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Russian election: Putin-backed party well ahead - exit polls


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"If you say the West has zero democracy, then you must not understand democracy. It's not perfect, but it's the closest we've got. "

There are a couple of countries where they have democracy - Switzerland and maybe Iceland - countries that you can hardly see on the map. But Democracy in a country like USA - are you joking? The thing that you have there is probably like 95% match to Plutocracy and 0% match to Democracy - i.e. the vast majority of the demos have no involvement in any of the decision making in the country either internally or externally. Any reasonably educated American who has at least held a white collar job or ran a business in America should know that they have nothing anything even similar to Democracy... It can be described as Plutocracy, Oligarchy, and at the moment also a Military dictatorship - the Pentagon and your security agencies have powers that nobody in the country has any control over... And what your country is heading to at the moment is a Tyrrany.

Oh and btw, just because you got yourself a selfie in front of the St. Basil Cathedral in Moscow, doesn't exactly make you an expert on Russia either :)

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6 hours ago, Jblood said:

"If you say the West has zero democracy, then you must not understand democracy. It's not perfect, but it's the closest we've got. "

There are a couple of countries where they have democracy - Switzerland and maybe Iceland - countries that you can hardly see on the map. But Democracy in a country like USA - are you joking? The thing that you have there is probably like 95% match to Plutocracy and 0% match to Democracy - i.e. the vast majority of the demos have no involvement in any of the decision making in the country either internally or externally. Any reasonably educated American who has at least held a white collar job or ran a business in America should know that they have nothing anything even similar to Democracy... It can be described as Plutocracy, Oligarchy, and at the moment also a Military dictatorship - the Pentagon and your security agencies have powers that nobody in the country has any control over... And what your country is heading to at the moment is a Tyrrany.

Oh and btw, just because you got yourself a selfie in front of the St. Basil Cathedral in Moscow, doesn't exactly make you an expert on Russia either :)

As I listed above:


The four pillars of democracy are justice, equality, freedom and representation. These pillars were established to ensure the rights and freedoms of all citizens governed by a democracy.

Saying the West has zero democracy is a troll post.  It may not be 100%, but it's far from zero.  That was my point.  And I wasn't just talking about the US.  OK?  You're focused on that.


Justice: The West has a pretty good justice system.  Not perfect, but tell me one that is.

Equality: Very few other places in the world where one can get ahead no matter their background.  One reason so many want to emigrate to the West.

Freedom: you can do and say almost anything you want.  With exceptions, of course

Representation: This is probably the weakest part, but there are elections in the West, to varying degrees.  But it's better than what they've got in Russia.


Military dictatorship?  Really?  Hardly.  Involved in wars they shouldn't?  Absolutely.  Remember who the commander in chief is, one who doesn't wear a uniform.


As for the pic, I'm a traveler.  My 30 days in Russia via the Trans Siberian, from Beijing to St. Petersburg, was one of the best trips of my life.  I'm quite proud of that.  All done independently, utilizing homestays when possible.  One of my best memories was sitting in a guys house till 2 am jamming old rock tunes and drinking vodka.  Fantastic time there.  Total trip was over 2 months, but only 1 in Russia due to visa limits.  Expert on Russia?  Hardly.


Be nice.

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