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That is the pussy pervert - sickened neighbors point to Chinese man in bizarre cat torture case


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5 hours ago, williet98248 said:

A box cutter is a handle with a razor blade inserted that allows a cut about a centimeter deep.  Used for cutting cardboard and opening cardboard boxes.  Hence 'box cutter'.  Bet there are a few photos on Google.


"handle with a razor blade" where did you get that, Geriatricopedia?

Edited by MiKT
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4 hours ago, zd1 said:

Many serial killers start of with animals, this scum bag needs to be of the streets before he progresses on to people. If I caught him doing that with our cat I would dismantle him with his Stanley knife.

The mrs and me are agonising about what to do with our cat when we move to Thailand in the next couple of months we really want to take him but we aren't sure what is best for him.


Cats do fine anywhere, just keep it at home for a few days/week or two and it will settle in fine.


Amazingly enough, cats and soi  dogs cohabit very nicely here.


But you should check-out the quarantine arrangements for cats first, it may prove to be prohibitively expensive to bring one ever.

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15 hours ago, swoods58 said:

Sorry but a box cutter is not a Stanley knife but similar. It's one of those plastic knives with a blade that you can snap off when the leading part of the blade is blunt. The blade is segmented and about 4 or 5 inches (100mm or so) long with the segments at 45 degree angles and about 1/2 an inch long.

A box cutter is a united states coast guard vessel that looks like a box, hence the term "Box Cutter". Simple.

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11 hours ago, MiKT said:


Angry, bloody right I am, this Chinese sicko was torturing cats and does deserve a touch of the Stanley knives.


You can bet your life that he will have a nice time in Thai prison, not many here in this, oh so bloody condescending, "largely uneducated culture" stand for that kind of crap.


Torturing cats is nothing whatsoever to do with Thai culture and you are disgustingly ignorant or think you are some kind of racially superior being to imply that it is. From your above comment you surely do feel superior.


As for bugs, you must be an extraordinarily unobservant person who does not know that Thais (and many others) eat insects all the time, they are a mainstay of the diet of many people.


But I don't think eating bugs (they are delicious) comes into the same class of feelings as animals or even birds and they are not tortured, shoving them straight into boiling water/oil kills them instantly.


Your ignorant comments indicate that you must go around with your head totally up your .... all day, everyday.


How is it you claim to live in Thailand and don't have any idea of how the <deleted> who eat dogs kill them?


Well they put them in a sack and beat them to death so they taste a little bit tenderer.


If you did not have the courage to face your neighbours about this and report them to the police, because it is illegal to eat dog in Thailand, then by god the description "complicit, stinking coward" really does fit.


Nothing funny about this situation at all.



"Angry, bloody right I am"

The rest of your post made that quite obvious, so I won't give it too much weight, knowing from experience that anger undoubtedly inhibits rational thought and clear perception. And I won't respond to the personal and offensive remarks that are commonplace in these forums.  My reference to the previous poster's 'anger' was regarding the nature of his response to my comments and not his emotional response to the article.


"Torturing cats is nothing whatsoever to do with Thai culture"

I neither think it is, nor implied it to be so. I certainly don't condone what this guy did, but by commenting on the savage responses of people hearing about it, you seem to think I do.


"From your above comment you surely do feel superior."

Wrong! I feel that absolutely nobody is either superior nor inferior to anyone at all, of any culture; merely different, due to our personal and cultural conditioning.


"you must be an extraordinarily unobservant person who does not know that Thais (and many others) eat insects all the time"d

Yes, I do "know" that... where did I say that I didn't? I commented on how the unexpected sight of it effected me; I can't help how I respond to seeing live animals being dropped into hot oil. I'm both vegetarian and Buudhist and, by nature, feel for all living things. I did, however defend the people doing it because I know it's their culture and I have no right to object or interfere; it's just the way it is!


"How is it you claim to live in Thailand and don't have any idea of how the <deleted> who eat dogs kill them?"

Not so sure about this one! How does the fact that I live in Thailand suggest I should know how dog-eaters kill their victims? It's not exactly something that happens on street corners, though I did suffer the stench of a buffalo being slaughtered on the street behind my house a few years ago, or does the fact that it's a buffalo make that ok?


"Well they put them in a sack and beat them to death so they taste a little bit tenderer".

If hat's true, it's terrible! What makes you think that? I can't imagine anyone in our village being that sadistic. I always imagined it would be strangulation or something of the like. I couldn't "face my neighbours" about it as I had no idea who did it; moo 1 being four km away. I had no 'knowledge', or even reason to believe that it's illegal because I know it's quite a widespread practice here in the north.


"Nothing funny about this situation at all."

I couldn't agree more; who'se laughing?  But the absence of an emotional and irrational response shouldn't imply lack of feeling or caring.


I just read an article about a Thai guy being arrested on charges of torturing and killing a young woman, including cutting off her nipples, as well as the torture of a young teen boy he'd adopted, including pulling most of his teeth out and blinding him with cleaning chemicals.

What I found extraordinary was how rational the responses were, compared to this case. No talk of torture, disfiguring him with box cutters, or anything else as equally sick as the cat toturer's sadistic acts. Just plenty of 'life imrisonment' and 'death sentence' suggestions.

That could be a reflection of the type of people attracted by the words, "pussy" and, "pervert" in the headline.

