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Thailand’s Casual Racism Returns: Comedian in blackface wins 'Best Dressed' award at elite party


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Most Thai's have no idea of the concept of "blackface" nor many other parts of American/Western history. I have a fair amount of confidence that this person had no knowledge of blackface and therefore had no racist intentions. This leads to the question: Is something without racist intentions racist just because someone else says it is? If the entertainer had said something negative or derogatory then fair game; however, in this instance the entertainer appears truly amused, much like people who wear sumo suits or sombreros. 


Personally, I find trying to force culture down someone else's throat a racist act. It amounts to nothing more than a hostile cultural takeover. I've no doubt there is racism in Thailand, I just don't feel that this is an example of it. 

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14 hours ago, Prbkk said:

It was only about 10 years ago that they changed Darkie toothpaste to Darlie. Some way still to go.

2 maybe 3 years ago in Samui An African/American/( what ever ya wanna call him)  mate of mine brought round a bottle of Uncle tome's Vodka, we both thought it funny and enjoyed the cheap joke and the cheap vodka.

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We had The Black and White Minstrels Show on BBC TV till the luvvies banned it back in 1978.


It was hugely popular especially with West Indian immigrants who saw nothing offensive about it.

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I always think it's silly how some people get offended at every tiny little thing. I personally don't see anything wrong with "black face" unless they portray a black person in a negative light (much the same as dressing up as any race and then enforcing negative stereotypes).

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Once upon a time Progressives held the high ground. We have been changed into a PC society that walks on eggshells. And yet, same progressives have overseen the 1% get richer as the middle and working class gets poorer, equality under the law no longer exists, wars of regime change are raging, we are marching towards a new religious conflict, the media regularly distorts the truth, racism on the ground is no better.


So where is their high ground and what is progressive about it? They pick a few social issues and pretend to do battle with them, all the while nothing actually changes. We have been conned by the sheep in wolves clothing.


Thailand, you have to laugh, from their blatant (but not malicious) racism, to setting up pig farms near Muslim communities, they really couldn't give a sh*t about PC.

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32 minutes ago, Rancid said:

Once upon a time Progressives held the high ground. We have been changed into a PC society that walks on eggshells. And yet, same progressives have overseen the 1% get richer as the middle and working class gets poorer, equality under the law no longer exists, wars of regime change are raging, we are marching towards a new religious conflict, the media regularly distorts the truth, racism on the ground is no better.


So where is their high ground and what is progressive about it? They pick a few social issues and pretend to do battle with them, all the while nothing actually changes. We have been conned by the sheep in wolves clothing.


Thailand, you have to laugh, from their blatant (but not malicious) racism, to setting up pig farms near Muslim communities, they really couldn't give a sh*t about PC.





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...shall we pretend that racism here has ever gone away....


.... prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief (or wish)* that one's own race is superior.

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 Some universities in United States  have prohibitied students from wearing the traditional  Mexican hat called a sombrero on campus  as part of any costume during Halloween ;citing  it as racists. 

It's political correctness gone mad ! These absurd college administrations see only racism in everything and penalize the free speech of others that they do not agree with.  The news media is also  complicit .  In an effort to create controversy for news sake ,they  run to search out someone that will say they are offended by .... Fill in the blank. 

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This must be a dilemma for your average ex-pat blowhard - they want to defend her against the imaginary 'PC' horde who they think run everything, but she is Thai, and all Thais are dumb - what a dilemma for them ;) 

Edited by PremiumLane
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is it time for "black pete" already


in my home country, they don't even allow that anymore


PC police


even it is supposed to be a white dude that got black for climbing into chimneys


a black person working, now that is unrealistic


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11 minutes ago, Penicillin said:

 Some universities in United States  have prohibitied students from wearing the traditional  Mexican hat called a sombrero on campus  as part of any costume during Halloween ;citing  it as racists. 

It's political correctness gone mad ! These absurd college administrations see only racism in everything and penalize the free speech of others that they do not agree with.  The news media is also  complicit .  In an effort to create controversy for news sake ,they  run to search out someone that will say they are offended by .... Fill in the blank. 

Typical blame the Yanks.  It was a university in the UK.  University of East Anglia.   https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/29/uea-student-union-bans-racist-sombreros

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17 hours ago, Witblitz said:

Is this  casual racism any different ?...Coconuts needs to get a life 







You didn't even UNDERSTAND Robert Downey Jr's role in "Tropic Thunder", if you reduce it to "blackface"!

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2 minutes ago, DM07 said:

You didn't even UNDERSTAND Robert Downey Jr's role in "Tropic Thunder", if you reduce it to "blackface"!


:cheesy: an apologist.....a Thai lady is a casual racist for wearing black face, but Robert Downey Jr is misunderstood..classic

Tropic Thunder had no "message"  or "moral tale" it was trying to tell....it was just a very bad trashy movie

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7 minutes ago, Witblitz said:


:cheesy: an apologist.....a Thai lady is a casual racist for wearing black face, but Robert Downey Jr is misunderstood..classic

Tropic Thunder had no "message"  or "moral tale" it was trying to tell....it was just a very bad trashy movie

I didn't say "message"- but reading and understanding are very obviously 2 different things!

People you can not see the casual racism, in what this lady did and even applaud or apologize for her, should just try harder in using that thing between their ears, that is called brain!

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I will start wearing a beret, black and white striped top, grow a mustache and pedal around on an old bicycle. I wonder if our French friends will be offended. 


Or wear a silk safari suit, dye my hair black and scowl all day long. I think the locals would find humor in that. 

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1 hour ago, Witblitz said:






PC is an invented word from the right who don't like to see other people getting a voice and being more included in society.


Get over it, you aren't having your freedoms taken away, you are just being called out for being a backward, reactionary idiot. 

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Some good posts expressing both sides of the argument but I'm not getting involved in the rights and wrongs of what may be racist,   offensive etc however I'm surprised no one has asked what the reaction would be if someone in another country dressed up to represent a Thai in a less then complimentary way.


If anyone has then I apologise for missing the post.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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How to spot a racist - see yourself here?  

It is significant that those who protest the most vociferously that something is NOT racist or “PC gone mad” are in fact mostly likely to be racist themselves.

A good way to spot racists is by their sayings...

  •  “I’ve got nothing against them but....”

  •  “They come over here”

  •  “It’s PC bullshit”

  •  “That’s not race it’s religion”

  •  “blacks are racist too” (isn’t that an admission though?)

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