'll win 95% of the AA vote then.  I mean come on; at least make semi-plausible outlandish claims.

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