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Clinton, Trump: He's a national security danger; no she is


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Clinton, Trump: He's a national security danger; no she is



TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — Hillary Clinton accused Donald Trump of insulting America's veterans and pressing dangerous military plans around the globe on Tuesday, seeking to undercut his appeal to service families in Southern voting battlegrounds. Trump declared "our country is going to hell" because of policies she would make even worse.


Clinton, addressing supporters in Florida, warned that Trump would lead the nation back to war in the Middle East. And to military vets and their families, she pointed anew to his summertime dust-up with the Muslim parents of a slain American soldier.


"His whole campaign has been one long insult to all those who have worn the uniform," the Democratic nominee said at the University of South Florida in Tampa.


Republican Trump, trying emphasize his military support, released a letter from 88 retired generals and admirals citing an urgent need for a "course correction" in America's national security policy. It was aimed at rebutting Clinton's arguments that she would be best positioned to lead the military and reassuring Republicans who have openly worried that his provocative statements might undermine U.S. alliances.


"We believe that such a change can only be made by someone who has not been deeply involved with, and substantially responsible for, the hollowing out of our military and the burgeoning threats facing our country around the world," the military leaders wrote. "For this reason, we support Donald Trump's candidacy to be our next commander in chief."


Clinton pushed back, saying Trump has lagged in securing key military supporters compared to past Republican nominees including John McCain and Mitt Romney. She pointed to her endorsements from retired Marine Gen. John Allen, who blasted Trump at the Democratic National Committee, and former CIA deputy director Mike Morell.


"They know they can count on me to be the kind of commander in chief who will protect our country and our troops, and they know they cannot count on Donald Trump," Clinton said en route to Florida. "They view him as a danger and a risk."


The conflicting messages came as the candidates prepared to appear at an MSNBC forum Wednesday night on national security. While they will appear separately and not be on stage at the same time, it could serve as a warm-up to their highly-anticipated first presidential debate on Sep. 26 in New York.


Campaigning in Virginia Beach, Virginia, Trump vowed to take aggressive action to help veterans at home and confront threats abroad including acts of terrorism from the Islamic State group. He was questioned by retired Gen. Michael Flynn, the former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency who is a strong supporter.


"We are going to solve the ISIS problem," Trump said. "But we have to get back to building our country, because our country is going to hell."


Trump promised to fix problems at the Veterans Administration, which has grappled with patient care mismanagement during the Obama administration. Until those problems are resolved, he said he would allow veterans to seek treatment at private doctors or hospitals free of charge.

"Your government is going to pay your bill," he pledged.


Clinton's message was amplified by her running mate, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, who promoted his own foreign policy credentials in a speech in Wilmington, North Carolina.


Kaine said Trump is misleading voters on his foreign policy views, asserting he was against invading Iraq despite statements to several news outlets at the time indicating otherwise.


Kaine, who noted his own son's service in the Marine Corps, is a member of both the Senate Armed Services and Foreign Relations committees.


Meanwhile, Clinton's campaign released a new television ad entitled, "Sacrifice," that shows military veterans watching some of the New York businessman's more provocative statements.


The spot includes clips of Trump claiming to know more about the Islamic State group than military generals, and his criticism of McCain, the Republican senator from Arizona and a former prisoner of war. The ad, which features former Georgia Sen. Max Cleland, a triple-amputee who served in Vietnam, also keys on Trump's assertion that he has sacrificed a lot compared to families who have lost loved ones in conflict.


"Our veterans deserve better," reads a line at the end of the ad, which is airing in Ohio, Florida, Iowa, Nevada and Pennsylvania.


Republicans, too, have questioned Trump's capacity to serve as commander in chief. Dozens of GOP national security leaders released a letter last month warning that he would risk the nation's "national security and well-being."


Separately, Trump continued to face questions about his immigration policy a day after refusing to rule out a pathway to legal status for immigrants in the country illegally. He focused on his proposed border wall plan in a Tuesday interview with ABC's "Good Morning America."


Last week in Phoenix, he told a raucous crowd of supporters that there was "one way only" for immigrants here illegally to become legal — to return home and get in line for official readmittance.


Peoples reported from Virginia Beach, Virginia. Associated Press writer Kathleen Ronayne in Wilmington, North Carolina, contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-09-07
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Who is the security danger? :whistling:

CNN Poll: Trump More ‘Honest and Trustworthy’ than Clinton — by 15%

A new CNN/ORC poll released Tuesday shows that 50% of registered voters consider Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump “more honest and trustworthy,” versus 35% who said the same about Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.



