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Clinton, Trump: He's a national security danger; no she is


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27 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Looks like folks are beginning to realize Clinton is more of a security danger than Trump:


UPI/CVoter poll: Donald Trump widens lead over Hillary Clinton to 3 points


The UPI/CVoter daily presidential tracking poll released Monday shows Donald Trump leading Hillary Clinton by about 3 percentage points.


Folks actually charged with the protection of the United States seem to be sick of Trump's BS.


CIA director rejects Trump claim that briefers are unhappy with Obama



Not so good when the Head of the CIA calls you out as a Liar.


How can this man be trusted with national security?

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42 minutes ago, PTC said:


Folks actually charged with the protection of the United States seem to be sick of Trump's BS.


CIA director rejects Trump claim that briefers are unhappy with Obama



Not so good when the Head of the CIA calls you out as a Liar.


How can this man be trusted with national security?


You can trust Trump because he can read body language. He is the greatest body reading man alive. Put Trump in a room with any foreign diplomat and he will just read their body language and just "know" what they are thinking with no verbal communication needed! Amazing, we can just toss out all the interpreters. No need.


"I could tell you — I am pretty good with the body language — I could tell they were not happy. Our leaders did not follow what they were recommending," Trump said. 


Though intelligence briefings are just fact presenting briefings and intelligence officers don't provide policy recommendations, Trump just "knew" what the officers would recommend. Amazing! Trump can read minds as well. Now imagine president that can read body language and read minds! 

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


The CIA Head has told a few lies of his own. Who is to say this is not one of them?


Trump's career as a Liar is far more extensive I would say but it is typical that you would attack the person and not what was said.


You may be happy with the prospect of a politicised security apparatus and it may be a consequence of the direction the Deplorables are trying to take the country, but this particular Trump LIe should raise all sorts of alarm bells.

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1 hour ago, PTC said:


Folks actually charged with the protection of the United States seem to be sick of Trump's BS.


CIA director rejects Trump claim that briefers are unhappy with Obama



Not so good when the Head of the CIA calls you out as a Liar.


How can this man be trusted with national security?

You do know what the CIA is all about, Right?

Not one of the most ethical ethical crews in the U.S. govt.

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21 minutes ago, Silurian said:


You can trust Trump because he can read body language. He is the greatest body reading man alive. Put Trump in a room with any foreign diplomat and he will just read their body language and just "know" what they are thinking with no verbal communication needed! Amazing, we can just toss out all the interpreters. No need.


"I could tell you — I am pretty good with the body language — I could tell they were not happy. Our leaders did not follow what they were recommending," Trump said. 


Though intelligence briefings are just fact presenting briefings and intelligence officers don't provide policy recommendations, Trump just "knew" what the officers would recommend. Amazing! Trump can read minds as well. Now imagine president that can read body language and read minds! 


Deplorable Donald. Master of the nudge nudge, wink wink.



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6 minutes ago, dcutman said:

You do know what the CIA is all about, Right?

Not one of the most ethical ethical crews in the U.S. govt.


What contains the CIA? I am not a legal expert, so I do not know what laws may exist but I do know that it is not just legislation that contains an entity like the CIA in America. It includes institutions, traditions based on natural law, professionalism and a wide range of other factors that keep such entities from turning into something like SAVAK.


One of the "rule-based" traditions has received greater attention in recent years. This is the natural law tradition, and in particular its rules regarding the use of force by states, which fall under the rubric of "Just War Theory." Just War Theory was used extensively by the Bush Administration in explaining its decision to go to war, under UN auspices, against Iraq.5 More recently, a symposium of jurists, philosophers, theologians, government officials and military officers affirmed that Just War Theory is useful in deliberations regarding low-intensity conflict



That was from the CIA. Currently, at least, they seem to endorse the idea of 'rule-based' traditions. The danger of someone like the Deplorable Donald is that his platform is to a large extent not to play by the rules. It is this invidiousness that can creep into the institutional cultures and traditions that have been able to contain some of the excesses of the military-security-industrial complex in the past.

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6 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


I did attack what was said. Brush up on your reading skills. :lol:


Oh well. As much as I would like to continue this in-depth discussion, some of us have work to do...


You can have the last word on this.

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