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Pest Control Chiang Mai


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Just do it yourself,buy a pack of sticky rat traps,put some peanuts,or their

favourite ,chocolate, I would think you have some access to the attic,so

put the traps up there. also its important to remove any way the rats can

gain access to the attic,like trees,as these are tree rats,not sewer rats,

they come into attics in the rainy season.


We have had them nearly every year when the heavy rains start,BUT

not so far this year,as we now have a cat,and all she does is hunt prey,

Squirrels,Geckos,snakes,mice,insects,at night she patrols the first floor

roof,around the house,

Regards Worgeordie

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The large sticky traps from B ig C are better , they are big enough that a rat cannot run away with it stuck to itself , 

or nail it to a board , 


I have still not had any luck with the live traps ,  but sometimes had luck with the snap traps,


There are some real strong all metal snap traps I have bought in BKK Chinatown , they are nice and heavy and would probably break your finger , so watch out !


Right now the house is mouse and rat free as I think there is better food outside than inside :) 


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Why bother to trap them? Wouldn't it be better to just keep them out in the first place?

Rodents don't like the smell of ordinary mothballs! A row of them around the base of the house, and another around the attic spaces is enough to keep them away. Doesn't even need to be a 'solid' row, so you can just throw them into the crawl spaces above and below. Keeps out mice, rats, squirrels, skunks (in the US) and all other rodents. If they are already inside, they will leave pretty damn quickly!

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2 minutes ago, FolkGuitar said:

Why bother to trap them? Wouldn't it be better to just keep them out in the first place?

Rodents don't like the smell of ordinary mothballs! A row of them around the base of the house, and another around the attic spaces is enough to keep them away. Doesn't even need to be a 'solid' row, so you can just throw them into the crawl spaces above and below. Keeps out mice, rats, squirrels, skunks (in the US) and all other rodents. If they are already inside, they will leave pretty damn quickly!

Mothballs emit a pesticide.  I threw them in the roof crawl space and my Thai family went nuts.  Cost me 1000 baht to get a guy to climb around in there and remove them all.  Google moth balls first and you won't go anywhere near them.  Oh, and - rats don't mind them. 

Edited by Scotwight
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6 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

Mothballs emit a pesticide.  I threw them in the roof crawl space and my Thai family went nuts.  Cost me 1000 baht to get a guy to climb around in there and remove them all.  Google moth balls first and you won't go anywhere near them.  Oh, and - rats don't mind them. 


It's true that they emit a pesticide...  paradichlorobenzene  or naphthalene. It's what makes them so effective. But they are really just dangerous to people when in confined spaces... rather like Carbon Monoxide or even the mosquito foggers that the municipalities spray all over Thailand. You don't want to be in a locked room with any of it. That's why we put it in sealed containers for our clothes. But used outside... no problem. In the attic... by the second day the smell is gone... I used the stuff for 10 years... successfully... to keep mice and squirrels out of my house, a house I built in the middle of the woods. Neighbors had the critters running rampant in their houses until they too ringed them with moth balls.


It IS true that this is NOT a recommended use of moth balls. And we all know that we should NEVER use any product other than in its intended manner...  Sorry your family didn't like it. Mine did.                       

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I have left that ignorant expat /ignorant wannabe Theravada 'exception' perspective long ago, but, if you are going to kill, do it efficiently. Like..if we are to be killed ourselves. Kill us like we would wished to be killed.       

Certainly not by warfarin, which bleeds old men and rats out the same. The traditional rat trap is my favourite. I have killed lots of rats in my spring style  rat traps. Aye...but, there was this one rat I set the trap for with peanut butter and he licked so daintily he survived 3 times. On the fourth time the trap sprung and I saw a slight blood trail, but no rat.  Maybe he died.....I like to think he bettered me 3 times and then thought better of it and looked for easier pickings. I liked that rat . There is a book called the "Inner Fish" . We are all the same ....we have eyeballs forward and <deleted> behind. Is this a coincidence ?  Nope....just cousins with the same DNA firing in a related , but different sequences.   Damned them Buddhist............didn't get it right.. but closer than others....well, except that ghost worship shit.  ;-)   But, that does make money ;-)   I do like that part ;-)    The rats are us....they don't want much more than we do, just to have families and maybe a grand rat or 12 .   Should we start trapping Italians and Somalians ?        regards....Ken

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Thanks Jeffandgop for the name of a company.  I can’t solve the problem myself so this will be helpful.  I can ask the company to use traps, it seems more humane.

For those who suggested I block the entries to the attic, I cannot get up on the roof and I have tried to find people to do this with no success.

Thanks everyone for your input and advice.

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