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Trump now says Obama was wrong for exiting AF1 in China.  Trump says, if it was him, he would have stayed in the jet and flown back to the US.   What a sniveling little punk Trump is!!!!  Just because the airport didn't have an escalator high enough for the main door, Prissy-Pooh Trump the draft-evader would pussy-foot back to the US.   And that's who rednecks want for Commander in Chief?!?  The mind boggles.

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

"They know they can count on me to be the kind of commander in chief who will protect our country and our troops

I am sure the families of the  4 dead in Benghazi would beg to differ after HRC ignored repeated calls for additional security.

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4 minutes ago, dcutman said:

I am sure the families of the  4 dead in Benghazi would beg to differ after HRC ignored repeated calls for additional security.


And dishonestly blamed the whole thing on a YouTube video that had little to do with it.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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18 minutes ago, Anthony5 said:


The main airport in China not having a high enough escalator :clap2::cheesy:


Yep. All the Chinese planes are substantially not as tall.


Air Force One is a militarized 747 (VC-25 of which there are actually two).


Harrison Ford, as President, would have known to lower the rear ramp (kidding, of course).


I guess they'll have to transport adequate portable stairs, the Presidential limo and his golf gear and who-knows-what-else on a companion C5A to prevent a future reoccurrence of this highly embarrassing event.


Gratuitous Obama Countdown Clock (62 days/1,500 hours you're wondering how long this embarrassment to the USA will continue)

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30 minutes ago, dcutman said:

I am sure the families of the  4 dead in Benghazi would beg to differ after HRC ignored repeated calls for additional security.

To Dcutman

she was cleared on that. It was proved that she requested more aid to bolster the security in overseas consulates and embassy's. I am sure I read that the Democrats ran the house at the time and refused additional funding. 

Alsi it was proved that the nearest was Germany for help to come from and it would have been to late anyway when they arrived.

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She was cleared by the FBI investigation on the email thing.

who started this thing to accuse her of National Security breaches with personal emails. You can bet it was the Democrats.

i would bet if the FBI investigated quite a lot of the high up Democrats they would find more shit than they could with Hillary. They all have scellitons in the cupboard.

i am from New Zealand and every presidential vote the contestants party's spend millions paying experts to find as much shit as they can on the others.

it is always dirty.

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14 minutes ago, shaurene said:

who started this thing to accuse her of National Security breaches with personal emails. You can bet it was the Democrats.

i would bet if the FBI investigated quite a lot of the high up Democrats they would find more shit than they could with Hillary. They all have scellitons in the cupboard.


Sounds as if you have totally NO idea what you're talking about, since you don't even can distinguish Republicans from Democrats, and don't know to which party Hilary belongs.


Keep up the good work.

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A hard-right Texas newspaper is sick of Trump.  The Dallas Morning News has endorsed every Republican prez candidate since Nixon, but is barfing over Trump. SOURCE


I predict Trump will lose Texas as well as most other 'sure-fire Republican' states at election time.  Little by little, even die-hard Trump fans will realize he would be a disaster for America if elected.  Even, just during the campaign, he's created new enemies for America.  A Mexican member of their parliament today suggested Mexico review every treaty they have with the US, going all the way back to ceding territory lost in past wars.  Trump is to diplomacy what Michael Jackson was to babysitting young boys at his NeverLand ranch.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


And dishonestly blamed the whole thing on a YouTube video that had little to do with it.


....and you know what terrorists are thinking?


51 minutes ago, shaurene said:

To Dcutman

she was cleared on that. It was proved that she requested more aid to bolster the security in overseas consulates and embassy's. I am sure I read that the Democrats ran the house at the time and refused additional funding. 

Alsi it was proved that the nearest was Germany for help to come from and it would have been to late anyway when they arrived.


There was a US Rapid Response Team based in Tripoli at the time.  They got the distress call.  It was their decision whether and when to go to Benghazi.   The US is a big country with lots of people in charge of things.  The State Dept encourages/enables lower ranks to make decisions, so not all decisions are made by one czar at the top of the pyramid.  The US has personnel and operations in many places.  The Sec. of State can't be expected to make split-second decisions for every one of thousands of daily situations worldwide.  And, as Shaurena mentioned; HRC has already been cleared of any wrongdoing re; Benghazi.  Sorry Trump lovers.  I know you'd love to have thrown shit stick to her, but you're going to have to try to find something more tangible to scream and tear your hair out about.   

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Another angle to the Benghazi scenario.   What if it was a diversionary tactic by terrorists?  In other words, what if the band of terrorists attacked the outpost in Benghazi with the intention of diverting US military personnel from the larger compound in Tripoli?  ....and then a larger force of terrorists attack a then-unprotected compound in Tripoli?   It's a common tactic in warfare.  


