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Ministry officials, conservationists and members of the public got their hands dirty in Prek Ampil village in Kampot province yesterday by planting mangrove trees at the site of a revitalization project that officials hope will spur a restoration of Cambodia’s threatened coastal mangroves. The ceremony, which was held in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment (MoE) and the Cambodian Natural Agriculture company (CNA) – an agricultural export and distribution enterprise – highlighted the importance of mangrove preservation to a crowd of local students, private sector representatives and conservation agents before imploring the bunch to roll up their sleeves and get muddy planting seedlings along 2.5 hectares of the 12-hectare protected zone.

Tropical mangroves boast some of the most diverse eco-systems in the world, supporting hundreds of unique species – including shellfish, shrimp and the infamous local Kep crab. Mangroves act as nurseries and spawning grounds for many of the fish people consume and protect the coastal areas from harsh winds and storms, serving as a buffer between land and sea. They are also a huge draw for tourists.

Addressing the audience, Su Sovuth, an undersecretary of the Ministry of Environment, explained that conservation would help to combat the effects of climate change and improve the livelihoods of local villagers, highlighting the importance of a joint effort. “No one can cut the mangrove trees if the community understands the benefit because when community [members] protect the mangroves, it serves their own benefit,” he said.


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/29089/gov---t-wants----revitalized----coast/


-- © Copyright Khmer Times 30/08



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