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Settlement Visa For Uk

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Hi all , i have downloaded application form VAF2 and have been reading through the questions on the form . i am a bit unclear as to what answers i should give on a few questions. i would appreciate some advice please.

section 3 -your family

3.1 have you ever been married , in a relationship like a marriage or a civil partnership?

now does this question mean , are you married , as in now to your sponsor or does it mean , have you been married before ?

if it means are you married now to your sponsor , the application then asks to give details dates.

so would i give the date of the wedding ceremony or the date that we went to the amphur office to register the marriage?

the same applies for the next question as well

3.2 Have you ever been engaged to be married or agreed to form a civil partnership?

does this mean has she been engaged to marry , ie . engaged to to marry someone else before she married me, or should we answer yes because she was engaged to marry me?

section 5- your relationship

5.11 have you lived with your sponsor in a relationship like a marriage or civil partnership at any time?

now in my case im not sure what to answer , i stayed with my fiancee , january , february and march in thailand this year . we travelled around and shared accomodation together. then she got a visitor visa and came to stay with me in the uk for 2 months and lived with me. so does this mean that we have lived in a relationship like a marriage?

i dont have any problems with any other questions on the application form.

thanks for any advice


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She should answer 'yes' to these questions, giving your details where required.

The ceremonial wedding is not recognised as a legal marriage under Thai law, so the UK doesn't recognise it either. For the date of your wedding put the date of the Ampur registration; i.e. the date on the certificate.

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Thanks again GU22, slowly but surely i am "getting there"

having said that i am also getting more confused by the minute, ie.i have been reading about what documents are needed to acompany the settlement visa application and one website says that the sponsor needs to supply his birth certificate and another site does not mention it at all ,, any ideas about this?

also when they mention a certified copy of the sponsors passport, what exactlly do they mean by this?

also as you know we decided to apply for the visa in march with the hope of my wife coming to the uk in june, but having read "Mazos" thread about the embasssy not post dating his ladies visa im not so sure.

my question being if i apply in march and my lady has answered the question on the application form " when do you plan to travel to the uk" and she has answered June , then will the embassy automaticlly post date the visa for the start of june , this would make sense but i just dont know for sure.

i think i need to go for a lie down , i now have too much spinning around in my head

lol .


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Strictly speaking it shouldn't be necessary to supply the sponsor's birth certificate; the purpose is to show that you are a British citizen, but your passport also shows this. I did supply mine, on the principal that it is better to provide something they don't need than not supply something they do.

They need a copy of your passport not only as proof of your citizenship but also your visits to Thailand. Copy each page, including the blank ones, and have them certified by a solicitor or similar as true copies.

Requests to post date a visa can often be overlooked. Put the required date in the relevant space on the form and again in your covering letter. When your wife collects her visa she should check the dates immediately. If they are wrong contact the embassy straight away to get them changed.

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Isn't it a shame that the websites are not crystal clear about what is needed for each visa in the way of documentation? How hard can it be to clearly state which documents are definately required? Its stressful enough , as scooty is finding , without being unsure if you ned to supply this or that.

GU22 states "requests to post date a visa can often be overlooked" ... from other recent threads he is certainly right , it does appear to happen quite often . I am wondering why their training does not include being told to read what the applicant is asking for in terms of when the visa is requested to start from. Wouldn't have thought that was too difficult

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Atlastaname, i could not agree more with your statements. us the poor applicants have to go through shear hel_l gathering up all the appropriate documents , having all sorts of things signed and photocopied etc, you would think that the embassy could at least do thier job properly and post date the visas as requested instead of making people go through the hassle of having to send back the passport etc to be redone .

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