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I'm trying to decide what my best move should be regarding the management of my options for remaining in Thailand.

I entered Thailand on September 11, 2006 with a visa exempt stamp

I went to LAO on October 1 and got a 90 day tourist visa

Yesterday I got the 30 day extension on my 90 day tourist visa

My last day on this visa is December 31

I have not used any visa exempt stamps after October 1

I make the following assumptions, that may or may not be accurate...

In theory I can get two back-to-back 90 day tourist visas before having to leave Thailand for 90 days. This would only require a short two or three night hop out of country to get the second 90 day visa. However, I also have at my disposal three unused visa exempt stamps. Using a combination of two 90 tourist visas, and three visa exempt stamps, I assume I can stay in Thailand for a total of 270 days - counting forward from October 1, 2006. I also assume I can use one or more visa exempt stamps in between the first and second 90 day tourist visas. In addition, I assume that my 20 days of September, on a visa exempt stamp, does not factor into any of this.

Given I am correct on my above assumptions, I have the following question...

From what I read here, everything is up in the air until we see what happens to folks after December 31. Thus, I'm a little nervous about trying to get a second 90 tourist visa at the end of December. I'm concerned about the added travel costs required to get a 90 visa when the possibility exists my request could be declined. I am wondering if it might be smarter to use one of my three visa exempt stamps for January 2007. Watch how things shake out, and go forward from there.

I do plan to eventually try and secure a one year nonimmigrant visa, but I'm wanting to delay that as long as I can. I'd rather see how things shake out over the next few months, before going through the red tape and much hire cost of trying to acquire a nonimmigrant visa. My current thinking is to hold onto one visa exempt stamp, so I can get back into Thailand if the request for a nonimmigrant visa is declined. This is important, because I have an apartment and bank account in BKK that will need to be dealt with before leaving. On top of that, I will have already purchased a return flight when I go on the nonimmigrant visa run.

Any advice or comment on my situation/assumptions is greatly appreciated.


A tourist visa allows a stay of 60 days or less but can be extended up to 90 days and the validity period to use such a visa is 90 days, so most people call them 90 day visas.

These should not count against the 90 day period of entry without visa.

Visa exempt entries are not limited - only the days in Thailand are.

The end of December is going to be one period I would not want to travel - even in a normal year.

If you have to worry about the travel costs to obtain a visa I have to wonder about the viability of your stay here. You might want to take a good look at your situation (of which I know nothing and am not trying to lecture you about) as there might be other options that would be better than trying to juggle tourist visas if there is some reason for a long term stay here.


My opinion is that not a whole lot is going to change. There will not be large camps set up in neighboring countries for condo owning, apartment renting, above board farangs that can't get back into Thailand for 90 days. Unless you are working illegally in Thailand or near destitute I wouldn't worry about it.

Whenever the bar fines go up, the bar closing time changes, or the visa laws are in the news the more pessimistic amongst us predicts that all the farangs will be leaving en masse. 9 years here and I keep on hearing, henny penny the sky is falling! Yet, over any period of time the farangs just keep on coming to the Land of Smiles. Maybe it's just Thai governments way to try to shake out the whiners; obviously they are doing a very poor job of that!


Based on the research I've done, I'm inclined to agree with you. I'm just trying to buy a little time so I can figure out what, if anything, has really changed.

Just a general statement of clarification for this thread...finances are not an issue. I can afford to live in Thailand. The fact that I do not want to waste money should not be interpreted as having a lack of means. It would, on the other had, be fair to suggest I am cheap. :o

My opinion is that not a whole lot is going to change. There will not be large camps set up in neighboring countries for condo owning, apartment renting, above board farangs that can't get back into Thailand for 90 days. Unless you are working illegally in Thailand or near destitute I wouldn't worry about it.

dont overthink it and overplan. lop3 is correct.

just prepare yourself for the day/month you need to take 90 day sojurn and live off the stamps and enjoy. when you get denied - take a trip. i totally encourage people to see:


OR...head down to penang for another two month visa.

cheapness - cool...me too! that is one thing that is so great about thailand, the value. in fact, thai is the only thing that keeps me in thailand anymore - cheap flat-power and healthy/cheap local food. oh, ez dating ;-)


as has been said already the end of december will be a bad time to apply for a visa.but i disagree about it being a bad time to travel.i do not know what your personal situation is but if i had your" visa history "shall we say, i would be looking to take a holiday of a few weeks or even a month, to 1 or more asian countries,taking some time out and seeing what eventuates in thailand . this would give the embasies and consulates time to calm down after new year which undoubtedly will be bedlam! i do not personally beleive anybody will be turned back at the border if trying to enter without a visa(i.e. 30 day on arrival)im sure the very least would be 7 days to sort out your affairs.anybody living on tourist visas (including myself)must be prepared for the possibility !!! it is a matter of being prepared NOW not when time is up !!!!

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