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Two people were arrested for using counterfeit US and Cambodian currency as they exchanged US dollars for Thai baht at a market on Saturday, according to Koh Kong provincial police. The two people had used counterfeit money in many provinces, but were only arrested in Koh Kong province after cooperation between police in Khemarak Phoumin City and Mondol Seima district, who confiscated the counterfeit money which was in both US and Cambodian currencies, according to a provincial police report.

“We arrested two men while one of them was exchanging counterfeit US currency for Thai baht at Chamyeam market in Mondol Seima district’s Pak Klarng commune and another suspect was arrested in Khemarak Phumin City,” the report read. The report said police confiscated a total of $5,000 and 420,000 riel (about $100) and one car that had been used by the two. “Police are continuing to investigate,” the report added.

The two suspects were named as Bun Khim, 53, who was arrested at Chamyeam market, and Peng Hort, 24, who was arrested in the city. Pak Klarng commune police chief Lim Thy said yesterday that Mr. Khim was arrested after receiving 67,000 baht in exchange for $2,000 in fake US bills. The shop owner knew it was counterfeit and called police, he added.


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/28760/police-nab-men-using-fake-money/

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