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Arresting people for medicinal ganja use - like "arresting a mother for stealing baby milk for a hungry child", police say


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4 hours ago, aussiebrian said:


Gandalf, you are living in a fairyland if you think the government couldn't make money from ganga. There could be a huge monetary benefit for Thailand growing it for medicinal use, and exporting it to the many countries where it has been legalized. Imagine the boost to tourism if it was legalized for recreational use and the government had it's own coffee/ganga shops like in Holland. Imagine possibly the huge drop in yaba use and crime, and violence if it could be used legally. Possibilities are endless. 

I suggest you read what I was responding to then try to understand what that post was before attempting get,  and failing, to understand my response. You must be high when you posted this reply. 

Edited by gandalf12
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The only real crime relating to weed is that it's made illegal in the first place.  If the authoritarian control freaks with power have any say in the matter, it should go no further than advising the population (their employees) of any side-effects and other points of concern; but perhaps it's the power of their pisition that's the real problem.

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38 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Excuse my ignorance but why is tobacco smoke so harmful but cannabis / ganja / marijuana not?


Nicotine is also beneficial to certain medical conditions too.


Is it something to do with the tar content or are the carcegens different.


Alcohol is a very dangerous drug, the results of which we often see. But some are affected very differently to others. Is this the same for ganja?

Tobacco is treated in many ways and additives are numerous, as well as other chemical to enhance taste, moisture...etc...

Smoking Ganja is harmful to the lungs in a way as it brings carbon monoxide and other chemicals as well, but all in all it is far less dangerous than Tobacco, alcohol or opiates drugs.


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1 minute ago, GeorgesAbitbol said:

Tobacco is treated in many ways and additives are numerous, as well as other chemical to enhance taste, moisture...etc...

Smoking Ganja is harmful to the lungs in a way as it brings carbon monoxide and other chemicals as well, but all in all it is far less dangerous than Tobacco, alcohol or opiates drugs.



Thank you Georges.



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5 hours ago, AlQaholic said:

Where did these very tough laws against drugs in SEAsia come from anyways? 

I mean you are put in front of the firing squad for drugs smuggling and a slap on the hand for murder?


Try being accurate in your comments and they may then be taken seriously.

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Then the farmers should go work for a boss if they can't handle it. Or not buy such a big truck.


Loads of Thai envy me because in my homecountry we can smoke ganja legally. They all want to go there to try it. But because it's unavailable to them they try jaba or whatever they can buy to get high.


I (almost) never smell ganja in Thailand...only once somebody was smoking it in a hotelroom next to mine and that hotel is used a lot by police who come for training.....So explain where you see people of all ages and backgrounds use ganja now??


Guess you don't even know what real ganja is...these days it's much stronger than in the seventies and considered a harddrug. Thai weed is also sold in my homecountry but it's very low quality full of seed, nobody wants it since there's much better stuff around.


And if it became legal in Thailand it would become an exportproduct and thailand would get the same reputation as Colombia has. Gangs would jump on it and there would be gangfights/ripdeals all over the place.



Ok Chicken Little, Columbia has Cocaine, Ganja, maybe a lil

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Hooked? Which 1940s propaganda movie have you been watching? Due to ill informed opinions like yours enormous damage has been done to the fabric of our societies.  But perhaps worse is the damage done to economic growth. The war on drugs is not just a war on the people but a war on the wealth of our countries.


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2 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

Louse.....I love this..."Ignorance can be

educated;. Crazy can be medicated; there

is no cure for stupid! "No cure for You, sorry!

Are you speaking alone? you should consult, maybe the ravages of alcohol are already there

While you, on the other hand, quote sh!t to make your point.

First of all the main OP story is about Medical Marijuana, I bet you prefer the peopl having cancer or other disease use some manufactured drug to help them, with the side effects coming with.

About recreational use : please tell me how many time have you witnessed a brawl between two or more people under influence of ganja : except some "not cool dude" i think we can safely say you witness nothing.

However you probably had your faire share of wine, beer, spirits, right? Dam you re a drug user, even worse you re poisoning yourself, you even maybe have those poison in your house! 

The only one showing ignorance here, is you my dear Mary. You should probably do some research on google, but I bet it would cost you too much to see the truthjumping at your face so abruptly...


Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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2 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

Teatree.  Those that remain in Thailand

after the druggies leave will be the ones

with money to enjoy fine dining, golf, 

theatre, concerts, with less threats

of being robbed, homes burglarized,

with safer roads because all the freaks

and druggies will be gone.

Oh yeah because those weed fiends are so dangerous and quick on their feet when they rob you. I hope this is a troll comment because it sounds retarded.

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Amazing....pot heads will quote any statistic

to justify their getting high.  This unfortunate

segment of society is just so sad.

Its well documented that canabis cures cancers etc well canabis oil do

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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34 minutes ago, PattayaBoy said:

Lots of talking little action.

They stopped my friend on the road gave him piss test and it showed up. Thing is he was doing it in usa legal. Cost him 20k to sort it out.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

I would say the lawyer took most of that.Just go to court,minor fine or was he bluffed before court.

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8 hours ago, dcnx said:

Fantastic news! Sounds like progress may be made in the future.


I have glaucoma.  


Oh, what's that... Oh... It's only for Thais using it for medical use. Foreigners will still get fleeced for huge sums of cash or go to jail. 

Nice to see Thailand taking a healthy attitude to this. Never thought I'd see the day when the UK lagged behind it. Our laws on this are pathetic and draconian.

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5 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

Pot heads and druggies, all go to

Cambodia.  You won't be missed

and Thailand will be much nicer

and safer....BYE!!!!!!

Congratulations. You have just won ignorant comment of the year award. Give my regards to Queen Victoria. Next time, do some research before spouting your uninformed comments.

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6 hours ago, jcsmith said:

@Dr. Robert: And what makes your opinion worth anything more? 


There is little reason that marijuana should be banned even for recreational use imo, so long as alcohol remains legal. And it certainly shouldn't be banned for medical use. I think the problem is that governments have spent so long demonizing this substance in the war on drugs. People who have never used it have certain preconceived notions about its use. Over the years it's proven to have a good amount of medicinal value, and you'd be hard pressed to show that it is worse for you or worse for society than consuming alcohol recreationally. Worst case scenario potheads are going to lay around watching television and getting lazy, it's not typically a substance that will make you turn violent or ruin the lives of others.


Yes, in the "Swinging Sixties", if you got caught with a joint, you were immediately labelled a "drug addict". Reminds me of a statement by Dave Crosby (Of C S & N fame) when asked if he had a drug problem back then, he replied "The only problem I had then was getting enough of it!

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1 hour ago, PattayaBoy said:

Lots of talking little action.

They stopped my friend on the road gave him piss test and it showed up. Thing is he was doing it in usa legal. Cost him 20k to sort it out.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk



Why I don't believe your friend ? They hardly check weed on the road in Thailand.



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13 minutes ago, innocenthai said:



Why I don't believe your friend ? They hardly check weed on the road in Thailand.



Well between Bkk and Hua Hin there is a half permanent police check and you have to pee... Couple of friends have been caught with purple pee because of Ganja...and they ask a lot of money

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10 minutes ago, GeorgesAbitbol said:

Well between Bkk and Hua Hin there is a half permanent police check and you have to pee... Couple of friends have been caught with purple pee because of Ganja...and they ask a lot of money



I doubt that they check more on the way to hua hin than pattaya, and they don't check at all on the way to pattaya...



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