In view of that, perhaps it was prudent for US military personnel in Tripoli to consider staying put - to protect the larger group of Americans.  Hindsight is 20/20.   It's easy as pie to look at prior combat scenario and say what should or shouldn't have been done.   Monday morning quarterbacking.


I bet Persian Emperor Darius would dearly love to reenact his two losing battles against Alexander.  Yet, what happens, happens.   Life is tough.  Buildings fall.  Lightning strikes.  Zika mosquitos bite.  Most of the time, it's best to learn lessons, and move on.

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2 hours ago, shaurene said:

To Dcutman

she was cleared on that. It was proved that she requested more aid to bolster the security in overseas consulates and embassy's. I am sure I read that the Democrats ran the house at the time and refused additional funding. 

Alsi it was proved that the nearest was Germany for help to come from and it would have been to late anyway when they arrived.

She might have been cleared, but the fact remains, there was over 600 requests for additional security, all were ignored and 4 Americans were murdered. The only additional security measure installed at Benghazi were some concrete barriers.

You are a fool if you honestly think there were no special forces units (American or other) within North Africa that could or would have came to aid if requested/ordered to? 



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Julian Assange: We Have Thousands of Cables Hillary Signed with “C” for Confidential- She Told FBI She Didn’t Know What It Meant


WIkileaks founder Julian Assange told Sean Hannity tonight his organization will release several batches of Hillary Clinton emails in the coming weeks. Assange said Wikileaks may release the first batch next week.

Julian Assange also told Sean Wikileaks has thousands of cables Hillary Clinton signed with a “c” that designated it as classified confidential.
She lied to the FBI about that too.





That should put to rest who is a danger to Americans.

Crooked Hillary needs to have been jailed a long time ago  :thumbsup:

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What is interesting looking in from the outside is the way that the two camps on here are supporting their chosen candidate.  Neither side has anything positive to say, all they are doing is trashing the other candidate.  Everything is a negative.  I understand that as there isn't much to support.  Trump started out with promises to ban Muslims, kick out all the illegal immigrants and build a wall with Mexico.  Since then he has pretty much backtracked (he calls it "softening" his stance) on everything so none of his supporters know what he would do, if anything.  Clinton still has many clouds hanging over her and let's  face it, she isn't whiter than white by any stretch of the imagination.


In November the American people will vote one these two into the big chair and then what?  It seems like everyone will have to hold their respective noses and try to get by for four years until Mrs Obama comes along and saves the USA from the abyss.

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Talking about a security failure, none are as good as Crooked Hillary in setting priorities, eh?


Clinton Turned Away High-Level Chinese Defector to Assist Beijing Leaders

Intelligence windfall on Chinese leadership lost after police defector betrayed


"Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton turned away a high-ranking Chinese defector who sought political asylum after the communist police chief sought refuge in a U.S. consulate in southwestern China four years ago.

Critics say Clinton’s handling of the defection of Wang Lijun, a close aide to a regional Communist Party leader, was a blunder and lost opportunity for U.S. intelligence to gain secrets about the leaders of America’s emerging Asian adversary"


Oh yeah!  She'll make a fine President!:facepalm:.

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Just now, Boon Mee said:

Talking about a security failure, none are as good as Crooked Hillary in setting priorities, eh?


Clinton Turned Away High-Level Chinese Defector to Assist Beijing Leaders

Intelligence windfall on Chinese leadership lost after police defector betrayed


"Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton turned away a high-ranking Chinese defector who sought political asylum after the communist police chief sought refuge in a U.S. consulate in southwestern China four years ago.

Critics say Clinton’s handling of the defection of Wang Lijun, a close aide to a regional Communist Party leader, was a blunder and lost opportunity for U.S. intelligence to gain secrets about the leaders of America’s emerging Asian adversary"


Oh yeah!  She'll make a fine President!:facepalm:.


So Clinton turned down a crook who was trying to "defect" to escape corruption charges.

Yeah, seems reasonable to me.

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Anyone who still continues to support/defend Clinton, despite all the evidence proving she is a corrupt incompetent liar who doesn't seem to have any plans or policies apart from continuing the farce of the past 8 years of "leadership", is unfortunately part of the problem not the solution. Nothing more to be said on the topic really....

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4 minutes ago, 348GTS said:

Anyone who still continues to support/defend Clinton, despite all the evidence proving she is a corrupt incompetent liar who doesn't seem to have any plans or policies apart from continuing the farce of the past 8 years of "leadership", is unfortunately part of the problem not the solution. Nothing more to be said on the topic really....

She has very detailed plans and policies.

Much more so than dangerous donald trump.:bah:

I will agree she is a flawed candidate that in a NORMAL election would have little chance.

But this election is the opposite of normal.

She's running against dangerous donald trump. Which means she remains a strong favorite to win. 


Here are her policy positions::thumbsup:



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