Like I said, "I'm the first to admit to my own ignorance". If others were to do the same, in both how they listen and how they speak, the comments in these forums might be a little more rational and less unconsidered and offensive.

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21 hours ago, jonesthebaker said:

hard thing to decide.  but in my opinion having looked after cats in Thailand  - (one died of feline HIV the other was poisoned by some neighbour) - I would try to rehome the cat where you are.  Cats especially are prone to deadly diseases due to their ability to roam freely.  also, so many ticks and bugs and diseased mice etc around.  not to mention the many feral and disease carrying cats.  sorry if this sounds grim.  but your cat will have little chance in Thailand.

We were thinking as much but we both adore our cat and have had him since he was 4 weeks old, he was a stray that the vet reckoned was abandoned by the mother so she could have another litter before winter set in.

In the end of the day it isn't about what we want it is about what is best for our cat and all the things that you have mentioned plus snakes make us think it is best he stays here in the welsh countryside in his territory that he knows and he can do his important cat stuff.

We will take our dog though as I think it is easier to control where the dog goes and what the dog does, he is practicing for heat adjustment by sitting it the conservatory where it gets hot in the sun, he does this on his own we aren't irresponsible owners who force him to sit in the heat.


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20 hours ago, JayBeeee said:

You didn't say where the cat is living.

Unless it's in the tropics, I would say it's a bad idea. The conditions here are vastly different to the west and I doubt he/she would survive, not only the climate, but the abundance of dogs running free and the vast array of parasitic insects and venomous wildlife. In my experience, cats settle into a new home very easily if they're cared for, so I would ask trusted friends and family about taking him or her in, in a climate it's used to. Some familiarity will help the cat acclimatise to a new home, like taking the it's bed and feeding bowls, with a few unwashed items of your clothing nearby.

I missed my cat a great deal when I came here, but when I went to visit him a year later it was like he'd never known me.

The cat is living with us in our house in Wales which is in the process of being sold. He is a wild cat that adopted us as a kitten he started showing up in the garden and the mrs would put milk and a bit of food out for him, I caught him the one day and brought him into the house and then to the vet who said he was about 4 weeks old and had probably been abandoned by the mother so that the mother could have another litter before winter kicked in.

We would love to take him with us but as we maybe moving around for a while before we settle somewhere it could be traumatic for him and he may escape and come into contact with venomous wildlife which he wouldn't know is venomous, we really don't want him to die.

Hopefully the buyers of our house will take him as they are animal lovers and seem like really nice people, we both think that if he can't come with us then it is best to leave him at the house he knows in the countryside and also in his cat territory.

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17 hours ago, MiKT said:


Cats do fine anywhere, just keep it at home for a few days/week or two and it will settle in fine.


Amazingly enough, cats and soi  dogs cohabit very nicely here.


But you should check-out the quarantine arrangements for cats first, it may prove to be prohibitively expensive to bring one ever.

For us it isn't about the expense it will be around £1200 per animal (we have a dog as well) it is what is best for the cat, the dog will come with us anyway. We don't want to spend all that money and have the cat die on us shortly after arrival by for instance being bitten by a snake as our cat doesn't know what a venomous snake is and curiosity kills cats. If we were a 90-100% sure that it would be best the cat comes with us then it would.

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zd1..    Yeah  if  you  can  get  the  house buyers to  take  on  the  cat it  will  be  the  best  thing..   Good  luck  with your  move  and  new  life..     As  for that  sick  Chinese scumbag, yeah  I  would  cut  him  into  bits!!

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4 hours ago, zd1 said:

For us it isn't about the expense it will be around £1200 per animal (we have a dog as well) it is what is best for the cat, the dog will come with us anyway. We don't want to spend all that money and have the cat die on us shortly after arrival by for instance being bitten by a snake as our cat doesn't know what a venomous snake is and curiosity kills cats. If we were a 90-100% sure that it would be best the cat comes with us then it would.


Its the snakes that will need to worry about your cat. They are amazingly good killers.


Depending on its size and type you need to worry more about your dog. Smaller quicker dogs kill snakes, but the very big ones can get bitten more easily.


My Thai dogs gang up on cobras and soon kill them and I once saw my Alsatian jump clean up in the air, all four feet of the deck, to avoid a snake in HK. But I have also known a very big dog who died from being bitten by a bamboo snake in HK.


Good luck whatever you decide, but remember there are thousands and thousands of stray dogs and cats here just dying to have a kind owner.

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Police asked for the court to order him jailed while they gather witness statements and evidence from four people who say they have had their pets stolen.


As we know, the bomb suspects are the utmost concern for the security of all in this country. The police will gather further evidence which will take many years to come. Let's hope this investigation never completes.

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On ‎8‎/‎31‎/‎2016 at 0:56 AM, MiKT said:


"handle with a razor blade" where did you get that, Geriatricopedia?

Funny, can buy single edge razor blades for my 'box cutter' and 'glass scraper' at the local hardware store.  I can also buy double end blades for my utility knife and break off blades for my cheap plastic piece of crap as well.  What I can't buy are replacement blades for my 'banana knife' and 'carpet knife' which are not 'box cutters'.  A box cutter is a knife that is designed to cut through a layer of cardboard so as not to damage the contents inside the, umm, cardboard box.

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